Is this the world of Yu-Gi-Oh? Ada thief!

Chapter 39: Playing dirty tricks

[Now Underworld], whose full name is [Reversal of the Real World and the Underworld], before being weakened by the evil consortium K, relied on its perverted effect to rule an era, trampling countless mainstream and super-mainstream under its feet, without any trace of it. Room for resistance.

Because its effect is - when there are more than 15 cards in your graveyard, you pay 1000 points to activate. Both sides exchange their respective decks with the graveyard.

When cooperating with the effect of [Executioner - Demon Shura], as long as you can quickly pile 15 cards into your own graveyard, you can directly activate the effect of [Underworld] in your own turn. If there are no cards in the opponent's graveyard , or even lose directly at the beginning of his turn because there are no cards to draw after exchanging decks in the graveyard!

It can be called the underworld card in the underworld. Players who have been cheated will cry when they see it.

However, Isis looked at Keith's activated [Magic Mirror of Inhalation of Darkness], frowned, and asked the question that had been bothering her for a long time: Malik, what method did you use to interfere? The power of Millennium Jewelry]?”

Huh? I see. I was still wondering why you let me lead people to infiltrate here so easily when you clearly have the [Millennium Jewelry] that can predict the future. I was also wondering if you might have prepared some trap waiting for you. As for me. Keith's face was forced into a stiff smile, It turns out that your ability to predict has failed, hahahaha, it's so funny.

Perhaps the [Millennium Jewelry] is also resisting you, Isis. It is resisting you who is on the side of the Pharaoh, so it refuses to show you the correct future!

After listening to the conversation between the two, Hayato looked a little weird. He lowered his head and glanced at the [Millennium Wheel of Wisdom] hanging on his chest: Could it be you...

Miss Isis, don't be affected by his words. Hayato, who was guessing, noticed the wavering on Isis's face and quickly said, Did the future foreseen by [Millennium Jewelry] go wrong? I think I know the reason. But it’s definitely not what Malik said. I will tell you the specific reason after this duel is over.”

Isis has always believed in the prophecies of the [Millennium Jewelry], but because problems have arisen one after another in the future she has foreseen recently, she can't help but believe Malik's words, and wonders if it is really the [Millennium Jewelry] that is resisting she.

Hearing Hayato's encouragement, Isis suddenly realized that something was wrong with her mental state. She quickly focused her attention on the duel again and gave Hayato a gentle smile: Thank you, Mr. Kobayashi, I will focus on the duel. of.

Noticing that Isis actually managed to get rid of the magic power of the [Thousand-Year Scepter] hidden in the force field of the [Dark Mirror that sucks in darkness] and quietly released, Keith looked at Hayato quite unhappily: You guy , actually ruined my business!

I see. I was thinking about why Miss Isis fell into depression for no reason. Did you just secretly use the [Millennium Artifact]? Hayato narrowed his eyes.

Malik's [Millennium Scepter] symbolizes the power of the brain, and has the same ability as Bekas to remotely control someone's mind. In the original plot, he controlled others for duels more than once. And compared to Bekas's [Millennium Eye], which was developed halfway, the control power of the [Millennium Scepter] is more powerful, and it can even brainwash or release magic power from a distance.

He just took advantage of Isis's surprise at not foreseeing his activation of the trap card, and used the power of the [Thousand-Year Scepter] to open a hole in Isis's originally strong heart. Although it is far from directly controlling Isis, it is more than enough to influence her emotions.

As for why Hayato was not affected, it was all thanks to Tapiryo who gave him the [Millennium Wisdom Wheel], a useful item. The [Millennium Wisdom Wheel], which has the ability to interfere with other [Millennium Artifacts], successfully helped Hayato block the horse. Li Ke's dirty trick, but the [Millennium Jewelry] may also be affected at the same time.

In this way, it can be explained why the futures foreseen by Isis went wrong several times in a row, because in the futures she foresaw, Hayato was probably involved.

It's just that Hayato won't say anything about this for the time being. He will apologize to Isis afterwards. After all, he was the one who caused her mind to have a moment of negligence.

[Netherworld]'s Combo was interrupted, but Isis did not end her turn because of this. Instead, she regained her energy and continued fighting: Summon [Breeze Spirit] in defense position, covering two cards, and my turn ends.

[Isis: 4000LP, 0 cards in hand]

【Elf of Breeze】【DEF1800】

【Gate Card】X2

It was the turn of another man in black robe. He first drew a card, and then took the monster on Keith's field as a sacrifice to release it. The inner side indicated that he had covered a monster on his field. Seems quite mysterious. After covering two cards, he ended his turn calmly.

[Miscellaneous fish: 4000LP, 5 cards in hand]

[Defending monster on the inside]

Now it's Hayato's turn.

My turn is to draw a card. After drawing a card, Hayato looked around the field and looked at Keith maliciously, Speaking of which, Keith was defeated by me in the first place. Suddenly, I feel like I’m back in the Duel Kingdom again.”

But it seems that Keith's deck has been modified by you, right, three-year-old? Ignoring Keith's protest of Who is a three-year-old? Hayato played the card, But what a coincidence. , my deck is not the same as when I fought Keith.”

Activate the magic card, [Fusion]! Fusion of [Disruption·Yellow], [Disruption·Black], and [Disruption·Green] in my hand!

Final Vent! Come out, [King of Disruption]!

The huge [King of Disruption] dragged its round body onto Hayato's field. While posing a pose that no one would appreciate or appreciate, he took out three seals from the fourth-dimensional chrysanthemum. It was thrown onto Keith's field and made three marks.

When [King of Disruption] is successfully summoned, you can designate up to three areas on the opponent's field as unusable. I have heard of the [Mecha] deck, and it is a deck that is good at summoning a large number of mechanical monsters quickly. ?I don’t want to face the mechanical army. Hayato said, activating another card in his hand,

[Disruption Demon Transformation], remove the three-body [Disruption] monster in my graveyard, and summon the fusion material of a mechanical-type, light-attribute fusion monster from the deck. What I want to summon is [XYZ-Dragon Cannon] 】Materials——[X-Boss Cannon], [Y-Dragon Head] and [Z-Tracks]!”

Then I put them directly on the Opalle!

Three groups of light appeared in the cemetery, and three mechanical monsters appeared on the field and began to splice with each other. Seeing this, Keith had no choice but to open the cover card: Activate the cover card, [God's Announcement]! Pay me 1,500 basic points to invalidate your special summons on monsters!

On Keith's field, an old man with a white beard appeared. He said he couldn't help but waved his hands to drive away the [X][Y][Z] that were about to be combined, driving them away from Hayato's field and into the game. outside.

[Keith: 4000→2500LP]

Although the base score was lowered, it successfully prevented Hayato from summoning the troublesome [XYZ], and Malik did not feel that he was at a disadvantage.

But what surprised him was that Hayato's face actually had an expression of You've been fooled.

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