Is this the world of Yu-Gi-Oh? Ada thief!

Chapter 38: The underworld police were dispatched on the spot

Those are experimental models!? Kaiba's expression was quite ugly, and he shouted sternly, Hey, you few timid young people who dare not show your true colors, where did you steal the scrapped experimental duel disks? !”

Hmph, Seto Kaiba? One of the men in black robes who had been silent finally spoke, Instead of questioning whether we stole it, why don't you suspect that the people in your Kaiba Group have no What about destroying these experimental machines?”

Originally I just asked them to bring these useless things, but now it seems that they have really come in handy. What do you think, Isis? The man in black robe who was hit by the lamppost before As he spoke, he took off the hood on his head, revealing a face that was quite unfamiliar to Isis, but familiar to the other three.

Keith?! How could it be you? Hayato was very confused, Didn't you get kicked out of the Duel Kingdom by Becas?

Hmph, Hayato Kobayashi, isn't it because of you that this man ended up like this? Keith said, but his eyes were empty, and it was as if he was not Keith at all. When he raised his head, a golden Ugato Eye on his forehead was also revealed.

Isis finally recognized who was talking to him at this moment, and quickly reminded Hayato: Mr. Xiaolin, please be careful, the person who appears in front of you is not the owner of this body, the person who is controlling him behind the scenes is Gu. The leader of the Russ organization and the holder of the [Millennium Scepter], Malik Isildar!”

Malik Isildar? What about you, Miss Isis? Yugi asked.

Isis nodded: Yes, he is my brother and one of the members of the tomb guard family.

Hmph, at this time, have I become a member of the tomb-guarding clan again, my dear sister? Keith said expressionlessly. A bearded man in his thirties called Isis, a young and beautiful girl like me. Sister, no matter how strange it looks,

Then, I wonder if I have the authority to keep [Obelisk] for that President Kaiba over there. Isn't this the mission of our tomb-guarding clan for thousands of years?

The tomb-keeper clan?

Yugi was about to ask Isis something, but was interrupted by Kaiba on the side. He said coldly to Keith: I see, are you insane because you lost to Bekas, 'thief' Keith? But if you dare to target me [Obelisk], you can choose Wrong person.

Be prepared to face [Blue Eyes]'s wrath!

Who knows how he understood mind control as mental disorder.

Kaiba also unfolded the duel disk and formed a field with Yugi's duel disk. He grabbed the cards before the others. Due to the rules of the dark game, the two men in black who were confronting Kaiba and Yugi had no choice but to lift up their cards. The duel board begins with card play.

Keith also raised the duel disk in his hand, and his eyes moved from Isis to Hayato: Are you Kobayashi Hayato? Haha, Duel King, do you also want to be the enemy of our Gurus?

Stop talking nonsense, I've already started the dark game. Do you still want to persuade me to join your team? Hayato pulled out five cards from the deck and looked at Isis aside, Miss Isis, because it's Dark Game, I’m afraid I can’t keep my hands on your brother.”

The person here is not Malik himself. I'm afraid that even if he loses the duel, he won't be hurt much. Isis also followed Hayato's example and drew five cards, So, Mr. Xiaolin, please play a little harder. The hands don’t matter.”

It's so heartless, sister. Keith's face was as stiff as a zombie. If he hadn't been able to speak, Hayato would have even doubted whether the person being controlled by Malik was a corpse. In that case, I wouldn't I will miss my old friendship~


[Hayato: 4000LP, 5 cards in hand]

[Isis: 4000LP, 5 cards in hand]

[Keith: 4000LP, 5 cards in hand]

[Miscellaneous fish: 4000LP, 5 cards in hand]

When dealing with you, sister, I must not give up the initiative. Although his face looked very stiff, after all, it was the body of Keith, who was known as the thief. He drew the card quickly and got the initiative. ,

Summon [Mecha Soldier] in defense position, and then activate its own effect. When there are no other monsters on the field, special summon another [Mecha] monster from my hand.

Special summon [Mecha Sniper].

The two mechanical soldiers appeared on Keith's field in neat movements, and then simultaneously adopted a defensive position to defend.

As long as [Mecha Sniper] exists on the field, you cannot attack other monsters with [Mecha] in their name. Cover two more cards and my turn ends. Keith covered two cards in the backfield Finally, he looked at Isis expressionlessly, It's your turn, my dear sister.

[Keith: 4000LP, 2 cards in hand]

【Mecha Soldier】【DEF1500】

【Mecha Sniper】【DEF800】

【Gate Card】X2

Malik... Isis looked at Keith and called her brother's name, Why are you here today?

Isn't the answer to this kind of thing very simple? Keith looked back and saw that Kaiba's dragon deck was targeted again with [Dragon Sealing Pot], and another man in black robe activated [Witch Hunting] unlocked the game’s [Dark Magician].

The last three phantom gods card [Obelisk] and the revenge I have longed for. These two things rarely come together. Of course I can't let go of such a good opportunity.

Isis had some hesitation on her face: Malik, Pharaoh -

Okay, Isis, start your turn quickly! Keith interrupted Isis impatiently, Everything that stands in the way of my revenge will be crushed by me, even my biological sister you. ,also the same!

Miss Isis, based on my many years of experience in dealing with naughty children, this kind of three-year-old must be taught a lesson. Hayato looked at Keith with disdain and glanced at the perfect ☆ hands in his own hands ☆ Card. He thought to himself that he would take this card later and give it to Malik, a three-year-old boy.

My turn, draw a card. Isis nodded and drew a card from the deck. Wearing a veil to duel was not comfortable at all, so she simply took off the veil, revealing her full face, Activate the [Lower Cost] card in your hand, discard a card in your hand, and reduce the level of the monster in your hand by 2☆.

Then I use the effect of [Executioner - Demon Shura] that was sent to the graveyard. The turn it is sent to the graveyard, I can activate a trap card from my hand.

I won't let you activate that card! Keith looked very excited and directly opened his cover card, [Mirror that absorbs darkness]! As long as this card exists on the field, all the cards on the field and in the graveyard will The effects of dark attribute monsters are invalid!

Hayato was not surprised at all that Keith, or Malik behind Keith, would be so wary of the trap card that Isis almost activated. After all, that card was the most famous underworld card, and even left a legacy that shrouded an era. shadow.

Although it was not activated successfully, Hayato could guess that the card of Isis was definitely the legendary [Netherworld].

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