Is this the world of Yu-Gi-Oh? Ada thief!

Chapter 36 Millennium Jewelry

Is it me and Kaiba on this stone? Yugi confirmed to Isis with some uncertainty.

Facing the two people's doubts, Isis shook her head calmly, as if she had expected that the two of them would ask this question:

What is engraved on the stone slab is a battle between the priest and the pharaoh that took place three thousand years ago. The two-body monster you see on the stone slab is exactly one of the duel monsters created by Bekas, [Blue-Eyed White] The prototype of Dragon] and [Dark Magician].”

After hearing what Isis said, Kaiba just looked at the priest corresponding to the white dragon on the stone slab who looked very similar to him in confusion.

And Yugi also looked at the starfish-headed pharaoh in trance.

In Egyptian legends, the Pharaoh is the incarnation of the gods on earth. He is the being who controls all things and all phenomena. He has the ability to use the three illusory gods and rules over everything in the sky and the world. As she spoke, Isis' tone was a little excited. As if he is proud of this legend,

What is engraved on the stone slab is the legendary Pharaoh, that is, another game you hidden in the [Millennium Building Blocks].

Isis stared at Yugi with burning eyes, which made Yami Yugi appear in a daze: Am I the pharaoh?

Hmph, you are nagging, are you going to say that I am that priest, or the reincarnation of that priest? Although Kaiba said so, his long-held scientific worldview has already appeared a little bit. Wavering, just resisting to accept this unscientific concept, That's enough time for jokes!

Looking at the stubborn Kaiba, Hayato couldn't help but sigh helplessly. After all, he is a seahorse shrimp dumpling. In terms of stubbornness of belief, this guy is second to none in the entire Yu-Gi-Oh! world. Even if you catch a ghost and put it in front of him, he will use all kinds of science that he can understand. The concept explains the existence of ghosts.

Then he built a machine for traveling and went to play cards with the Pharaoh in the underworld.

Isis has really worked hard to popularize such an Egyptian legend that actually existed in seahorse science. Thinking about it, Hayato glanced at Isis.

Noticing the sympathy in Hayato's eyes, Isis smiled back at Hayato, but she couldn't see clearly because of the veil. Kaiba was about to turn around and leave, and Isis could only skip the pharaoh legend she originally planned to introduce and fast forward to the main point of inviting the three people here.

As I said before, the Pharaoh has the power to use the three phantom gods, and then uses this divine power to control everything in the sky and the world. Like other stone slabs excavated by archaeologists, the monsters on this stone slab were also captured by Bekas. Cards made into Duel Monsters.”

Isis said, raising her hand and pointing at the [Black Magician] and [Blue-Eyed White Dragon]: The [Black Magician] and [Blue-Eyed White Dragon], who are entangled with the fate of fighting, the pharaoh and the priest, and the duel monsters. God, the symbol of the 'Obelisk' [Obelisk's Titan Soldier], the symbol of 'Underworld' [Osiris' Sky Dragon], and the incarnation of the sun god, [Ra's Winged Dragon].

These are the three strongest, rarest and most special duel monster cards collectively known as the Three Illusion Gods. However, after Bekas used this stone tablet as inspiration to create the cards of the Three Illusion Gods, Probably because he violated the majesty of God and incurred the wrath of God's punishment.

Everyone who participated in the production of the Three Illusion Gods cards and had contact with them died mysteriously one after another. No one survived except Becas himself. After realizing that the cards of the Three Illusion Gods were great existences that mortals could not control, Bekas The cards of the three illusory gods were stored in the Egyptian Antiquities Administration until two of them were stolen by Gurus’ men.”

Absolutely, there are risks in playing cards, and there are risks in printing cards. Hayato complained secretly, his eyes wandering around the cultural relics, looking for something slightly more interesting. A mummy not far away attracted his attention. Inexplicably, Hayato wanted to get closer and take a look, but considering that Isis was still explaining seriously, he held back.

You just said that two of them were stolen? Kaiba accurately ignored everything else Isis said and only focused on the last sentence she just said, In other words, you still have the last one in your hand. The so-called God’s Card, right?”

Yes, President Kaiba, the stolen cards are [Ra] and [Osiris], and the third card [Obelisk] is still in my hand. However, you don't have to use a duel to get it. I can take this card away because I originally wanted to give this card to you for use.”

Amid Kaiba's surprised expression, Isis took out the blue-framed card from her body. It was obviously just a card that was not used in the duel, but as soon as Isis took it out, the entire exhibition hall was enveloped under a pressure that seemed to come from ancient times.

This is, [Obelisk's Titan Weapon]?! Kaiba took the card and felt an inexplicable sense of familiarity coming from the card, just like when he drew [Blue Eyes White Dragon] during a duel. The feel is average.

What he didn't know was that the name [Obelisk] not only means Obelisk, it represents the symbol of worship of the sun god Ra, and it is also a symbol of the god of strength Set. In Kaiba's previous life, he was the priest Set who took the name of God as his body.

As for Yugi, he was more interested in Isis's answer than the [Obelisk] card that Kaiba had just received. Taking this opportunity, he took the opportunity to ask Isis: Miss Isis, I remember you said that many people have suffered divine punishment even if they have only been exposed to the Three Illusion God Cards?

Yes, anyone who dares to touch the body of God has suffered divine punishment. Only the holder of the [Millennium Artifact] has the ability to be exempted from divine punishment. Bekas also escaped. Isis nodded.

In that case, Miss Isis, are you also the holder of the [Millennium Artifact]? Yugi asked, but his eyes were already looking at the string of gold jewelry hanging around Isis's neck, and he already had the answer in his heart.

Isis nodded and held the gold jewelry hanging on her collarbone: Yes, I am the user of [Millennium Jewelry]. Different [Millennium Artifacts] have different functions. What [Millennium Jewelry] represents , is the ability to foresee the future.”

After listening to Isis's words, Kaiba snorted coldly: You crazy woman who is delirious, how can anyone in the world be able to predict the future? The so-called [Millennium Artifact] is simply a lie you spun. If there is only [Thousand-Year Artifact] Only the holder can use the Card of God, so why doesn’t anything happen to me?”

Because you are a millennium poker player.

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