Haima is very proud of the scientific and technological means of Haima Group. After all, the most outstanding thing about Haima Group, which has retired from the arms industry and transformed into an all-round dominant enterprise, is its scientific research department, especially Haima himself. He is also the head of the scientific research department, and at least half of the new technologies of the Haima Group are attributed to Haima. Praising Haima Group's technology is actually similar to praising Haima himself.

Looking at Kaiba with a proud look on his face, Hayato felt that it would not be inappropriate for him to raise his arm and shout Kaiba Group's science and technology is the best in the world the next second.

But after walking into the exhibition hall, Hayato looked at the cultural relics placed around the exhibition hall and the decoration of the exhibition hall that fit the unique atmosphere created by the cultural relics. He also had to admit that the Kaiba Group did have a few tricks up its sleeve, not only in a short period of time Such a high-rise building was built, and even the interior was so thoughtfully considered.

Hayato even wondered whether the cartoonist used Chinese speed when designing the Kaiba Group's architectural level.

The number of cultural relics here is really exaggerated. Looking at the rare cultural relics such as sarcophagi, mummies, and slates around him, Yugi could not suppress his admiration. But the ones that can be used for exhibition are probably only the Egyptian government. Cultural relics that are relatively ignored, right? It’s hard to imagine how many national treasure-level cultural relics they still have.”

On this point, there is no need to compare Japan with it. In Asia, I am afraid that only the ancient countries in the East can compare with it. Japan cannot be ranked at all. Hayato said and sighed. It is a pity that many of the cultural relics of the two ancient countries were lost overseas due to various reasons. Especially because a certain empire on which the sun never sets was the world's hegemon at the time, it even built a if all the cultural relics are returned, It would be empty inside” of the British Museum.

Humph, it's just some outdated stuff.

Unlike Yugi and Hayato, Kaiba has no interest in these precious treasures from the past at all. If it weren't for Keppei persuading him to hold a touring exhibition to collect ticket money, he probably wouldn't have agreed to the Kaiba Group taking over. The task of cultural relics traveling exhibition.

Looking disdainfully at the cultural relics around him, Kaiba looked at Hayato with disdain: Are you sighing for this kind of thing? Huh, that's all you guys have ever done. If there are people who even pay for tickets to see this kind of thing, next time I Let’s also build a seahorse museum to display cutting-edge technology.”

I can probably guess the seahorse museum you built without going there. It will definitely be filled with [Blue Eyes] everywhere, right? We already experienced your unique aesthetics at Seahorse Paradise last time, Set-san~ Hayato He complained, Children like you will never buy a ticket if you go to a museum that will give you nightmares at night.

Hmph! Kaiba snorted coldly. Instead of arguing with Hayato, he followed Isis. She stopped in front of a certain cultural relic not far away, and was waiting for the three of them who were walking slowly behind.

Kaiba-kun, his aesthetics are indeed a bit different from ordinary people. At some point, the person walking next to Hayato had been replaced by Yami Yugi. There were obviously ancient Egyptian cultural relics around him, but they made him feel inexplicably familiar, so he took the initiative to exchange them with Biao Yuxi.

I said yes?

Well, if it were me, I would definitely choose something that looks more gorgeous with gold and silver. As he said that, Yami Yugi lifted up the [Millennium Building Block] hanging on his chest and showed it to Hayato, How about it, I'll give it to you Aibo’s suggestion was to change him to a metal chain, doesn’t it look good?”

Hayato gave Yami Yugi a meaningful look. In the aesthetics of the ancient Egyptians, gold represents the flesh and silver represents the bones, but isn’t your use of it a bit outrageous? Originally, [Millennium Building Blocks], a solid gold nugget, was ridiculously heavy, but you actually asked Watch Games to replace the cotton rope with an iron chain for you? Still think the game is not short enough?

Oh~, I understand, this wave, this wave is Wang Xiang who made Yugi wear a golden tube for eight years during his development period to affect his height, making him unable to find a girlfriend, and then transformed himself to attract female fans. The reason behind it is heartwarming Heart. It's really your fault, Wang Xiang.

But on the surface, Hayato forced a smile: If the needle doesn't poke me, I'll change it to an iron chain and the needle won't poke me.

The two followed Kaiba to the stone slab where Isis was, but found that Kaiba, who had arrived a step earlier than the two of them, was staring at the stone slab with a solemn expression, and at the same time asked Isis: Hey, woman, you This slate must have been brought from some stone yard to play with me, right?

Isis calmly replied: No, this slate was unearthed from a ruins three thousand years ago, and what appears in front of you is the original slate, not a counterfeit. The slate is also well preserved. You What you see is what the slab looked like when it was unearthed.”

In that case, do you want to explain to me why there are [Black Magician] and [Blue Eyes White Dragon] on this stone slab? Kaiba narrowed his eyes and glanced at Isis, and pointed his hand towards the stone slab through the protective glass. Pointing at one place, Also, who are those two people on the stone slab!

Looking in the direction Kaiba pointed, Hayato and Yugi also began to carefully look at everything drawn on the slate.


But after just a few glances, Yugi showed the same shock: These are actually [Blue Eyes White Dragon] and [Black Magician]!?

So, you guys, your brain-filling abilities are a little too outrageous, right? Hayato looked at the patterns on the slate, which were no better than the abstract paintings of kindergarten children, and complained to himself. Among so many contents, the only ones he could distinguish were [Millennium Building Blocks] and [Black Magic Guide].

【Dark Magician】

【Blue Eyes】

【Three Illusion Gods】

【Two people】

Putting aside everything else, Hayato thinks that the most outrageous thing is this [Blue Eyes White Dragon]. This guy Kaiba has engraved the shape of his wife into his DNA. It is not surprising that Hayato can recognize him at a glance, but the game How can you recognize it at a glance? It's obviously completely different from what's shown on the card!

There are also cards of three fantasy gods, the [Giant God Soldier] that looks like a minotaur, the small dinosaur [Sky Dragon] that turned its head when it heard the scream of the tauren, and the gryphon with a dove head [Wing Shenlong] 】.

Seeing the three phantom gods, Hayato couldn't help but sincerely admire the talent of Becas, who was recuperating thousands of miles away. To be able to draw the three phantom gods so far apart is so domineering. It’s not for nothing that this guy Bekas originally dreamed of being a painter, because his talent is really great. It’s really hard work. He was responsible for carving stone tablets in ancient Egypt. That person's laziness resulted in post-processing.

As for the two people confronting each other at the bottom of the stone slab, although they look slightly different from the ones in the anime, Hayato, who knows people by their hair, can tell them apart at a glance. Apart from anything else, their hairstyles are exactly the same as those of Yugi and Kaiba. .

Especially Yugi. Kaiba's hair can barely be said to be ordinary. You really can't pick out Yugi's colorful starfish head among 100,000 people. Even if you pick him out, I'm afraid he is related to Yugi.

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