Is this the world of Yu-Gi-Oh? Ada thief!

Chapter 2 About bringing the system to Yu-Gi-Oh!

Dingling bell~

The bell rang for the end of get out of class. Lin Xuan, who was sitting in his seat, closed his book and began to sort out the notes he had excerpted in class in silence. On the podium, before the teacher had finished arranging the handouts, there were several restless students in the audience who couldn't sit still. They gathered together excitedly before the teacher left the classroom.

Hey, have you heard? That 'Devil Style' seems to have gone crazy and been sent to a mental hospital.

That Ushio Tetsu? This is a great thing! When did it happen?

Right next to the tree at the school gate this morning, the cowtail was lying in a pile of fallen leaves and garbage like a madman, and he kept mumbling 'money'. Many people saw it.

And I heard that he was probably made like this by people in society because he bullied someone he shouldn't have messed with in school.

Listening to the voice coming from behind, Lin Xuan thought in his heart: He has indeed bullied someone who shouldn't be provoked, but the person who bullied him is not a gangster in society. You would never think of that person.

Thinking this, Lin Xuan turned his head and looked at the other side of the classroom. There, sitting was a boy with colorful hair like a starfish and a short stature that didn't look like a high school student. At this moment, the starfish-headed boy was sitting across from a blond boy, holding a few cards in his hand, as if they were playing some kind of card game.

Sa, it's the city's turn.

A boy with an ordinary haircut and who looked like he didn't know how to play cards approached the two people who were sitting opposite each other. He stretched out his arm and naturally put his right hand on Huang Mao's shoulder, wrapped it around his neck, and inserted (shielded) into him. Entering the game between the two: What are you playing, Jonouchi?

Uh-huh. Huang Mao, who was being dragged by the neck, pushed the boy's arm away with his free hand, twisted his neck, and then proudly raised a few cards in his hand to show them, What, this You don’t know, of course it’s a duel monster.”

What fighting beast?

After Huang Mao said a few words, he became a little impatient: It's so noisy, just go and watch. If I lose the game this time, it will be your responsibility.

With that said, Huang Mao pushed away the boy who was leaning on him and focused his attention back on the card in his hand.

The boy who was pushed away was not angry because of such a trivial matter. It was obvious that he had a good relationship with Huang Mao. Looking at the two attentive people, the boy scratched his head with some trouble: Really, is this thing really that interesting? Why don't I see it at all?

Lin Shuan, who stood up to go to the bathroom, heard the boy's muttering clearly, turned his head and glanced at his hairstyle, and thought to himself: There is no way, after all, Honda, your hairstyle is too ordinary, and you don't even have Conan next door. The unicorn on the set is so unrestrained that it's not your fault that you can't enjoy the fun of playing cards.

As Lin Shuan walked out of the classroom, he could still hear in his ears the words of the girl standing next to the boy who was pushed away by Huang Mao: The so-called 'Duel Monster' is to summon monsters on the field, and then use magic to A game in which cards coordinate appropriately to attack and defend each other. This is a very popular and famous game.”

And in the future, playing cards can even save the world, more than once, Lin Xuan added in his heart.

Although the name Duel Monsters sounds quite unfamiliar, another name makes it much more familiar, and that is Yu-Gi-Oh!

Initially, this was just a fictional game in a comic that the author came up with on his own because the protagonist was good at various games. There are many similar games. Unexpectedly, with the serialization of the comic, many comic readers were particularly interested in this Duel Monster, which led to a major change in the setting of this comic called Yu-Gi-Oh!, and later focused entirely on Duel Monsters Duel Monsters game.

The name of the comic Yu-Gi-Oh has become synonymous with this game.

After a day, Lin Shuan had reluctantly accepted the fact that he was not reborn, but traveled to the world of Yu-Gi-Oh! and became an ordinary student of Tongshiye High School. Even his name has changed. From Harin Hayato to Kobayashi Hayato.

What somewhat comforts Lin Shun, or Hayato Kobayashi (who will later use the name Hayato) is that the name of his previous life has not disappeared, but has been embedded in his new name.

In addition, Hayato is also very lucky. The class he is in happens to be the class of Muto Yugi, the protagonist of Yu-Gi-Oh!. The people in this class can be said to be Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon:

The officially designated strongest (underworld) duelist, Muto Yugi;

The spiritual mentor and pseudo-heroine of the game, Kyoko Masaki;

The second protagonist, Seto Kaiba, is a genius inventor and addicted to playing cards;

Lv. Mortal Bones, Supreme Gambling King and No. 3 Protagonist, Castle Katsuya;

The human body of the great evil god, Tapirang, who appeared in the first episode and still managed to survive until the end, is the final boss;

There is also Hiroshi Honda, who used his iron fist to beat the guy above, Jonouchi's good friend, and wants to change his job to become his brother-in-law.

What is a luxurious lineup (tactical retreat).

With random thoughts in his mind, Hayato finished draining the water and walked out of the bathroom, using a handkerchief to wipe the water stains on his palms.

To be honest, he didn't have much dissatisfaction with traveling to the world of Yu-Gi-Oh! In his previous life, his parents died early, and there were no old people to support him. He was never married, and he had no other regrets.

At most, he couldn't wait for GTA6, he hadn't played with the pre-ordered Kamen Rider toys, and he hadn't had time to clean up his D drive... The more he thought about it, the worse Hayato's face became.

Think differently. Think differently.

At least one thing is that although the world of Yu-Gi-Oh! is dangerous, it is safer than those pure fighting games.

Even an ordinary person with no power can still have a chance to resist when facing the perpetrator, although it is more likely that he will be drawn by someone else's god and the card will be OTK. But at least it's better than going to a world like One Piece and Bleach and being killed by wild pirates and Daxu, right?

After confirming that no one in the corridor was paying attention to him, Hayabusa carefully raised his hand and seemingly casually clicked the air in front of him with his finger.

A voice sounded in Hayato's ears: [Didi, you king——your initial card pack has arrived]

Almost at the same time that the mysterious sound disappeared, Hayato could feel the pocket of his clothes sinking. He put his hand into it and touched a square metal object.

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