Is this the world of Yu-Gi-Oh? Ada thief!

Chapter 1: There is no need for such a thing as a preface

Dingling bell~

Jingle bell bell~”

In the haze, a noisy alarm clock sounded, as if it was right next to Lin Falcon's ears.

Hayato, wake up quickly~

A man's voice came.

Dingling bell~

The sound of the alarm clock continues.

Lin Xuan, who was unable to sleep due to the noise, opened his eyes. Blocking the sunlight shining into the room from the window with one hand, he lay on the bed and looked at the ceiling: I don't recognize the ceiling. Ah, is this line too old?

Sitting up from the bed, Lin Xuan looked at the surrounding environment with a pair of dead fish eyes - a pink quilt that could be described as cute was covering himself, and the TV set facing the bed The Windows logo that never touches the corners of the computer screen is constantly fluttering.

He reached out from under the quilt and turned off the alarm clock that kept ringing on the bedside table. Lin Xuan could use his second brother as a guarantee that this room was definitely not his room.

First of all, it should be 2021 when I fell asleep. Not to mention that the system used by the computer has already been updated to Win10. Even the Win7 system is on the verge of being eliminated, let alone the classic but indeed outdated XP system.

Secondly, I am a man. Although I can accept it under limited circumstances, such as eating strawberry ice cream and watching Kamen Rider, and even like pink (Decade: That is magenta!), I will never put it in bed. The quilt was also chosen in pink. This is too girly——

Seems okay? Tilting his head and looking at the quilt, Lin Xuan felt so good at the speed of light.

But to say that this is a girl's room doesn't seem right? The large cabinet in the corner is filled with densely packed figures and toy models. It can be assumed that the owner of the room is an otaku who loves these things, but the posters plastered on the walls are full of all kinds of strange-looking monsters. .

The minotaur holding an axe, the knight holding a sword, and the murloc holding a spear could all be regarded as character posters from some popular fantasy work, but——

The deformed green body is covered with black triangles, with three necks connected to the torso and three mask-like heads;

The nose of the dinosaur with chicken claws is a long electric horn, but there is a gap at the back of the head and neck, which is full of sharp teeth, and there is another mouth;

There are even weird posters like the skeleton of a mammoth just dug out of the ground, a strange creature covered in long black hair, a lion in a cloak, and so on.

Looking at the posters on the wall, Lin Xuan couldn't help but sigh: Although I don't know who brought me here, the hobbies of the guys living here are a bit too wild. Look what is this? Even the tentacle monster Yes, rbq, rbq.”

At this time, the voice that Lin Xuan had heard vaguely before came again: Hayato, haven't you gotten up yet? You're going to be late~

The closed door was opened, and the owner of the voice walked into the room. Lin Xuan turned around and looked over.

Wearing a lavender apron around her waist and holding a bamboo basket full of clothes in her hand, the pretty woman looked at Lin Xuan standing in front of the bed with a gentle smile: What? , you kid, I kept silent for most of the day, I thought you were going to oversleep.

Hyakato, are you calling me? Lin Xuan asked with some uncertainty. One thing is certain, that is, before today, Lin Xuan had never seen the woman in front of him. It's not that Lin Xuan has an absolute memory that can even memorize 13,000 pornographic books, it's just that the woman's appearance is too outstanding.

A series of words such as red lips and pink face, bright eyes and white teeth, graceful eyebrows, etc. seem to have been designed for the woman in front of her. Although her figure looks a bit too flat, there is not much ups and downs in the front and back, but based on her With a face as gentle as jade and a ladylike temperament, Lin Xuan promised that if he had seen her before, he would never forget her.

Really, you kid is really naughty, are you kidding me? The woman smiled softly and grabbed the door handle, Okay, okay, hurry up and change your clothes and go downstairs to have breakfast. I won't look at you. Now, I still have to do laundry.

While closing the door, the woman added: Hurry up, otherwise I will finish breakfast, hehe~ As she said that, she winked playfully at Lin Xuan and closed the door. .

Lin Xuan lowered his head silently and looked at his hands.

When he was talking to the woman just now, Lin Xuan noticed something - was the woman a little too tall? Although Lin Xuan's height is not as exaggerated as that of those professional basketball players, he is still quite a jojo at 195cm. But when talking to the woman, he found that the other woman was slightly taller than him? Isn’t that just over two meters long?

Another thing is that Lin Shuan did remember that he had never met the woman, but the woman knew Lin Shuan and even regarded herself as an elder quite familiarly. Lin Xuan thought of a possibility - his appearance probably hadn't changed at all.

Looking down at his hands, Lin Xuan confirmed——Oh, this is not my body!

Rubbing his slender arms, Lin Xuan clearly remembered that his left elbow was burned and left a scar. But now the scar has disappeared without a trace, and even the slightly rough shape is still there. The hairy skin also becomes extremely smooth.

It’s almost like a woman————

Thinking of a terrifying possibility, Lin Xuan suddenly opened his pajamas, leaned to the window and looked down in the sunlight, and then he breathed a sigh of relief. Fortunately, Lin Xuan's biological brother was still there, and there was no death. Lin Xuan disappeared because of the poisonous oath he made before.

So what is going on? Am I traveling through time or something? Lin Xuan took out a set of clothes from the closet and took off his pajamas and pajamas. While thinking about it, he complained in his heart, It's such a big deal. The wardrobe is full of clothes, but they all turn out to be exactly the same style. I am too guilty, right?

There is a satchel placed in front of the computer desk, and a blue coat hangs on the computer chair. After thinking for a while, Lin Xuan first put the computer with the screen saver on into hibernation, then picked up his coat, hung it on his shoulders, and walked out of the room holding the handle of his satchel.

When he walked out of the room, Lin Xuan glanced at the posters on the wall that he had not read before. He saw a few monsters who looked quite familiar, such as the black-robed mage holding an emerald-green staff, the black flying dragon that breathed flames, and the white dragon that seemed to be the incarnation of light.

Lin Xuan had the intention to search for more information and clues, but considering the previous woman's instructions, Lin Xuan withdrew his gaze without any hesitation, closed the door and walked down the stairs.

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