12th the VRAINS!

"It's not a one-on-one fight, but a four-person melee?" After meeting a few people at Kaiba's invitation, Hayato also showed an interesting smile, "It sounds like it's very interesting."

"It just reminds me of that bad experience when Tianhu's hand was interrupted. Even now, I still feel very unhappy."

"Did something happen at that time? I can barely remember it." Jonouchi scratched the back of his head, "I just remember that someone seemed to suddenly control all the equipment on the airship at that time, interrupting the duel between us. What's your name 'Noah'?"

"It's not Noah, it's Naia, but the ace monster he used is indeed somewhat related to [Noah's Ark]. By the way, Hayato, do you still remember that incident today?" After reminding Jonouchi, Yugi looked subtle. With a smile on his face, he said to Hayato, "Not only does he have an understanding of dueling monsters, he is also extremely petty and vengeful."

"To be fair, everyone would be unhappy if a fun game like Ming Ming OTK was interrupted by someone else, especially if it was not interrupted by the opponent's card effect, but by an external factor such as a power outage. This matter I can remember it for a lifetime." Hayato said confidently with his hands on his hips.

"Hmph, I also agree on this point. A heated duel is interrupted by boring things. Just thinking about it makes people angry in their hearts." The seahorse who led the way also said in agreement.

However, Hayato glanced at him: "Don't you have any idea how the first duel between you and me ended in the Duel Kingdom? How could you have the nerve to say such a thing?"

"The boring past cannot restrain me, who only sees the glory of the future."

"Don't think that you can ignore the topic by using cute lines."

Putting on an expressionless expression with a cheeky face, Kaiba ignored Hayato's complaints and forcibly changed the subject: "In the case of a duel being interrupted due to a power outage, in the new era dueling device I developed - the 'Legendary Shiraishi' 'It is absolutely impossible to use the game cabin because I have designed four sets of its energy supply system."

"In addition to the main power supply that can be started remotely through the Internet, the game cabin is also equipped with another power supply that cannot be controlled by hackers and can only be disconnected by physical means, as well as a power supply that can be used in case of external power outages. Backup power, and backup power to activate the backup power in case of an accident!”

"It sounds really prudent, but why do you design a four-branch power supply system instead of adding one? Is it because five branches won't work?"

With the support of high technology, the construction team of Haima Group has achieved extraordinary levels of work and efficiency. In a very short time, it opened up a huge open space in the original jungle on the island and used splicing materials brought to the island. The materials were used to build a very large building that was tens of meters high and covered an area of ​​nearly 50,000 square meters. It only took just one day of work.

Not to mention the students in the academy, Jonouchi and Yugi were both frightened when they saw this building that suddenly appeared on the island after leaving their residence this morning.

And despite the short construction time, the strength of the building is not low at all. According to Kaiba himself, it is more than enough to withstand earthquakes of magnitude seven or eight. In the future, additional materials can be added to further strengthen the building's strength.

The only flaw is that there is nothing in this building. After all, it is built with spliced ​​materials. It is impossible to complete the interior decoration at the same time. However, because Kaiba only intends to use this place to place the things he brought to the island. The nearly 10,000 "Legendary White Stone" game cabins only need simple decoration.

However, the fastest pace is this afternoon to complete the installation of nearly 10,000 game cabins and certain soft decoration. Currently, this newly built venue is still controlled by security personnel brought by Haima Group. Even the curious people on the island Teachers and students cannot enter it either.

I didn't see Kaiba use any identity authentication. He who was walking in front took Hayato and others to the entrance of the venue and passed the inspection by the security personnel. After all, their faces were the best IDs, even if they were People who don't know much about duelist monsters can easily recognize several of these "legendary duelists".

Although the interior decoration has not been completely completed, a considerable part of the game cabins have been installed and can be put into use at any time. Haima led a few people to a separate room in the venue to avoid being disturbed by other staff, and pushed the door Kai introduced: "Feel free to praise this epoch-making invention with admiration and surprise. You will be the first to experience the 'Legendary White Stone' game cabin!"

However, although Kaiba spoke impassionedly, when Jonouchi saw several game cabins placed in the room where Kaiba led them into, he couldn't help but complain with a sense of déjà vu: "Wait a minute. Wait, this picture gives me the feeling that we are going to fight the [Five Divine Dragons] later, right?"

"It's said to be an invention. Kaiba, couldn't you just remodel the game cabin that the 'Five Elders' used before, change the name, and treat it as your own?"

"Hmph, that's where the stupidity ends, mediocrity." Kaiba glanced at Jonouchi unhappily, "Not to mention that the game cabin that the 'Fifth Elder' let me use at that time was originally my invention. Today's 'Legendary Shiraishi' and The semi-finished products at that time were basically two things.”

“The game cabin at that time was completely dependent on an external super-large power supply to operate, and the virtual world connection device itself was too large and a complete failure. Even the experience of connecting to the virtual world was quite bad and unsatisfactory. Stable." With a wave of his hand, he remotely controlled several game cabins to start up and open the covers through the network. Kaiba continued, "And now the 'Legendary White Stone' no longer needs an external additional power supply, and can only continue to work on its own. Over 100 hours, the connected device has been miniaturized to the extreme!”

"This is the 'cocoon' in which future duelists and spectators can enjoy dueling monsters and grow stronger through it!"

"In the end, you should tell me the original name of this game cabin. Wouldn't it be better to just call it 'Cocoon' instead of 'Legendary Shiraishi'?" Hayato complained and stepped forward to look at it. One of the four-body devices, he had seen the experimental model a month ago and sat in the game cabin quite skillfully. "But I have to say, the feeling of sitting down is indeed better than before."

"After all, it is a device that can work continuously for 100 hours. In order to prevent the body from becoming weak, in addition to a special massage device that can activate the body, I also installed a life-support device that can provide the energy and nutrients needed by the human body so that people do not need to leave. You can enjoy the duel in the game cabin.”

Hearing Kaiba's words, Jonouchi also showed a surprised expression: "Really or not? Such a big device can make people go without eating for so long? Will it be nutritionally unbalanced?"

"There is actually an instruction manual for the nutrient solution. It seems that the nutrition the nutrient solution can provide is more nutritious and balanced than most people's usual diet?" Game came to the game cabin and looked at the instructions posted outside the cabin. , after looking at it for a few times, he said in surprise, "It actually has the function of detecting the condition of the human body and treating it at the same time? It is not so much a game cabin, but it can be sold as a life-saving cabin, right?"

"Although the Kaiba Group already has the technology of the life-sustaining cabin, after acquiring Kagemaru Pharmaceuticals, it still acquired some derivative technologies attached to the life-sustaining cabin. That's how we came up with this game cabin, right?" Hayato said with a smile, " Okay, bring the game up quickly, I can’t wait.”

After Hayato, Jonouchi and Yugi also sat in the game cabin. Kaiba also sat in the game cabin after closing the outside door and said: "Compared to the old model that required external activation, the 'Legendary Shiraishi' has added The voice activation function can be activated by the user, and the default password is, 'Link-Start'."

As Kaiba finished speaking, the door of the game cabin he was in immediately closed and leaned back slightly, causing Kaiba's body to change from a sitting position to a lying position with the lowest pressure on the spine. Two sensing devices were deployed on the backrest of the cabin and hung on Blue lights lit up on both sides of Kaiba's temples, allowing Kaiba to enter the virtual world quite calmly without any special reaction.

"It does look much more advanced than the previous device." Jonouchi recalled with great interest the exaggerated scene of electric light overflow when he used it before, and the long delay experience when entering the virtual world, almost like being hit by a golden experience. I enthusiastically tried out the new "Legendary White Stone" game cabin, "Link is dead!"

As expected, Jonouchi, whose English proficiency was not very high, relied on forcibly remembering the pronunciation and read out the activation password as if biting his tongue. It was also difficult for the game cabin to actually activate smoothly. Under the yellow light and After Jonouchi flashed before his eyes, he was brought into the virtual world.

On the contrary, Yugi and Hayato did not rush to enter the virtual world. Instead, they looked at each other and adjusted the parameters of the game cabin tacitly. Compared with Jonouchi who "skips" all the plots and skips all settings when playing games, both of them have the habit of setting the game to the state they are most comfortable with, especially Hayato, who can even pinch his face in some RPG games. Three hours.

As for Kaiba? The reason why he did not set the parameters of the game cabin was simply because the game cabin was originally set with preset parameters according to the state that he, the inventor, could best adapt to.

While setting parameters such as the lying angle and the massage function switch, the game also gave a glimpse of the function names marked in the game cabin: "'Duel-Links world is built based on virtual reality artificial intelligence network technology, 99% reproduces the five senses in reality ’, it sounds really awesome.”

"But in addition to duels, this virtual reality artificial intelligence network technology may also be used in other fields, such as allowing blind people to see the world clearly again, and allowing frail patients to enjoy the scenery around the world without leaving home. ?”

"It can be done if it can be done, but you also know Kaiba's habits. Even if there is any technology that can be used for convenience, he will give priority to using it in duels before it is fully popularized, even regardless of the cost." Hayato on the side also said At the same time as setting parameters, respond to the game.

"That's right, Kaiba is still as pure as ever in dueling." Yugi smiled, looking at the English initials of Virtual-Reality (Virtual-Reality), Artificial-Intelligence (Artificial-Intelligence), and Network-System. I muttered "It's such a long name, let's abbreviate it" and completed the final setting of the startup phrase.

"Then, I'm in too, Hayato." After saying hello, Yugi put his hands on the armrests in the cabin, looked ahead and shouted the startup words, "Into-the-VRAINS!"

"Why are you selling cards?" After looking at the game, a red light flashed in front of his eyes, and he also entered the virtual world. Hayato, who had also completed the settings, complained and was ready, and said, "All four of Link's heads are... It’s such an old joke, the book world has been taken over by Genshin, can’t this guy Kaiba keep up with the times?”

"If you want me to set the activation language, it would have to be——"

"Madoka, activate!"

The round "Legendary White Stone" game cabin lay down, and a soft golden light flashed in front of Hayato's eyes. When he looked again, he found that he was no longer in the game cabin, but standing in an empty field.

The white clouds passing quickly behind him reminded Hayato instantly of where he was - wasn't it the one specially created by Kaiba during the Duel City as a means of transportation for the top eight contestants to go to Alcatraz Island, where the finals were held? And the flying aerostat that is the duel stage of the promotion competition along the way, the Santo Anno!

To this day, Hayato already wants to complain about Kaiba's naming habits. Why is it so bad that he insists on calling the vehicle such a name? It might as well be called "Blue Eyes Airship" or some other unknown thing.

"Although you didn't say anything, you couldn't be saying bad things about me in your heart, Hayato Kobayashi?" Kaiba's voice came from behind Hayato. He looked back and saw Kaiba's arms wrapped around him. On his chest, there was an impatient expression, "I've been waiting for too long, so is the game, and so are you, so that mediocre guy keeps harassing me."

"It's a rare opportunity to reflect on the past. I chose this airship as the landing site. Let's restart the battle for the duel king five years ago here. Then I will defeat you and ascend to the position of the duel king, Hayato Kobayashi. !”

"I can't pretend that I didn't hear those words, Kaiba." Jonouchi also said with full of fighting spirit, "Hayato is not an opponent you can defeat if you want to. Besides, before that, I will defeat you." It’s time to avenge the shame, I still remember the damage caused to me by the [Giant God Soldier] back then.”

"But inside the city, when you were defeated by [Obelisk's Titan Soldier] with infinite attack power, didn't you jump back to life after being a little lost for a while? Didn't you suffer any damage?" Yugi wondered. said.

"It's a metaphor, yes, it's a metaphor. What I mean is that the [Giant God Soldier] left an unforgettable pain in my heart." Jonouchi explained, and then continued to glare at Kaiba, "Anyway , since you chose a four-person melee, then I will keep an eye on you, Kaiba!"

"You are really full of fighting spirit, Jonouchi." Yugi smiled and looked at Hayato and said, "If everyone is so enthusiastic, I will become serious. Even if Aibo doesn't come, at least I will bring him along. Just work hard and perform.”

"Why don't I try to challenge you Hayato with Kaiba?"

"I don't care, a noble family doesn't need teammates!" Hayato looked at the three people in front of him and raised the corners of his mouth, "Even if it's me, I can only duel with you three at the same time like when we were grouped together. Just thinking about it can make I gave it my all for the first time in a long time, and it almost made me pull the flag with excitement.”

(Be convinced)

"This deck of cards that has been gathering dust since I bought it now has a chance to be released!"

Even in the virtual world, card spirits can still appear freely. Behind Hayato, a vague phantom of a female monster flashed past.

Even Jonouchi's dynamic vision could only barely capture the opponent's lower body, which seemed to have a fish tail.

The cool deck that changed ygo is finally coming

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