Is this the world of Yu-Gi-Oh? Ada thief!

Chapter 209: Yuan (Elemental Hero) God, activate!

"Genshen, activate!" In the monster selection interface, Judai relied on his super-fast reactions and skillful muscle memory to lock his favorite monster in just one second - which can also be translated as "elemental" "Hero" [E·hero Winged Man].

"No way, brother, you choose [Wing Man] again?" Sho Marufuji saw this and couldn't help complaining, "Although in "Duel Monsters League", [E·hero Wing Man] has never been effective. The monster has the same four skills as other monsters, but it is very weak in both the early and late stages, and is of no use at all."

"If I had known better, I wouldn't have chosen [Decoy Robot]. Even if I acted as an auxiliary to protect you, brother, I still wouldn't be able to deal damage with [E·Hero]. It would be better to switch to [Submarine Robot] for a sneak attack." Where is the opponent?"

"It's really frustrating to fight with a lineup like this. Even if we are three people in a team, it will be very difficult if the opponent's cooperation is tacit."

Maeda Hayato said with a serious face, which made Marufuji Sho beside him a little worried: "Will you lose?"

"We will win." Maeda said matter-of-factly, "There won't be an opponent that no one can defeat and knock everyone down, right?"

Then, when Asuka arrived at Kurenai's dormitory and looked into the room from the open door, she saw Maeda Hayato and Marufuji Sho, who were sitting on the ground with dejected faces.

"Can Space Slash actually be used as an instant shot? I got up and cut him in half, what can I say?"

"I'm really sorry that I couldn't make Lord [Chaos Warrior] enjoy himself to the fullest."

"You guys are really leisurely. Don't you need to duel with others to increase your points?" Asuka looked at Judai and said, "The trial ends this afternoon. Judai, you are actually here playing games?"

"Hehe, brother, his points have already been rushed to the top three of the rankings through successive duels. Anyway, he only needs to enter the top eight. Brother, he has already advanced." Judai has not yet Whatever he said, Sho Marufuji said proudly, as if he was the third in the points rankings, "Brother, he worked so hard before, why can't he still enjoy it?"

"Actually, the main reason is that after I finished the duel yesterday, Judai and Sho were so happy that they accidentally threw the duel disk into the water while playing tossing and catching the duel disk." However, Maeda was standing aside. He told the truth without hesitation, "Although Judai's points data has been retained, the duel disk that has been flooded with water still needs time to be repaired. At least Judai will not be able to duel today."

After listening to Maeda's words, Asuka looked at Judai with an embarrassed smile again, and smiled helplessly: "So Judai, who is always looking for someone to duel with someone excitedly, today it's rare that you are so lazy and fighting in the dormitory. It’s a game. I’m also surprised that I clearly saw Banzhangmu, Liuzhe, and even my brother, all of them dueling to improve their rankings as much as possible before the deadline, but I didn’t see you, Judai, who is usually the most active.”

(Mysterious voice: It’s Misawa! Misawa!)

"But then again, I thought you had left, Maeda-san."

Maeda Hayato scratched his head and said with some embarrassment: "Yesterday, after I passed the principal's assessment, I did receive the International Illusion Society employment contract signed by Mr. Muto Yugi. Like Judai and Xiang, they all thought that I would immediately It’s time to leave the academy.”

"However, Mr. Principal told me that I will go to the International Illusion Club with Mr. Yugi to join the company, and Mr. Yugi Muto will also stay on the island until the exhibition of his deck is over, and take a look at Duel Academy. Communication competition, so I will actually stay in school for a long time."

"Ah, speaking of Mr. Muto Yugi's deck, I heard that in Kagurazaka, because of his good performance during the exhibition, he was noticed by the people from the Kaiba Group who recently came to the island, and they planned to sign him to make his debut. Become an idol duelist." Hearing Maeda mention Muto Yugi, Marufuji Sho also said from the side, "It's really a step to the sky, that guy, but why doesn't anyone sign me who can beat Kagurazaka?"

The so-called "idol duelist" is a special profession that has gradually emerged in recent years, between professional duelists and traditional idols. Compared to professional duelists who are heavily involved and destined to be popular only for the strong, idol duelists have relatively loose requirements for dueling monsters.

This does not mean that they can debut as long as they can draw cards. In fact, it is better to say the other way around. What idol duelists need to show is another aspect of exciting duels, not in the interaction between monsters and cards, but in how to Show the magnificence and beauty of the card.

Even cards like [Lion Wizard], [Seahorse Beast] or [Molin Fen] can show special charm in the hands of top idol duelists - if you change the term, maybe use "carrying anchor" Better to understand?

The top idol duelist in the world is also the first idol duelist in the world. He is even a member of the legendary duelist and an old acquaintance of Hayato - he became quite popular after graduation because of his outstanding appearance. At the same time, he also had a certain degree of mastery of dueling monsters under the influence of his ears and eyes, and was hired by the Kaiba Group as a publicity ambassador, and eventually became the founder of the special professional category "Idol Duelist".

Many people have dreams of becoming professional duelists, but the severely involved professional duelist circle is destined to not be an easy place for them to get a foothold in. At this time, idol duelists become an alternative for them. Although there are high requirements for good looks, the popularity of idol duelists is comparable to that of professional duelists. If they can receive commercial advertisements for designated cards, their income will be even higher than that of professional duelists.

Of course, the vast majority of people in the Duel Academy want to become professional duelists, but if there is a choice of idol duelists, they will not let it go easily, and Sho Marufuji is one of them.

However, although he had a sweet dream, Judai burst into his fantasy with a smile: "Because Xiang, you are really not suitable to be an idol duelist, right?"

"Huh? What does that mean?" Sho Marufuji didn't understand Judai's words.

"It means, Marufuji-san, you don't have the qualifications to become an idol duelist at all. You are not tall enough, your appearance is not outstanding, and the cards you use are neither handsome nor cute. In contrast, Kagurazaka-san has the ability to adapt to various situations." This style of card imitates the advantages of dueling, and the external conditions are much better than yours."

Asuka said, recalling that Kagurazaka she saw a few days ago was actually wearing a wig with the same hairstyle as Judai and using the [E·hero] deck to duel with others. She couldn't help but laugh. She also felt a little regretful at that time. I actually forgot to take a photo, otherwise I really wanted to see what kind of interesting expression Judai would show when he saw Kagurazaka imitating him.

Asuka was laughing, but Sho Marufuji looked deeply shocked, grabbing his duel plate angrily: "No, he's just an idol duelist, I don't envy him at all!"

"A duelist who is truly ambitious should want to become a professional duelist. I don't envy you at all!"

He especially emphasized that he was not envious at all, but in fact he was quite envious of Kagurazaka in his heart. Marufuji Sho, who was no longer in the mood to play games, rushed out of the dormitory with his duel plate and deck and left, as if he was looking for someone to duel with. Have you gone?

"You're really childish." Looking at Sho Marufuji walking away, Asuka was completely uninterested in him being so immature. She turned back to look at Judai and said, "But since Judai you have enough points, I will Don’t worry, I look forward to being matched with you Judai in the quarterfinals.”

"Then I won't disturb you and continue playing the game."

Asuka had the idea of ​​leaving, and Judai also stood up, with a helpless expression on his face: "But now that Xiang has run away like that, we are missing someone in the team, and there is no point in playing anymore."

"Asuka, did you say you saw Manjomu and the others dueling? Then I'll go over and see how they are doing in their duel."

"Aren't you going to play Judai? In that case, I will continue designing cards." Seeing that Judai seemed to be no longer playing, Maeda Hayato took out a folder and opened it, revealing six or seven drawings inside. Above it is clearly the original card of their own design drawn by Banjome and Sho when they were providing inspiration to Maeda.

During the previous entrance examination at the International Illusion Society, the final card that Maeda Hayato made was his own design [Sunrise at Ayers Rock], but he did not just throw away other people's designs, but deliberately kept them for preparation. Take them to the International Illusion Club, and after joining the company, you can use your position rights to make cards designed by your classmates as much as possible, and then give them to them as gifts.

Although he has not yet joined the job, it only affects the production of cards and does not influence Maeda Hayato to perfect the design, and the first thing he draws happens to be the large collection of his monsters that he drew ten generations ago.

After all, in school, the person with whom he has the best relationship is Judai. In the previous duel, it was Judai's shouts from the outside that gave him the courage to continue the duel, so Maeda thought that he should give his friends the ones he made. As for cards, he is the first among ten generations both emotionally and rationally.

"Hehe, strength doesn't matter, but Katu must help me design it to be more handsome." Judai knew that the strength of a card is temporary, but the handsomeness of Katu will last a lifetime. Judai smiled brightly. He raised his teeth, pointed his thumb at Maeda, and solemnly asked, "I will bring you food when you come back."

I wonder what boy wouldn't be moved after hearing his roommate say something like this? Maeda felt that he had a little more motivation to draw the cards.

At this moment, in the duel field on campus, two men stood on both sides, staring at their opponents with firm eyes.

"You can't tell it at ordinary times, but you actually have a lot of life left. You're obviously just a student in the yellow dormitory." Wan Zhang glanced at the [Dragon of Light and Darkness] that he had just destroyed, and said arrogantly, "But, you There is no way I can defeat Mr. Manzhangmu! If you ask why, it’s because I’m destined to become the strongest in the King’s Landing Duel Monsters world!”

"Even that guy Yujo Judai is just an accident. Letting him stand on top of me is just to give me enough motivation to become stronger. However, there is someone of my level among people of my age. The equal is enough, there is no room for a third person on the top of the pyramid!" Pointing to the opposite side, Wan Zhangmu called out the other person's name, "20% off!"

"It's Misawa Daichi!"

With a super unhappy expression on his face, Sanze glared at Wan Zhangmu: "I don't care about the strongest status or anything like that. The question is whether you bastards can remember other people's names well! From the time you entered school to now, you can Not even more than three people called me by my name correctly. Is my name so difficult to remember?"

"The most unacceptable thing to me is that everything has been normal for a month, but on the last day of the selection, a bug appeared in the points rankings as if it was infected by a virus. Everything else was normal, but my name changed from normal to normal. The 'Misawa Land' turned into 'Misawa Ocean', and from time to time it turned into 'Misawa Sky'!"

"Then, you still use this matter to tease me when I'm in the worst mood. It's useless even if you are Judai's friend. I can no longer tolerate your arrogance, Wanzhangmu!"

"It's Mr. Wan Zhangmu!"

Wan Zhangmu and Misawa both had ferocious expressions. Children could even be frightened to tears by their appearance. Jonouchi, who was in the audience on a whim and wanted to see the strength of ordinary students, looked at the two of them. The Yan Yi on his face calmly complained in a scoring way: "Such an expression can get a perfect ten points, but the two people together are ten points. How should I put it? I feel that I am still too reserved. I am completely emotionally involved in the duel."

"Even if you are serious in a duel, not everyone can make exaggerated expressions as easily as you and Malik, Jonouchi." Yugi joked with Jonouchi with a smile, "And even if you are not in a duel, Jonouchi, don't you? Are you always able to make exaggerated expressions easily? If I have to say it, this is more of a personal talent for facial expressions."

"Hmph, that's putting it mildly, Yugi, but it's essentially a talent for comedy, right? Even I have to admit that you are the strongest when it comes to providing hilarious entertainment as a clown, mediocre. .”

Just by listening to this exclusive "pet name", you can tell that the person sitting next to the game talking is not Kaiba, so who is it? His attitude towards Jonouchi was still so bad, and a few words easily aroused Jonouchi's anger.

"Huh? What do you mean by what you said? You really want to fight with me, you bastard!" Jonouchi said unhappily, "You also said that you could accept my challenge as a test for Shiraishi, but the result was just that you Yugi and I just came here, obviously looking for a reason to avoid the battle, right?"

"Hmph, is age the only thing that has grown over the years? If you are unwilling to wait for such a short time, maybe you shouldn't be called mediocre, but should be called a dehydrated bastard." Kaiba said, completely ignoring the angry Jonouchi. Looking at the map projected by the portable virtual projection device, a yellow dot representing Hayato was approaching here, "Hayato Kobayashi is almost here."

"Hayato? Kaiba, are you going to call all three of us at once?" Yugi said a little strangely. When Kaiba took over the "Legendary White Stone" game cabin and brought them back to Duel Academy Island, Jonouchi happened to run into him. Jonouchi, who wanted to challenge Kaiba in a duel a month ago to avenge his shame, once again challenged him, but unexpectedly... Kaiba easily accepted Jonouchi's challenge.

But at the same time, Kaiba also took the initiative to find Yugi, who was being pulled by Kyoko and Rebecca to go to school to relive campus life, and invited him to join the duel. Yugi also decisively relied on Kaiba's unintentional help. Found a reason to leave.

I originally thought that Kaiba was going to have a one-on-two or a wheel battle, but with the addition of Hayato being called by Kaiba, Yugi couldn't understand what Kaiba wanted to do at all.

When Kaiba heard Yugi's words, he knew that he had questions, and said casually: "Actually, I was going to add Atum in my original plan. Who knew that he couldn't use the 'Legendary White Stone' game cabin to enter the virtual world?" , I retreated and reluctantly agreed to let a second-rate duelist with a third-rate deck join."

"The final test before putting it into use is to see how much pressure the 'Legendary White Stone' can withstand. The test of the 'Legendary White Stone' game cabin on the premise of scrapping it is naturally that the more powerful duelists, the better."

After a pause, Kaiba raised the corner of his mouth, "By the way, this is more or less a reenactment of the Duel City Final Four five years ago. I'm quite aware of Hayato Kobayashi's strength, but have you ever been influenced to smoke because of those boring women? The speed of the cards? Let me see the changes in you and that mediocre person in the past five years, game!" (End of this chapter)

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