Is this the world of Yu-Gi-Oh? Ada thief!

Chapter 143 What does it mean to just be like this? This is very difficult!

Create concepts, identify...

Basic skeleton, explained...

Material composition, copy...

Production technology, imitation...

Growth experience, empathy...

Accumulating years and months, reappearing...

The whole project is completed——

With the completion of the preparations for the electronic sound announcement, Kaiba pressed a button on the console in front of him with a relaxed expression, as casually as a customer pressing the call bell who wanted the waiter to order another Pepsi.

——Don’t ask why it’s Pepsi, because Hayato likes it.

Looking at the life-sustaining cabin full of mysterious liquids, with the injection of other mysterious liquids and the activation of currents and rays input at specific frequencies to form a code, the originally empty life-sustaining cabin actually appeared out of thin air. A mutilated human skeleton, which is constantly being filled in with flesh and blood, then connected to the nerves, and finally the epidermis is closed.

As the hair grew, a naked human body that looked exactly like Daitokuji when he was alive was created from scratch in the life-support cabin in just a few minutes!

In the golden ball of light floating next to Hayato, the image of Daitokuji Temple appeared, with a troubled expression on his face, his mouth and eyes closed: Hmph, hum, uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!

Hayato looked at the Daidokuji in the life-saving cabin, looked at the Daitokuji beside him and said, Is that just that? The 'human body refining' of alchemy turns out to be just artificial humans.

What do you mean it's just like this? This is very difficult! Dadeji pointed to the life-saving cabin containing his own body, Is this some kind of machine from hell? Do you want to destroy the entire industry with this machine? Meow!

Although the previous body was so damaged that Daitokuji turned into a handful of loess and ascended to heaven in front of Judai, but it may have been transferred from the original body to the body that he made, and did something to the soul. Due to the changes, the soul of Daitokuji Temple is not as easy to dissipate into the underworld or other places as the dead people under normal circumstances, but has always remained in the posture of this light ball.

When necessary, he would run out of the belly of the orange cat Pharaoh where he lived, and swallow him again when he was tired. It is conservatively estimated that Daitokuji Temple can probably live for another thirty to fifty years in this state. . In fact, because he was separated from the body with limited functions before, Daitokuji was quite active in his soul state.

Obviously, I'm not the kind of person who hides in deep mountains and old forests and immerses himself in research without caring about the outside world. I have never heard that such technology already exists in the world. A difficult problem like 'refining the human body' can be solved by technology in this way. The trick has appeared again, I am indeed dreaming, right?

Hearing this, Hayato spread his hands: You are right, general technology has not yet reached the level of 'refining the human body' in alchemy, but there are two types of technology in the world, one is called the Kaiba Group's technology, and the other is It’s called technology outside of the Haima Group.”

It sounds like you are trying to flatter me? Your compliments are not common, so I'll just accept it, because that's the truth. Kaiba Group's science and technology is number one in the world! After hearing Hayato's words, Kaiba accepted it calmly. , what others said like bragging seemed so natural to him.

Glancing at Daitokuji, Kaiba, who was sitting on the chair in front of the operating table, said disdainfully: So what are you going to call the thing next to you this time, 'soul'? It's just a miniaturized projection system. Just add some simple anti-gravity devices and light-emitting systems. I have told you before that everything in the world is very scientific, how can there be such messy supernatural things?

For example, the so-called 'alchemy' you mentioned is just an introductory science knowledge that ancient people discovered by accident. Even if it is something like 'refining the human body', I will think about it for a day or two. It’s done easily, you only need some basic composite materials, and converting specific data into electric current and radiation injection, you can easily create any human body you need.”

Excluding the reusable culture box, the consumables and the energy spent, the total is less than 180,000 yen.

It sounds like there is still a lot of room for optimization. The cost of building the O-sister is about 180,000 yen. Hayato paused, looked at Kaiba and said, Then Seth, since you have studied Now that we have such human-creating technology, how do we plan to use it?

Don't ask about obvious things, Hayato Kobayashi. Kaiba crossed his arms across his chest and said calmly, Of course, do nothing. Such technology has never been what I need. At most, it can only be used. It’s just a pastime to pass the time, the research process is its greatest value.”

If this set of parts is modified and released, the effect will be much better than the life-support capsule sold by Yingwan Pharmaceutical. The manufacturing cost will be lower, and the service life will be much higher. It just so happens that Yingwan Pharmaceutical is Once acquired, let’s use it as the first new product after renaming it ‘Haima Medicine’.”

Is that it? Are you giving up on 'human body refining' just like that? Daitokuji looked at Kaiba in surprise, and complained in passing, It's like throwing away the 'human body refining' technology that Kagemaru asked for. To throw away the tissues in his mouth and use the Kage Pill Pharmaceuticals acquired after his death to launch new products is simply murderous and heartbreaking.

For Kagemaru, this is indeed an incredible miracle, but unfortunately for Seth, it can only be regarded as a pastime. Hayato smiled and patted Kaiba on the shoulder, Compared to just focusing on the present, Ordinary people and geniuses who are decades ahead of modern technology, he is thinking about things a thousand years from now.

I'm not too busy, but the technology of the Kaiba Group is five hundred years ahead of the times. Kaiba turned his head and looked at Hayato, And it's not just scientific research and technology, I have to do it in any field. 'Da. Humph, including the Duel Monster, Hayato Kobayashi!

Then you'd better win the game first. I heard that he recently made a new set of cards for himself based on the deck he used before. Don't think you've ever beaten him before. A new addition to the record.”

Nonsense! Yugi and I should be tied. Where did you learn math?

Aren't you a teacher who hasn't even finished high school? Compared to that, Jonouchi is about to get his certificate. Why don't you become a '1' in the field of marrying a wife? You are still waiting for your [Blue Eyes] to change. Can you become the White Dragon Lady?

Hmph, women will only affect the duelist's card drawing speed. Let that mediocre man hug the woman and drown in comfort.

One is the strongest man in the world of duel monsters, and the other is the supreme leader of the prosperous Kaiba Group. However, two men in their twenties started to expose each other like elementary school students in this room with only two people and one ghost. Old accounts, Dadeji looked at the two of them and sighed: Is this youth?

Seeing the floating Daitokuji Temple, Hayato, who had been bickering with Kaiba for a while, looked at him and said jokingly: Well, Mr. 'Anti-gravity Projector', Kaiba can create a body for you to use anyway. Want another one? It should be much better to have a real body than just a soul, right?

Hearing what Hayato said, it would be false if Daitokuji didn't have the idea of ​​continuing to live as a human being. This is the survival instinct of living things. In his soul state, he can see colors, but cannot feel shock; he can touch things, but cannot feel warmth and cold; he can hear sounds, but cannot empathize with the emotions in the sounds.

This is the biggest flaw and shortcoming of the soul body. Without entering the underworld and having no actual body, it is destined that he no longer belongs to the human world and will no longer have a human identity.

But Daitokuji refused without hesitation: No, as a human being, I have lived long enough, and I even extended my life in an inhuman way for a time. I have done enough of 'survive'. Besides, I have no regrets and want to achieve it. Even alchemy has been found by someone who can be entrusted to it. Even if I just become a Buddha, I will be satisfied.

You are really open-minded. Hayato spread his hands, In that case, I won't save you.

Huh? What does 'save me' mean? Daitokuji tilted his head in confusion. He followed Hayato's line of sight and looked behind him, only to see the pharaoh with his back hunched up and looking like he was about to pounce out to prey on him. , even though Dade Temple only had his soul left, his face turned pale all of a sudden. He quickly stretched out his hand and waved, Wait, wait a minute, Pharaoh, are you going to--


What a tiger pounce! The Orange Cat Pharaoh swooped out and accurately bit the ball of light on the body of Dade Temple, and easily swallowed it back into his stomach. Although there is no real feeling of eating it, even then it will never let what it has eaten fly away again!

After letting out a burp of only air, the Pharaoh landed on the ground and walked slowly to Hayato's feet, rubbing his trouser legs affectionately, while Hayato also rubbed its great-feeling cat head and looked at it Then he ran to other places to play.

Dateji died again. It's so inhumane. After reading it perfunctorily, Hayato said to Kaiba again, But Set, you came to the island with a newly made toy and called me to such a place. Did you come here just to show me that you have overcome the 'problem' of 'alchemy'?

In your eyes, am I such a boring person? Humph. He snorted coldly, but Kaiba pressed a few more buttons on the console in front, and the life-saving capsule containing the artificial body was transported away and transferred by the conveyor belt. And there are several oval-shaped devices that look like massage chairs.

Vision, hearing, touch, smell, and taste, all five senses are integrated into the virtual world and then handed over to electronic data to simulate a brand new world. Do you still remember the 'Duel Link' world I showed you a few years ago? I’ve done it and then just use this next-gen gaming device to log into it.”

I named it—

Before Kaiba finished speaking, Hayato couldn't help but complain: Isn't this the 'cocoon' on the Conan set?

I don't understand what you're talking about. This is obviously the 'Legendary Shiraishi' virtual game cabin I invented. Kaiba looked at Hayato who interrupted him and said with some displeasure.

Yes, yes, it's your original creation again. You also invented the 'Dragon Wheel'. Hayato looked at the egg-shaped game cabin in front of him, But that's not right. Why do I remember the landing device you tried for me before? You’re so small, but it’s so big and bulky, so why can’t you get a helmet-sized landing device?”

And then you have to quit after not being able to finish a duel because of battery life issues? Or are you entering the game with a hot helmet on and not even knowing that you were burned? Kaiba raised his eyebrows, unable to understand what Hayato was thinking, In the past The top-of-the-line experimental model I used for you can of course be miniaturized, but how can it be possible to continue to use that configuration for mass production? Stop reading those boring science fiction stories.

Your virtual projection system isn't very scientific, is it? Hayato complained, looking at the game cabin named Legendary Shiraishi, I probably guessed what you were thinking, could it be——

Every year during the Duel Academy exchange competition, traffic from all over the world is concentrated, because people from all over the world want to see whether the student representatives sent by the Duel Academy in their region can perform well. Kaiba crossed his arms in front of his chest. , the corner of his mouth curled up, Although Haima Group does not lack the money for publicity, I have never been a wasteful person.

(Kyuhira: You better really be.)

For this year's Duel Academy competition, the previous stages don't matter and will go on as usual, but when it comes to the finals, I plan to come up with something new and move the battlefield to the virtual world.

“Not just the contestants, but also all the spectators in attendance.”

Along with Kaiba's voice, the darkness around the Legendary Shiraishi game cabin was dispelled by the bright lights. Under the lights one by one, one after another closely arranged game cabins appeared in front of Hayato's eyes!

A new generation of duel monster battles that break through the limitations of physical perception and involve all five senses instead of just hearing and hearing will come after 'Cocoon' is released in 'Legendary White Rock' and is connected to the 'Duel Link' system!

You just said 'cocoon'! You let it slip!

Pretending not to hear Hayato's complaints, Kaiba changed the subject and said, Speaking of which, I heard that the one who performed best against the 'Seven Stars' brought by Kagemaru was a student from the Osiris-Red Dormitory. Humph, as a As the founder of Duel Academy, I think it is necessary to test whether there is a problem with the student classification system, or whether that student is just a second-rate mediocre person who relied on luck to achieve such a record.

Come on, it's not like you didn't ask me for information about the Judai. If you want to take revenge for four years ago, just say so. Hayato said, but directly informed Kaiba of the current location of the Judai because he also wanted to see it. What kind of duel can Judai and Kaiba have?

After finishing what Kagemaru did yesterday, I arranged a school-wide party to divert the attention of the students. And today is a holiday and we don't need to go to class, so we can just let the students rest. Hayato said meaningfully, It's very 'Coincidentally', I happened to have a bunch of extra hot spring experience coupons that were only valid for today, so I gave them to those who guard the key to the 'Seven Spirits Seal'.

Judai and the others should be soaking in the hot springs to get rid of fatigue right now, right? Looking at Kaiba, who was still saying believe in science before, but now put on a [Blue Eyes White Dragon] style helmet out of thin air in front of him, Hayato said with a smile.

Thanks for the 200 points from the book friend I don't believe in Papyres at all, thank you

FGO released Zheng(bai)xue(quan) in ten consecutive rounds. This familiar first-order delivery gave me a rather subtle sense of foreboding.

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