Is this the world of Yu-Gi-Oh? Ada thief!

Chapter 142: The Terrifying Duelist (Qizhen)

Chapter 1196 The Terrible Duelist (Qizhen)

Who is the last Seven Star?

Professor Kuronos and the others certainly don’t know the answer, but this does not prevent them from using their own methods to find the last person who may be the Seven Stars - first find the guy with the most unique dress and the most conspicuous hairstyle, and then flatten him. pause!

Very simple isn't it? Because even if most people cannot remember all the teachers and students on the island, it is still very simple to remember the teachers. Then the principal, Hayato Kobayashi, said that students should behave like students and stipulated that students should all behave like students. Wear a uniform.

Therefore, as long as it’s a guy who doesn’t wear a uniform and doesn’t know you, it’s always right to rush up and beat him up!

In the Duel Academy at this moment, the students were summoned by Vice Principal Samejima to go back to school and not go out. Although they saw the sky in the distance changing in countless ways due to the duel, they didn't know where those black clouds came from. They were just discussing Did you dry your clothes when you went out and didn't take them back to the dormitory?

No one in the school knew what happened in the deep mountains and forests. They were well protected and were not involved in the Seven Spirit Seals defense battle. They were still living their daily lives, at best. They were just a little confused because the school suddenly asked them to stay at the college headquarters.

However, as Hayato and Judai defeated Kagemaru and Daitokuji, the dark clouds in the sky dispersed. Samejima also received a notification from Hayato and learned that the crisis was basically lifted, and the gathering of restrained students continued. It didn't take long for it to end.

But if it were to be disbanded like this, although it would have no impact, the students who were called around would definitely not be happy. Hayato had an idea and simply asked Samejima to contact the teachers in the school to organize the students, and he made a temporary plan. There was a big party for the whole school, and all classes for the entire afternoon were canceled to play games for the students.

Although some teachers feel that suddenly holding such a large-scale entertainment event really affects the progress of teaching, Hayato still doesn't know what the teacher thinks? For example, Professor Kuronos could say on the first day of school, Our teaching progress has lagged behind the basic dueling theory class next door. It was just that the class was stopped for one afternoon. , In fact, it will not have any impact at all.

Not to mention that study should be a combination of work and rest, and relaxation will make you more efficient when studying. In fact, it is useless even if all the teachers in the school protest, because Hayato's power as the principal is unlimited!

Then again, it was said to be a big party for the whole school, but in fact the party at Duel Academy was not as troublesome as what Hayato had experienced on campus in his previous life. After all, including all the teachers in the three grades, the maximum number of people was only four hundred. Then there are some people who need to be responsible for logistics work, and some people who are more or less social may not take the initiative to show up. The actual number of people participating in the party is only about two hundred, and just organizing a dozen or so activities can easily attract everyone. Most people have a great time.

But for fun, after all, this is a duel academy. Of course, these activities will not deviate too far from duel monsters. Even the temporarily designed activities must have some elements of duel monsters. For example, the balloon of the air gun is designed to look like a duel monster. I bought various [Pots] - but the balloons painted with [Pots of Desire] somehow made people feel like Professor Chronos.

Although it was a last-minute idea, since the school already holds activities such as the Cultural Festival every year, it is quite easy to prepare various props. Moreover, the large group of students are the best labor force. Not only do they not have to go to class in the afternoon, You can even prepare for evening activities with your classmates, which is double the happiness!

The principal is quite nice.

Another advantage of this impromptu party is that it successfully diverted the students' attention and excessive curiosity. Under the premise of preparing for the party, even if the students were asked to help pick up the food from the warehouse, All kinds of medical equipment will only make students who don't know these things think that maybe they are preparing for a party.

Even Wan Zhangmu and Fubuki lying on the bed in the infirmary just made the passing students think that they were accidentally injured while making preparations, and did not think of the previous Seven Spirits Seal incident.

However, this does not mean that this activity has no flaws, because the students' active activities have caused great interference to Professor Kuronos and others who are searching for the whereabouts of the seventh Seven Stars on the island. By the time it was almost evening, they had not been able to find any suspicious persons who might be the Seven Stars, and they were unable to identify their enemies by beating up everyone they saw like some delinquent boys with a golden spirit.

No matter how reluctant he was to announce the result, when the time came one hour before the joint event was about to begin, Professor Kuronos, who had regrouped in the academy, reluctantly announced the Seven Stars incident at Hayato's signal. That's it.

Until the end, I still couldn't find the Seven Stars who were still on the island. Asuka glanced at Judai who returned to the academy headquarters with Hayato, and Asuka said quietly, not even a single Seven Stars could be defeated, In the end, the one with the best record is still Judai Tsk, which is really frustrating.”

Obviously, I could still have the nickname '3' before, but now I can only be ranked second with four people. I don't know whether it is considered progress or regression. Misawa also said very unwillingly, obviously he When he took on the mission of being the key keeper of the Seven Spirits Seal, he also imagined the highlight moment of showing off his strength in front of many students.

As a result, the two duels he fought during the defense of the Seven Spirit Seals were one in the back mountain and the other on the spaceship of Abydos III. The audience was either the card elves from [Amazon] or from the underworld. Although the traveling undead in this world did not have students such as Oyama, Maeda Hayato, and Marufuji Ryo witness their performance, the presence of just one or two students could not make him satisfied or relieved at all.

Although Marufuji Ryo failed to find the last Seven Stars, the busy afternoon on the island temporarily dispelled the confusion in his heart. He did not care too much about the fact that the number of Seven Stars defeated was less than Judai. Focusing on another thing: But Principal Hayato, is it really okay to just let the unfound 'Seven Stars' lurk on the island?

There shouldn't be any problem, right? Because the Seven Stars he met were Tanya and Abydos III, Misawa's impression of the Seven Stars was not very good, but it was not that bad. Only the other party It’s impossible to capture the seven keys alone, and it won’t be a success at all.”

Now that Mr. Principal has returned to the island, keys and other things are no longer important. Asuka shook her head, having seen Titan, Camula, her brother Fubuki under the pseudonym Darkness, and others. In the dark game played by Mr. Daitokuji who disguised his identity during the duel, Asuka did not want to bet on the possibility that the remaining Seven Stars were a harmless guy. The employer even kidnapped students when they were desperate, and then took the hostages to places where no one could find them, threatening us to step into the trap.

Ah, this is indeed the point that Tenjoin-san students have the most to say - ugh! What a scary look! Sho Marufuji, who was carried off Judai's back from the car, subconsciously wanted to agree with Asuka's words, but Asuka was He glared with annoyance, obviously saying the wrong thing.

Others can laugh at themselves about some things, but it is better not to agree with them. However, Sho Marufuji obviously does not understand this truth.

Glancing at Sho Marufuji who buried his head behind Judai like a quail, Sho Marufuji sighed helplessly in his heart because his younger brother had a low EQ and IQ. There was not much expression change on his face. He looked at the walking man. Hayato in front wanted to hear what the principal's astonishing wisdom had planned.

But after noticing that several people were looking at him, Hayato said indifferently: Although that guy did kidnap hostages before and had a criminal record, but as far as I know, that guy has already made a fortune. He quit working as a dark assassin. Although he joined the Seven Stars, he is actually the same as everyone else and has no intention of being loyal to Kagemaru. He just hangs around and takes advantage of the funds provided by Kagemaru.

Principal Hayato, do you know the last 'Seven Stars'? Professor Chronos asked curiously.

Humph, that's natural. He and I were teammates who fought side by side back then, and we fought against the terrifying duelist who wielded the Fantasy Dragon together.

Just as Hayato finished speaking, a calm voice sounded: Although there seems to be nothing wrong with it in general, is there nothing wrong with calling your former friend a 'terrible duelist', Hayato Kobayashi?

You can tell me that the game with a full backcourt, Kaiba who never shuffles his deck, and Jonouchi who starts rolling the dice are scary. Hayato responded casually, looking at the speaker who appeared in front of him.

Wearing an ordinary blue long-sleeved shirt and a white sleeveless vest, a man with a burgundy hairstyle walked out of the campus pushing a trolley, seemingly heading to the cafeteria. direction.

Seeing the other party, Professor Kuronos raised his eyebrows: I've never seen someone before.

Besides, he doesn't look like a student based on his age. Sanze looked at the other person and frowned.

Could it be that this guy is - Asuka said as she took out the duel plate and card deck and was about to put them on.

Seeing the actions of the people following Hayato, the man with the younger sister quickly looked at Hayato and said, Hey, explain the situation to your students and subordinates. Do you still like to play as much as you did a few years ago? That kind of trick where only you know all the information but others only have a partial understanding, right?

“Humans always make the same mistakes over and over again.”

Then correct it for me, you bastard!

Amidst the man's complaints, Hayato patted the shoulders of the people around him and said, Although it seems like a coincidence, 'Cao Cao Cao Cao is here', the gravitational force between people is so magical. This guy It’s the last ‘Seven Stars’ I told you just now.”

Speaking of which, Yameluda, Kagemaru values ​​you so much after seeing your beautiful resume, don't you want to avenge your former boss?

The man pushing the cart is none other than Ameruda, one of the original Three Knights of Doma who chose to live a quiet life as a chef in Egypt after the disintegration of Doma, and was also the last Seven Stars.

Although I have indeed made many irreparable mistakes in the past, so that the 'resume' is full of achievements, but you know better than me, but the 'resume' did not mention my betrayal of Dazi. Well. It's not the first time anyway, so if I betray Kagemaru now, I'll betray him. Amaluda shrugged, said casually, and glanced at Hayato, Besides, it was you who arranged me into that 'Seven Stars' Didn't he go there?

Last year, in 2004, Egypt began large-scale liberal economic reforms, allowing the Egyptian pound to float freely, reducing income taxes, and privatizing to a limited extent. This seems to be a good thing, doesn't it? However, because of such economic reforms, the Italian restaurant where Amaluda was located was directly overtaken by a large number of local restaurants that emerged in large numbers. Amaluda's peaceful life was directly terminated due to unemployment.

It happened to be at that time that Kagemaru began to prepare to organize the Seven Stars. Hayato relied on the guidance of Daitokuji, the first member of the Seven Stars, and sent the information about Ameruda through multiple channels such as the Kaiba Group and the International Illusion Society. When they arrived at Kagemaru Medicine, they successfully placed the unemployed Ameruda into the Seven Stars, successfully squeezing out the original spot in the Black Scorpion Thieves Group.

Ameluda didn't have much resistance to this. After all, Kagemaru didn't ask the Seven Stars to do anything until the Seven Spirits Seal incident. He just continued to provide a large amount of funds to ensure that they could be sent out at any time. , even though he is unemployed, he is happy to have sex for nothing.

After Kagemaru started taking action, he held Kagemaru's funds in his hand, but Ameruda just went to work without contributing. After the other Seven Stars arrived on the island and started taking action, he kept fishing on the island. Until Kagemaru was defeated.

The last 'Seven Stars' were arranged by Principal Hayato? Judai scratched his scalp, I don't understand it very well, but it means that this uncle can be trusted, right?

Who is the uncle? I am only twenty-two years old this year. Amaluda corrected him and glanced at Hayato, I am the same age as Hayato Kobayashi.

When Hayato saw Professor Chronos and the others looking at him, he nodded and said, Although this guy America has had various criminal records before, joined an evil organization, and even staged a rebellion, but This guy is indeed trustworthy. And since you are probably going to see this guy for a long time, why not introduce yourself first?

A long time? Professor Kronos was a little confused. He glanced at Ameluda and then at the cart in his hand. He, who often dealt with personnel work in the college, thought of the recruitment application in the cafeteria a while ago. He suddenly realized, So that's it!

Seriously, there is no need to mention it in my 'resume' in the previous paragraph. After complaining, even though Professor Cronos had already guessed it, Ameruda still introduced himself to Judai and the others. He said, Although I will probably introduce myself again later, forget it, let's get to know you guys first, who are probably the students that Hayato Kobayashi values ​​the most.

My name is Ameruda Alastor, which sounds a bit like 'Aleister' so don't forget it. I don't want to mention my past, but my current occupation is a chef, and the next He will be the head chef of your college cafeteria, specializing in Western food. But let me tell you in advance, if anyone dares to order something as disgusting as pineapple pizza, I will kick your ass hard with my boots, I swear!

When he got excited when speaking, Amaluda could not help but make the iconic Italian five-finger gesture. Professor Cronos, who is also Italian, also felt extremely empathetic and affirmed after hearing Amaluda’s words. Said: You are so right, Mr. Amaluda!

After hearing Yameruda's self-introduction, Misawa looked at Hayato with confusion and said: Mr. Principal, although most people in the college can accept Western-style meals, it is really necessary to hire a special person. A Western chef?

Of course it doesn't matter if there are teachers and students on the island at the moment. The level of the restaurant is enough to cope with it. But it will be hard to say after a while. Hayato said, picking up a few posters from the cart and handing them to the three people around him. Ze still has ten generations of them to pass on.

The poster depicts a map of the world. The several red dots marked on the map seem to correspond to the Duel Academies branches scattered around the world. The prominent position at the top of the poster reads, Duel Academies Confrontation Competition. .

The timeline in this book is very different from the original work because of Hayato. I originally moved the college competition in the first half of the first school year to the second half of the school year.

Also, the last person of the Seven Stars was mentioned before, but no one guessed that it was Amaluda, so the reward for the extra update was withdrawn (wait a minute, there was no such thing as a reward from the beginning, right? [Urban] Road Sai! My power as an author is unlimited!])

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