Is this the world of Yu-Gi-Oh? Ada thief!

Chapter 121 Welcome Welcome Welcome!

Field magic card [Silver's Labyrinth City], activate!

Silver spread on the ground, turning from the invisible to the tangible. A huge castle rose from the ground and enveloped Hayato and Kagemaru. The environment the two of them were in was replaced from a clearing in the forest to a mansion in the castle.

[Silver Labyrinth City], or you can also call it 'Labrynth', is based on the ancient civilization 'Minoan Civilization' in the Aegean Sea region, and this city can also be regarded as a royal city. Gorgeously and elegantly decorated In front of the castle, Hayato stood at the entrance like a lofty king, overlooking Kagemaru under the steps, If you want to become a 'king' or even a 'god', then try to walk through the maze city to the throne.

But since you dare to show your fangs to the throne, you must be prepared to accept the mysterious curse in this labyrinth city and be lost forever.

Compared to Hayato, Kagemaru, who was naked, seemed much vulgar. Hearing Hayato's words, he said unhappily: It's just a field magic card. Is there anything special about it?

A little bit of science knowledge, that is, the word 'Labrynth' is a compound word, that is, 'Labyrinth', which represents the labyrinth, and 'Labrys', the double-edged ax that symbolizes royal power. Although individually there is not much connection, it can be combined When we are together, it is easy to think of the world-famous Greek myth 'King Minos' Labyrinth'.

Drawing a card from his hand, Hayato showed it and said: [Silver's Labyrinth City] also has the [Rabbirinth] field. If there are effects of other [Rabbirinth] cards other than this card or Normally, a trap card can only be activated during the turn of both parties, so special summon this card from my hand in defense position!

Bai Ji, who comes from the depths of the maze, controls the servants and furniture. Open the curtain of the stage in the flickering lights, and watch with me the tragedy of struggling in this endless trap!

[Shirogin Princess of Labyrinth City]!

Holding a pair of swift swords with ax blade-shaped gauntlets in hand, a silver-haired girl came to Hayato's side with elegant steps. A long white dress fluttered in the breeze, calm and noble. However, compared to the gorgeous war skirt and the armor worn only on the limbs of the girl, what is more interesting is the hair ornament on her head. I wonder if the headdress that restrains the long hair is a coincidence, and it happens to form a pair. A horn shape facing the sky.

Although he didn't quite understand what Hayato meant at first, after being reminded several times, Kagemaru also understood why Hayato mentioned the so-called Labyrinth of King Minos. You must know that in order to find a way to extend life, he searched for ways to extend life. I have to some extent understood mythology, so naturally I don’t know about Greek mythology, or to be precise, the very famous plot in the famous mythological work The Odyssey——

The story of the hero Theseus in the Minos Kingdom of Crete, with the help of the princess Ariadne, defeated the Minotaur in the labyrinth. This story has been adapted and used for reference in various ways. Even among the duel monster cards currently released by the International Illusion Society, there are many cards created by Bekas after borrowing elements from this myth, especially the double-player cards. Duel Expert - Among the cards in the Labyrinth deck used by the Labyrinth Brothers, even the legendary duelist Seto Kaiba has used the classic [Minotaur].

This story can even be called the earliest pure love warrior killing the Minotaur in history - although after killing the Minotaur, the pure love warrior Theseus soon encountered another Minotaur, and with him The princess who left together was taken over by Dionysus, and in the end it was still the Minotaur's victory!

Could that monster be the Minotaur, the famous minotaur that wanders in the maze? Looking at the girl next to Hayato, even Kagemaru couldn't help but complain, Draw a monster properly. No, why should the card be designed with a female image that doesn’t look like it can be played?”

Sure enough, you don't know anything about selling cards. You don't understand that strength is temporary, but appearance lasts forever. For example, adding some colorful lights with unknown meaning to the chassis can improve the performance by 1000%, sister cards or something like that. But it can effectively promote the sales of cards.”,

As the largest shareholder of the International Illusion Society, Hayato said, The best example is the new [Vampire] card recently released by the International Illusion Society. Compared with the previous cards such as [Vampire Creator], [ After the release of a card like Vampire’s Daughter, the sales volume of the card has doubled several times.”

Besides, who said [Maze Silver Princess] can't be beaten?

After Hayato finished speaking, [Shirogane Princess of the Labyrinth] next to him also took a step forward, puffing up her chest confidently. Unfortunately, her level C human heart was also covered by an external armor, which had no dynamic effect at all. .

【Shirogin Princess of the Labyrinth】【8☆/Dark】



Attack power, 3000 points!? Is it on the same level as the legendary [Blue-Eyes White Dragon]?! He chose [Blue-Eyes White Dragon] as the comparison object without hesitation, Kagemaru said in surprise, but remembered that he was still fighting against Hayato In a duel, you can't gain the ambition of others and destroy your own prestige. He changed his words and said, But so what, that monster only appeared in defense position. Besides, it is also the first round and cannot enter the combat phase.

Besides, if the entry conditions are so simple, and the attack and defense values ​​are so high, that monster can't have other troublesome effects, right? How can there be such a shameless card in the world?

Really, let's wait and see. Hayato said, snapping his fingers, Now that the mistress of [Maze City] has appeared, it's time for the servants to appear. I will normally summon the cards in my hand in defense position. [Summon of Silver City-Arianna].

Come out, Little Green! With the card player's unique habit of giving nicknames based on color, Hayato called out to the monster he had placed on the duel plate, and saw a white-haired girl wearing a maid uniform respectfully Arriving at the location next to [Shirogane Princess of the Labyrinth].

It holds a keychain with several green sword-blade-shaped keys. One foot is wearing black stockings, and the other side is quite cute green stockings. The small green wings on its back and the maid skirt that does not reach the knees. The long black and green tail that extends out reveals that its body is not human. Seeing Hayato looking at her, [Arianna] bowed to Hayato, but she always had a look of nothing on her face.

[Summoner of Silver City-Arianna] [4☆/Dark]



Wow, it's a maid character again! It feels so bad! On Hayato's waist, [Half-Dragon Maid-Laundry Dragon Girl], which is also Xiaolan noticed that [Summoner of Silver City-Arianna] had just appeared. Breath, immediately poked his head out, looked at the maid costume on the other party, and couldn't help but said, The maid element has been repeated! Master, shouldn't the master have transferred his affection from us to the other side, preferring the new and hating the old!

What's so good about those women transformed from demons? Even their tails are not as comfortable to touch as Xiaolan's. Those women surrounded their master and they must have sneak attacked him to his knees and captured him as a hard-working slave!

Xiao Lan, how can your imagination be so good? Besides, 'Summoner' and 'Maid' are completely different. Xiao Lan was answered by Hayato's hand holding her head, and Xiao Lan, who suddenly jumped out, was pressed back into the card. After entering the box, Hayato continued, Although the name [Arianna] doesn't seem to be a problem, if Professor Kuronos were here, you would be able to tell at once that 'Arianna' is the Italian pronunciation, that is, The mythical Princess Ariadne.”

However, [Arianna] who appears at this moment is just a servant of [Silver Princess of the Labyrinth], and her effect is activated when her summon or special summon is successful.

Go, [Arianna], quickly take out the good things I have collected. I want Hayato-kun to clearly know how powerful we are, oh ho ho ho~ [Shirogane Princess of the Labyrinth] waved her hand and commanded [Arianna] took a key from the keychain and inserted it into the gate of the palace behind Hayato.

A burst of light bloomed from the door, and then Kagemaru noticed that the surrounding scenery changed. His location moved from outside the palace to a hall. Above the hall, a chandelier with a dragon head as decoration suddenly fell and fell into Hayato. He caught it in his hand and turned it into a card.

Activate when [Summon of Silver City - Arianna] is successfully summoned or special summoned. Add a [Rabbirinth] card other than [Summon of Silver City - Arianna] from my deck to my hand. What I chose is [Silver City’s dragon lantern].”

After adding [Silver City's Dragon Lamp] to his hand, Hayato drew another card from his hand and sent it to the graveyard, saying: Then activate [Silver City's Crazy Clock] by discarding it from the hand. This round I have 1 card on the field. If the [Rabilins] monster exists, I can activate a normal trap card in the turn it is set.

The card in Hayato's hand was sent to the cemetery. Kagemaru saw a clock hanging on the wall in the hall suddenly opened its eyes, and a bat jumped out of its time window. After the chandelier, are even the clocks on the wall part of the maze? This made Kagemaru couldn't help but want to stay away from the stove and other furniture in the hall. Who knows if these things might suddenly turn into Hayato's monsters.

After discarding [Silver City's Crazy Clock], Hayato still had three cards left in his hand, but he didn't seem to have any intention of controlling the cards in his hand and decisively displayed the [Silver City's Dragon Lamp] that he had just added to his hand. Then he also sent it to the graveyard and said: Then what I want to use is [Silver City's Dragon Lamp], send this card in my hand and on the field to the graveyard, and then discard a card to activate its effect.

A card with unknown meaning was sent to the cemetery by Hayato, and then Kagemaru saw the dragon lantern that had fallen into Hayato's hand jump out of the card again, and was commanded by [Summoner of the Silver City - Arianna] It flew up and hung back above the hall, disguised as an ordinary chandelier.

The candles on the chandelier burned with gorgeous green and yellow flames, and the melted candle oil dripped on the ground. A kind of card cover was constructed out of thin air and placed on Hayato's backcourt. Hayato's voice sounded together: With [ [Dragon Lamp of Silver City], I chose a magic and trap card of [Rabbirinth] from my hand and deck and placed it on my back field. I chose [Rabbirinth Welcome]. Welcome].

If a card in my hand is sent to the graveyard due to the effect of a [Rabilins] card other than [Silver City's Crazy Clock] or the activation of a normal trap, the [Silver City's Crazy Clock] in the graveyard will The second effect is activated, add it to your hand or special summon it, I choose to special summon it.”

【Crazy Clock of Silver City】【1☆/Dark】



After a series of chains, Hayato only had the last card in his hand, but he also successfully summoned three monsters on his field in one fell swoop, and also prepared a cover card in the back field.

Although it's a little more complicated, if the maze is to be interesting, preparations are essential, but it's almost done now. Hayato had a smile on his face, pressed the button to activate the card, and said, You shouldn't have it yet. Forget about the effect of [Silver City's Crazy Clock] that I just activated earlier this round, right? When there is a [Rabilins] monster on my field, this set card on my back field is It can be activated directly during the turn of the set!

I activate the normal trap card, [Rabbirins Welcome Welcome Welcome]!

The moment the cover card was opened, the wind blew up in the originally calm room. The petals came from nowhere and came to Hayato's side with the wind. A double-edged ax was looming in the dance of petals.

Big Welcome Labrynth! Seeing Hayato using his treasured card, [Shirogane Ji] was extremely excited and said, holding up the weapon in her hand.

Next to her, her servant [Arianna] also said: Welcome, Rabbi Lins.

After Hayato activated the card, the Duel Disk automatically retrieved a card and he caught it. Holding the card, Hayato said: The effect of [La Billins Welcome Welcome] is that the card from my hand... Special Summon a [Rabilins] monster from the group and graveyard, and then select a monster on my field and return it to the owner's hand.

I choose to Special Summon this card in attack position from my deck!

In the deepest part of the infinite labyrinth, standing among the thrones of blooming flowers, pure white princess under the moon, come to me!

[Rabbi Lins of Silver City]!

As Kagemaru watched, one hand held the double-edged ax among the flying petals. There was a girl who looked exactly the same as [Shirogane Princess of the Labyrinth]. It could even be said that she had taken off her armor and changed her clothes. The silver-haired girl is standing next to Hayato holding a double-edged ax. There is no doubt that she is the existence of the Minotaur that is closer to the original canon than Shirogane Princess of the Labyrinth!

【Rabbi Lins of Silver City】【8☆/Dark】



Seeing that Hayato actually summoned another monster with an attack power of 2900 points, Kagemaru couldn't help but feel nervous. However, after recalling the effect of what Hayato had just said [Rabilins Welcome Welcome], he Instead of panicking, he suddenly calmed down and sneered at Hayato: Special summon such a powerful monster directly from the deck. That trap card is indeed very strong, but how do you deal with the subsequent effects? ?”

The effect that returns a monster on your field to your hand should not be optional but must be activated. Which card do you want to choose to return to your hand?

After hearing Kagemaru's words, Hayato also showed a distressed expression: It's true, powerful cards are often accompanied by huge risks. I welcome such a powerful card and even ask me to return a card to my hand. It's really disappointing. It’s no wonder I have a headache.”

Among the monsters on my field, the weakest is undoubtedly [Silver City's Crazy Clock] with 0 attack and 0 defense, so the monster I choose to return to my hand is naturally [Silver City's Crazy Clock]. .”

After removing the card of [Silver City's Crazy Clock] from the duel plate, Kagemaru thought that the chain effect was almost completed, but what he didn't expect was that the card of [Silver City's Crazy Clock] was removed from Hayato's The moment the duel plate was picked up, the cards of the two White Princesses in Hayato's graveyard and on the field all lit up.

The next moment, Kagemaru saw [Rabbi Lins of Silver City] swinging the double-edged giant ax in his hand and slashing at him! ?

Today’s trivia: Although the card looks big in the picture, in fact, Rabbi Lins of Silver City made it clear in the setting set that there is only C, which is on the same level as the Foodie Saint and not as big as the Water Fairy.

The main reason is that the dress she is wearing in the card has two layers, one is a translucent gauze and the other is an opaque fabric. In the card of Welcome, Welcome, Big Welcome, Big Welcome, the whole dress even becomes semi-transparent due to the shining of the moonlight. Transparent

If you only look at the card picture at first glance without looking carefully, you will probably mistake the outer layer of clothes for her human heart.

And, among the current mainstream girls, the biggest one seems to be Maleficent


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