Is this the world of Yu-Gi-Oh? Ada thief!

Chapter 120 Winged Chestnut Ball: Look at my face

While Kagemaru inserted the card of [Dark Demon - Neosfia] into the sealing device, a voice came from Judai's ear.

K-Kuri-Kuri! (I-I feel bad!)

Judai turned his head and looked, and now it was the sound made by [Winglizi Ball]. There was extremely obvious pain in her voice, and her face was not very good - don't ask Judai how he could see from a hair ball. What makes him look pretty is his self-taught chestnut ball language.

What's wrong with you, Aibo?

Kuri, Kuri Kuriri... Pointing to the location of Kagemaru, Judai understood the meaning of [Wing Kururi Ball], You said that person is absorbing your power? What does that mean?

In a literal sense, Kagemaru is absorbing the power of elves all over the world. No, now that he is leading the 'Unlocking the Seven Spirits', not only the power of elves, but also the vitality of humans is being preyed upon by him. Are you okay? Clenching his fist, Hayato raised an eyebrow and looked at Judai, Although I don't feel much now, I'm afraid it will gradually get worse as time goes by. By then, even strong athletes will become You have to walk like an old man.

For duelists with the protection of elves, although the life force will flow much slower, it is not without cost. It is just that the elves use their own power to protect the duelist. When the duelist's vitality is also When they start to be absorbed, I'm afraid the duelist's spirits have already been absorbed and killed by that guy Kagemaru.

Although Hayato said so, when [Rainbow Chestnut Ball] scratched her head next to Hayato, she didn't feel anything special. The reason is that what Hayato did not add is that in addition to the power of elves, the special powers of some special people or props with special powers can also be used to protect against the absorption of the Seven Spirits' Unlocking Gate, such as [Millennium Artifact] ], [Quantum Cube] and the like.

Of course, Hayato would not let Kagemaru do whatever he wanted to harm his elves. Naturally, he immediately protected the elves from being interfered by Kagemaru's power. As for Judai, although he himself did not have any consciousness, even in a passive situation , His [Feathered Chestnut Ball] is actually protected to a certain extent and slows down the speed of absorbed power. However, the potential power of passive use cannot be compared with active use. If the time is delayed longer, Judai's [Wing Kururi Ball] will also be absorbed by Kagemaru like the Ten Thousand Eyes [Dragon of Light and Darkness].

Absolutely don't do that kind of thing! Looking at Kagemaru who was ready for a duel, Judai said firmly. He also raised his duel plate and was about to step forward to accept Kagemaru's duel. Although it's just Guess, but maybe just defeat that guy in a duel—

Come on, I never allowed you to take over the duel for me without authorization, Judai. However, Hayato stretched out his hand and grabbed Judai's collar, pulled Judai back and pulled him to Asuka. Go up, There are currently two ways to interrupt Kagemaru's plan. They are to solve the problem from the source and the end, that is, to solve the slate that Kagemaru used to construct the 'Three Phantom Demons' card in his hand, and to directly Destroy the half-finished 'Three Phantom Demons' card that Kagemaru is currently completing.

Just now, Kagemaru used the power of Darkness to construct his Three Phantom Demons. It seemed that the rough outline of the card was completed, but the actual situation was as if the workers had built the general frame and steel bars of the building according to the drawings, and had not yet completed the drawings. The concrete injected into it that can maintain its existence for a long time is the power of elves and human vitality that he is absorbing at the moment.

The so-called two directions from the end and the source correspond to pulling out the steel bars and destroying the drawings respectively. In that case, Kagemaru will no longer be able to complete the Three Phantom Demons card, nor can he make new cards. End the Seven Spirits' Explanation running in the hands of Shuoyingwan from the root.

Hayato took out a deck of cards and inserted it into the duel plate, looked at Kagemaru and said: I have no interest in going to the corner to find those stone slabs that I don't know where they are. Anyway, you have an impression of the old school building of Duel Academy, so you can go there. Let’s go and destroy the ‘Three Phantom Demons’ slate, and since Kagemaru, the old man, has provoked me like this, I will naturally duel with him.”

If your opponent is you, then it would be better for me to use this deck, right?


[Hayato: 4000LP, 5 cards in hand]

Seeing Hayato's unfolded duel disk connect with Kagemaru's duel disk, the duel between the two sides began, and Judai had no chance to refuse Hayato's command. Looking at [Winglizi Qiu] beside him who was visibly weakened, and Asuka who was starting to feel trance-like, he quickly said: Then without further ado, we have to destroy the 'Three Illusion Demons' slate, Asuka!

Can you really do that kind of thing? Daitokuji, who had been OMO next to him, saw Hayato and Kagemaru starting a duel, and Judai and Asuka were about to leave, but at this moment, they suddenly spoke and blocked the way. In front of Judai.

Are you Kagemaru's subordinate and a member of the Seven Stars? Looking at Daitokuji, who was wearing a cloak, a mask, and a shady appearance, Judai recalled what Kagemaru had called him before, I remember it was called Arminos?”

It's 'Amunaeru', Yujo Judai's classmate. He corrected helplessly. The man standing in front of Judai with the name Amunaeru paused and continued, Although the restraining effect of 'Seven Spirits' Release' It only works when you hold the seal key, but now you have given the key to Kagemaru in order to exchange for your companions, and you can leave here freely.

But unfortunately, I won't let you just leave and destroy the 'Three Phantom Demons' tablet that Kagemaru needs.

Hearing Amunaeru's words, Judai immediately showed a wary expression, and Asuka on the side also tolerated the vague dizziness caused by the slow absorption of life force by the Seven Spirits' Release Gate, and looked at Amunaeru and said: Why? You were clearly watching Kagemaru's efforts without being indifferent before, so why are you suddenly starting to help him now?

If you were Nanahoshi who was extremely loyal to Kagemaru, you would have been able to do things for him from the beginning. But you didn't do anything and just stood quietly next to Kagemaru like an irrelevant person. It can be seen that you You are not the kind of person who will go all out and do things seriously for Kagemaru, but why are you starting to help him now when that person is hysterically starting to attack indiscriminately and just want to complete his own absurd purpose?

Even though she was a little dizzy, Asuka's thinking was still sharp, and she noticed that Amunaeru was not entirely on Kagemaru's side without any clues. However, it was also because of this that she began to feel sorry for Amunaeru at this moment. Kagemaru is puzzled when he helps out and stops her and Judai so as not to ruin Kagemaru's plan.

After hearing Asuka's question, Amunaeru seemed to be thinking, and after being silent for a while, he replied: Because of the principle, this is my personal principle, which is the so-called 'equivalent exchange'.

Exchange of equal value?

Seeing the puzzled faces of Judai and Asuka, Amunaeru also explained: In alchemy, the most basic principle, and the principle that alchemists most want to break, is called 'equivalent exchange', which means The interaction between all things must be constant. Whatever you gain is destined to be lost, but giving up something can get something else.

I received a lot of favors from Kagemaru in the past, so I had to repay him. However, Kagemaru has always had difficulty in contributing my power to satisfy his wishes for various reasons, because doing so would It would break my other principles.”

But now, the timing is just right. Kagemaru has activated the 'Seven Spirits' Unlocking' card to complete the 'Three Phantom Demons' card, and I just have enough power to help him without breaking my personal principles. I will contribute my efforts in fulfilling my wish to repay the kindness I received from him in the past and to complete the 'equivalent exchange'.

When Amunaeru spoke, his voice was very calm, but Judai was very excited when he heard it: Are you kidding me!

Kagemaru is doing irreversible things right now. No one knows where someone is being hurt by what he has done, but you are helping him do it because of things like 'favour' Something that hurts a lot of people. What on earth have you done with your life!

But the one who answered the excited Judai was Amunaeru's still calm voice: Life? It's just the currency necessary for alchemy to lead to the final answer. Whether it's 'Human Refining' or 'Philosopher's Stone' ', seemingly completely different paths, but in essence they are a kind of blasphemy and contempt for the original natural life. For alchemists, whether it is other people's or their own, life is nothing more than currency.

It's useless to say more, Yujo Judai, if you want to hinder Kagemaru and destroy the 'Three Phantom Demons' slate, then just duel with me. In fact, I have been looking forward to a duel with you for a long time, because I have always been I think you also have the potential to be an alchemist. Amunaeru raised the duel disk and said calmly, The ability to kill and reconstruct matter through [fusion], to continuously advance on the path of miracles, and to bury the unnoticed thing in your heart. Indifference to life.”

Nonsense, I can't understand it. Even Judai couldn't help but feel angry when he heard Amunaeru talk about him like this, But I will knock you down, you Kagemaru's accomplice!

Seeing Judai facing off against another Seven Stars, Asuka also said worriedly: No, Judai, your body has not recovered yet, you can't duel now!

If it were me, there would still be time -

That's not possible, Asuka. There are more than one or two reasons why I want to duel with this person. Hearing Asuka's words, Judai refused, looking intently at Amunaeru, who was hiding his identity, In addition to stopping Kagemaru In addition to the crazy behavior, I also want to find this person to avenge Teacher Dadeji.

Manjoume was in the Osiris-Red Dormitory with Mr. Daitokuji before, so they should have been moving together when they came here. But when we came here, we could only see Manzoume and Kagemaru. He fell down during the duel, and Daitokuji-sensei was nowhere to be seen.”

Affected by Wan Zhang's purpose of reasoning, Judai also used his astonishing wisdom to think and reason out an answer that he felt was reasonable and unusual. Then there is no doubt that this guy was the one who used the dark game to kill him in the duel. It’s Daitokuji Teacher!”

“Although Mr. Daitokuji likes to fish a lot and often leaves things to us students to do the work, he is not as good at cooking as Mr. Aoki in the Huang Dormitory, and all the dishes except fried shrimp are very unpalatable. However, Daitokuji-sensei is also one of my important teachers, so I can never forgive this guy who killed Daitokuji-sensei!

‘My food on the first day of school was really overcooked! Arguing in his mind, Amunaeru tried his best to remain calm and did not make a sound. He just said coldly: Then you can attack with this angry emotion, and then drown in the darkness like your cowardly teacher. Hit it.

Looking back at Asuka, Judai gave a thumbs up and said, So that's it. It's up to you to destroy Kagemaru's plan. Asuka, I will knock these two guys down here with Mr. Hayato.

I just called Professor Kuronos on my mobile phone. He has already driven over. Just take his car and go to the old school building.

Judai has already said this, what else can Asuka say? She nodded to Judai, and then gave her final instructions: You must win, Judai!

With the unconscious Banjomu and the fallen Tenjoin Fubuki, Asuka walked into the forest on the edge of the clearing and left the coverage area of ​​the Seven Spirits' Release, facing the Kuro received on the Banjomo mobile phone that Judai gave her. Rushed after receiving the positioning sent by Professor North. Now that the Seven Spirits Unleashed continues to absorb the power of elves and the vitality of humans, she must race against time - so, with only two hands to take away at most two people, she has no choice but to keep Sho Marufuji here, no matter what Neither Kagemaru nor that Amunaeru wanted to take hostages.

Watching Asuka's figure disappear into the jungle, Amunaeru looked at Judai and said, I thought you might agree to your classmate's advice, exchange with her, and leave here to destroy the stone slab yourself?

The one who answered him was to take a deep breath to try to calm down, and Judai smiled confidently: Isn't that natural? A hero can't run away from the battlefield.

A hero? You can't get happiness by being obsessed with that. Saying words that Judai couldn't understand, Amunaeru raised the duel plate, But the battle with me is not the kind you have experienced before. A battle that can be won by 'genuineness' or 'courage'. The battle between alchemists is the battle of their respective alchemy skills.

Let me see, how far can your [fusion] go on the road to miracles?

Judai held up the duel disk, pointed the deck at Amunaeru, and replied: I am not your kind of alchemist who ignores life. However, I will let you see the bond between me and my friends, the heroes The power of joining together!”

Duel! Duel.

Judai's passionate voice and Amunaeru's calm voice sounded at the same time. The duel disks of the two were unfolded together, and the basic points panel of both sides lit up. After Hayato and Kagemaru, the two of them also faced each other and entered the duel state. middle.

[Ten generations: 4000LP, 5 cards in hand]

[Amunaeru: 4000LP, 5 cards in hand]

Seeing that Hayato didn't look at his hand, but just looked back at Judai and Amunaeru, Kagemaru's voice was very unhappy: Now that things have happened, you actually dare to be distracted and pay attention during the duel with me. With other people?

Do you like those brats that much, Hayato Kobayashi?

Grandma said that children are the most precious treasures of mankind. The most serious crime in the world is to harm these precious treasures. Looking back at the eyeshadow pills, Hayato said, As for the reason why I don't look at you, you are just so naked. She is wearing nothing but a crotch cloth, it’s really eye-catching, I don’t want to look at it any more.”

What do you know? This is a symbol of youth returning to my body. This is proof that I have regained my lost youth! Kagemaru said, bulging his biceps and looking at his arms with satisfaction.

Tsk, tsk, it sounds like you care about your youth, but there is nothing worth regretting about my youth. Seeing Kagemaru looking at his body narcissistically, Hayato said disdainfully, Those overly strong muscles It doesn’t look good at all, it’s in really bad taste. But don’t mind it, because the taste will be even worse, I’m talking about your face.”

I'll take the first strike. Draw a card. Effortlessly taking the first move from Kagemaru, who didn't want to take the first strike, Hayato pulled out a card from the deck and said, Magic Card [Planet Transformation] 】Activate, I add a field magic card from the deck to my hand.

I choose, [Silver's Labyrinth City]. Retrieving a card from the deck, Hayato declared loudly, And activate [Silver's Labyrinth City]!

This time, I played pure '[Silver City]'! (End of this chapter)


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