Kobayashi Hayato!? Mr. Hayato!?

Different people had completely different attitudes when they saw Hayato appearing here. Judai and Asuka couldn't help but show relieved expressions on their faces, while Kagemaru was even more nervous than before.

In the eyes of the students, although Hayato is usually the biggest danger, when danger comes, Hayato is the most reassuring person. But in Kagemaru's view, Kobayashi Hayato is the biggest obstacle that prevents him from obtaining the card in the Seven Spirits Seal He is more terrifying than a hundred thousand murderers!

Among the endless urban rumors featuring Duel King Kobayashi Hayato, although the origins and processes are different, without exception, they all end with Kobayashi Hayato beats the evil organization to his knees, and the Duel King is invincible in the world. It is enough to prove the value of Hayato Kobayashi as the strongest man in the world in the hearts of the world.

You can't beat him. The mere appearance of a man like this can make people feel at ease, as if he is the embodiment of victory. He can't win at all.

Afraid of Hayato, Kagemaru couldn't help but take a step back.

However, no longer using the ugly and strange life-support device and transportation machinery, but setting foot on this land in person with his own youthful body, Kagemaru suddenly remembered that he didn't seem to be so afraid of Hayato. .

Although Kobayashi Hayato is the largest shareholder of International Illusion Society in the economic field and has a close cooperative relationship with Kaiba Entertainment Group, no matter which company is, it is far superior to Kagemaru Pharmaceuticals, which is not ranked well in the world, and even just The branch companies under the Kaiba Group are also larger than Kagemaru Pharmaceutical, but all of them have nothing to do with the present and the Kagemaru and Hayato who are about to face each other here.

When it comes to Duel Monsters, Kobayashi Hayato is really powerful. This is universally recognized. His title of Duel King is not self-proclaimed, but earned bit by bit by hard power. Whether it is Becas, the Father of Duel Monsters , Muto Yugi, Kaiba Seto, etc., who are also legendary duelists, all became defeated by the opponent one by one.

However, Kagemaru, who has no self-awareness, does not think that his strength is very poor. Although he can fight with a first-year duel academy freshman like Banzhangmuquasi, Kagemaru still thinks that he is invincible and strong. , especially now that he has accepted the powerful power from Darkness, his power has increased dramatically, greatly, and greatly! What else can stop this world? !

Even Kobayashi Hayato!

As for the last one who bypassed the duel and directly used the materialized card monster [Dark Demon - Neosfia] to attack Hayato, although Kagemaru was a little moved, he still gave up this one, which made him feel a little bad. idea. The kid named Yushidai Judai before could exude an aura that made him feel a little bad. God knows what kind of monsters Hayato Kobayashi could be.

And he always felt that if he did this, he might encounter something extremely terrifying. Kagemaru had such a premonition.

Sure enough, people still need to think more. As the rulers of the world, what distinguishes humans from lower animals is the ability to think. I just thought about it calmly and easily analyzed that Hayato Kobayashi is just a tough guy on the outside and a soft on the inside. This guy, not only his body, but also his mind has become as clear-headed as when he was young. Sure enough, it is right to embrace the power from Darkness, and his amazing wisdom is really powerful!

Youth has returned to the old body, which is really relaxing. The body is so light, and there is nothing to be afraid of, such as Kobayashi Hayato!

Thinking of this, Kagemaru's face suddenly put on a confident expression again. With unparalleled confidence and the shame that he had taken a step back just now because of timidity, Kagemaru actually took another step forward and said: He actually appeared openly and honestly. In front of me, Hayato Kobayashi!

Hoar? You were trying to escape out of fear just now, but now you dare to approach me, Hayato Kobayashi? Seeing Kagemaru's steps, Hayato opened his arms and said arrogantly, And to say that this is a Duel Academy, it's fair and square. This is my territory, and my power as the principal is unlimited. Is there any problem with appearing here?

You, on the other hand, sent your group of third-rate duelists and a fourth-rate deck to secretly come to this Duel Academy Island. What are your intentions, Chairman Kagemaru?

Kagemaru didn't expect that when he turned back to his young state, only the fallen Banzhangmuquasi had seen him, and he had not introduced himself to Yujo Judai and others who were being chased by him. identity, but at this moment, when Kobayashi Hayato saw his young appearance for the first time, he could call out his name.

Chairman Kagemaru? I remember that Ms. Nakao Yuki, who was sent by the Duel Academy's board of directors not long ago to review Judai's incident of breaking into the abandoned old school building, seemed to have said that she was ordered by Chairman Kagemaru. Hearing the name from Hayabusa's mouth, Asuka said with some doubts, At that time, in order to prepare information and information for Judai to get rid of the punishment of dropping out of school, Banzhangmu even went out of his way to find information about Chairman Kagemaru, but

I seem to have some impressions, but shouldn't that 'Chairman Kagemaru' be a very old grandfather? Judai also frowned and said, Could it be that the grandfather is dead, so this one is also called Kagemaru? This guy is a descendant of that grandpa, has inherited the position of chairman, and plans to do something bad to the academy?

Idiots, even if you ignorant brats die, I don't want to die either! Hearing Judai and Asuka's whispers clearly, Kagemaru changed his direction angrily, glared at Judai and Asuka, and then looked back. Turning to Hayato, Speaking of information, have you ever investigated my past information? Well, since you know everything, I won't act anymore.

Yes, I am the founder of Kagemaru Medicine as you know, one of the founders of Duel Academy and the chairman of the Academy Council. I am also the leader of the 'Seven Stars' organization. I am ninety-five years old this year.

With a head of thick black hair that even reaches the waist, and muscles on his body that are squeezed together, let alone Judai and Asuka who are stunned at this moment, no one can change this moment to play Tarzan in a different set. His Kagemaru is connected with the old man who attended a business event five years ago and was still trembling even though he was walking with a cane, as if he was about to die at any moment.

Is this ninety-five?

Obviously ninety-five years old! Faced with Judai's doubts, Kagemaru said with a comfortable expression. It’s this kind of surprised expression. Although returning to youth is mainly my own need, it’s still nice to see other people’s surprised expressions when they know their true age. “Sixty years, maybe seventy years? I My body has returned to almost the same level as that period, and youth and vitality have returned to my old body. This is an unparalleled experience!

This is the benefit that the power of 'Darkness' brings to me. No matter what the cost, I must keep this wonderful feeling of regaining it in my body and never let it leave again. Kagemaru looked at Hayato's hands Throwing the key to the Seven Spirits Seal, No matter what the price is.

So that's it. It's something from the 'Gate of Seven Spirits'. Do you want that? Hayato stopped throwing and watched the Marufuji Ryo in his hand lose to Ramses II, and then to Ramses II. The key he took back, But I remember you need all seven keys to open the seal, right? How many have you collected now?

You might as well think back, who told you about the 'need seven keys', and who can guarantee that statement is true? Kagemaru said proudly, It only takes one to activate the 'Seven Spirits Seal' One key is enough, and then two are needed to open the isolation function of the seal, and currently, I have obtained two.

Kagemaru's words made Judai realize what happened before he and Asuka failed to escape from here: After defeating Mr. Daitokuji, you got the first key and lured the Wanzhangmu here, and then used Wanzhang. Did the target one leave us here?

That's right. Not only that, after the third key is used, the seven obelisks hosted by the 'Seven Spirit Seals' will rise from the ground and increase their operating efficiency. Then after obtaining the fourth key , the seal will be opened, releasing the terrifying power sealed in it. Kagemaru paused and continued, The fifth, sixth and seventh keys after that are not absolutely necessary props, they are just used. It’s just for subsequent transformation of the ‘Seven Essence Seal’.”

The fifth one is to strengthen the sealed card, making them completely obey my orders and unable to rebel.

The sixth one can strengthen the characteristics of the card and even expand its scope of influence to the whole world.

And the last seventh one is much more ordinary. It's just a destruction device. Kagemaru said with a sneer, That is to destroy this island that may leave evidence of what I did. That way It's just the starter of the device. But whether it starts or not depends entirely on my wishes.

(When six keys enter the seal)

Pointing at Hayato, Kagemaru said confidently: The first and second keys have fallen into my hands, and then the keys of the two imps over there will be handed over to my loyal subordinate, the 'Seven Stars' Just go and grab it from member Amunaeru.”

You are next, Hayato Kobayashi!

Instead of regretting his previous initiative to challenge Hayato, Kagemaru once again provoked Hayato after he figured it out and believed that there was no need to fear Hayato.

At least four keys are needed to open the seal, and five are needed to control the cards in the seal from going out of control. As long as everything goes well, and after seizing a total of three keys from Judai, Asuka and Hayato, Kagemaru will immediately obtain the Seven Spirits Seal It hit the phantom demon card that he had been thinking about.

By then, the Phantom card and the power of Darkness will surround me and ascend to the position of the king of the world. Coupled with the long lifespan that comes with it, I will simply be a god!

Ho~ho~, if you want the key, just come closer to me, although even I don't know where you got that kind of courage.

Hayato looked at Kagemaru in surprise, but he didn't care at all what threat this old man who had returned to his youth would pose to him. He had just fought Ramses II to warm up, and he was really not interested in a third-rate duelist like Kagemaru who could compete with the students in the academy. It was like fighting against the Genting Chess King and then fighting against him. In War Eagle Fighting, even a hot-blooded idiot like Judai would have a hard time getting hot-blooded.

But what Hayato didn't expect at all was that although he was no longer afraid of Hayato, Kagemaru had the courage to be an enemy of Hayato, but he didn't have much courage. He desperately wanted to get Hayato and Judai's keys, but he still didn't want to be In the form of a duel with too many changes and no absolute certainty.

He said Next is you, Hayato Kobayashi, which made people wonder if he wanted to come up and fight Hayato with a stand-in, I mean a physical card monster, but when Hayato and the others didn't react, Shamelessly, Kagemaru suddenly turned around and ran away. It looked like he was about to run away, but he suddenly ran to Banzhangmu who was unconscious on the ground!

Grasping the collar of the unconscious and incapable of resistance, Kagemaru lifted him up with his strong body and shouted to Hayato: You have been fooled, Kobayashi Hayato, this is my shortcut to seize the key!

Unlike you boring 'duelists' who need to duel to stupidly seize the key, that guy Amunaeru can directly use the key to open the seal. From the beginning, I never wanted to duel with you professional duelists. There’s no boring idea of ​​taking the long way around!”

Now, your student is in my hands. Hand over the keys obediently! Not one, but all three, otherwise you will wait for your student to die miserably in front of you!

The Manzomu? Hayato raised his eyebrows when he saw the Manzomu held in Kagemaru's hand. He looked at Judai and Asuka in surprise and said, When you ran away before, you didn't even think of taking the Manzomu. Bring that boy with you?

But looking at Judai and Asuka, he also thought that they didn't seem to have much room to take one more person, and they were barely able to avoid Kagemaru's pursuit.

In movies and TV shows, those performances in which someone falls down and is immediately supported by others, and then he is held in his arms while dying and saying his last words are extremely bloody, but they still have some reference value, that is, if someone falls down, at least drag him back and don't drag him back. The other party remained in the hands of the hostile forces, otherwise Banzhoumu would not have become Kagemaru's hostage at this moment.

I actually want to say that I played Fuze in Cai Liu, but it seems a little inappropriate in front of the students. Hayato looked at the eye shadow pill, But one hostage is exchanged for three keys. Where did you get the conversion method? ?”

Oh, we are not in a business war now, and you are not qualified to bargain with me. Kagemaru said proudly, If you insist on asking for more, what about the two fallen students over there?

Hayato didn't look back, but out of the corner of his eye he caught sight of [Dark Dark Demon - Niosfia] descending from the sky and landing next to Tenjoin Fubuki and Marufuji Sho who were also lying unconscious on the ground. The meaning was quite straightforward, obviously. He planned to use them, who were also threatened by Kagemaru, as hostages in exchange for the keys in Hayato and Judai's hands.

Hayato-sensei Judai called Hayato and did not continue. However, his action of taking off the Seven Spirits Seal key from his neck and handing it to Hayato already showed what he meant.

And Asuka did the same thing.

Seeing this, knowing that both students had left the decision to him, Hayato reluctantly took the key, turned to look at Kagemaru, and threw the key out without hesitation.

The moment the keys to the Seven Spirits Seal were thrown, Kagemaru immediately dropped his eyes and ran towards the keys, catching them before they hit the ground. Although the chance was low, Kagemaru didn't want to see this important key that was about to be obtained by him, only to be damaged because it fell to the ground.

The seven sealed keys are kept by seven selected teachers and students. In addition to the two from Misawa Daichi and Professor Kuronos, there are five of them including Manjomu, Daitokuji, Judai, Asuka and Caesar. The keys are all concentrated on Kagemaru's side at this moment.

While Hayato and the others rushed to Manjomu to bring him back immediately, the key in Kagemaru's hand turned into golden light points and dissipated. Huge obelisks rose from the ground around the clearing, and the sky also changed in an instant. It's getting dark!

Looking at the device with the sealed card rising up together with the obelisk in the center of the clearing, Kagemaru's lips curled up into a ferocious smile.

Black Steel: There have been more than 20 episodes of Gochard. I always thought I was the second rider.


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