Is this the world of Yu-Gi-Oh? Ada thief!

Chapter 117 Overlord, surrender

Facts have proven that the presence of Principal Samejima, who remains at the academy headquarters and restrains the students from approaching Kagemaru's location due to their excessive energy and curiosity, is quite necessary.

Because too much time was wasted in the duel with Wan Zangmu, and he was almost overturned by a mere first-year freshman who he didn't pay attention to at all, Kagemaru became angry because he had regained his youth through the power of Darkness. Simply and decisively gave up the idea of ​​obtaining the key through duel.

[Dark Demon - Neosfia] under the control of Kagemaru, emitted terrifying purple light wantonly, as if to prove that killing enemies with eyes is never a skill limited to real heroes, and Asuka is also tight He held Judai's hand tightly and ran to avoid the former's pursuit. Sho Marufuji also carried Fubuki Tenjoin on his back and fled behind the two of them.

It is conceivable that if the people here were not Judai and the others but ordinary students, they would have been killed at will by Kagemaru, who was so angry and needed to vent his anger, and then added a few more names after the name Wanzhang Miquan on the death list. Name.

(Coma Wan Zhangmu: I’m not dead yet!)

Seeing Judai and the others being chased by [Dark Demon-Niofia] controlled by Kagemaru, Daitokuji's footsteps moved slightly, but in the end he stayed in place and did not take any action. Although he controlled [ Dark Demon - Neosfia] pursued Judai and the others, but Kagemaru did not ignore Daitokuji beside him. When he caught a glimpse of him stopping, he gave a silent sneer.

During the years Daitokuji was at Duel Academy, Kagemaru didn't know exactly how much he had changed from when he was an alchemist, but he no longer trusted Daitokuji before joining Duel Academy because he He once rejected himself and was unwilling to refine the Philosopher's Stone that could be used to extend life at the expense of others.

Loyalty is either absolute or absolutely disloyal, so even though Kagemaru had Daitokuji as his most trusted Seven Stars before, in fact he was always on guard against this guy, who might betray him at some point.

Even at this moment, Kagemaru was chasing his important student, but Daitokuji still didn't take action. Kagemaru could pretend that he didn't see the movements of his feet. Anyway - those little devils have no way to escape!

Although they were running away, Asuka and the others were not running around. They had a clear goal from the beginning. Although they kept moving in a Z shape to avoid the light coming from behind, they also kept moving. Heading in that direction.

That was the jungle they just walked out of. Once they walked in there, they could use the dense forest to block the sight of the pursuers behind them and hinder the movement of the [Dark Demon - Neosphia] with a pair of wings. Keep your distance to avoid being caught up.

As long as we get to that place! Seeing the jungle getting closer and closer, both Asuka and Sho Marufuji showed expressions of joy on their faces.

However, the moment Asuka stepped forward and was about to enter the jungle, she suddenly felt an increasing resistance coming from the front. It was not like hitting an invisible wall, but more like a collision. When it comes to the ball, the more you want to move forward, the less you can move forward.

The force of the forward thrust was completely absorbed and offset by the invisible barrier, and then Asuka was bounced back with a confused look on her face, even Judai was the same.

On the contrary, Sho Marufuji, who was carrying Fubuki Tenjoin on his back, followed Judai without stopping and entered the forest smoothly. However, when he saw Judai and Asuka still staying in the dangerous open space, he had a look on his face. He turned around in confusion.

What is this? He reached forward and touched the gel-like invisible position. Judai found that he and Asuka could not break through no matter how hard they tried, and were forced to stay in the forest?

Behind him, [Dark Demon - Neosfia] flew up with completely different wings, occupying the air superiority and looking down from top to bottom at Judai and Asuka who were left behind. Kagemaru's voice sounded: I have given you all the permission. Now that I'm here, I'm not interested in continuing to play hide-and-seek games with you guys, do I really think you can leave here?

The Seven Spirits Seal, in addition to being used to seal the 'Phantom Demon Card', also has many other wonderful functions. The secret weapon can bring people a different kind of surprise! Kagemaru said, stretching out his right hand to hold it. , Those of you who hold the key to the 'Seven Spirits Seal', if you don't give up the key, don't even think about leaving here!

Do you want to force us to give up the key with this? Impossible! Asuka said firmly, standing up, We must never let people like you get what they want. You, a guy who takes advantage of others and watches from the other side!

Judai, give me your key. I still have enough strength to deal with that man. Get out of here quickly!

Seeing Asuka reaching out to him, Judai also stood up and firmly shook his head in refusal: I can't do that kind of thing. A hero can't run away from the battlefield, let alone leave Asuka here alone.

But Judai, you have consumed too much energy before, now is not the time to hold on! Asuka said anxiously, In order to save your brother, Judai, you have worked very hard, there is no need to stay now -

That's not the case. Not only Asuka, I also want to settle accounts with those two people. The hatred of Wan Jangmu and Daitokuji teacher must be repaid! Judai looked at Asuka and said, his eyes were firm and could not be refuted. Let me face it with you!

Looking at Judai, Asuka smiled helplessly: There's really nothing I can do about you.

Judai looked back at Sho Marufuji who was standing there, hesitating whether to return or leave, and said: Take Tenjoin's brother with you, Sho, he will be left to you.

But brother, you and Asuka-san-

The biological instinct of wanting to live and the resistance to abandoning his companions put Sho Marufuji in a rather tangled state. He was unable to escape without any burden, nor did he have the courage to go back. But after hearing Judai's words, Sho Marufuji didn't obey Judai and turn around and leave because he found a reason. Instead, he took courage.

Even if he is as timid as he is, he will occasionally act abnormally because of his longing for courageous others.

But before Marufuji Sho finished speaking, a beam of light from [Dark Demon - Niosfia] rubbed his body and shot into the jungle. Even if it was not a direct hit, it still hit Marufuji Sho and the man who was still unconscious. The two of them were knocked away by Fubuki, and the half of the stone plate that was originally hanging on Fubuki's chest in the Heavenly Courtyard was also broken and fell to the ground.

Xiang! Brother!

Kagemaru frowned and clicked his tongue in displeasure. Facts have proved that although they have regained their youth, young bodies and skills are two different things. Judai and Asuka were able to avoid the attacks of [Dark Demon - Neosfia] one after another not entirely because they ran away fast enough, Kagemaru's Aiming sideways is also a very important part of the reason.

Obviously there is no way out until Judai and Asuka stop. Of course Kagemaru is not the kind of third-rate villain who would give the protagonist in desperate situation a chance to enter the memory killing, awaken the bond and explode. Instead, he is quite serious about using himself and [Dark Demon - Neosphia] has almost five eyes taking aim seriously.

But even so, he still missed the shot, missing Judai and Asuka, who were fixed targets at all, but hit Tenjoin Fubuki and Marufuji Sho, whose existence or absence did not matter to him.

The shame of not being able to even hit the fixed target made Kagemaru a little warm. Fortunately, he was young again now, otherwise his heart would have been troubled. He became angry and looked at Judai and Asuka, and did not let [Dark Darkness] Demon - Neosphia] attacked to avoid humiliating himself, and spoke again.

Hurry up and choose. Do you want to obey me and hand over the key to the 'Seven Spirits Seal', or die here like your companions!

Seeing Marufuji Sho who fell into a coma not far away, but he was restrained in the invisible barrier and unable to check his condition, Judai felt regretful for his own powerlessness. At this moment, he suddenly understood something in his heart, that is, even heroes who uphold justice need strength to put their strength into action.

But now, he is too weak, has no strength to resist Kagemaru, no strength to protect his friends, he can't do anything...

I hurt Daitokuji-sensei, Wan Jangmu, Asuka's brother, and Xiang, and now I dare to say such things!

Looking back, Judai glared at Kagemaru and [Dark Demon - Neosfia]. The power that had surged out from nowhere before was expanding more and more violently, and there was gradually a touch of gold in his brown pupils. emerge——

Not noticing the change in Judai's pupils, Kagemaru saw that Judai was obviously unwilling to surrender to him, and immediately waved his hand impatiently and said: Then go to hell, kid!

This time, the attack of [Dark Underworld Demon - Neosfia] is no longer a ray with impressive hit rate. Kagemaru, who wants to increase the hit rate even if he lowers his attack power requirement, simply lets [Dark Underworld Demon - Neo Sphia] This time the attack directly turned into a beam of light, which was too thick and strong, and attacked Judai and the others under the gaze of Kagemaru, who was slightly proud.

Seeing this, Daitokuji became nervous again, but he didn't know what he realized. He relaxed again and still didn't make any move, watching Kagemaru attack Judai and the others.

Faced with such a wide-ranging attack, both Asuka and Judai realized that they could not avoid it simply because they were just humans. However, neither Asuka nor Judai showed the slightest fear in their eyes. Even Asuka He even stepped forward to stand shoulder to shoulder with Judai and calmly welcomed the attack.

But just when Kagemaru thought that these two brats were going to be successfully defeated by him, and the golden color in Judai's eyes was about to completely dye his eyes, the half of the stone plate that Fubuki had dropped suddenly flew up against gravity and reached Judai. On Dai's chest, the half of the stone plate hanging on his chest fit together perfectly to form a complete stone ornament!

The next moment, in front of Judai, a brown fur ball with wings on its back appeared out of thin air, completely blocking the oncoming attack of [Dark Demon - Neosfia]!

Kuri Kuri-Ku!

No, it's not just about blocking the attack. The [Wing Kururiball] that entered the physical state in front of Judai relied on its weak numerical value to completely take over the huge attack of [Dark Demon - Neosfia]. When the divine weapon reached 4000 points of attack power, it even glowed brightly, gradually transforming into a more powerful form with wide wings and a dragon head connected to its body!

The attack of [Dark Demon - Neosphia] was completely received by it, but it was not over yet. The evolved [Winged Kuribori Ball], no, more accurately, [Winged Kuribori Ball LV10] flapped its wings. He actually pushed back the attack completely and returned it to Kagemaru!

Wow! Without warning, Kagemaru was almost hit by the rebounded attack. Fortunately, [Dark Demon - Neosfia] reacted quickly and protected Kagemaru in time, but it still scared Kagemaru. Qing, What is that?

Aibo? Seeing the [Wing Kururi Ball LV10] materialized in front of him, Judai lowered his head in surprise. Seeing the complete stone plate hanging on his chest, he couldn't help but think of what he had seen in the Tomb of the Wang Family before. In the small world, the [Elder who guards the tomb] who handed half of the stone plate to him as a reward for passing the trial said, It really helped me a lot in the dark game.

Mistakenly thinking that the power he was slightly aware of just now came from the complete stone plate, Judai glanced at Asuka beside him, who had the courage to face the desperate situation, but still held his hand nervously, and from the [Wing Kuriko Ball] [LV10]'s state regressed back to its original state, Judai suddenly realized that although he did not have enough power, he still had friends who believed in him and fought alongside him.

The golden color in his eyes faded at some point. Judai looked at Kagemaru with a confused expression. He took a step forward without retreating and said: There is only one answer to your question. That is, I want to be with my partner. Let’s create the future together!”

Enough, I've had enough of these red tapes! Although Kagemaru said this, he could not hide the panic in his heart at all. Although the stone plate on Judai's chest was constantly glowing to show its presence, Kagemaru could guarantee that the aura he sensed the moment the [Wing Kururi Ball] evolved was definitely not an illusion.

That darkness is purer and deeper than the power of Darkness he accepted!

Although Yujo Judai showed the same and even more powerful elf power as Banzhangmu, Kagemaru had no idea of ​​taking away the elf power from him. He pointed at Judai and said: That brat, just It’s up to you, Amunaeru, get rid of him!”

I'm going to duel another kid with a key!

How impatiently he wanted to skip the duel to get the key before, Kagemaru now wanted to get the key through duel. But when he looked at the other key holder next to Judai, where Asuka was, he was suddenly dumbfounded.

Because he saw that at some point, a person he least wanted to see had actually arrived here.

Now, everyone heard it, he wanted to duel with me. Holding Marufuji's Seven Spirits Seal key in his hand, he rushed to the battlefield without feeling sad for the students' fall. The person is——Kobayashi Hayato!

Of course, Overlord couldn't have come out so early. In the original work, Judai also witnessed his companions die one after another (although they were just transferred to other worlds. Sister You, you are so gentle). In extreme sadness, he was accused by the only survivor Sho Marufuji. , the overlord who became an overlord after falling into despair and regret, it’s too early now

Moreover, the duel between Judai and Daitokuji is also destined. Although there is more than one Judai who uses fusion, it is impossible for Daitokuji to find other people such as Marufuji Sho to give his final alchemy lessons.

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