Is this the world of Yu-Gi-Oh? Ada thief!

Chapter 102 Pai Lao Subject 1: Understanding Xiaomi

Continuous magic card [King's Coffin], activate!

Very good, I will now chain-activate [Shaddoll's Apocrypha] to fuse and summon the second body [Nephilim], and then send [Shaddoll Dragon] to the tomb to blow you up!

However, Hayato was just thinking this in his mind. Although there were some in his deck this time,

In addition, the fusion summon [Shenyingyi-Seven Sages Giant Kun Demon] is also a good choice. She has the ability to negate the effect of a face-up card on the field when she is specially summoned. Isn’t it awesome for you Kun? Kun?

But Hayato has no choice to let [Kamishadoi-Seven Sages Giant Kun Demon] appear on the stage at this moment, because the only face-up continuous magic card [King's Coffin] on the field of Ramesses II is invalid. It is of no use, just like the crown on the king's head has great meaning, but the crown itself has no meaning when it is taken off.

The effect of [King's Coffin] itself is not the point. Just like Ramesses II previously activated [Stone Wall of the King's Tomb] to replace [King's Coffin], the existence of [King's Coffin] itself is its biggest It’s valuable.

Because, as long as [King's Coffin] exists on the field, those [Horus] monsters in Ramesses II's graveyard will be awakened with the ability to continuously resurrect from the graveyard!

Sure enough, the next moment the golden coffin rose, Ramses II immediately took out a card from the cemetery and said: Because there is [Coffin of the King] in Yu's field, and [Horus] in Yu's cemetery. 】The monsters gained the power of resurrection, and the [Glory of Horus-Imset] that was destroyed by the battle in the previous round was specially summoned back to the field!

There was no moment of mourning for the elimination of [Glory of Horus - Imset], and the next thing that rushed to the battlefield was - another [Glory of Horus - Imset]!

[The Glory of Horus-Imshet] [ATK3000]

The human-headed guardian of the underworld returns to the field of Ramesses II for the second time. The special summons of the [Horus] monsters from the graveyard are the same non-chain special summons as the [Hellfire Machine] monsters. , so Hayato cannot chain Ramses II’s special summon of [Glory of Horus-Imshet] to activate its backfield Gaika. However, when its special summon comes on the field, Hayato has the ability to activate Gaika. Opportunity.

At this moment, I want to chain the successful Special Summoning [Horus' Glory - Imset], and open the cover card in my back field, the permanent trap card [Shadow's Apocrypha]!

The so-called pseudo-canon generally refers to books with pseudonyms, that is, books written by people who are not prophets or sages and create them by naming their works in the name of prophets and pretending to be prophets in order to increase the credibility of their works. Later, It has also been extended to a fourth category of books that are different from the canonical, secondary canon and auxiliary canon in religious classics. They are usually not recognized by believers and are not included in the canon.

But in the card [Shaddoll's Apocrypha], Apocryphal refers more to influence and assimilation, just like the [Possessed·Twin Serpent Staff] in the card picture, which was deeply corrupted by [Shadow] The power of the [Shadow of the God Star - Path Spirit] transformed from [Yili Lizard] is assimilated into a member of [Shadow Yi] - [Sacred Shadow - Shang Shen Wand Spirit].

In Hayato's graveyard, [Summoner-Aleister] and [Shadowdoll Lizard], who had just been sent to the graveyard by [Summoned Beast-Merkaba], appeared next to Hayato in the form of phantoms, and Hayato Then he said, Once per turn, I can activate the effect of [Shaddoll's Apocrypha] during the main phase of both parties, and remove the fusion material monster determined by the [Shaddoll] fusion monster from my field or graveyard, and then remove that The Fusion Monster is Fusion Summoned from the Fusion Deck!

The ones I am excluding are the [Shadowdoll] monster in my graveyard - [Shadowdoll Lizard], and the dark attribute monster - [Summoner-Aleister]!

Next to Hayato, [Summoner-Aleister] sighed helplessly: If possible, I actually prefer to merge with the beautiful lady. Master, can't you satisfy my small request?

It would be nice if you can show up. You still want to hang out with a beautiful girl? Get out of here, you scumbag. Stop asking so much here. He kicked [Summoner-Aleister] in the butt, but was dodged by the latter. However, [Summoner-Aleister], who was afraid of being beaten by Hayato, immediately used the staff in his hand to knock the [Shadowdoll Lizard] on the other side into the fusion vortex that appeared in front, and he hurriedly followed. Jumped in.

Being excluded is like going home to Aleister, he really likes being excluded.

With the input of fusion materials, a large amount of black energy emerged from the card of [Shadowdoll's Apocrypha], spreading on the ground like a flame, and wisps of blue silk threads extended from the black flames. , gathered in one place, and suddenly burst out with a dark light!

Although the black light sounds strange, in the dazzling black light, the figure of a green-haired girl riding on a huge dragon beast gradually appeared. The staff in her hand was entangled with many threads in front of her. Pull it!

In an instant, the black flames were divided, and the terrifying existence revealed its true appearance, and Hayato's voice also came out——

Souls who are wandering between life and death, release the resentment accumulated in the dark abyss on this land! Named 'God' with the meaning of 'explanation', the closed despair descends here!

Fusion Summon! Level 5☆——


Combining terrifying blocking ability and simple but strong resistance, the girl who appeared on Hayato's field was riding a magic dragon with a black and purple body. The green-haired priest girl who slowly opened her eyes saw Hayato and the puppet-like creature. There was an expression of joy on his face, but after seeing [Saint of Teaching - Eklisia] and [Knight of Teaching - Flederis], he showed a rather human expression of defense and resistance. .

——But after a while, because he saw through at a glance that [Saint of Teaching - Eklisia] was just a foodie and no threat at all, [Shadow Yi - Midrash] put all his attention Have a one-sided confrontation with [Knight of Instruction-Fredlis].




Ramesses II has just specially summoned [Glory of Horus - Imset] with an attack power of 3000 points, and the attack power and defense of [Shadowyi - Midrash] summoned by Hayato's fusion The total power is only 3,000 points, which is a bit underwhelming, but the game of Duel Monsters has never focused solely on numerical values. In addition to monster effects, the coordination of magic and trap cards is also a top priority.

[Shaddoll's Apocrypha] has a so big cost of excluding fusion material monsters. Of course, it is not only the power of two-speed fusion in the main stage of both parties, but also the card map of Enchanted·Twin Snake Staff is Being assimilated into a member of [Shadowdoll] is not a good-looking thing.

For the subsequent effects of [Shaddoll's Codex], you can select a monster on the opponent's field that has the same attribute as the [Shaddoll-Midrash] fusion summoned by the effect of [Shaddoll's Codex]. Going to the graveyard, this effect doesn't even take a target! In comparison, the mere restriction of 'monsters summoned by the fusion of this card's effects cannot attack directly' is as if there is nothing at all.

Hayato paused, pointed to Ramesses II on the field and said: My choice is of course the only monster on your field, which is also the dark attribute [Glory of Horus-Imshet]. !”

I'm too lazy to come up with another name. Come on Xiaomi and use Tiansheng Assimilation!

Using the same move name as when he used the effect of [Knight of Teaching - Flederis], Hayato commanded [Shadowyi - Midrash] to start taking action, and the latter immediately gave up on fighting the most threatening [Knight of Instruction]. Knight of Instruction - Flederis] stared through her helmet with big eyes and small eyes, and ran to Hayato to direct the black flames released by [Shaddoll's Apocrypha].

The dark flames rolled towards [Horus' Glory - Imshet]. He had no strength and the ability to continuously recover, but he did not have any resistance. He could not even resist, and was instantly covered by the black flames. On the top, the body made of yellow sand was quickly assimilated and swallowed by the black flames. Finally, under the pull of the threads mixed with the black flames, it had the ability to send a card on the field to the graveyard without taking the target [Glory of Horus] - Imset】But he was sent to the graveyard by the effects of other cards!

The invincible [Glory of Horus-Imshit] has fallen again, so inhumane!

Although it looks very powerful, not only can it be retrieved, resurrected, and eliminated, but also has a noble attack power of 3000 points, it is obvious that [Glory of Horus-Imshet] did not have very good luck in this duel. , this is already the third time he has been defeated.

Hayato was just about to make fun of Ramses II, about how pitifully weak his monster was, but just after the yellow sand was blown away by the wind, Hayato suddenly saw Ramses II on the field. At some point, another wolf-headed monster with a strong bow appeared! ?

[Horus' Blessing - Duamutefo]!? When did it come!?

[Horus] The special summons of the monsters are special summons that do not enter the chain, but there is a sequence after all. When Hayato chain activated [Shaddoll's Apocrypha], Ramesses II He cannot summon all the [Horus] monsters in his graveyard in one go. The special summons of the other monsters have to wait for the special summons of [Shadowl-Midrash] and [Shadowl's]. The effect of [Apocrypha] has to be processed.

But when did that [Blessing of Horus - Duamutefer] come from——

The sharp-eyed Hayato suddenly saw that one of the two cards placed in the backfield of Ramses II had been opened at some point, revealing a gloomy cemetery where the dead were buried——

[Cries of the Living Dead]?

Don't think that you are the only one who can chain Yu's cards and activate the cover, Hayato Kobayashi. Now that Yu has escaped [Red Restart], the two trap cards in Yu's backfield can now be used freely. Ramesses The Second said, Chain your [Shaddoll's Apocrypha], Yu activated this permanent trap card [Cry of the Living Dead], and special summoned [Horus' Blessing - Duamutefer] from Yu's graveyard. Come on.

The special summons of [Horus] monsters can only be done one by one under normal circumstances. I used your subconscious to special summon two [Horus] monsters in one breath, and you shouldn't be able to do that either. Do you need me to remind you for the second time about the effect of [Horus' Blessing - Duamutefo]?

[Blessing of Horus-Duamutefo] [ATK0→1200]

[Horus' Blessing - Duamtef], which had already quietly drawn its bow and arrow, witnessed [Horus' Glory - Imset] being sent to the cemetery by [Shaddoll's Apocrypha], which existed in the monster area. The moment other cards on the field of Ramesses II left the field due to the opponent's effect, the conditions for activation of the effect were met. The sharp arrow was shot into the empty hand of Ramses II, and was struck by other cards. Catch it and turn it into a card.

Are you drawing cards based on the types of monsters in the monster area? But if there is only one card, it won't have much impact. Hayato looked at the card in Ramses II's hand and said, You can't draw a [Heavenly Fall] for me. Come out, please?”

Hmph, can you then take the opportunity to draw [Rainbow Chestnut Ball] from the deck and imitate Yu's use of Nefertari's power at the critical moment to hinder Yu's killing? Yu will not give you such a chance. Ramses II said, waving his hand and saying, The special summoning of Yu's [Horus] monster from the cemetery is not over yet, because [King's Coffin] exists on the field, and Yu will summon the [Horus] monster in the cemetery. Si’s vanguard - Happy] special summons!

At the beginning of this round, the cards that were sent to the graveyard when Ramesses II used the effect of [Glory of Horus-Imshit] also revealed their true appearance at this moment, representing the Macaque and Baboon Animal-like animal, the guardian of the lungs that guards the north appeared holding a long spear shaped like an oar, standing in the position vacated after [Glory of Horus - Imset] left, facing the place on Hayato's field. [Saint of Instruction - Alexia], who had been staring at it, grinned.

[Leader of Horus-Harpi][8☆/Wind]

[Beast Warrior Clan/Effect]


At the same time, due to the increase in the number of [Horus] monsters, [Horus' Blessing - Duamutefo] has also been improved, doubling its value.

[Blessing of Horus-Duamutefo] [ATK1200→2400]

There are two monsters with 2400 attack points! If you can play Ultra, then Ramesses II's [Horus] monster must be able to exert great power, but the times do not allow it. At the same time, Hayato and the [Kamishado-Midra] on Hayato's field Nothing is allowed.

Although you used [Cry of the Living Dead] to get a special summon before Xiaomi's debut, you wouldn't think that [Shadow Yi - Midrash] is just good-looking. In Xiaomi's shy expression, Hayato, who was concentrating on playing cards, looked at [Harpi, the Herald of Horus] who was specially summoned by Ramses II, and said, As long as [Shadow Yi-Midrash] exists in the monster area, then during that period, both sides will You can only Special Summon a monster once per turn, even if the [Horus] monsters are Special Summoned without being part of a chain, they are still within this limit!

In other words, you have already used your last special summons in order to summon that baboon, La Er! Hayato pointed at himself with his thumb, and said arrogantly, The last thing, I, Hayato Kobayashi, is better, in the end it is still me who wins and dominates!

Hearing Hayato's words, Ramses II covered his face, and after a brief silence, he suddenly started laughing wildly: Hmph, hum, hahahahahaha, is it too early to arrogantly declare Yu's defeat now?

The Pharaoh is omnipotent on earth and has control over all things! The card in his hand was inserted into the magic trap area by Ramses II to activate. The darkness of Apophis dares to touch the sun. The light? Yu has already stepped on the ladder to victory!

I want to use this card - A nameplate appeared out of thin air in Ramses II's hand, and Ramses II held the lanyard connected to it. At the same time, on the originally empty nameplate, the metal surface quickly deformed, and a string of ancient Egyptian characters was engraved on it as if it were being engraved on site.

Marufuji couldn't understand what was written on the nameplate in Ramses II's hand, but both Hayato and Ramses II could see it clearly. What was written on it was Usemari Sai. Tepanli Ramses Meliamon, the original name of Ramses II.

Then, the name of the card he activated at this moment is also about to come out——

[True Name], activate!

Although Atum’s nameplate was given by Kyoko, and the [True Name] card is also a tribute, the nameplate is a custom souvenir bought by Kyoko, so it is reasonable for La Er to take out a piece of True Name (I’m sure

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