Is this the world of Yu-Gi-Oh? Ada thief!

Chapter 101: Who is the one who missed the move?

Chapter 1155 Who is the one who missed the move?

The quick attack magic card [Enemy Manipulator], I used this card to change the form of [Glory of Horus - Imset], so I fought with [Saint of Teaching - Eklisia] It’s not [Horus’ Glory - Imset] with an attack power of 3,000 points, but him in defense position!”

[Glory of Horus-Imshet] [ATK3000→DEF1800]

[Glory of Horus - Imset], which originally had higher attack power than [Saint of Teaching - Eklisia], is now

Did Yu's advantage turn into your advantage? Huh, you still have a hand. Yu originally thought that the magic card you prepared in your hand might be a card like [Mysterious Chinese Pot]. He glanced at himself. Hayato's backcourt extended to the [Enemy Manipulator] cable on his own court. Ramesses II said, But this usage is not the optimal solution, right?

Obviously, liberating one of your monsters to gain control of the other monsters is the best way to use that card. It's still your favorite tactic. Why, it suddenly changed?

Ramses II looked at Hayato with surprised eyes, as if he was meeting him for the first time. After all, according to his understanding, Hayato has a special preference for giving other people's monsters, especially other people's soul cards Tamahi to NTR, and he especially likes to take the one he got from others. [Change of heart], perform NTR by shouting something like This is the proof of our bond and friendship.

How disgraceful! ——Having said that, Ramesses II, who liked to change the signatures of buildings built by others to his own and attribute them to his own name during his lifetime, did not seem to have the qualifications to evaluate Hayato.

Not knowing how Ramses II on the opposite side was slandering him, Hayato sent the [Enemy Manipulator] card to the graveyard and said: Now that [Shadowyi-Nephili] has already attacked, If I free it to gain control of your monsters, it is indeed the best choice to maximize my benefits. Not only do I reduce the number of walls that get in the way, but I also increase the number of monsters I can use to attack.

Yeah, why? I'm also looking for the reason. Hayato paused and said with a smile, Maybe it's just because I regard my cards as my beloved relatives, friends, and brothers, so I'm not willing to sacrifice them for a mere victory. Old friend gives up...

Hearing what Hayato said, [Saint of Teaching - Alexia] took Hayato's words seriously, looked at Hayato and said: Is this really the case? Hehehe, I just think you are a good person, not only for You are such a good friend, and you just helped me fight, so what that guy who looks like a scumbag really can’t be trusted.”

Unexpectedly, Hayato had not finished what he had said before. When he heard the words of [Saint of Instruction - Eklisia], he deliberately teased her: ...even if we want to liberate, it is not the liberation of my dear [Nephilim]. 】, but start from the side that has the most common relationship with me, such as the little girl with blond hair who is stupid, short, and eats too much but doesn't grow taller.

Aren't you talking about me! No, no, I'm not stupid or short, and eating only ten cakes for one meal is not a lot at all! [Saint of Instruction - Alexia] Obviously, it is He was startled by Hayato's words. After a few retorts, he quickly said, Wait a minute, why do you want to liberate me? It's a shame that I still treat you as a righteous person. I'm very useful!

It doesn't matter whether it's to liberate Sister Frederic or the Cheche that the scumbag turned into, gua! Don't liberate me!

I can hear everything~ From the card in Hayato's hand, [Summoner-Aleister] poked his head out, looking a little scared when he saw that he really believed Hayato's nonsense, and also believed Hayato's ridicule afterwards. [Saint of Instruction - Eklisia] shook her head helplessly and asked [Knight of Instruction - Flederis] on the other side, Is she a fool?

The silver knight glanced at the blonde saint, shrugged, and answered [Summoner-Aleister]'s question.

You two are really free. It's your turn to attack next, don't you know? He pressed one hand on the face of [Saint of Instruction - Alexia], and made this guy who was so anxious that he almost dropped his pearls. Pushing his face further away from him, Hayato said to the two guys watching the show, Although the [Glory of Horus-Imshet] that was destroyed and turned into defensive position failed to cause combat damage, the opponent is now There is no longer a single monster on the field to serve as a wall!

Too slow, too slow, pull two! I, Hayato Kobayashi, am still the strongest duelist in the world. Whether it is the use of magic trap cards or the strength of monsters, I am far superior to you!

Laughing, Hayato pointed in the direction of Ramses II with his left hand holding the remaining two cards, and ordered: The chariot that can bring victory, and the most powerful knight, directly attack the opponent's duelist, Gain victory for me!

Although he had eaten the [Forbidden Drop] before, the [Summoned Beast-Merkaba] on Hayato's field still has an attack power of 1250 points, plus the attack power of [Blue Eyes White Dragon] is as high as one [Blue Eyes White Dragon] thanks to its own effect. Knight of Instruction - Flederis], the attack of the two monsters can easily clear out the 4000 basic points of Ramses II, which although still full, are like candles in the wind!

The sluggish chariot of light started, and together with the silver knight holding a sword and shield, he charged towards Ramses II, who had two empty cards, but could not open and use any of them. The two combos of the gun and sword were easy. Taking away Ramses II's last basic points - that's how it should be.

The first one to launch the attack was [Knight of Teaching - Flederis]. She jumped up from the chariot and waved her holy sword to chop off Ramesses II's head, but just before the sharp sword The moment she was about to touch Ramesses II, the latter glared at her and shouted: Who allowed you to touch the body of the Pharaoh with a sharp sword, man of gleaming light!

The way of playing cards, proud of the world! With me, Ozymandias, there will be such a thing! All I heard was Ramses II shouting: [Rainbow Chestnut Ball] save me!

The rainbow light turned into a curtain, and in Hayato's eyes as expected, Kulibo, Kulibo jumped out of the cards in his hand!

However, this time it was not Hayato who used the [Rainbow Chestnut Ball], but Ramses II!

You are not the only one who can obtain the brilliance of Nefertari, Hayato Kobayashi. I don't need to explain the effect of [Rainbow Chestnut Ball] to you, right? Insert the card of [Rainbow Chestnut Ball] from your hand into the magic trap. area, Ramses II showed a proud smile.

When the opponent's monster attacks, it is played as an equipment card and makes the monster equipped with it unable to attack. Tsk, it's really a waste to have this card in your hand.

Hmph, do you care? This is Yu's true love, Nefertari, entrusted to Yu. Ramesses II snorted rather arrogantly, Yu originally planned to stay at your place. Only use it when [Knight of Teaching - Flederis] and [Glory of Horus - Imset] are fighting to the death. In that case, you won't have a monster with enough attack power to defeat him.

And it's a pity that you also used the [Enemy Manipulator]. Otherwise, you could have liberated the [Knight of Teaching-Fredelis] to get the remaining monsters, but without that, the current situation is that you The monsters no longer pose a sufficient threat to Yu's basic points. Looking at the [Summoned Beast - Merkaba], Ramses II said, You're just one step away.

Oh, let me hit this arrogant man with his naked car.


Ramesses II just finished speaking his rather pretentious lines. The next moment, Hayato asked [Summoned Beast-Merkaba] to attack. The silver spear in the hand of the cavalry on the chariot instantly stabbed Ramesses. On Ramses II's abdominal muscles, although the spear passed through Ramses II's body in the form of a shadow in the end, the latter still grinned in pain for a moment, and his basic score also dropped.

[Ramses II: 4000→2750LP]

One move? Yes, that's right, brother, but I paid for the basic points myself, but you were actually attacked by my monster. It's so embarrassing. Hayato put a card in his hand behind him The man on the field said, Who is missing the move now?

Put a card down and my turn ends.

[Hayato Kobayashi: 2000LP, 1 card in hand]

[Summoned Beast-Merkaba] [ATK1250→2500]

[Saint of Teaching-Eklisia][ATK2000]

[Knight of Teaching-Fredlis] (Rainbow Chestnut Ball) [ATK3000]


Hearing Hayato's words, Ramses II rubbed his abdominal muscles, looked at Hayato unhappily and said: You are really arrogant, you still have such an arrogant attitude in front of Yu, who is the sun?

Oh, the world doesn't need two suns. This is the human world. It's you who should get out, right? Hayato waved to Ramses II impatiently.

Obviously, the conversation between the two people was like starting a fight and fighting each other if they disagreed, but Ryo Marufuji, who was watching, discovered that whether it was Ramses II or Hayato Kobayashi, the two of them were actually talking. All with a smile. Rather than saying that they are quarreling, is it better to say that this incompatible tit-for-tat situation is the most suitable state for the two of them to get along?

After all - although similar people can get along well with each other most of the time, when two people are similar to a certain extent, there will be irreconcilable conflicts. For example, the biggest conflict between Hayato and Ramses II is ——

Although the Duel Ceremony is a game, it is not a joke. In the final analysis, the purpose of playing games is to win! Ramesses II looked at Hayato and said, Stop holding the mentality of playing a game over there. Give it to me. Come with all your strength, Hayato Kobayashi!

But I refuse! Hayato responded immediately, If I try my best at any time, even I will get bored sometimes, so I refuse. A ten-point opponent will use fifteen points of strength and a hundred points of strength. The opponent showed 200 points of strength, which is enough for me. To be honest, if you hadn't come to the door, I wouldn't have even used this 'Shadow Cult Call' deck. It's enough to give you face. .”

Besides, before you show your arrogance and tell me what to do, go beyond your own limits and use the power that can threaten me.

Hearing this, Ramesses II snorted coldly and said: He is the same as Yu in terms of arrogance, which also makes people angry. Even Yu has a sense of how other people behave when facing Yu. feelings.”

But the power that threatens you? Yu already has it, it's in Yu's hands! After looking at the two cards in his hand, Ramses II put his finger on the top of the duel plate, In Yu’s round, you are right about one thing, that is, only the strong can dictate to the weak. Let me show you the glory of Yu in this round and draw a card!”

Drawing a card from the deck, Ramesses II immediately displayed the card he was about to draw together with a card in his hand and said: In the main phase of the remaining hand, activate the [Horus card in the remaining hand. Glory of Imshet], send two cards in Yu's hand including it to the graveyard, add one [King's Coffin] from Yu's deck to the hand, and then you can Draw a card!”

It seems that due to the effect of [Horus' Blessing - Duamutefer], Ramesses II not only drew [Rainbow Chestnut Ball] into his hand, but also the second card in his deck. [Glory of Horus - Imset], at this moment he was about to use its effect again and continue the search that was interrupted by Hayato using [Gray Stream Rei] in the previous round.

However, as it was Ramses II's turn, not only did Ramses II plan to send another card to the graveyard together with [Glory of Horus - Imset], but also There is the effect of [Summoned Beast-Merkaba] on Hayato's field that has escaped the influence of [Forbidden Drop].

The remaining uncovered card in Hayato's hand is a monster card, [Summoner-Aleister], but its existence is simply a known card to Ramses II, and Ramses II is also aware of it [ What kind of effect does the Summoned Beast - Merkaba have, but he still used the power of [Glory of Horus - Imset].

Although he knew that the other party must have some special plan, Hayato could not just watch the [Coffin of the King] being retrieved by Ramses II. He immediately discarded the card in his hand and said: Then the chain of [The Glory of Horus- Imset], I discard the [Summoner-Aleister] that is also a monster card in my hand, and activate the effect of [Summoned Beast-Merkaba]!

Once per turn, when a monster's effect, magic, or trap card is activated, send a card from your hand of the same type as that card to the graveyard to activate it. Negate that activation and banish it!

The Great God declares!

The cavalry on the silver chariot quickly threw the lance in his hand without even taking aim, hitting the target he had just entered with another card before the effect of [Glory of Horus - Imset] was activated. Him in the tomb of Ramses II. Although it has a noble attack power of 3000 points, it is obvious that the treatment of [Glory of Horus - Imset] is not very good. It was defeated by [Saint of Teaching - Eklisia] before, and now it is also [Summoned Beast-Merkaba] interrupted the effect, and he was exhausted almost the entire time.

The activated Cost will not be returned to Ramses II's hand as the activation becomes invalid. Hayato looked at Ramses II with only the last card left in his hand and activated the invalid [Horu]. The Glory of Sri Lanka - Imshet] was even dragged out of the cemetery by the [Summoned Beast - Merkaba] carrying the butt of a spear, and was excluded from the game.

So there shouldn't be a third [Horus' Glory - Imset] in your hand, right? But it's useless if you do. There is no ammunition in your hand that can be used to activate its effect. , besides, all three of his effects have the restriction that they can only be used once per round. Or you have drawn [Planet Transformation] again and plan to pull out a field magic card [Stone Wall of the King's Tomb] to act as [The King's Coffin]. ?”

However, Ramesses II shook his head and proudly turned over the last remaining card in his hand and said: There is a possibility that I will actually activate the effect of [Glory of Horus - Imset], Is it just confusing you from the beginning to the end? When the effect of [Horus' Blessing - Duamutefo] caused me to draw cards from the deck in the last round, [King's Coffin] actually came to me. In my hands!

Continuous magic card, [King's Coffin], activate!

Golden light lit up in front of Ramses II, and an extremely luxurious coffin with gold, glass, jade and other valuables inlaid on its surface slowly rose up!

Digression: If a character's code name is Mace, and the special move is not attack recovery or hit recovery but automatic recovery, and the job description is a swordsman, or even a Triple Crown Champion, then it will be called Mace· There seems to be no problem with 自·浩 (I'm sure

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