Is this the world of Yu-Gi-Oh? Ada thief!

Chapter 68: I got up and was dead with one punch. What is there to say?

The effect of the chain [Vampire Witch] is activated when [Vampire Red Baron] is successfully summoned. I activate the quick attack magic card [Enemy Controller] to liberate the [Ancient Mechanical Thermonuclear Dragon] on my field until the end of the round. During the phase, gain control of one monster on the opponent's field!

A long and difficult sentence came out of Professor Chronos's mouth. He played the second card in his hand and pointed at the [Vampire Red Baron] on Camula's field, I chose that monster. No pinch!

Among the monsters on Camula's field, [Vampire Enchantress] and [Vampire Red Death] both have attack power of 2000 points. It is a pity that

Although it is not impossible to control [Vampire Witch] in attack position, Chronos feels a bit disadvantaged if he controls [Vampire Witch] whose effect has already been used. Besides, the effects of the other two monsters on Camula's field But I have never used them before, so naturally I would give priority to [Vampire·Red Death] or [Vampire·Red Baron]. Looking at the format of their names, I feel that they are somewhat related. It is best to separate them.

In fact, Professor Chronos's guess is indeed correct. Whether it is [Vampire Red Death] or [Vampire Red Baron], although the first effect is different, they have exactly the same second effect. Then During the end phase of destroying monsters in battle, special summon those destroyed monsters from the graveyard to your field as much as possible.

In other words, if Professor Chronos controls [Vampire Red Baron], and then uses [Vampire Red Baron] with an attack power of 2400 points to destroy any monster on Camula's field, he will be able to gain additional points at the end of the battle phase. Harvesting new monsters, this effect is even better than [enemy controller] without time limit.

By then, the card gap between the two sides will widen again! Even the first effect of [Vampire Red Baron] is to pay the basic points in exchange for the control of the opponent's monster and the other one's own [Vampire] monster. If Chronos really succeeds, I'm afraid it won't be Camus. It’s hard to tell who is the real user of the [Vampire] deck!

Although the previous scumbag was extremely unsatisfactory, it was more because Camula didn't take Cronos seriously at all and was not familiar with the effects of Cronos's cards. But what about his own cards? She knew the effect clearly, and knew that Chronos could never take away her [Vampire Red Baron], so she decisively pressed the button to activate Gaika and said: Want to take away my monster? Greed must be stopped, humans!

Chain [enemy controller] activates the trap card, [Altar of Sacrifice]!

[The ancient mechanical thermonuclear dragon] was about to be completely controlled by the [Vampire Witch]. Because of the [enemy controller], it was suddenly drained of all energy and powered off to supply the normal drive of the [enemy controller]. , but just as the data cable connected to the handle of the [Enemy Controller] was about to touch the [Vampire Red Baron] on Camula's field, an altar suddenly rose under its feet, and the [Vampire Red Baron] 】Shrouded in it! ?

In the altar, [Vampire Red Baron] and his mount warhorse floated together. Under the catalysis of the magic power in the altar, their bodies suddenly exploded into a blood mist, which was inhaled into Camula's body through the transformation of the altar.

[Camura: 2500→4900LP]

The effect of [Altar of Sacrifice] is to select a monster on my field and send it to the graveyard, allowing me to recover the same base points as the monster's original attack power. The corners of Camula's lips raised, feeling the feeling accompanying the basic attack The vitality surging in my body was rising, Rather than being taken away by you, I would rather turn [Vampire Red Baron] into my power.

That statement was exactly the same as Hayato's classic I'd rather fire him than let you destroy me. Professor Kuronos couldn't help complaining: Ah, this sentence sounds a bit like a modern duelist. No pinch.

Although I lost the [Vampire Red Baron] I just summoned and consumed a cover card, you also lost your strongest trump card [Ancient Mechanical Thermonuclear Dragon] and a card in your hand. , win! Camula felt that she had a great advantage and said arrogantly, The advantage is mine!

You only have four cards left in your hand, so what can you do?

She didn't remember that when Chronos summoned [Ancient Mechanical Thermonuclear Dragon] just now, he only used one card in his hand.

Looking at the cards in his hand, Professor Kuronos took out one and said: Actually, it's not four cards, it should be five. Although the destruction of the previous [Gear Car Street] was an accident, it was also a blessing. I activated that card first and protected this card.

The magic card is activated, [Pot of Desire], and I draw two cards from the deck.

As soon as the unconditional one-for-two divine card appeared, Camula's eyebrows almost stood up. She looked at the [Pot of Desire] that Cronos spit out two cards on the field and sent it to his hand, as well as Professor Cronos. On the face, he said: You don't use [Pot of Desire] first but the field magic card that has the effect when it is destroyed. You are so despicable! Could it be the card elf of [Pot of Desire]?

There is no such thing as a card spirit! Professor Cronos did not see the ability of the spirit, so naturally he would not believe in the existence of the spirit. He looked at Camula unhappily and said, Although [Gear Street] was destroyed, But thanks to [Pot of Desire], I drew a card that can replace it.”

The continuous magic card [Ancient Mechanical Fortress] is activated. This card can protect the [Ancient Mechanical] monster on my field from becoming the target of the opponent's effect or being destroyed by the opponent's effect during the summoning or special summoning turn. And the opponent cannot activate the effects of magic, traps, or monsters in response to the effects of the [Ancient Machinery] card!

Although [Gear Car Street] was destroyed, when the replacement [Ancient Mechanical Fortress] was activated, a huge fortress successfully rose behind Professor Chronos, with countless fortresses on the steep cliffs that were almost vertical to the ground. Huge mechanical gears turn, powering the impregnable fortress city on the top of the mountain.

However, although [Ancient Mechanical Fortress] has an extremely powerful protective effect, Professor Chronos is not activating it at this moment to protect the [Ancient Mechanical] monster that does not exist on his field. Instead, he wants to use it. Use another card drawn in your hand to use its power to call other [ancient mechanical] monsters out.

The other card I drew is [Ancient Mechanical Ejection Machine]. When there are no monsters on my field, there is a face-up card on my field - that is, this [Ancient Mechanical Ejector]. Fortress] can be activated only when the target is the target. After drawing the second card from [Pot of Desire] in his hand and playing it, Professor Chronos stretched out his hand and pointed at the [Ancient Mechanical Fortress] and said, Destroy the [Ancient Mechanical Fortress]. , special summon an [ancient machine] monster from my deck, ignoring the summoning conditions!

The monster I want to specially summon is, use your ancient power to crush everything! [The ancient mechanical giant——

He took out a card from the deck and shouted, but when everyone else thought he had finished reading the name, Professor Kuronos filled in the last name on the back of the card,

——Ultimate heavy blow]!

What!? At this time, not only Camura, but also Asuka and Caesar couldn't help but widen their eyes, looking at Chronos who had used strength far beyond what he had shown in the previous duel with Judai. professor.

In Camula's surprised eyes, a launching device composed of gears appeared below the [Ancient Mechanical Fortress]. The red sight on it searched for a while and then firmly locked on the [Ancient Mechanical Fortress] on the top of the mountain. A bright yellow beam of light was fired and instantly hit the fortress city on the mountain!

Suddenly, the mountains exploded and the sophisticated mechanisms fell apart, but a mountain giant stood up from the locked fortress city - no, it was a huge monster made with the same gear mechanical structure and had always been the core of the fortress city's power. , at this moment, because the [ancient mechanical fortress] was destroyed and liberated!

Compared with the [Ancient Mechanical Titan], the core gear used for driving the [Ancient Mechanical Titan-Ultimate Heavy Strike] has been changed from white iron to green gold, and it seems that magnetic coating technology has been added to enhance operation. The comprehensive upgrade of speed, material, and coating makes [Ancient Mechanical Titan-Ultimate Heavy Strike] have lower performance than [Ancient Mechanical Titan], but it has gained stronger explosive power and sustained ability, and can also The Pro-Plus-Ultra version called [Ancient Mechanical Titan]!

[Ancient Mechanical Giant-Ultimate Heavy Attack] [8☆/land]

【Mechanical family/effect】


Impossible, it's another monster with 3000 attack power and defense power!? Camula couldn't accept that there was only one 3000 attack big brother in her deck, and it seemed that in Professor Cronos's deck The reality of being able to call out one at random, Are all ancient machines monsters?

Humph, although [Ancient Mechanical Titan - Ultimate Heavy Strike] is actually the same as [Ancient Mechanical Titan], they are monsters that cannot be specially summoned and can only be summoned normally, but [Ancient Mechanical Ejector]'s 'ignorance' The summoning condition Special Summon can break this restriction. Professor Kuronos said, taking out another card from the graveyard and saying, Not only that, the [Ancient Mechanical Fortress] also has similar features to [Gear Street] Ability.

This can only be activated when the [Ancient Machinery Fortress] in the magic/trap area is destroyed. Select an [Ancient Machinery] monster from my hand or graveyard to Special Summon. After this effect is activated, until the end of the turn, I am not [Ancient Machinery] Monsters cannot be specially summoned.

Special summon the previously released [Ancient Mechanical Thermonuclear Dragon] from my graveyard back to the field!

[Ancient Mechanical Thermonuclear Dragon] [ATK3000]

The mountain-like mechanical giant, which is no longer restricted by the indoor venue and fully displays its huge size, and the nuclear-powered gear dragon that soars in the air and spreads surging heat energy. These two huge monsters let alone Camura and Asuka who are close to each other. They were so surprised that even Judai and Marufuji Sho who were far away noticed the movement here.

Their goal was to go to the volcano in the center of the island. They also wanted to go to the lake near the blue dormitory. They pedaled extra hard, trying to catch up with the duel that was going on in the distance.

As for Camula, seeing how easily the [Ancient Mechanical Thermonuclear Dragon] that had been sent to the cemetery was so easily summoned back by Professor Chronos, her already fair complexion looked even whiter. points, and gritted his teeth, seeming to be particularly unwilling to be at a disadvantage in front of Chronos.

I actually Special Summoned the monster back, but did you think you were the only one who would Special Summon the monster from the graveyard? Camula saw the two monsters from Chronos appear, and not to be outdone, she immediately pressed the activate button I want to press the card button to say, Trap Card [Vampire Moves] is activated. There is no card in my field area, and the only face-up monsters on my field are undead monsters. This card can be activated.

From my deck, select a field magic card [Vampire Empire] to activate, and then you can select a dark attribute monster with [Vampire] in my graveyard to special summon it in face-up defense position!

The field magic card [Vampire Empire] is activated, and I will choose [Vampire Red Baron] in my graveyard to Special Summon in defense position!

【Vampire·Red Baron】【DEF1000】

At the same time, due to the effect of [Survival Treasure Card], each side has a monster summoned from the graveyard, so I can draw six cards. The number of cards in my hand that was originally consumed with only one card suddenly increased to two in the blink of an eye. The special summons in the secondary graveyard replenished Camura's hand with a lot of cards.

The dead city shrouded in fog rose, and the red moon illuminated an old castle on the mountain. The proud Camula did not notice that when she summoned [Vampire Red Baron] with only 1000 defense points, Ku Ronos looked happy. She just felt that she had summoned another monster in defense position and was more stable.

When a monster in defense position is attacked, even infinite attack power cannot cause damage. This is a common practice among duel monsters. Even gods cannot break through this, and the only thing on the field is [Vampire·Red Death]. It's just a monster in attack position. Although the quality of the monster is not as good as the opponent's, but in terms of quantity, I am three against two, and I don't know how to lose.

The opponent will definitely think of continuously attacking their own [Vampire Red Death] in attack position to cause maximum damage, and then they can use the effect of [Vampire Red Death] to offset the damage by consuming basic points, so that in the next turn, they can You can keep three monsters.

Normally summoning a lower-level [Vampire] monster at will, you can trigger the effect of [Vampire Enchantress] to seize the opponent's powerful monster, and then [Vampire Red Baron] can spend basic points to exchange [Vampire Daughter] with another opponent's Control of only one monster means that the two monsters on the opposite side will be yours next turn.

Not to mention that he also has a [Vampire Daughter] in his hand, which is a monster that can be specially summoned when the opponent declares an attack. How do you say invincible?

The wind of victory is blowing from behind my Camula!

Frantically explaining in his mind and setting the flag, Camura heard Chronos confirm his hand and said: I enter the combat phase, and then use [Ancient Mechanical Giant-Ultimate Heavy Strike] to attack [Vampire] ·Red Baron]!”

[Ancient Mechanical Titan - Ultimate Heavy Attack] has the same ability as [Ancient Mechanical Titan]. When attacking a monster in defense position, it can inflict combat damage to the opponent whose attack power exceeds the defense value. There was a pause. , Chronos also added, In addition, the upgrade of [Ancient Mechanical Titan - Ultimate Heavy Attack] compared to [Ancient Mechanical Titan] is that when his attack destroys a monster, I can discard one from my hand. The mechanical monster is activated, causing it to continue attacking. This effect can be used up to twice in one round.

In other words, when I have enough cards in my hand, [Ancient Mechanical Giant - Ultimate Heavy Attack] can perform up to three consecutive hits, destroying [Vampire·Red Death], [Vampire·Red on your field. Baron] and [Vampire Witch] are all destroyed!

Wait, wait a minute, that effect is illegal, right? I have never heard of such a shameless monster!

Camura's head was empty, and she watched helplessly as Chronos commanded the [Ancient Mechanical Giant-Ultimate Blow] to smash the iron fist as huge as a fallen city gate against the weak and pitiful ones on the field. The helpless [Vampire Red Baron].

——Tell me a joke: [Ancient Machinery] Place a defense position monster with low defense in front of the deck.


Just like a civet cat slapping a tomato, [Vampire Red Baron] and his mount were photographed into a pool of blood that was not suitable for children. The strong wind even drove the so-called Wind of Victory blowing from Camula's back. All of them were blown back, causing Camula's basic score to finally rise to plummet again!

([Vampire·Red Baron]: I got up and I was dead with one punch. What is there to say?)

——That’s how it should be.

However, at this moment, Camula played a card from her hand.

ps1: Illustrations at the end of the article that still have nothing to do with pictures and text

ps2: I feel that with the illustration function, more words in the article can be omitted. After all, the cards already have data such as attack power and level written on them, although [? /? ] Data like this only accounts for one word, but it seems to affect the experience there? It's better to keep it

ps3: How do you know that I bought 1203 for 260 and got Zhang Yubel in the bonus package?

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