Is this the world of Yu-Gi-Oh? Ada thief!

Chapter 67: Mutual tauren to show friendship

Looking at the monsters on Camula's field, Professor Kronos, who was slightly free from the fear of ghosts and monsters, frowned slightly in disappointment: Really, I was looking forward to the 'Dark Middle Ages' you mentioned. 'What kind of deck is this? In the end, it turns out to be a fictional existence like a 'vampire'?

Fictional existence, do you think so? Hearing Chronos's words, Camula said angrily, It's only taken a few hundred years for the tiny human beings to have reduced the power of our vampires so quickly. Have you forgotten everything? The thought that the vampire clan’s demise was due to the greed of you ants makes me so angry that I can grit my teeth.”

While speaking, Camula also showed her sharp fangs, with a ferocious and ferocious expression.

The Dark Middle Ages, of course, is the Dark Age in which we, the Dark Night Race, rule over you humans and assume the supreme dominance. This is the true meaning of the so-called 'Dark Middle Ages', that is, the dark game that reminds you of the terror and despair of the Vampire Race!

It was clear that he was a little afraid of Camula before, but after hearing Camula's words, Professor Kronos gradually plucked up the courage and retorted to Camula: No, that's not what it is. The 'Dark Middle Ages' was never a time shrouded in imaginary fears!

Even if they are shrouded in the unknown darkness, they still move forward in the chaos and open up the way for future generations. The spirit of those scientists and pioneers in the Middle Ages is the true meaning of the 'Dark Middle Ages'. This is what I, Kuronos... De Medici, as a former history buff, came to his understanding after investigating many historical remnants of the medieval period!

Chronos looked at Camula and said, The so-called courage is to open a path in the dark wilderness. From now on, your tricks of pretending to be gods are completely useless to me, because I will never recognize your darkness. Game', the duel should be bright!

Somewhat irritated by Professor Kuronos's words, Camura said impatiently: Who knows what you are saying? I don't know about the so-called human beings. Only the victors and the strong have the right to speak. You look like a bastard. Stop making such nonsense, if you have the ability, try to defeat the invincible night monsters on my field first!

You don't need to tell me, I've already planned to do that, No! Professor Kronos raised his hand, pulled out a card from the deck and said, My turn, draw a card!

Turning his head and looking at the card he drew, Professor Cronos did not add it to his hand, but immediately played it: I activate the field magic card [Gear Car Street], as long as this card is in the field area If it exists, both players can reduce the number of liberations required when the [Ancient Machinery] monster is summoned by one.

It is activated immediately after single-drawing [Gear Car Street], which means that Professor Chronos will no longer need sacrifices if he wants to normally summon those 5·6☆ [Ancient Machine] monsters.

After hearing Professor Chronos's explanation, Camula said decisively: It's said that the Middle Ages should be shrouded in the dark night we descended, so that human creations should be less visible!

Activate the Counter Trap Card [Vampire's Dominance]! I can only activate this card when there is a [Vampire] monster on my field, and the monster's effect, magic, or trap card is activated. Negate that activation and destroy it!

Professor Chronos's [Gear Car Street] had just been put into the field area, and the street composed of gears and mechanisms was just about to rise from the ground, but before the rumbling started to sound, he saw the Camula Field A shadow suddenly expanded at the feet of the three-body [vampire] monster above, turning into a sea of ​​crimson blood.

From the sea of ​​blood, [Familiar of the Vampire] and [Familiar of the Vampire] continued to rise one after another, and began to wreak havoc on the unfinished [Gear Car Street]!

Amid the stunned expressions of Professor Cronos and several people outside the venue, Camura used this powerful three-speed three-color Kang to destroy the [Gear Street] activated by Professor Cronos.

Haha, this ruin-like appearance is the most suitable state for human creations. Camula said arrogantly with a proud look on her face, The field magic card you finally activated is of no use at all. That's it. How do you feel about being easily destroyed by me, ugly human being?

Upon hearing this, Professor Kronos glanced at Camula strangely and said, Before, I didn't quite believe you when you said you were a vampire, but now I seem to believe it, No?

After a pause, Chronos looked at [Gear Car Street], which was destroyed into ruins but did not disappear from his field, and explained, It should be used to destroy key cards at critical moments, but now. But it was used to destroy [Gear Car Street], even if you didn’t know the secondary effect of [Gear Car Street], you wouldn’t have made such a choice, no?”

Your cards are very modern, but the ideas are quite ancient. It always feels like you are dueling with a hundred-year-old old woman who has been out of touch with the times for decades.

Second effect? Camula was stunned when she heard what Professor Chronos said, because she really didn't know what effect [Gear Street] had, she only knew that she had a card in her backfield that could be activated, so She used it, but her attention was quickly diverted, No, who is an old woman who is hundreds of years old! I am obviously eighteen years old!

Is she an old woman who was born in the Middle Ages and is still only eighteen years and a few thousand months old in modern times?

Shut up, little girl over there! said angrily to Asuka outside the court. Camula looked back at Chronos and said contemptuously, So what if there is a secondary effect? ​​That one The magic on the field has been destroyed by me, but even so, the secondary effects are nothing to worry about!

But looking at Camula's attitude, Asuka knew that her tactics were quite successful. Although her dissatisfaction and disgust with Camula is true, she has a relatively calm personality and would not quarrel with others so much. The reason why she deliberately wanted to quarrel with Camula was mainly because it was their Negotiate out part of the strategy.

They have never fought against any of the Seven Stars before, so they have no way of confirming the strength of the Seven Stars, but it does not affect them to try to think of the Seven Stars as strong as possible. Since they have taken over the responsibility of guarding the key, then Even if they did some innocuous tricks and used some special tricks outside of the duel, there would be no problem at all.

——In the Elf Coexistence Class taught by Hayato, because most people do not have the potential to be Elf Users, Hayato occasionally talks about tactical knowledge beyond the basics of dueling monsters, although there is no hidden knowledge in his sleeves. Cards, hidden dragons in the crotch, going to the opponent's deck to block cards in a duel, etc. can be classified as forbidden knowledge of cheating, but occasionally students are taught techniques such as secretly activating effects without making a sound, and outside of duels Naturally, verbal attacks, that is, trash talk were also mentioned.

Although many people will sign up for this course at first out of interest in the course taught by the principal who is the duel king, most people will be helpless after only three days because they can't see the elves at all. After leaving this class, how can we get along with each other if we can't even see each other? But even so, they can still learn some tactical knowledge as a gain.

Both Ryo Marufuji and Asuka Tenjoin have signed up for Hayato's course, but even they, like most people, had no choice but to drop out of the course, having only learned a little. Tactical knowledge, and it was somewhat useful in the duel with Seven Stars at this moment.

Professor Chronos, who took the initiative to take over the duel, was responsible for using his appearance to make others look down upon, and then Asuka was responsible for verbal attacks to affect the opponent's mood and distract him, while Ryo Marufuji was responsible for controlling the situation to prevent the opponent from being completely irritated and explosive. kind.

The result is obvious. Because of the initial quarrel with Asuka, he was always in an angry mood, and he had a different understanding of the Dark Middle Ages from Professor Kuronos. At the same time, because of the existence of Ryo Marufuji, he despised the humble Kuro. Professor North, Camula made her first bad move in this duel.

However, one bad fuck is enough to change a lot of things!

Although [Gear Car Street] was activated and destroyed, it is precisely the 'destruction' that satisfies the conditions for the activation of its second effect! Taking out a card from the deck, Chronos The professor played it on the duel board, This card can only be activated when it is destroyed and sent to the graveyard. I select an [Ancient Machinery] monster from my hand, deck, or graveyard to Special Summon!

Dragon that shines with profound brilliance, release the hot energy in your chest to your heart's content before me!

It is completely different from the operation with four exchanges and one [Ancient Mechanical Titan] in the duel with Judai, which caused the card to explode. Although it was assisted by Camula's confusing scum, Chronos It can be said that the professor successfully used [Gear Car Street] to get out the ace monster with the highest attack power and the highest level in his main deck——

[Ancient Mechanical Thermonuclear Dragon], special summon Nanuo Nie!

The discarded metal gears on the destroyed [Gear Street] reunited to form a huge synthetic flying dragon. The combination of the gear set and the nuclear power reactor caused the power to surge, surge, and surge, driving the steel giant. The dragon suddenly opened its pair of broad wings, and the storm it set off instantly dispelled the light fog that had enveloped the field after Camula's [Vampire's Domain] was activated!

[Ancient Mechanical Thermonuclear Dragon] [9☆/land]

【Mechanical family/effect】


A monster with an attack power of 3,000 points? How could it be so easy?! Camula looked at the [Ancient Mechanical Thermonuclear Dragon] on Professor Chronos' field, and his eyes widened in surprise.

Although Hayato, Jonouchi and others often jokingly say to a certain monster that it actually has the attack power of the legendary [Blue-Eyes White Dragon], it seems that Blue-Eyes White Dragon is already the standard for comparing attack power. The units are average, but in fact, in most decks, just having a monster with an attack power of 3000 points is already very powerful, such as the tenth generation [E·hero]. Without using the bonus of the effect, even A monster's attack power can reach 3,000 points.

In Camula's [Vampire] deck, there is only one monster with an attack power of 3000 points, and that monster is a special summoned monster that cannot be normally summoned. The conditions for entry are a bit troublesome. In theory, you have to do whatever it takes to appear. three cards or more.

As a result, the guy in front of me who looked like [Pot of Desire] summoned a monster with the same attack power with just one card! ?

Camula's eyes instantly turned ferocious. Her previous contempt for Chronos was instantly put aside, and she immediately said: Then when your monster is specially summoned, I will also activate the effects of the monsters in my graveyard. !”

During the main phase of both sides, banish [Vampire's Ghost] from my graveyard, pay 500 base points to activate, and summon a [Vampire] monster! Take out a card from the graveyard and banish it. Camura is in this duel. The third time I paid my base points.

[Camura: 3000→2500LP]

“When did that monster—” Chronos paused, recalling Camula’s actions in the last round, “it was sent along with the [Vampire’s Familiar] by the [Angel’s Charity] at that time. Are you going to the cemetery?

Yes, it was that time, and [Vampire's Ghost] was also my strongest countermeasure left in the cemetery. Our noble blood race is an immortal night race. Only you fragile humans are afraid of death. Camula said proudly, What I want to summon is this [Vampire Red Baron] in my hand. He needs a sacrifice at level 6☆. I will liberate the [Shadow Vampire] on my field. Summoned by superiors!”

[Shadow Vampire], who was sitting under [Vampire Witch], disappeared from the Camula field, causing the former to accidentally sit on the ground. Then, in the card area where [Shadow Vampire] disappeared, a A vampire dressed in a similar style as a soldier, but obviously with a higher level and more gorgeous equipment, appears, and rides a heavily armored war horse that has also been assimilated into a vampire, with scarlet eyes and a mouth full of blood-stained teeth.

[Vampire Witch] rubbed her butt and got up from the ground unhappily and glared at [Vampire Red Baron] who had just appeared. Although the latter's attack power was higher than the former, he still saluted respectfully to [Vampire Witch]. It was obvious that the latter The class is even higher than him.

After losing her seat, [Vampire Witch] naturally had to find another place to sit down. This time she took a fancy to [Ancient Mechanical Thermonuclear Dragon] who also just appeared on the field of Chronos, and waved her hand to release a wave of A ball of pink magic turned into an arrow and hit the [ancient mechanical thermonuclear dragon]?

Immediately afterwards, Chronos saw that the [ancient mechanical thermonuclear dragon], which was supposed to be a mindless mechanical creation, was forcibly interfered with its operation under the influence of that very adult magic power, and was gradually being dragged to the opposite side. Go on the field? The [Vampire Witch] knocked the [Ancient Mechanical Thermonuclear Dragon] to the ground, and she must have grabbed it to make a chair under her butt!

When [Vampire] is summoned successfully, or when a [Vampire] monster is summoned on my field, it can only be activated by targeting a monster on the opponent's field that has a higher attack power than her. After a pause, Camura said proudly. The Earthly Pointer said to the [Ancient Mechanical Thermonuclear Dragon] who was about to escape the control of Chronos, Give it as an equipment card to the [Vampire Witch]!

This ability is called 'Captive Arrow'. It can increase the attack power of [Vampire Witch]. The original attack power of the monster equipped with this effect is limited to once per turn, but it doesn't matter, because it is equipped with [Ancient After the Mechanical Thermonuclear Dragon], the attack power of [Vampire Witch] will be increased to a full 5,000 points!

What else can stop me? What can stop me?

Wail, cry, and then die! This is the terrifying power of the vampires! Haha, hahahaha!

Amidst Kamula's proud laughter, Professor Chronos decisively ordered: In this case, I can only blow myself up Na No Nie!


Camula's laughter stopped suddenly, and then she saw Chronos pull out a card from his hand, place it in the magic trap area of ​​the duel plate and said: Quick Attack Magic Card [Enemy Controller], The effect of the chain [Vampire Witch] is activated, liberating the [Ancient Mechanical Thermonuclear Dragon] on my field, and gaining control of one monster on the opponent's field - [Vampire Red Baron] with the highest attack power until the end phase. pinch!

If you want to take away my monster, then I will use the same method to take away your monster. In the words of Principal Hayato, it's 'reciprocity'!

Thanks for the 100 points rewarded by Little Blue World's Cutest, thank you, it belongs to the py transaction

ps1: I originally wanted to add illustrations yesterday, but since a book friend helped me add them, I just started working on them (laughs)

ps2: I have something to say, the vampire deck is really good at tauren. Someone I know has a vampire card set (he said that he mainly likes the pleasure of burning blood, and collecting sister cards is incidental. I believe it)

I played with him using the ancient rules of 4000 health, no super link, etc., and he was able to defeat me with three or four cards in one round (and then used the magic tube to kill him, the magic tube was too powerful)

ps3: The picture and text at the end of the chapter have nothing to do with it:)

ps4: Please vote for recommendation~

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