Is this the world of Yu-Gi-Oh? Ada thief!

Chapter 65: Sai Gao Ni is the iron duck!

Chapter 1119 The game is so good!

There were a total of four Seven Stars that Anasis brought to the Duel Academy Island. In addition to taking a long time to climb to the island and find the ten thousand-foot Titan, there were three others who had already separated before the ten generations arrived. The manifestations spread out in different directions across the island.

Compared to Anasis, who thinks he is the Seven Stars, they know the seals of the Seven Spirit Sect quite clearly. They know that their goal on the island is to find the people who hold the seal keys in the shortest possible time and duel with them. Unlock the Seven Spirit Seals.

No matter how you think about it, it is obviously the fastest to spread out and choose an area to search. The proud Seven Stars are not worried that they will fall into a duel with the key guardian if they act alone.

Although Judai and the others did not witness the whereabouts of the Seven Stars with their own eyes, it didn't matter because someone saw which direction they went.

I'm asking you to show me the way, Xiang! Judai said to Xiang in front of him, and then excitedly shook his fist at the sky, Fusion Summon! [Double Cycling Robot]! Os!

No, this is just an ordinary tandem bicycle, not my duel monster card. And what's that weird modal word? Sitting in the front row of Judai, Sho Marufuji held the armrest and complained, and He said with some uncertainty, Brother, are you sure we want to go there like this? Is it just the two of us? Besides, I'm not sure where the other person went.

That's better than us not seeing anything. Misawa Daichi and Maeda Hayato rode a tandem bicycle together, with Maeda Hayato sitting in the front and Misawa sitting in the back seat. It's better even if there is only a general direction. We are searching like headless flies, the most important thing now is to find the 'Seven Stars' that broke into the island first.

After all, even a guy like the Titans who is so despicable as to kidnap others can become a 'Seven Stars'. It is difficult for me to trust the quality and character of several other duelists. So in order to prevent others from being like Asuka. Kidnapping, we have to move quickly.

After hearing Judai's words, Xiang muttered: Although it's not something to be proud of, I was obviously kidnapped at that time, but when everyone mentioned the kidnapping, they thought of Asuka-san instead of me. It’s like I’m making up the numbers…”

Although he was a little unhappy, Xiang was still motivated by Judai's words. Just thinking about saving others from being harmed by the Seven Stars made Xiang gain a good reputation in the school, and he was admired and admired by other boys. With the girls' love, he felt that his condition had increased to the point where he was shaking!

Go! Go! Go! Oh Ole Ole Ole! Singing a song that was completely out of tune, Judai and Xiang were full of firepower and took the lead on the road on their bicycles.

When the other three Seven Stars left just now, what Xiang noticed was the person leaving with a hang glider. Although he couldn't see the other person's face and clothing because he was far away, he could only see a long black windbreaker, but Xiang could still distinguish it. The opponent used a fairly normal hang glider, at least more like a modern person than the guy who left on a tiger.

In contrast, what Hayato Maeda noticed was the direction of the man who was riding away on a tiger, because the man's solid muscles that could be seen from a long distance gave Maeda Hayato his first impression of a man wearing cool clothes. Big guy.

Not only that, because to celebrate Judai's successful passing of the sanctions duel, Maeda Hayato also participated in the picnic and mistakenly entered the ancient tomb that can be accessed from the back mountain ruins. Judai was not the only one who gained something there.

There, Hayato Maeda accidentally noticed that there was an elf living in his card. When Maeda injured his knee while escaping from the ancient tomb and couldn't run, his elf [Death Koala] even carried him out.

Maeda almost thought he was dreaming at first, but when he saw half of the stone plate he got at the Tomb of the Royal Family hanging on Judai's chest, he knew it was definitely not a dream, and tried to deal with his card like a mental patient. After communicating with others, he actually successfully awakened the ability to see spirits!

However, compared to Judai and Manjoume, Maeda Hayato's ability to see elves is not very mature. He can only stably see his own elves [Death Koala]. At most, he can also add the [Wings] that often appear around Judai. Chestnut Ball], other people's elves may not be able to see it, such as the Ten Thousand Eyes [Dragon of Light and Darkness].

However, even if he couldn't see it, he could still vaguely feel the special aura of the card with the elf on it, and he could feel that special feeling on the big muscular man riding a tiger!

So while Judai and Sho were chasing the man using the hang glider in the direction he left, Hayato Maeda and Daichi Misawa headed towards the jungle where the man riding the tiger disappeared. The former seems to be heading towards the dormant volcano in the center of the academy island, while the latter is headed towards the undeveloped mountains behind the academy with dense virgin jungle.

The last of the three Seven Stars who left was a guy with a pair of bat wings. From a distance, he looked as scary as a legendary vampire, although vampires can appear under the sun in broad daylight. It was somewhat strange, but Sho Marufuji and Hayato Maeda were both a little startled and did not carefully confirm the other's whereabouts.

However, while driving in Teacher Daitokuji's car, Misawa actually noticed the strange bat flying in the sky. After combining the descriptions of the two people, he immediately realized that it was the fourth Seven Stars. Recalling that the direction the other party was heading seemed to be the lake near the college, he did not pursue that person.

Because in terms of distance, a few of them chased the tiger rider and the hang glider. It was okay to say that a vampire with wings could ignore the terrain and height. Even if they smashed all four pedals of the tandem bicycle, it would be very difficult. It was difficult to catch up, but it was different with Professor Kuronos. They had a car, and they were closer to the lake next to the blue dormitory.

After asking Teacher Daitokuji to notify Professor Kuronos, Misawa and Judai safely handed over the fourth Seven Stars to the teacher.

Wan Zhangmu was the one who fought against the first Seven Stars, but in fact when he and Titan had just entered the dark game, the vampire-like fourth Seven Stars had already arrived at her destination.

The bat wings behind her back turned into countless little bats and scattered the moment they landed. A burgundy dress wrapped her graceful body. A pair of huge hearts were extremely conspicuous, and her long green hair was hanging down. behind. The fourth Seven Stars looks like a lady dressed as a medieval noblewoman!

When she landed on the lakeside, she stared straight at her destination, showed her sharp fangs, smiled ferociously, and said: I have been waiting for this moment for a long, long time, too long!

Since the distant Middle Ages, humans have been greedy for the wealth inherited by our blood family and actually killed all my people. I can't forget this hatred even after sleeping in the coffin for so many years. I have been waiting for this opportunity for revenge for too long. Got it!

My clan has disappeared. Even the last breath of my clan brother stagnated near this island four years ago. The vampire clan can no longer reproduce. Taking out a card, the green-haired woman She straightened her slightly messy hairstyle, and when her long hair was arranged from her cheeks to behind her ears, her pointed ears that were obviously not human were exposed. However, as long as the power of this 'Phantom' card is used, the human soul and Life can be transformed into a new vampire.

I want to make the Vampire Clan great again! Starting from this academy where my last relative is buried, I will use the wails and pain of those girls to wash away the humiliation that the Vampire Clan has suffered!

Looking forward, the lady who calls herself the vampire is located near the girls' dormitory of Obelisk-Blue dormitory!

Although she had received Kagemaru's order to search for the key to the so-called Seven Spirits Seal, in her opinion, it didn't matter if she took her time. If Kagemaru hadn't urged her too hard, Anassis would have killed four Seven Stars in one go. They were all sent to the island. She originally even thought of spreading the legend of their blood clan in the academy for a few days to remind humans of their terror.

But it's not impossible even now. As soon as I arrived at the girls' dormitory, I used my bat familiars to attack those girls, using their blood to enrich the power of this special card in my hand, and let them fall into the place that makes me happy. While being extremely frightened, you can also attract the person with the key to the seal. Isn't that killing two birds with one stone?

But just as the vampire lady took the first step towards the girls' dormitory, a shout came from in front of her: People over there, stop! Don't come near the girls' dormitory!

A four-seater classic car rushed out along the forest road to the lake. After noticing the vampire lady approaching from the side, she had already taken a few steps back to avoid the vehicle and was not knocked into the lake. The driver's driving skills also improved. Yes, when he saw that he didn't hit the vampire lady, he slowed down decisively so as not to rush into the lake. The vehicle looked dangerous, but in fact it stopped smoothly by the lake and intercepted in front of the vampire lady.

Asuka got out of the back seat of the car, looked at the lady in front of her seriously and said, You are definitely not from the girls' dormitory. I have never seen you. You are the 'Seven Stars' who broke into the island. Bar!

Hearing Asuka's words, the lady looked at her and chuckled: You can't say for sure, little girl, maybe I am a new trainee teacher, or a lonely student who doesn't like to go out very much, so you don't You’ve seen me.”

Asuka also looked at the other person's appearance, showing disgust visible to the naked eye: How shameless do you have to be to say that you are a student? Is it just your old face that looks almost seventy or eighty years old?

Little girl, are you looking for death? Even if she can suppress her contempt for humans and act in front of Asuka, the level of concern about age has nothing to do with race. The vampire lady cannot tolerate Asuka's malicious slander about her age for a second. He said angrily, I am eighteen years old in my prime!

Annoying little girl, look at your clothes, you are also a student of this college, right? What a coincidence, I'll start with you and harvest the souls of the students of this school!

This guy is very dangerous, Tenjoin! After hearing the words of the woman in front of him, Ryo Marufuji, who also got out of the car, said from the other side of the car, My feeling tells me that she might use the 'Dark Game' With such means, I will be her opponent.

No, it doesn't matter even if it's a 'dark game'. It's better to say that because of the dark game, I'm going to beat this person. Maybe she will know clues about my brother. Asuka rejected Marufuji's kindness. Lift the duel disc. The experience of being kidnapped by a Titan not long ago was a great humiliation for the strong Asuka. She desperately needed a victory to adjust her mood.

What Asuka didn't know was that her guess was wrong. The woman in front of her was actually related to her missing brother to some extent.

Seeing the appearance of Marufuji Ryo, the vampire lady stuck out her tongue and licked her red lips with great interest: What an interesting soul. Compared to that little girl over there, I am definitely more interested in this handsome guy. I’m interested, but now that brat dares to offend me. On one side is a nasty guy who wants to kill me, and on the other side is a human being who arouses my interest. It’s really a happy and difficult trouble.”

But it doesn't matter. I can fight both of you equally. It doesn't matter who comes.

In that case, your opponent will be me - Asuka heard her speaking so arrogantly and was about to take a step forward.

However, a hand stretched out to block her in front of her. After turning off the car, Teacher Kronos put on his rather complicated but really handsome duel disk and stepped out of the driver's seat. , stopped Asuka and said: Aspetta (Italian: wait), Asuka-san, neither you nor Ryo-san will participate in this duel.

After adjusting his collar, Professor Chronos looked calm and elegant, and made a medieval aristocratic salute: The member of the 'Seven Stars' who broke into the Duel Academy without etiquette, the person standing in front of you is Chief Professor of the Duel Academy, Cronos de Medici, I will take over your duel challenge!

'Mamma Mia! I had promised Samejima's vice-principal before that I would never let anyone from the Seven Stars come to the island, but these annoying guys got so far in the next second. It's so embarrassing! Let me use this duel to wash away my embarrassment and regain my face! ’

The vampire lady couldn't tell what Professor Kronos was thinking. She looked at the handsome and young Marufuji Ryo, and then at the ugly Kronos. She had a look of disgust on her face: It's very strange. You want me to duel with you? Can't you change it to someone else?

Well, forget it, a clown like you can't be that good anyway. He said arrogantly, and the vampire lady also performed a medieval aristocratic salute, which was regarded as a return to the etiquette of Professor Chronos, which surprised him. He glanced at her and then introduced himself, I am a noble lady of the Seven Stars, a noble vampire, named Camula.

Camula? It sounds like a woman's name, Professor Kuronos said subconsciously, but seeing Camula's strangely glowing red eyes, he suddenly reacted, surprised and even said in panic, Vampire? Vampire!?

It's not a vampire, it's a vampire! She corrected the name of Chronos unhappily. Camula noticed that his legs, which had been standing straight just now, were trembling, and joked, Are you scared? In that case, Hand over the key on your chest and get out of here, I don't want to duel with an ugly guy like you, but I'm more interested in that little brother over there.

When Asuka stepped out of the car, Camura noticed that the three of them had a strange-shaped metal piece hanging on their chests. As expected, it was the key to the Seven Spirits Seal, and the three people in front of him He is the keeper of the keys.

This made Camula feel that her luck was really great. Although she did not succeed in entering the girls' dormitory and killing people as she originally planned, she did successfully find the guardians of the three keys. With her own strength, these three keys Isn’t the key already in his pocket? Compared with the other companions of Seven Stars who might not even be able to find the Key Guardian, he has already won too much.

This feeling is so wonderful, so joyful and comfortable!

It really makes me so high!

I tested the illustration function and it barely works.

When will there be another AI automatic code wording (think peach)

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