Is this the world of Yu-Gi-Oh? Ada thief!

Chapter 64 Seven Stars and Seven Stars

It's hard to believe that there can be such a big submarine in the world!?

Because Judai was called to the principal's office, Sho Marufuji and Hayato Maeda went to have lunch and returned to the dormitory after class. However, before they could return to the dormitory, they saw Kurenai's dormitory approaching when they were walking on the road. Huge waves suddenly rose on the cliff, and then a huge submarine docked on the shore. โ—†๐†๐จ๐จ๐ ๐ฅ๐ž Search for ๐ฌ๐ญ๐จ๐Ÿ“๐Ÿ๐ŸŽ.๐œ๐จ๐ฆโ—†

Compared to Maeda Hayato who simply marveled at the huge size of the submarine, Sho Marufuji recognized the submarine. Although there was no mandatory requirement, he used the [Robot] deck and had a deep understanding of many means of transportation in the world. As he stood, he knew that the submarine in front of him was a giant submarine that surpassed the previous record as the world's largest submarine during the Cold War - the Sea Parrot!

Why does the Sea Parrot appear here? I remember it should be a submarine manufactured by Anasis Shipping Company. Swallowing his saliva, Sho Marufuji also has monsters like [Submarine Robots] based on submarines. But how can the Q-print style [Robot] compare with the huge real thing? Even if they didn't get close but just stood in the distance and looked at the giant submarine that almost covered the sky and the sun, he and Maeda couldn't help but hug each other because of their small size.

Although the Osiris-Red Dormitory is the farthest dormitory from the college's main building among the three dormitories, it is right next to the road that leads directly to the front entrance of the college. Everyone in the principal's room rushed towards the red dormitory. At the same time, under the gaze of the students in the red dormitory who curiously poked their heads out of their rooms, an exit was opened on the submarine, and several people appeared on the submarine from the exit on the elevator platform.

Compared with the original timeline, Kagemaru leisurely let the members of the Seven Stars organization line up one by one and slowly hunt for the key to the Seven Spirits Seal. After cooperating with Tenma Tsukiyuki to lure Hayato away, Kagemaru I chose a stud and sent out all the Seven Stars members to start hunting, with the intention of obtaining all seven keys in the shortest time to release the seal, and finally open the Seven Spirits Unlocking Door to obtain the sealed card.

Wearing a captain's hat on his head, Anasis, the owner of the Sea Parrot looked at the few people riding the lift with him and said: Then, after bringing you here, I will do the deal. Itโ€™s done. Your next actions have nothing to do with me.โ€

It's really confusing. You specifically asked me to use my favorite car to send you guys to the Duel Academy Island. To do this, I didn't hesitate to sign a series of trade contracts that can be said to be loss-making. I don't know that Kagemaru What did that guy think?

Several people on the platform did not answer Anasis's doubts. They used their own methods to leave the submarine and move to the island. Some rode a living tiger and let the tiger jump into the jungle, some spread out their hang gliders and even glided. There was also a woman who actually sprouted a pair of bat wings and flew up from her back.

Oh, not everyone has their own skills. Anasis saw the burliest man among the people he brought, who was wearing a long trench coat, a mask and a top hat. Anasis thought he would be the most powerful. , but as a result, several of his other companions had crossed the sea with their own magic, but now he climbed up the ladder to the beach, and then climbed the rock to the island.

While watching the big man stupidly climbing the rock without even observing his surroundings and not realizing that there was a path leading to the top of the cliff, Anasis saw a man wearing red clothes standing next to the student dormitory next to the three-dimensional cliff. The students in uniform ran from a long distance to the edge of the cliff.

Hoo, ho, ho! Even if he was in good physical strength, Judai was out of breath running all the way from school to the dormitory. After taking a big breath of air to slow down, he looked at Anasis standing alone on the submarine and said, Hey, uncle over there! Are you the 'Seven Stars'?

Behind Judai, in the small jeep driven by Daitokuji, Misawa Daichi and Manjomu got out of the car. Looking at Judai who was one step ahead of them, Manzomu complained: Are you a monster? Actually running faster than a car?โ€

Because this is the basic skill of a hero.

Don't think that such frivolous reasons can explain that kind of physical ability. Hey, I'm afraid you weren't a superpower with strange powers in your last life. Wan Zhangmu said casually.

Don't worry about those things, Wan Zhang Mu, you see, the enemy is already in front of us.

It's Mr. Wan Zhangmu!

Seeing Judai pointing his hand towards him, a microphone rose up next to Anasis. He picked it up and put it to his mouth and said: Boy over there, what is the 'Seven Stars'?

Seven Stars? Of course Seven Stars is a powerful duelist who cooperates with Chairman Kagemaru and wants to seize the school's secret card 'Three Phantom Demons'? Wan Zhangmu heard Anasis's words and was a little surprised to suddenly appear here. Who was the other party, but he still answered Anassis on behalf of Judai, because he knew very well that Judai had definitely not remembered what Principal Samejima said just now.

Sure enough, Judai and Anasis both had expressions on their faces that said, So this is the Seven Stars.

It was indeed the first time for Anasis to hear what the Seven Stars were. It was also the first time for him to hear about the Duel Academy's secret cards. He really became interested.

Seeing how popular the Duel Academy is, Anasis also has the idea of โ€‹โ€‹getting involved in this field. After all, people all over the world with some capital and brains can see that Duel Monsters will definitely be the most popular industry in the future, and it has integrated 80 of the world's %Anassis in the shipping industry also has enough capital to enter.

In fact, he has already prepared more than half of the work to establish his own duel academy, including the school's infrastructure, the preparation of teachers, and even contacted the fisherman Kajiki Yuta, who is famous among professional duelists, to come and help. To promote his Ocean Duel Academy.

What's missing is the foundation that is hard to buy with money, and in the field of Duel Monsters, Integrity is cards, rare and unique Duel Monster cards.

Anasis immediately became interested in the secret card mentioned by Wan Zhangmu, and examined his conditionsโ€”โ€”

Are you a powerful duelist who cooperates with Kagemaru and wants to seize the 'Secret Card'? Anasis pointed at himself with his thumb, Then I think I am also a Seven Star!

Because Wan Zhangmu misunderstood the meaning of Seven Stars, an extremely subtle misunderstanding occurred between Anassis and the Judai people. After hearing Anassis admit that he was a Seven Stars, the Ten Dai people They all raised their dueling disks to fight with them.

It hit so fast. But it's just what I wanted.

The first 'Seven Stars' will be defeated by me, Yujo Judai/Wanzhang Muquan!

After saying this in unison, Judai and Banjomu both turned their heads to look at each other with dissatisfied expressions on their faces.

Why are you trying to imitate me, Wan Zhang Mu?

It's Mr. Wan Zhangmu! And it's you who learned from me first, right?

Obviously I spoke a second before you, so I was the one who spoke first.

Idiot, I'm from the blue dormitory, so I have higher priority than you!

Where did Blue Dormitory come from with such messed up priorities?

Watching Judai and Banzhangme bickering, Anasis scratched his head: Why do I have to duel with you? Isn't it better to get the card first? I think the other people who came with me are probably Seven Stars. People have already arrived on the island.โ€

What? More than one 'Seven Stars' have arrived? Misawa frowned, But to unlock the seal of the 'Seven Spirit Gate', we must collect the keys to all seven seals on our side through a duel. .โ€

Teacher Daitokuji, please inform Professor Kuronos and Principal Samejima immediately that people from the Seven Stars have entered the island!

Huh? Oh, okay, nya. Hearing Misawa directing him, Daitokuji was happy to fish without taking action. He took out his mobile phone from the car and started calling Principal Samejima.

Because any business can usually be done in school, and the dormitory is not too far from the college. The cars of Principal Samejima and Professor Kuronos are not like Daitokuji who need to go back to the red dormitory. They usually donโ€™t do much. If it comes in handy, it will take some time to get to the Red Dormitory. Fortunately, they can search for the Seven Stars members who have landed on the island faster than Dadeji and others.

At the same time, a hand climbed to the top of the cliff. After hearing Judai's voice just now, the big man in a black trench coat climbed nearly twice as fast. He climbed to the cliff. Seeing Judai who was not far away, he gave a cold and spiteful laugh: Hahahahaha! Yujo Judai, I didn't expect to see you again so soon!

I'm back from hell!

This mask, are you the Titan!? Judai was shocked when he saw the person climbing up the cliff, Do we actually live on the edge of hell!?

No, that guy just climbed up from over there. Are you surprised by this? Anasis complained, Anyway, come on and have a duel with me. I can't wait to become the Seven Stars. , took away the secret card.

But after hearing what Anasis said, the masked man - the underground hired duelist Titan who had previously kidnapped Asuka but was defeated by Judai and fell into the dark game - said: I've been saying it from the beginning, you... What kind of seven-star is this guy?

Huh? Isn't he Nanahoshi? When Judai and Banzhangmu, who were still fighting high-spirited just now, heard this, they lowered their raised duel disks and looked at Anasis and then at Titan in confusion.

Hmph, of course he is not Seven Stars anymore. He is just an unrelated person who brought us Seven Stars to this island because of the deal. The real Seven Stars, everyone has a dark item!

When Judai heard what Titan said, he showed his dead eyes: Are you going to come here again and take out a pirated [Millennium Building Block] and say it is a dark prop? Or is it replaced by a [Millennium Wisdom Wheel] this time? ?โ€

No, my dark prop is the mask I'm wearing. I'm able to get it thanks to you, Yujo Judai! Under the Titan mask, it was completely pitch black, with no white eyes, staring straight at Judai. , After being defeated by you, I fell into the dark world, where I suffered endless torture. I couldn't help but have an infinite desire for power in my heart. For this, I was willing to pay the price of my soul.

And the darkness actually responded to me because of my desire! It gave my mask a powerful dark power, and gave me a powerful 'throwing tiles'! Titan said somewhat crazily, The duelist Titan who played hypnotic tricks has died. In the darkness, I feel like I am reborn at this moment. I am the Titan of the Seven Stars!

As he spoke, black energy emerged from Titan's mask, a golden Eye of Ugato appeared on his forehead, and the dark energy spread to the surroundings!

Judai immediately raised the duel plate on guard, only to see that the black energy had no intention of attacking him. Instead, it suddenly turned around after getting close to him for a while and locked the Wan Zhang Eye next to him! ?

Idiot, do you think I will choose you as my opponent in a duel again, the inherently evil kid from the red dormitory?

Recalling the pain of his monster being tortured by [Torrent Burial], [Magic Canister], and [Holy Shield - Power of Reflector -] in the previous duel with Judai, Titan did not want to duel with Judai again, and looked at With a surprised look on his face, he said, I have completely seen through the hierarchy of your school. The red dormitory who seems to be the poor student is actually the strongest duelist, so of course the blue dormitory who seems to be the strongest is the weakest. .โ€

What do you mean, 'jounin fights over pots and pans, and genin fights to destroy the world'? Wan Zhangmu complained about Titan's strange understanding, but said a little unhappily, I thought you picked me because I have great discernment. You picked the strongest one, but you actually think that I am the weakest? Even if I am weaker than that jellyfish head, you actually think that I am weaker than that Four Arithmetic Operators, or even Teacher Daitokuji!?

Daitokuji: Why do you use 'even' when it comes to me, nya? That's too much, Wanzhangmu-kun!

Misawa patted Daitokuji's shoulder to comfort him, sighed and said, I didn't even get my name read correctly. What did I say?

I didn't expect that uncle was not the Seven Stars at all, and even the real Seven Stars were beaten by you, Banzhangmu. Judai looked at the thin black mist rising around the Banzhangmu, But I will definitely defeat the Seven Stars before you do. Yes, Ten Thousand Zhang Eyes!

Hearing that Judai was not worried about his own danger at all, Wanzhangmu knew that this was because Judai knew his own strength and the level of the Titans he had defeated once, and said arrogantly: If I lose to someone who can defeat you, Guy, that kind of thing is so embarrassing, there is no way it would happen to me.

But don't even think about defeating the first Seven Stars, because I will defeat this guy soon, and even hunt the second and third Seven Stars. You can't catch me, Judai! Pointing his thumb at himself, Wan Zhangmu raised the corner of his mouth, Last point, it's Mr. Wan Zhangmu!

Hey, can you guys stop thinking about yourselves and start dueling! Seeing that the duel between Wan Zhangmu and Titan was about to begin, Anasis on the submarine became a little anxious and his voice became louder, Me too Letโ€™s duel!โ€

Well - this guy's voice must be too loud.

Because the sound was amplified by the speakers, Anasis's shout turned into a full-blown noise, causing almost everyone present to cover their ears. Even many students in the red dormitory who had closed their doors because of the black mist released by the Titans earlier. Being so noisy.

Hearing Judai's complaints, Misawa let go after the voice became quieter, and said helplessly: But I remember that Anasis Shipping Company seems to have cooperated with the school, right? It's not good to just leave him alone, not to mention he has It was making noise all the time.โ€

But he's not Qixing. I don't want to duel with him.

Me too. It would be great if there was someone who could hold him back here. It doesn't matter whether he is strong or weak.

Misawa and Judai each said one sentence, and suddenly turned their heads to look at one person.

He covered the ears of the orange cat Pharaoh with both hands, and then the Pharaoh stretched out his cat paws to cover his ears. After Dadeji felt that Anasis's noise had stopped, he released his hands covering the Pharaoh's ears and complained: Wow, this noise is a bit too loud, meow.

Huh? Judai-kun and I and Misawa-san, why are you looking at me, nya?

A few minutes later, looking at Anasis who was standing opposite and drawing cards from his hand with great interest, Daitokuji said with a sad face: Shouldn't I be the one who makes up the numbers? Why are you suddenly asking me to duel?


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