Is this the world of Yu-Gi-Oh? Ada thief!

Chapter 45: If you use a hero as your starting hand in doubles, you will be beaten.

Is this the world of Pai Lao? Ada thief! In Chapter 45 of Heart Crushing, when a hero comes to the starting hand in doubles, he will be hit with My turn, draw a card. After Mi's turn, it is Judai's turn. After he draws a card from the deck, Looking at the cards on the field, he said, I don't know what's going on, but he is worthy of being a legendary duelist. He looks very powerful.

In that case, I have to go all out here! Judai said, playing a card in his hand, When I have no monsters on the field, I pay half of my base points to activate the magic card, [Hero Arrival] !”

As soon as Judai played the card, he found that the faces of the Maze brothers across from him all had contemptuous smiles, and Caesar, who always had an expression on his face, also had some twitching at the corners of his mouth.

You can tell this is my first time in a team duel. I don't know how to play a doubles match at all, young man. Mi folded his arms in front of his chest and said in an old-fashioned way.

Gong echoed his brother's words, There is no problem in using ordinary cards that pay basic points in doubles, because increasing the basic points to 8,000 points can basically reduce the original cost to half. Yes, but it’s a taboo to only use a card that ‘pays half the base points’.”

Obviously we haven't entered the battle stage yet, but you have caused your team to lose a total of 4,000 basic points!

Not only are we not cooperating, but we are also harming our own interests. We are almost laughing to death, hahahaha!

The singing and duet of the Labyrinth Brothers made Judai also realize the error of his operation. He immediately looked at Caesar on the side with some embarrassment and said: Sorry, Caesar, I seem to have made a fatal mistake.

No need to worry about it, it's just a slight loss of basic points, just continue.

Caesar shook his head and told Judai not to pay too much attention. He could see the purpose of the Labyrinth Brothers at a glance. It is true that Judai's operation was not correct, but they also deliberately used words to try to destroy their own cooperation, just like Ryuga mocked himself before and said that he had no desire to win.

——Until now, Caesar still stubbornly believes that what Ryuga said at that time was just pure trash talk.

Trash talking is also an important part of a duel, just like having a loud roaring Tianzun teammate is a huge blessing when playing e-sports, but as long as e-sports is formalized and each team is assigned an independent combat area, it can To effectively counteract this tactic, Caesar's choice is to ignore all trash talk.

What's more, our principal has a favorite saying, 'As long as the basic score is not reset to zero, it is infinite.'

Really, hahaha, you really have Mr. Hayato's style. Judai turned to look at the fan again, Since the card has been activated and regretting is of no use, then all I can do is to use my strength as much as possible. All in!

[Ten generations: 8000→4000lp]

Fully half of the base points were paid by Judai. He drew a card from the deck and showed it to the Maze Brothers: The effect of [Hero Arrival], I took an [e·hero] monster from the deck - —This [e·hero Bubble Man] is Special Summoned on my field!

The expressions on the fans' faces were somewhat unhappy. Caesar's idea was indeed right. When they learned about the dormitory divisions in the Duel Academy and saw Judai and Caesar on stage wearing different uniforms, they raised the idea of ​​using The idea of ​​​​provoking conflict tactics, after all, trash talk can greatly affect the dueling level of the opponent's duelist in normal times, let alone doubles, a dueling method that requires coordination.

However, the opponent's combination was surprisingly peaceful and harmonious, and the trash talk on my side failed to have any effect.

However, when Judai put the [e·hero Bubble Man] card on the field, Mi's eyes lit up and he pressed the button to activate the card.

Activated when [e·hero Bubble Man] is summoned, reverse summoned, or special summoned successfully and I have no other cards on the field, I draw two cards from the deck.

Just as Judai was talking, he just drew two cards from the deck, and saw the [e·hero Bubble Man] on his field. As soon as he stepped on the ground, a huge spider suddenly appeared from the ground. He suddenly attacked the unsuspecting [e·hero Bubble Man].

Caught off guard, [e·hero Bubble Man] had just replenished Judai's hand, and was destroyed by the huge spider the next moment!

Hmph, hey, there are dangerous traps everywhere in the maze. If you are not careful, you will fall into a desperate situation of death. He pulled out the cover card that was opened in the back and showed it to Judai. Finally, the fan continued, I chained the special summons of [e·hero Bubble Man] to activate this cover card in the backcourt, [Mine Spider's Prey].

After this card is activated, it becomes a normal monster and is Special Summoned in my monster zone in the same column. After that, you can select another opponent's monster card in the same column and destroy it!

As Mi placed the trap card in the monster area in the front field, the giant spider that had previously attacked Judai's [e·hero Bubble Man] returned to Mi's field through the tunnel.

【Mine Spider】【5☆/Land】



Use the monster card as a permanent magic card, and then turn the permanent trap card into a monster card? Judai was a little stunned. As expected of a legendary duelist, he seems to be quite powerful.

However, [e·hero Bubble Man] has returned new hope to my hand before it was destroyed. Don't think it's just a trap and want to hinder the hero's progress. I will definitely pass this maze to give Look! As he said this, Judai drew a card from his hand and said, The magic card [Warrior Survival] is activated, returning a warrior-type monster from my graveyard to my hand. I chose [e· hero Bubble Man] and normal summon it!

And the effect of [e·hero Bubble Man] is not limited to once per round. I used his effect again and drew two cards!

【e·hero Bubble Man】【4☆/Water】



Just like Batan who always has a backup plan, [e·hero Bubble Man] suddenly reappeared on the Judai field. It was as if he had deliberately used a fake body to step on [Landmine Spider's prey] before. Like a trap to deceive the opponent, when he reappeared, he scattered a piece of bubbles like money and flew towards Judai's hand.

When the bubble dissipated, Brother Maze noticed that Judai's hand had actually grown to eight cards.

'The [e·hero] deck is a fusion deck that consumes quite a lot of resources, but it also has the versatility that is rare among many duel monster cards. It is a deck that has extremely high requirements on the duelist's own quality and judgment ability. . ’ Caesar was also looking at Judai, thinking in his heart, ‘Let me see the limit of your abilities, Yujo Judai! ’

As if he heard Caesar's thoughts, Judai smiled and said: Oh! The heroes have been gathered in my hand, so the next step is our stage!

I activate the magic card [Hero Alliance], and when there is a face-up [hero] monster on my field, I special summon two [e·hero] monsters with level 4☆ or lower from my hand! The two cards in his hand were placed on the left and right ends of the duel disk by Judai, as if they were pendulum summoning, Come out, [e·hero Skyman], [e·hero Flameman]!

Although Judai's theoretical scores were very poor and he was an irrefutable bad student, even Chronos could not deny Judai's growth and awareness in actual duels. After a summoned monster stepped on the enemy's trap, the two monsters he specially summoned at this moment chose monster areas that were not in the same column as the mysterious Gaika, trying to avoid those dangerous positions as much as possible to avoid making the same mistake again.

【e·hero Sky Man】【4☆/Wind】



【e·hero Flame Man】【4☆/Fire】



And Mi did not open the cover card again in response to Judai's [Heroes United] special summoning of monsters. Seeing this, Judai also started a chain of monster effects: Between [e·hero Skyman] and [e·hero] Whenever the special summon of Flame Man] is successful, all effects can be activated, c1 [e·hero Sky Man], c2 [e·hero Flame Man], and the chain is reversed.

I add a [Fusion] card from the deck to my hand, and then based on the number of [hero] monsters on my field, I can choose two magic and trap cards on the opponent's field to destroy!

Pointing to the maze wall in front of him that was blocking the monster's progress, Judai said decisively: The cards I want to destroy are one of the set cards on the opponent's back field and the field magic card [Shadow of the Maze Wall]!

Although logically speaking, the effect of [e·hero Skyman] should give priority to dealing with the cards in the opponent's back field when destroying magic trap cards, but Judai's intuition told him that the most dangerous thing is that this card does not exist. The field magic card [Shadow of the Maze Wall] shows its full power. The effect that prevents monsters from moving forward is the ability of the maze wall, and the card that retrieves the Three Demons with unknown meaning corresponds to the powerful enemy deep in the maze.

However, Judai has not forgotten the shadow that was hidden in the darkness when [Shadow on the Maze Wall] just rose. He very much suspected that the word shadow in [Shadow on the Maze Wall] might also hide a dangerous third party. Effect, if possible, the field must be destroyed before the effect starts to be used. This can also prevent the Maze Brothers from continuing to place the Three Demons cards on the backfield.

If Judai activates only the effect of [e·hero Skyman] at this moment, or if the effect chain of [e·hero Skyman] is arranged after [e·hero Flameman], fans can chain [e·hero Skyman] ·Hero Sky Man] uses some cards that prevent destruction effects, but Judai has recently taken a basic dueling class from Teacher Kira Aoki. Even in a half-asleep state, he has somewhat remembered that there is something called Although this is the first time, the operation of self-discharging chain has been successfully used.

The field magic card [Shadow of the Maze Wall] was instantly destroyed, and together with a cover card [Exploding Armor] on the field behind the fan, the field between the two sides returned to level. The heroes on the Judai field Face off against two monsters in the puzzle field.

You actually destroyed the maze! In that case, wouldn't we 'Maze Brothers' look weird!

The venue where one's nickname was best revealed was destroyed, which made the Labyrinth Brothers somewhat agitated, while Judai's operations continued.

Although [Heroes United] reduced his hand to five cards, [e·hero Flame Man] added one [Fusion] and there would still be a full six cards ten generations later, if he hadn't paid half of his basic points before. It's almost the same as at the beginning of the round.

Now that [Fusion] has been obtained, how can Judai continue to be patient and not use it? Immediately, Judai played the magic card in his hand: Activate [Fusion], I will send [e·hero Liquid Man] in my hand and [e·hero Skyman] on the field as fusion materials to the graveyard,

When the dual souls of elements meet, the power of the atmosphere awakened by the fusion of water and wind will bring life and hope. Give birth to the rising sun, hero of the sun!

Fusion Summon! [e·hero Sunrise Man]!

The flowing blue cloak is blown up by the breeze passing through the room, the broad chest, the sharp gaze through the horned helmet, and the handsome weapons mounted on the two gauntlets that look like the shining sun wheel split in half!

【e·heroSunrise Man】【7☆/Light】



The fusion material of [e·hero Sunrise Man] requires two [hero] monsters with different attributes. As a miracle hero, if he is specially summoned successfully, add a [Miracle Fusion] from my deck. hand. After retrieving a card, Judai added, As well as the effect of [e·hero Liquid Man] that was sent to the graveyard as a fusion material, I drew two cards from the deck, and then selected One hand card is discarded.

In addition, for every attribute on my field, due to the effect of [e·hero Sunrise Man], the attack power of my monsters increases by 200 points. At this moment, I have water, fire, There are three attributes of light, so the attack power of all monsters increases by 600 points!

【e·heroSunrise Man】【atk2500→3100】

【e·hero Flame Man】【atk1200→1800】

【e·hero Bubble Man】【atk800→1400】

Under the increase of [e·hero Sunrise Hero], the power of all the elemental heroes on Judai's field has been improved. Although Judai, an excellent student who looks like he is wearing the clothes of a poor student, is obsessed with it in the first round. He was slightly surprised to have summoned a monster with attack power exceeding the legendary [Blue Eyes White Dragon], but what he was more concerned about was that Judai still had six cards in his hand.

This is not integrated at all, but there is no card loss?

‘This kid seems to have a lot of talent. If he fights alone, he might be able to compete with some professional duelists, right? ’

‘But brother, this duel is a doubles match, which is our advantage. When my turn starts, you and I start to link up, and that’s when the duel really begins. ’

‘I understand, brother, but you still have to be careful about this guy’s actions. Although the other person you have to deal with has not yet taken action, I feel that he cannot be ignored. ’

‘I understand, brother, but the combination of the two of us is invincible! ’

The Labyrinth Brothers communicated covertly in Morse code with blinking eyes, so that Judai and Caesar could not know what they were talking about. After Judai looked at the card in his hand, he drew another card alone.

‘Something else is coming! ? ’

Staring at the card Judai drew, he was fascinated, but he saw Judai inserting the other five cards into the duel plate and saying: Put five cards over, my turn is over!

‘What kind of hero are you! ’ Mi looked at the five cards on the field after the tenth generation and roared in his heart.

[Ten generations: 4000lp, 1 card in hand]

【e·heroSunrise Man】【atk3100】

【e·hero Flame Man】【atk1800】

【e·hero Bubble Man】【atk1400】

【Gate Card】x5

After Judai's turn, it was the turn of the Maze Brothers' younger brother Miya. Looking at Judai's Gaika in the backcourt, he felt a little frightened. He couldn't help but wonder who was the Maze Brother, and why did he feel that the guy opposite him was better? Do you still know how to set traps here?

My turn is to draw a card. After looking at the card he drew, Gong looked at Judai with joy and said, Although you temporarily destroyed the maze that our brothers guarded, it is a pity that it will never be easy. The labyrinth is still surrounding you!

Activate the magic card [Planet Transformation], add the field magic card [Shadow on the Maze Wall] in my deck to my hand, and activate it.

Then, I usually summon [Heavy Chariot of the Labyrinth]!

Long time no see, please recommend me, please recommend me.

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