Is this the world of Yu-Gi-Oh? Ada thief!

Chapter 44: Strictly investigate the backcourt of Everfire players

Professor Kuronos, I'm so nervous, nya~

The next day, Teacher Daitokuji who was sitting in the audience looked nervous and said to Professor Kuronos beside him, I don't know what kind of opponents the council has arranged to duel with Yujo-san and the others. .”

Your worries are completely unnecessary, Noona, Teacher Daitokuji. Compared to Daitokuji, Professor Kuronos said very confidently, Although I don't know who the opponent arranged by the council is. But because of the duel partner chosen by the poor student, the result of this decisive duel is already obvious, Na Nuo Nie will definitely win. It’s such a pity, I really want to see the poor student get defeated by Na Nuo Nie.”

I'm a professional duel teacher, I don't even know how to lose?

It was also in the auditorium, and Professor Chronos' poisonous milk could not be heard from Wanzhangmu's side. He crossed his arms in front of his chest and said with an unhappy face: I took the initiative to find that jellyfish head to be his duel partner. But his choice was actually that guy! He must be jealous of me and doesn’t want to give me a chance to shine!

Bread, go get his head and come to me!

Ah? But my name is Maeda Hayato. After hearing Wan Zhangmu's words, Maeda scratched his cheek and sighed in his heart that this year's freshmen are really arrogant. They are exactly the same as last year's top freshman. Two personalities, one too laid back and the other too arrogant.

However, because Manzhangmu also came to cheer Judai, he also said with a smile: Judai couldn't make a decision, so he let Xiang choose.

As he spoke, Maeda glanced at the indoor auditorium. Although the students sitting in the auditorium were sparsely occupied and there seemed to be very few people, considering that this large duel venue was originally designed for large-scale duels. Designed for the event, the auditorium can actually accommodate a thousand people, so there are actually a lot of spectators.

After all, since the beginning of the school year, Judai's sanction duel can be regarded as the first major event in the college. In addition, Judai's reputation in the college has gradually gradually changed from the monster in the red dormitory who accidentally defeated Professor Kuronos. He became an unexplainable god-sucking dog. Although he still didn't admit that his strength actually exceeded the dormitory level, he was at least regarded as a duelist with some strength.

Some people come to join in the fun, and some people come to see if Judai's strength is as legendary. There are always a lot of people coming to see it. The most important thing is because of Judai's sanctioned duel. This afternoon There are no classes yet, so if you have nothing to do, you might as well watch a game.

It's said to be a choice. In fact, he just pointed it casually. He doesn't want to be responsible at all. Asuka sat alone in a row in front of a few people. But considering that he is indeed the one Judai can find and can best help him. There’s not much to say about winning a duel partner who decides the duel.”

Momoe and Junko originally planned to join in the fun with Asuka, but they accidentally ate too many desserts yesterday. When they woke up this morning, they found that their weight was not under control and they were together in the afternoon. I went to the gym to lose weight. Rather than joining in the fun, they still have to care more about their bodies.

However, in addition to those who came to join in the fun, some well-informed people also found out who Judai's duel partner was in this sanctioned team duel. Even if they were not interested in Judai, a first-year red dormitory student, Because of his duel partner, many people came here to watch the ruling duel.

However, I never expected that Marufuji would choose that person. Misawa said from the back row, Although it's a pity that I can't prove my presence and strength on this occasion, I can also collect information about that person.

Hearing that the conversation of several people involved him, Xiang scratched his head in embarrassment. He wanted to be noticed but paradoxically didn't like it. He diverted the attention of others and said, Ah, brother, he's coming up.

From the passage, Judai walked onto the duel stage under the watchful eyes of hundreds of people. No nervousness or other emotions appeared on him at all. Instead, he looked excited and looked forward to it for a long time: Wow, there are so many people. There are people here, totally excited!”

The referee for this duel was Kira Aoki, the dormitory leader who returned to school after a business trip. Facing Judai who seemed to be completely incompatible with his personality, he looked numb and calm and said: Students travel to the city for ten generations, right?”

Hi! It's me, teacher! The energetic Judai responded enthusiastically to the lifeless Aoki, My dream is to become the duel king. My current short-term goal is to make friends with all the classmates in the school!

No, no, no one asked you what your dream is, and I'm not interested in that either. I only ask you because it's a necessary process. After all, as long as you know who your opponent is in the duel like me, it's basically okay. No one will come to pretend to be you. Aoki said feebly, looked at the audience in the venue, and said, Then, please invite those who are specially invited by the Duel Academy Council and have special experience in double duels. Legendary duelists!

They're just-

As Kira Aoki's words fell, Judai saw two figures suddenly running up from the stage opposite him. One yellow figure and one green figure did somersaults on the field, and reflections kept appearing at the same time.

After a while of juggling, the two figures came together and stood side by side. Only then did Judai see clearly that the two people were actually two muscular bald men wearing cheongsams. In appearance, except for the color of the cheongsams, they were different. They are almost exactly the same, that is, they have the words MI and Gong tattooed on their foreheads, so that others can tell who is who between the two of them.

Their distinctive appearance made even Judai instantly recognize who they were. For a moment, the voices of Judai, the students in the audience who also recognized their identities, and Kira Aoki's voices sounded at the same time——

Maze Brothers!?

These two are none other than the Maze Brothers, a dueling duo that has been active since the Duel Kingdom period!

We are the wandering guardians- Brothers of the Labyrinth!

Brother Mi and younger brother Gong performed martial arts movements in unison: School, maze! Please teach me!

He's actually the legendary duelist and the Labyrinth Brothers?! Asuka looked surprised. He once fought against the duelist king Kobayashi Hayato, and even caused bitter battles for Katsuya Jonouchi, Yugi Muto and others who were also legendary duelists. Experts in combination duels, the Maze Brothers!?”

Not only that, they were originally hired by the father of duel monsters, Mr. Becas, to duel with Principal Hayato and others. To this day, they are still professional duelists under the International Illusion Society. In the world-class professional duelist circle, He is also the strongest person who is invincible in the doubles field. Misawa knew more about the Maze Brothers than Asuka, It is no exaggeration to say that they are simply the 'Duel Kings' limited to the doubles field. ah!

Hey, I had a feeling that the council was specifically targeting that jellyfish head, but this is too much! Not only did they recruit professional duelists, they were also top experts like the Maze Brothers! Wan Zhang His eyes were excited and even a little angry, Damn it, that jellyfish head should have been defeated by me!

Hey, Yujo Judai! Don't let me lose!

Seeing Manjome making a big fuss in the auditorium opposite, Samejima Iemitsu, who was sitting in the front row, withdrew his gaze, looked at Aoki seriously and said: Teacher Aoki, why did the council arrange for Brother Maze to serve as that person? The child’s opponent?”

I don't know, I've never thought about the answer to this question. Aoki shook his head, It's better to say, don't you even know Principal Samejima?

After all, I'm just the vice principal. How can I understand what the people on the council think? After a pause, Samejima frowned, I only know that in the past two days, he has been replacing Hayato and those on the council. When I contacted him, it seemed that the atmosphere within the board of directors was not right, and it seemed to be particularly focused on the management of the college, as if it was trying to interfere with the school under the guidance of someone.

Forget it, I don't need to worry about that kind of thing. Everything will be fine when Hayato comes back. Looking at the Maze brothers, Samejima was a little worried, but he still felt a little confident inexplicably and said, Originally I also think it’s a bit unbalanced for him to be that child’s duel partner, but since our opponents have already sent opponents of the level of the Maze Brothers, our combination seems reasonable.”

Ta, ta, ta Judai, who was watching the Maze Brothers put on various poses and couldn't help applauding for their handsome moves, suddenly heard footsteps coming from behind on the steps leading up to the duel stage. As the referee, Kira Mr. Aoki has left the stage, and no one will appear again except his duel partner.

Looking back at the opponent's figure, Judai smiled: Oh, you're here too, Caesar! This time our opponents are the legendary pair of labyrinth brothers. I'm really looking forward to this duel!

In the eyes of those who were unaware of the surprise, Judai's partner stepped forward to stand beside him on the duel stage. It was none other than Marufuji, who had the strongest reputation in the Duel Academy and was known as Caesar. Bright!

The Labyrinth Brothers? They are indeed quite good opponents. They are perfect opponents to test my mettle. With a calm expression, Caesar said to Judai, Thank you also for allowing such a duelist to duel with a professional duelist. Give me the opportunity, Judai.

Hey, I should be the one to say thank you. You are willing to be my duel partner. To be honest, if Xiang hadn't helped me, I really wouldn't have been able to make a decision among Wan Zhangmu and the others. There was a pause. Judai looked at Caesar and said casually, Besides, I don't think you are the kind of person who needs to duel with others to know his own strength?

No, the main reason why I will help you is for this. You think too much. Caesar's expression remained unchanged. He couldn't tell Judai that he wanted to thank Judai after being pointed out by Xiang in the cafeteria that day. He must have agreed to be his duel partner on behalf of someone who rescued his younger brother Xiang from the robbers who kidnapped Asuka.

However, I am not lying about wanting to duel with the Maze Brothers. I actually really want to compete with professional duelists. After all, I will graduate this year, and I will also enter the circle of professional duelists by then. , this can be regarded as an early understanding of the true level of professional duelists.

In addition, there is another reason, and that is Judai himself. He has noticed his special abilities since he entered school. Caesar had a premonition and was used by Principal Samejima to tend to be perfect. Perhaps we can gain nutrients for growth through this team duel with Judai.

Thinking of this, Caesar glanced at Judai and saw that his face was full of expectation, and he was not afraid of the duel with the Labyrinth Brothers.

Under the stage, Aoki announced: All personnel on both sides are ready, then the duel of the sanctions combination has officially begun, both sides are in place!

Although there is no grievance, but we will fight with all our strength. Each of the Maze brothers said, turning sideways to Judai and Caesar, If we defeat us, the road will be opened.

Each stretched out their hands to overlap between the two, and the Maze brothers said in unison: Sa, let the duel begin!

[Maze Brothers: 8000LP, 5 cards in hand]

How exciting to be taken seriously by such a legendary duelist! Judai said to Caesar, Come together, Caesar!

Relax on the ground, Judai! Caesar also nodded to Judai. The two of them raised the duel disk at the same time and unfolded it, connecting with the duel disk signal of the Labyrinth Brothers.

[Judai and Caesar: 8000LP, 5 cards in hand]

My side gets the first strike, draw a card! The first one to get the first strike was Brother Fan from Maze Brothers. He pulled out a card from the deck and said, In the team duel, until everyone has The battle phase can only be entered after the round has started, which means that currently both sides can only arrange their respective sites like a maze.

Discard [Ghoul of the Labyrinth] from my hand to activate its effect, and add a [Maze Wall] card from my deck to my hand. Send a monster card to the graveyard. , the fan retrieved a card from the deck and showed it to Judai, I retrieved this card, [Shadow on the Maze Wall].

Then activate the field magic card, [Shadow of the Maze Wall]!

A large rock wall suddenly rose up on the flat ground. The twists and turns of the maze wall turned the entire area between the two sides into a complex maze. In the darkness at the end of the forked road, Judai also noticed what seemed to be some movement. Scarlet eyes flashed past.

The field magic card [Shadow on the Maze Wall] is the most suitable stage for our brothers. Its first effect is to restrict lower-level monsters from moving in this maze. Except for monsters whose original level is 5☆ or above, the other monsters are You cannot attack during the round of summoning, reverse summoning, or special summoning.

As the fan spoke, he waved his hand and said: In addition to its second effect, it can only be activated once a round during my main phase. I will take one of my 'Three Demons' from the deck, hand, and exclusion area. ''s card is placed in the Magic Trap area in the form of a Continuous Magic Card.

What I choose is [Thunder Demon God-Sangha] in the deck!

As the fan inserted the card into the magic trap area, a coffin bound by ropes rose up in his backfield outside the maze wall, with a bright word Thunder engraved on it.

Judai, who saw it clearly, couldn't help but be startled: The card inserted into the magic trap area must be a monster card. Why can monster cards also be placed in the magic trap area?

Are these two people the 'Eternal Fire Players' that Mr. Hayato mentioned and must check the cards in the backcourt?

No, monster cards can be placed in the magic trap area under certain circumstances, such as being equipped by monster cards such as [Najima]. Caesar replied Judai, There is also Principal Hayato's [Rainbow Chestnut Ball] ] Such a card, and the current [Thunder Demon God-Sanga] also appears as a sustainable magic card due to the effect of [Shadow of the Maze Wall].

It's just that I remember that [Thunder Demon God-Sanga] itself should not have any effect as a continuous magic card.

Humph, keeping it mysterious is also the fun of exploring the dungeon. Without answering Judai and Caesar's doubts, after activating the effect of the field magic card, Mi put down three more cards on the field, Summoning a Monster, then Ambush two cards, and my turn ends.”

[Mystery: 8000LP, 2 cards in hand]

[Defending monster on the inside]

[Gaika]X2 [Thunder Demon God-Sangha]

Venue: [Shadow on the Maze Wall]

I played Assassin's Creed Visions yesterday, and it was surprisingly good. At least as a pre-expansion pack for Hall of Valor, it's quite qualified. It's also a good low-level game on its own. It has the flavor of an old assassin, and the key is parkour. of

I have to say that this year’s games are basically of the type where the lower the expectations, the more surprises there will be. Previously, there was Bo Qi who had a reverse bounce and hide in the stars, FSR, which fans outsourced but was better than Koei’s own work, and this fantasy.

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