In another world line, the Black Scorpion Thieves successfully infiltrated Duel Academy as school doctors, security guards, administrators, and students. After the Seven Stars began their operation, Zarug also entered the academy openly as a Police Department , took the excavation team into action.

Then, they failed because they violated a taboo, that is, trying to avoid playing cards and solving problems in other ways. Even if they later played cards with Wan Zhangmu again, it was useless, and they were successfully defeated in the end—— Then he joined the harem of thousands of elves to harass his sleep.

And the reason why they failed to successfully infiltrate the Duel Academy in this world is also very simple. After all, compared to the original, Kaiba is more concerned about cultivating the future Judai, a first-class duelist who can defeat him, and the Duel Academy is strict in all aspects. Basically every employment file needs to be checked by someone above the teaching director level.

Normally, Samejima and Kuronos would be responsible for these things, but by chance, Hayato happened to see a school doctor recruitment file submitted by Teacher Ayukawa Emi, and he noticed that Mina is also known as [Black Scorpion] -Mina of Thorns], and also found the files submitted by the other three people from various departments at the same time.

He vetoed the admission of these four people with one vote, using his supreme privilege as principal. Originally, Hayato thought that the teachers would give him a few words, but as a result, the group of people figured out that Principal Hayato must have some deep meaning in doing that, and they all agreed with his decision.

Hayato also didn't expect that the failure of the Black Scorpion Digging Group to infiltrate the Duel Academy would lead to them getting involved with the people of New Gurus: You said selling cards, is this store's supplier a 'New Gurus'?

No, no, even I know that the issuance of duel monster cards is completely controlled by the International Illusion Society. Although I don't know how 'New Gurus' does it, my 'Black Scorpion Cards' But he passed the assessment of the International Illusion Society in a serious manner and obtained the qualification to supply and sell cards.

Zarug said with a mysterious smile, The 'New Gurus' thing I sell is something else.

If you keep trying to keep it secret, Lazhi Mian will be hungry~

Where did you copy that incomprehensible name? Hey! I know, I know, that's it. Didn't you see it in the store too? I saw a faint sound behind Hayato, as if a substitute was about to release a substitute. The sun came on, Zarug said quickly.

And Hayato also realized what he was talking about: Those rare cards at a discount? Are they provided by 'New Gurus'?

This was somewhat beyond Hayato's expectation. He learned from Malik that the main source of funds for Gurus he founded in the past was to snatch cards and put them on the black market to sell them at high prices. Sometimes there were extremely high bounties on the black market. Start hunting for special rare cards.

At the same time, the funds earned are used to develop various technologies, and they can even create fake cards that can pass the duel board verification, and even create fake cards that retain a trace of God's power. It's just that Lishid was defeated by Hayato before the quarterfinals, so the fake card [Pull] ended up being only used in internal experiments and never played in the outside world.

You ask, if the funds are used to create fake cards, won’t your employees get any money? [Millennium Scepter] Understand that every person in Gurus has the mark of Malik so that he can control their will and control their life and death at any time. Who cares about money if his life is gone? It would be nice to have enough money for food and drink to survive.

And what if Gurus dared to be passive and sabotage Malik's mission? What you don’t dare to do is done by people. People who are worthless will be “optimized” away. In fact, they are already enjoying the blessings of some of the guys whose will has been permanently erased by Malik and used as dolls.

This is why, after Malik announced the disbandment of Gurus, those people showed no nostalgia at all, and after the Mask of Light and Darkness switched to New Gurus, they had no respect for Malik and kept saying that bastard. In fact, Guru Si is completely a criminal organization forcibly fabricated by Malik out of fear. The only thing that maintains its existence is Malik's terror and power.

But New Gurus is also doing this kind of money-losing thing like Gurus. The situation is obviously completely different. Gurus can invest heavily in technology research and development because Malik only needs to satisfy his own needs. It's enough to spend money, but why would New Gurus sell cards at low prices for charity?

This kind of thing might be possible for a large enterprise like the International Illusion Society or the Kaiba Group.

Those cards are all rare cards, and there are no cards that are simply rare and good-looking but not strong enough. 'New Gurus' only sent people to deliver the cards to me and never told me. How did the cards come from? After a pause, Zarug continued, But we can more or less guess the origin of these cards. Nine times out of ten, they were stolen from other people by gambling cards.

Zarug looked at Hayato, fearing that he would be angry and excited after hearing someone's bad behavior of snatching other people's decks after a duel, which would bring harm to himself. However, he did not expect that Hayato actually nodded calmly: The people of New Gurus Even if I win the card game, I only get one card. They are so nice, but I have to pull out all the cards from the deck and the duel plate.

'You're a little too extreme. Zarug, the leader of the Black Scorpion Pirates and Excavation Group, looked at Hayato and complained, but he just thought about it in his mind and dared not say it out loud, In short, since we run this store, we can't refuse this gift that comes to our door. The supply is free, and the cards are sold at low prices according to the requirements and pricing there.”

The more information Zarug revealed, the more confused Hayato became. The rare cards of the Black Scorpion Cards were actually free. Was the request to sell them at low prices made by New Gurus? Could it be that they are really doing charity?

Then again, I don’t know what they are trying to do. They deliberately plunder cards from various places. In the end, they just want to get these card stores to sell them at low prices and let people buy them. The meaning is unclear, and it depends on their own strength and strength. There will be no change in the funds, which is thankless, and the final result is only to make those who have the cards taken away weaker, and those in Doshino Market who bought the rare cards become slightly stronger.

Um? There seems to be some...

When Hayato thought of this, he couldn't help but rub his temples. He always felt that there was still a layer of window paper before he could figure something out, but he still felt that he still lacked the last necessary push to break through.

Let's forget about those troublesome things later. I have one last question. Hayato looked at Zarug curiously. It's not wrong that you should be the card spirit of Duel Monsters, right? However, even if you are fighting with an ordinary spirit, It takes a long time to materialize under the resonance of duelists. You are just alone and don't have special powers like [Blue Eyes White Dragon], so how can you materialize for so long?

First of all, I need to correct one thing, that is, it is not me alone, but five of us. This is the Black Scorpion - Subconsciously, Zarug was about to make that stupid move, but halfway through, he suddenly realized that his companions were still there. Since we couldn't come over to pose together in the store, we smiled awkwardly and said, The five of us were indeed card elves with chaotic consciousness and unawakened consciousness at the beginning. We have always existed only as cards.

But one day, we got a God-given opportunity. A very powerful dark force came to the five of us, successfully awakening our consciousness to the state of elves awakening, but at that time we It’s just the way the spirit awakens but doesn’t move its own card.”

When we woke up, we were in this underground warehouse. I don't know what happened. This place has been abandoned for a long time, and the few of us have been locked up here without seeing the light. We awakened our will in such a lonely environment. Staying awake was torture.

So, we finally decided to fight and try to get out of this predicament. My partners concentrated all their dark powers on me, pushing me to awaken to a higher level and become able to interfere with reality. Even My eye patch also changed due to the influence of dark magic.

At the same time, I also felt that there seemed to be a similar magic power that was being transmitted to us along my blindfold. With the help of that power, we grew rapidly, and finally became a collective entity. Transformation, existing in the world like human beings.”

Touching the concave and convex Eye of Ugato pattern on the eyepatch of his right eye, Zarug said, The only flaw is that our existence relies on this eyepatch and the power vaguely connected to it. We have lost it and us. I’m afraid it will soon turn back into an ordinary elf that cannot be materialized.”

The reward for hiring our client is that he will help us find the source of the power connected to it.

After listening to Zarug's words in silence, Hayato looked strange. For a long time, he put his hand into his arms as a cover, and found something from the system warehouse that had been backlogged for a long time and had almost been forgotten: I think your employer may not be able to help you find what you want, because That thing seems to be right here with me.”

You said you were born in this underground warehouse, so you opened a store here? I think I know a lot about your birth.

The thing in Hayato's hand was none other than an eyepatch that was exactly the same as the one Zarug was wearing. He also suddenly remembered that when he and Kaiba raided Gurus' stronghold before the duel city opened, he squeezed out the last dark magic power left in his body by the [Millennium Eye] and created this weapon called [Darkness]. Eye patch.

Zarug and the [Black Scorpion Digging Group] are probably not the card elves awakened by the remaining magic power at that time!

Two flowers bloomed, one on each side. When Hayato had a friendly exchange with the Black Scorpion Pirates and Excavation Group in Tongshiye Market, something minor happened at the Duel Academy.

Yushidai Judai, can you please repeat the school's relevant regulations for the old school building? In front of Judai and several others, an adult woman wearing a green uniform that did not correspond to any dormitory in the school said loudly.

Judai looked troubled when he heard what the lady in front of him said. He couldn't even answer all the theoretical knowledge about dueling monsters, so it would be too embarrassing for him to memorize the school rules and so on.

He turned his attention to Marufuji Sho who was not far behind him, but his grades were worse than Judai, let alone what the school rules were.

At this moment, a male voice said: Page 183 of the Freshman Handbook, regarding the regulations on 'Dangerous! No entry' areas on campus, the abandonment of old school buildings is the third item, and the fourth item is This section clearly stipulates that any student who enters the old school building without permission will be given a serious warning or expelled from school, depending on the severity of the case.

Judai heard the words and looked at the speaker with grateful eyes: As expected of you, 3, your profound knowledge is really reassuring. It's great, I'm saved!

I would be happier if you could call me by my name normally. After hearing Judai's words, Misawa sighed, comforting himself that at least Judai was just using a code name, unlike others who always called him by the wrong name. name, and in turn spread rumors that his name is always changing.

Looking at Judai with a happy face, the woman frowned and said, Did you misunderstand something, Yujo Judai, this is not a question in class, but a special investigation of you.

Because Hayato said that he can't come back to school for the time being, and he has important things to do, and he can't communicate via video call, for the time being, Mr. Samejima, the vice-principal, will act as the principal, and I, Cronos de Medici, will serve as the teacher representative at the school. . Beside the woman, Professor Chronos introduced the situation, And this is Miss Nakao Yuki, the representative sent by the Duel Academy Council.

Are there three parties, the principal, the teachers, and the board of directors? Misawa glanced at the three people in the three separate offices. It was obvious that Nakao Yuki, who represented the board of directors, was in charge. In fact, she was the one who made the main decision. Ask questions to investigate.

Question: Yujo Judai, did you enter the abandoned old school building late last night without any permission? As soon as it came up, Nakao Yukihiro immediately asked a sharp question, going straight to the root of the problem. , asking Judai to directly admit whether he violated school rules.

Although Judai didn't understand too many twists and turns, he was straightforward and wouldn't lie. He immediately replied: That's right.

But Judai was trying to save someone from someone else——

Hearing Judai admit the trap issue, Asuka behind him immediately became a little anxious and said quickly, but before he could say a few words, he was interrupted by Nakao Yuki: Keep quiet, fellow jurors, this is not a noisy place. canteen!

After warning Asuka to keep quiet, Nakao Yuki looked at Judai again and asked: But since some of the jurors said that you had a reason, then please explain the reason for your trespassing into the old school building, Yujo Judai.

Judai nodded and said honestly: Because a guy named 'Titan' kidnapped Asuka in a sneak attack, and also kidnapped Xiangya who discovered him. Thanks to Misawa, who was not discovered by him, he informed me, so I rushed there specially. The old school building is here to save people.

Tsk, tsk, tsk, this is the difference between poor students and top students. No, compared to Judai, who acted recklessly, you and Izawa Riel rushed to contact the school immediately. After hearing Judai's words, Kuro North immediately scolded Judai and praised Misawa. However, Misawa was not happy at all when his name was mispronounced again.

Glancing at Chronos, who seemed to have a conflict with Judai, Nakao Yuki raised an eyebrow: So it's obvious that not all students don't know the school rules. Compared with you, Yujo Judai, who broke into the old school building trespassing. Then Tian Kong knew that students were not allowed to enter the old school building without permission, and knew to notify the school in time.

Then the next question is, you said someone kidnapped your classmate, but when the teachers at the school arrived they didn't find the person who kidnapped the student?

Because that guy was playing tricks on me during the duel, using hypnotic gas to deceive people into saying it was a dark game. When he wanted to escape in the middle of the duel, he accidentally activated the real dark game. After losing to me, he disappeared into the darkness. ”

Judai said calmly, and Nakao Yuki also smiled: In other words, there is no evidence? Don't count on your classmates. There is a possibility of perjury in their relationship with you, and a large number of psychedelic drugs were detected at the scene. The gas also invalidated their testimony.

I think it's enough to ask so many questions. The investigation of this matter is over, and it's time to characterize the incident and decide the outcome. Yuki Nakao said, Yushidai Judai broke into an abandoned old school building that is strictly prohibited. , and no one can prove whether the 'kidnapper' he calls really exists. According to school regulations, I think he should be expelled from school.

If you agree, please show your hands to vote.

As he spoke, Nakao Yuki turned his head and saw that Samejima had no intention of raising his hand.

This was not beyond her expectation. The board of directors had long known that the character of Vice Principal Samejima Iemitsu was that of a standard good gentleman who had hope and confidence in every student and would never agree to drop out of school and give up. student's.

But it doesn’t matter. Two votes are greater than one. Although it’s unclear why the chairman of the board of directors asked for this matter to be dealt with seriously, this student named Yujo Judai has decided to drop out of school. After all, besides me, another teacher representative seems to be related to He had his faults. According to the investigation, he seemed to have defeated the ugly professor in public and embarrassed him.

Thinking this way, when Nakao Yuki turned his head and looked to the other side, he found that Chronos did not raise his hand.

I think we should give Yucheng-san a chance. Although there is no evidence, I don't think he will lie.

If such a poor student drops out of school, it will bring disgrace to Duel Academy. If we don't educate him properly, I won't agree to let him drop out of school so easily~

Oh oh oh, two votes to one, but two votes not to drop out of school! Sho Marufuji said excitedly in the jury box, very happy for Judai, This way, eldest brother, he doesn't have to drop out of school!

Great! Asuka also looked very happy.

However, Misawa did not know how to read the atmosphere and poured cold water on him: Although the voting results are like this, the seventh item on page 211 of the Freshman Handbook about student punishment is mentioned, and the vote was not unanimous. If the penalty of expulsion is rejected, the voters can propose another penalty, which is——

In this case, just use that one. It is the 'best way for duelists to solve problems' specially stipulated by the founder of Duel Academy, Mr. Seto Kaiba. Looking at Judai who was not successfully expelled from the school in the vote, Nakao Yuki glared at Chronos, and then said, The council will choose the opponent to duel with the students.

That is, 'Suppression Duel'!

FSR has played two endings, and I feel like I'm getting into electronic nourishment again. I've put it aside for a while. I've been playing pretty hard recently.

After all, there are new games to play at the end of the month, so I have to leave the leave request until then (laughs)

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