Is this the world of Yu-Gi-Oh? Ada thief!

Chapter 41 This is the Black Scorpion Digging Group!

Use the effect of [Master Hyperion] to banish [Venus, Agent of Creation] in my graveyard, target a card on the field to destroy it, and select the card behind my opponent's field. Get a cover card!”

Nani?! My [Explosive Armor]!

Not only that, because of the existence of the field magic card [Sky Sanctuary], the effect of [Master Hyperion] can be used up to twice in one turn! Exclude [Mysterious Agent Earth] in the graveyard, choose Destroy a card on the opponent's field - [Leader-Zarug] in defense position!

The last one is [Master Hyperion]'s direct attack!


[Zarug: 2700LP → 0]

Under Pegasus Yue Xing's smooth offensive, he easily defeated Zarug in just five rounds and won the duel. Even until the end of the duel, his basic points were still at full value.

——Do you feel that you have read two or three chapters less? Why did the duel end in the blink of an eye after it started?

If Pegasus Tsukihiro is the kind of person in the city who can fight back and forth with world-destroying bosses at first, and fight with new duel monsters who have just formed a newbie deck at the next time, the main one is O Meng, a treasure with reverse attributes. Master and 50-50 characters;

Or maybe Zalug is stronger and does not require Keith and Ryuzaki who are often competing for the top spot in the more professional duelist circles to be on the same level, or at least as good as Ryo Marufuji;

In that case, the duel between Pegasus Yue Xing and Zarug might be more interesting and lasting. However, Zalug's strength is really only the average level of a second-year Duel Academy student, and Pegasus has regained his memory. Yue Xing is also the so-called perfect duelist. This duel can only be said to be an overwhelming victory for Pegasus Yue Xing at a glance.

I don't know if Tenma Tsukiyuki is a character who will go all out no matter what the duel is, or because he heard Hayato say it was so-called fan service and remembered what happened to him, so he took revenge. Let him experience his own feelings on Zarug.

In short, it should be the former, probably

Celebrate, another new star in the world of duel monsters is rising. He is known as the 'perfect duelist' and uses the powerful angel family [Agent] deck. Pegasus Yuexing. At this moment, He defeated another 'strong' opponent!

As a referee, Hayato very competently announced that the outcome of the duel had been decided, and he also celebrated Tenma Tsukiyō's victory. Under his leadership, even the surrounding customers who didn't know Tenma Tsukiyō very well also celebrated his victory over Zarug. He clapped.

However, as the object of congratulations, Tianma Yuexing was not very happy for winning this duel. After all, for an ordinary person, picking up a hundred dollars is a very happy thing, but for For a billionaire, even if he picked up 10,000 yuan, he wouldn't be excited, unless he was someone like Hayato who felt like he had made a profit even if he had a bowl of noodles for nothing.

Compared to the fact that Zalug was easily defeated by him, the keen Pegasus Yuexing noticed something very wrong, that is, during the duel, Zalug and the clerks from Black Scorpion Cards were stabbing him. When Luger used a card named [Black Scorpion Digging Group], he subconsciously wanted to run onto the field.

And after that, Zarug also successively used members of the [Black Scorpion Digging Group], such as [Black Scorpion - Mina of Thorns], [Black Scorpion - Powerful Gogo], etc.

If I remember correctly, Manager Zarug, the names of the [Black Scorpion] duel monsters you used just now can correspond to the names of every clerk in your store, and even every The monsters all look exactly like your store clerks.”

After having an idea in his mind, he said it directly without any concealment. Tianma Yuexing looked at Zarug who was surrounded by the shop assistants and said, And you, no matter your appearance, hair color, body or even one eye, are all the same. It is exactly the same as your [Leader-Zalug] with the same name, and combined with the fact that the name of your store is 'Black Scorpion Cards', this is by no means a mere coincidence.

Unable to see Zarug's face darkening as he was being lifted up by the clerks, Tianma Yuexing said: From this, I deduced an answer, that is -

Zarug gritted his teeth and looked at Tenma Tsukiyuki who was about to tell the result confidently. Finally, he sighed with regret and said loudly: You are worthy of the 'perfect duelist' Tenma Tsukiyuki praised by the duelist king Kobayashi Hayato. He actually saw through our perfect disguise, it’s a pity that we can no longer maintain this daily routine.”

Zarug and the other four clerks around him stood together, grabbed their clothes, and pulled hard!

That's right, our true colors are—

After taking off their white shop clothes, the five of them only wore tight-fitting short-sleeved shirts, revealing their strong arms, and they all had a conspicuous black scorpion tattoo on their right arm.

[Black Scorpion-Powerful Gogo] stood at the very back, with his arms raised flat at his sides and elbows bent, with his two palms spread out behind his ears. In front of him was a praise the sun gesture [ Black Scorpion - Escaped Zeke], and [Black Scorpion - Cliff dismantling the trap] and [Black Scorpion - Mina of Thorns] squatted on both sides of it, Zarug, no, [Leader] -Zarug] is standing in the C position at the front, half-crouching.

[Black Scorpion-Mina of Thorns]: Don't kill anyone!

[Black Scorpion - Escaped Zeke]: Don't harm any humans!

[Black Scorpion-Powerful Gogo]: Don't steal from the poor!

[Black Scorpion - Cliff dismantling the trap]: Adhere to the three principles of thieves!

[Leader-Zalug]: This is——

Black Scorpion Digging Group! X5

——A cosplay enthusiast who likes [Black Scorpion Digging Group]?

For a moment, the store fell into silence.

The reason for the customers was that the store manager and the clerks who ran the store suddenly announced that they were card monsters [Black Scorpion Digging Group] and also made such a strange and funny pose;

Tianma Yuexing didn't expect that his perfect reasoning would go wrong. It was obvious that he had reasonably guessed the answer based on the existing information, so how could it still contain extraneous content? How come duel monsters can turn into humans?

As for the members of the [Black Scorpion Robbery Group], they had no idea that Tianma Yuexing's reasoning was so wrong. What was even more outrageous was that they had exposed their identities because of the other person's unfinished reasoning.

As for Hayato, he saw that the [Black Scorpion Digging Group] was no longer pretending, so he decisively took out the [Quantum Cube] - and then rubbed a [Millennium Wisdom Wheel] and hung it on his chest. After all, there is no [Millennium Wisdom] in the [Quantum Cube] Wheel] is easy to use.

Manager Zarug, are they actually duel monster cards?! After a brief surprise, a customer couldn't help but said.

This is the Black Scorpion Digging Group! X5

Another old customer also had an expression of disbelief: I thought the store manager and the others were just cosplay enthusiasts who liked [Black Scorpion Digging Group], but it turned out that they were really Duel Monsters [Black Scorpion Digging Group]. Really Is it fake?

This is the Black Scorpion Digging Group! X5

Another customer looked at Zarug and the others with some suspicion, who were in the same posture and saying the same strange lines in unison: Will duel monsters turn into humans? That kind of thing is not true no matter how you think about it, and When I look at them, they don’t look like the ones on the cards.”

This is it, Black Scorpion - wait a minute, what did you say? How are we not like ourselves!

In the first half of the sentence, they were still repeating their lines subconsciously, but when they heard someone questioning themselves, the five members of the [Black Scorpion Digging Group] couldn't sit still and immediately retorted -

Can ordinary humans have such strong chest muscles and biceps like mine!? [Black Scorpion-Powerful Gogo] posed in a toned pose;

How can ordinary people play with knives as skillfully as I do!? [Black Scorpion - Cliff dismantling the trap] threw a sharp knife;

Can humans keep up with my ambition!? [Black Scorpion-Escaped Zeke] made a high-speed movement of jumping left and right;

How many people have you seen who are as beautiful as me!? [Black Scorpion - Mina of Thorns] narcissistically patted her chest, which ranked among the top three in the [Black Scorpion Digging Group], and the second was [Zarug] ] The first is [Gao Ge];

The most important thing is, do ordinary people dare to dig out an eye just for cosplay!? Pointing to his one eye, [Leader-Zalug] said proudly.

Hearing this, Hayato couldn't help but complain: Why do you feel so proud of you?

This is the Black Scorpion Digging Group! X5

Seeing several people making silly moves again, Hayato glanced at the customers around him, raised his hand decisively, and shouted: Since you have revealed your true identities, it seems that you are planning to take action. ? In that case, let me deal with the irrelevant people around me first.

Smash it, Varudo!

The dark game unfolded through the [Millennium Wheel of Wisdom], and the invisible magic power instantly stagnated the spirits of all the customers in the store, making them motionless as if they had entered a state of suspended time. As the realm of the dark game was completed, Hayato didn't do anything, but one after another of the spirits behind him was about to materialize.

Seeing the extremely powerful elves appearing one after another, especially the [La] wrapped in the fire of the sun, which was about to poke its head out, Zarug and the others stopped assuming that strange posture for a few moments, and quickly surrendered. : Wait, wait a minute, we didn't say we were going to take action, we just confessed our identities!

Hey! Can we reconcile?

If you have something to say, please say it!

Even we should have a chance to confess and be lenient and reform!

We surrender, surrender!

Zarug and others surrendered faster than France, which made [La], who rarely showed her face, a little unhappy, but after being touched by Hayato, she quickly retreated with the other elves, and Hayato I didn’t expect that [La] would scare Zarug and the others just by showing his face.

His impression of the [Black Scorpion Digging Group] is not too bad. After all, in the Seven Stars organization in another world, in addition to the cheating vampire Carmilla, the Titans who came back from the dark world, and the controlled Tianshangyuan Except for Fubuki, the other four people have not done anything extraordinary.

A card-playing pharaoh who came to reality, an Amazon woman who came to the human world to find a son-in-law, Daitokuji who in turn helped Judai defeat Kagemaru, and the few in front of them who successfully stole the card but lost the duel, Instead, he became a member of the mysterious elf group [Black Scorpion Digging Group]. The Seven Stars in Kagemaru is not even as good as a winery. At least there is a gin in addition to undercovers and trash, but in the Seven Stars organization There are not many people who can listen to Kagemaru's orders.

And now that the members of the [Black Scorpion Robbery Group] are so cooperative, Hayato doesn't insist on killing them. He simply stops here and says to them: I want to know something from you. If you cooperate well, I will tell you honestly. , I won’t do anything to you either.”

Yes, yes, we will definitely cooperate. Although he was the leader, Zarug did not have any arrogance or airs. He nodded and bowed, and the other members also laughed. After all, they were thieves, not robbers. If they were really brave, they wouldn't have gone to Duel Academy as undercover agents for several years just for Kagemaru's request.

However, the outside is not a place for communication. Why don't I take you inside? Zarug spread his hands behind him in the direction of the warehouse where he tried to escape before, and led Hayato to the way.

Hayato thought for a moment and agreed. Although the customers outside were time-suspended by him, they would continue to consume the power of the [Millennium Wisdom Wheel]. A weak person like himself with so many people outside could not control him for long, at most. It only takes five or six hours before the control has to be released.

When Tenma Tsukiyuki heard what a few people said, he looked puzzled as to why they suddenly reached peace, and said to Hayato: Although I don't know what's going on, I'll wait for you outside, Mr. Hayato.

So are we. Let's deal with the customers outside. We won't disturb you, boss, from communicating with this adult! The members of the Black Scorpion Digging Group also expressed their intention to stay in the store and put aside such a dangerous matter as getting along with Hayato. Passed it to Zarug.

You idiots, if something happens to me, you won't be able to run away. Zarug complained, not angry. In fact, he knew that his companions were just joking. After all, they are united [Black Scorpion Digging Group] 】, his brothers are very loyal and will never abandon him and run away, and he will not abandon them either.

What they are saying now is actually to stay outside. In that case, even if Hayato wants to attack them, they can take Tenma Tsukiyuki outside as a hostage in time.

Tenma Tsukiyuki, who didn't know that he had become a hostage candidate in the eyes of the [Black Scorpion Robbery Team], stayed in the store with the four members of the [Black Scorpion Robbery Team], while Hayato followed Zarug through the door. After that, the time stop was released, and soon after the closed door came the message that This is the event plot thought up by the special linkage between the Duel King and the Black Scorpion Card that Tianma Yuexing and the others had discussed. Excuses to deal with customers who don't know what's going on in the store.

As Zalug walked along, Hayato discovered that the warehouse they were talking about was actually the underground base of the pirated card store controlled by Gurus that had been opened here before. Although the store had changed, the basic furnishings had been changed. There have been some changes, but the existing underground structure has not been wasted, but is continued to be used as a warehouse by the Black Scorpion Card.

In the underground warehouse, Hayato looked at Zarug who was standing still and asked: I have many doubts, but for the time being I'd better come one by one. First of all, you and your companions and the so-called 'New Gurus' 'What's the relationship?

New Gurus? I see, are you here because of this matter? I thought no, it's nothing. Zarug paused and said, We [Black Scorpion Robbery Group] were hired by a group of A big customer has joined an organization called 'Seven Stars'. Originally, according to the customer's wishes, he wanted us to sneak into the Duel Academy in various ways.

However, no matter who it was, they failed to successfully pass the duel academy's approval, so they had to abandon the infiltration plan. So our employer turned to let us work for another force that cooperated with him. That force was What you call the 'New Gurus'.

Zarug spread his hands and continued, But obviously, we are sent here after all and are not trusted by the 'New Gurus'. They chose to let us run this store and help them sell it. The card provided is nothing more, this is the entire relationship between us [Black Scorpion Digging Group] and the 'New Gurus'.

Happy National Day

I've been having a lot of fun playing fsr recently, and it's rare that the main character isn't the Asasi type. This type of plot is quite rare.

And, Saber is a woman!

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