A strange thing happened. It was obvious that the [Millennium Wheel of Wisdom] had long disappeared under the gate of the underworld in Atum. No one dug and destroyed it. How did Hayato get the [Millennium Wheel of Wisdom]?

The same so-called Prana, the same [Quantum Cube], even deeper than Blue God and Hayato's connection with Egypt. They also lived with the [Millennium Wisdom Wheel] for a long time, and had a deeper impression. .

Blue God can take out the [Millennium Wheel of Wisdom] from the past in his memory incidentally. There is no reason why Hayato can't do it. He can even clearly feel that the one he extracted is more restored to the original version than Blue God's Daidu. Guys who have never worn the [Millennium Wisdom Wheel] are much better at it.

Not only because of the material that is similar to gold but lighter and much harder than gold that is shared by the [Thousand-Year Artifact], but also because of the restoration of the function of the [Thousand-Year Wisdom Wheel].

Lan Shen's impression of the [Millennium Wheel of Wisdom] is just an evil prop that hurt Xia Di. The [Millennium Wheel of Wisdom] he restored is naturally biased toward a state of evil, while Hayato's understanding of the [Millennium Wheel of Wisdom] is It goes much deeper and even restores its ability to find what you want.

Although Hayato used to use the power of [Hellfire Machine and Decimal Tube] in Duel Academy to track the special fluctuations produced by Ryuga's ring, even so, he only found him during Ryuga's second duel. , and even if the Gurus who provided the Ryuga ring is in Doushino City, Hayato may not be able to wait until they have the opportunity to use the ring and catch up.

But the [Millennium Wisdom Wheel] is different. Although the original version only has the ability to pursue dark magic, Hayato has already developed the ability to find whatever he wants like a certain Sparrow Captain's compass after long-term use. And it didn't take long for him to actually find the Nianliliu training institution.

Hayato looked as calm as if he was on an outing, but the two Light and Dark Masks opposite him looked nervously at the [Millennium Wheel of Wisdom] on Hayato's chest as if they were facing a formidable enemy.

Although the style is different, it is absolutely correct. It is the same dark prop as Lord Malik, no, that bastard Malik! Looking at the variant in the center of the [Millennium Wisdom Wheel] that is exactly the same as the [Millennium Scepter] The Eye of Ugato, Mask of Light said with certainty, with undisguised fear in his eyes.

The expression on the Mask of Darkness' face revealed from under the mask was also very ugly. His body was shaking because of the painful memories of the past, and he showed an angry expression because of the humiliation: Although I don't know Who the hell are you!

But, since it broke our operation and brought those annoying props with us!

I will definitely kill you!

Listening to the words of the Mask of Light and Darkness singing together, Hayato's face still had a dull expression. In addition to using the [Quantum Cube] to restore the [Millennium Wheel of Wisdom], he also performed some minor memory operations to bless himself. Just like the Blue God made others think that he was a classmate who had gone to school together for a long time, Hayato used People who saw him subconsciously could not connect him with the Duel King, even if he revealed his name to be Hayato Kobayashi.

After all, if such an operation was not carried out, let alone successfully finding the Nenli-ryu training institution, the bustling commercial street alone would be a ravine that Hayato could not cross. With his popularity, if he walked on the street without any cover-up, he would have He was recognized and surrounded by others. In that case, there would be no clues about the people looking for the hidden Gurus.

I deliberately expanded the field of dark games first. Originally, I wanted to stop you two from attacking the two people over there. After all, in the field of dark games, people without special abilities will not act according to the rules of the expander. , but you will be severely punished.

After a pause, Hayato spread his hands and said casually, However, since your hands are not very clean, then I won't have any psychological burden when I use my hands. Who said I am a kind person?

After looking at the faces of the Masks of Light and Darkness, Hayato had a vague impression of them, and asked: But having said that, I seem to recognize you. Aren't you the Masks of Light and Darkness of Gurus? It's obvious that Gurus has been killed. Li Ke has been disbanded for so long, and you still dare to operate in Tongshiye City and under the nose of the Kaiba Group?

There are three reasons why Hayato can recognize the Mask of Light and Darkness. One is that since he heard about Gurus from Ryuga, he naturally tried to recall the information about the Gurus that existed in the past. Yes, but there are only a few people in Gurus that he knows.

Malik and Lishid have abandoned the dark side and turned to the bright side. The one codenamed Doll is a true doll who was swallowed up by the power of Ra and had his will wiped out in Gurus' Artificial God Card Experiment in the past. When Gurus was disbanded, Malik had already sent him to the funeral parlor. Then Keith, Feather Moth, Pandora and others either lost their way and returned to the world of professional duelists, or they died.

Hayato has not met the members of Grus but he remembers them, and the only two left are the Light and Dark Masks, and the second reason why Hayato can recognize them at a glance is because their masks are so special. , only covering the left and right half of the face respectively, the function of the mask is the same as nothing.

As for the third reason why Hayato has a certain impression of them - even for most villain bosses, such as Kaiba Naia who once cut off Hayato Tenhu, the best treatment is just to be with Kaiba and Atum. People fight in turns, and only those with the best treatment, like Datsu, are qualified to fight with Kaiba, Jonouchi, and Atum at the same time.

The Mask of Light and Darkness is one of the rare beings who has had a duel with Atum and Kaiba at the same time. The difficulty of that duel is no less than that of the Nine-Headed Insect. Ba Bo rushes to kill Tang Monk and his disciples, which makes people sigh again. The nickname Three-Year-Old for Malik, the leader of the Gurus, was indeed not chosen randomly.

Although they were just passers-by, they dared to challenge Atum and Kaiba, and even engaged in kidnapping and life-threatening duels. Their courage was almost comparable to that of Paradox, who dueled several powerful duelists at the same time. Comparable.

For example, now, even though they were captured by Hayato's dark game and saw that Hayato had a [Millennium Wisdom Wheel] similar to their former leader Malik's [Millennium Scepter], the Mask of Light and Darkness was still very... Yongchi wants to duel with Hayato, even if Hayato interferes with the memory of the [Quantum Cube], their courage is still commendable!

Kuffufufu, 'Gurus's Mask of Light'? That has been in the past for who knows how long! Mask of Light said with some pride, Use your own means to control the horses of all members. At the same time that the 'Gurus' organized by Rick was disbanded, we who were separated from him were absorbed by that adult and were given more powerful power and invincible tools.

Now we are reborn, and the organization we belong to is called 'New Gurus'!

Okay, that's enough, Mask of Light. Compared to Mask of Light, who looks smart and active and always takes the initiative to speak, but in fact has very little patience and a brain that doesn't work very well. Dark Mask, who looked like a reckless man who only knew how to use force, was the smarter one among the two. He was afraid that his companion would reveal information that he shouldn't reveal if he continued speaking, so he quickly interrupted Light Mask. He continued, After you kill these people and take away the important cards, you can find a place where no one is around and slowly talk to me.

Hey, you guys don't understand the feeling of showing off at all. The feeling of showing off with you is completely different from showing off with these weaklings. The Mask of Light said with some dissatisfaction, but still followed the words of the Mask of Darkness and did not continue. He continued, I understand. Anyway, there is only one person on the opposite side. No matter how you look at it, it is our side's advantage.

Let's fight quickly! Duel!

As he said that, the Mask of Light and Darkness lifted up the duel disk that had not been hidden before, and opened the duel disk that looked different from the styles circulating on the market. The two Masks of Light and Darkness drew out five cards in advance without any sense of martial ethics. , prepare to attack first while Hayato draws cards.

[Mask of Light: 4000LP, 5 cards in hand]

[Dark Mask: 4000LP, 5 cards in hand]

Seeing that he could no longer continue the rhetoric, Hayato also raised the duel disk and said: Double, it has been a while since we have had this type of duel. After all, like Yugi and Jonouchi, they cooperate very well and are very balanced in strength. There are too few powerful duelist combinations, either like the Maze Brothers who have a tacit understanding but are weak but have a tacit understanding, or like Kaiba and Keppei who have a tacit understanding but are not equally strong and weak.

I hope you two can bring some fun to my deck. Hayato took out a deck and inserted it into the duel plate, Fear in front of my 'Pure [Hellfire Machine]' deck!


[Hayato: 4000LP, 5 cards in hand]

At the same time that Hayato drew five cards, the Mask of Light took the lead in drawing a card from the deck and said to the [Mask of Darkness] on the side: Kufffufufu, it looks like my hand speed is I’m faster than you, Mask of Darkness, so I’ll take the lead!”

That kind of thing is casual. Anyway, just kill this guy and bring back the [Artificial Man-Psychic Shocker] card. The Mask of Darkness didn't care much about who attacked first and who attacked last. In order, your After the round, it’s the guy’s turn, and then it’s my turn right away. Although when it’s his turn later, he can start to enter the combat phase, but what he needs to face by then is the joint arrangement of the two of us. I don’t know how to lose at this venue!”

That's it, Mask of Darkness!

Looking at the two people who didn't take him seriously at all, Hayato looked calm.

Who doesn’t know that you can draw cards by attacking first, but I’ve already played [Hellfire Machine], so why don’t I just go out of my way to break through with my second hand? Two trash fish who used to be cannon fodder for Malik in Gurus, even if they say they have obtained stronger cards from the leader of the so-called New Gurus, how strong can they be?

The Mask of Light also started his turn. After looking at the card he had drawn, he played it and said: First, I activate the magic card, [Induction of the Dark World]. Players on both sides draw from the deck. Draw a card and discard one card from your hand.

It seems that you won't make any money if you draw one and throw one away, but because the card [Induction of the Dark World] is also part of the resource, it actually loses cards, unless the deck used is a tomb-heap type. The deck is like [Dark World], otherwise few people will use it.

After Hayato drew the card, he sent a card with an unknown meaning in his hand to the graveyard. The two Masks of Light and Darkness also drew cards and discarded the cards, but no one activated the effect of the card sent to the graveyard. .

Seeing the new card in his hand, Mask of Light sneered and played it: Then, when there are no monsters on my field, I special summon [Invasion of the Devil's Magic Cell] from my hand!

And liberate it, the superior summons [Invading Devil·Mantis]!

The ladybug-like [Magic Cell Invading the Devil] fleetingly disappeared on the field of Mask of Light. It was specially summoned and instantly became a sacrifice summoned by the superior. The dark carapace was burst by the continuously expanding muscles. After reorganization, it finally turned into an insect demon standing upright, with huge sickle legs like a mantis, a pair of typical insect elytra, and an alien long tail covered by a carapace. The blue muscles inside were slightly exposed on the chest. , but compared with [Invading Devil's Demonic Cells], what remains unchanged is the pitch-black carapace and a crest that looks like a rhinoceros on the forehead.

【Invading Devil·Mantis】【5☆/Dark】



Here, a perfect ☆hand☆ card?! Hayato exclaimed subconsciously as he looked at the monsters appearing on the Mask of Light field. Hayato has only seen this deck [Invading Devil] in entertainment deck battles in the past, but he was particularly impressed by it - or [Invading Devil Mantiscythe].

There is no other reason. Hanno Knight, one of the two actors who starred in the classic scene Perfect☆☆Hand☆Cards, used this deck, and was stunned by several high-star monsters at the time. It is so rigid that it is almost impossible to move. It is in line with the classic high-star starting hand of advanced summon decks. After all, not everyone is like Kaiba's [Blue Eyes], even if the starting hand is high-star, it can get a piece of [ Fusion] turns into a real and perfect hand of cards in seconds.

[Invading Devil Mantis] is one of the superior monsters that stuck the Hanno Knight, and not only one appeared, but three appeared at the same time, and it does not have a direct special summon like [Electronic Dragon] With the ability to play, you can imagine how perfect that hand is.

Not understanding what Hayato was talking about, the Mask of Light that successfully summoned [Invasion Devil·Mantiscythe] immediately activated its effect and said: After liberating the [Invasion Devil] monster, he superiorly summoned [Invasion Devil·Mantiscythe]. When successful, I pay 1000 basic points to activate and Special Summon a [Invading Devil] monster from my graveyard!

【Mask of Light: 4000→3000LP】

What I specially summoned was this [Invasion of the Devil's Gate] that was sent to the graveyard by [Drawing from the Dark World], and because of the effect of [Invasion of the Devil's Gate], I turned the monster of [Invasion of the Devil] face-up. In the round when the superior summon is successful, you can add a normal summon only once in addition to the normal summon!

I summon [Invading Devil's Caller] from my hand!

The two scythes of [Invading Devil - Mantis Scythe] slashed in the air in front of them, cutting an X shaped opening out of thin air. From then on, the Mask of Light hand card and the other two in the graveyard were [Invading Devil] The monster came to his field and instantly formed an army that cannot be underestimated.

【Invasion of the Devil's Gate】【4☆/Dark】



【Invading Devil's Caller】【4☆/Dark】



After a round of unfolding, Mask of Light still had two cards left in his hand. After covering one of them on the backcourt, he said proudly: Kuffufufu, it unfolded unexpectedly smoothly. Sure enough, that The [Invading Devil] deck given to us by your master is the strongest and invincible deck. Especially with the tacit cooperation between Mask of Darkness and I, I am afraid that even if we meet that bastard Malik again, we can easily defeat him, right?

Put a card over and my turn ends~

[Mask of Light: 3000LP, 1 card in hand]

【Invading Devil·Mantis】【ATK2200】

【Invading the Devil's Gate】【DEF1900】

【Invading Devil's Caller】【ATK1700】


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