You have to believe me, brother-in-law, I am definitely wronged!

Malik covered his heart with one hand and said seriously: There is no sun in the sky. There is only one sun in my heart, brother-in-law, you!

Gurus and all that have absolutely nothing to do with me!

Opposite Malik, Hayato narrowed his eyes: How can you, a former leader of Gurus, have the nerve to say such a thing?

Well, that's because, because... Malik rolled his eyes and thought about it, Ah, by the way, in fact, Gurus was created by another personality of mine. Poor Lishid and I were... I have it all under my control. The leader of Gurus you are looking for is Dark Malik. What does it have to do with my sunny boy Malik?

You can make it up, but I won't believe a word of it. Have you forgotten that I helped you kill the other one? Hayato looked at Malik, hating that iron can't make steel, Why can't you even You can’t even make up a lie?”

Is this the point? After complaining, Malik slumped down on the sofa, No matter what you say, brother-in-law, I really don't know what is going on with this 'Gurus' who suddenly appeared. In the end, The word 'Gluth' simply means 'glutton', and it doesn't sound nice at all. Only those with chuunibyou would choose such silly names.

Noticing Hayato's gaze on him, Malik said with a deep expression: Although I don't want to admit it, I made mistakes because I was young. But now I am no longer the immature self of the past. A reliable adult.”

At the same time, the computer in Malik's room was not turned off and was still playing the voice of the virtual anchor saying I am cute, please give me money.

For a brief moment, Hayabusa and Malik fell into an extremely delicate silence.

In short, brother-in-law, the Guru you are talking about is probably just a guy who used Guru's name to frame other people, and has absolutely nothing to do with me. Malik assured him.

Hearing this, Hayato took out his cell phone with the screen on in his pocket and said, What did you say over there, Ishioumi?

The conclusion of the real-time detection is that except for the abnormal acceleration of Malik Isildar's heartbeat when the voice of the network anchor was heard just now, Malik Isidar was in a stable state at other times. Theoretically, he did not lie. He pushed to let himself know. He wears plain glasses that make him look more mature. Also, although it sounds like the name of a god, my name is Keipei!

Hey, don't worry too much about details like that. Hayato held Keipei away from the phone, who was yelling about making him look good, and looked at Malik and said, But you successfully passed Keipei's suspicion. Woolen cloth.

No, brother-in-law, did you keep the call from the beginning? Malik looked angrily, I still regard you as my dearest relative, friend, and brother, but you use this method to spy on me!

I recently fell in love with a figure——

More money, right? Is two hundred thousand enough?

Brother-in-law, do you need to install another camera in my room?

Listening to the unscrupulous conversation between the two, Keppei sighed at the excellent matching mechanism of fate and reminded Hayato: But Brother Hayato, if Malik Isildar has nothing to do with 'Gurus' If so, then who is the organization that created the ability to hack into the Kaiba Group’s duel disk, and why should the blame be placed on Malik’s head?”

Good question, I also want to know who wants to frame me! Malik rolled his eyes.

Hayato glanced at his phone and asked, By the way, Keppei, why are you on the phone with me? Where's that guy Set?

Brother, he said he planned to use the data he got previously as a reference, adjust it and make a power device, and then he would pull me over to catch the strong man. Keppei said, spreading his hands. Keipei, who is already in junior high school, has not joined the school club, but is a member of the Homecoming Club. After all, Kaiba is always the boss, and Keipei handles many things in the Kaiba Group more.

Kaiba did not analyze any more information, and Malik had nothing to do with the existing clues about Gurus, so all the information that Hayato tortured from Ryuga was scrapped and could not be traced further. This made it impossible to continue the investigation. Duel Academy Island He was a little irritated as he hurried back to Doshino City.

In short, my intuition as a duelist tells me that the 'Gurus' that Ryuga mentioned is not a fiction, but there really is an organization that calls itself 'Gurus', and according to what he said He did the transaction with the other party in Tongshiye City, a place under the surveillance of the Kaiba Group.

Standing up, Hayato signaled Malik to go back to the room to change into a leather holster and continue single-pushing, while he walked out of the house, Next, I will take a walk around Doshino City, maybe I can find relevant clues.

Hearing Hayato walking out, Kobayashi Sumire, who was chopping vegetables, raised her head and said gently: Are you going out again, Hayato?

Yes, but I will be back for dinner, and Issei will come over tonight. Hayato waved and left home.

Hayato, who left the villa area, recalled what Ryuga had told him before and went to the bustling commercial street. He said that he had met the man who called himself Gurus there before, and he planned to go there to meet him. It depends on your luck if you can find any clues.

However, as the Duel King, his goal was too conspicuous, so he had to disguise himself a little.

————The dividing line in disguise————

Tongshiye City Commercial Street, after Tongshiye City itself was almost completely controlled by the Haima Group and was completely renovated, the commercial street became increasingly prosperous due to the increase in the resident population.

There is no need to mention large shopping malls and the like, which can only be regarded as the most basic facilities. On the commercial street of Doshino City, you can even see many advertisements for dueling training institutions.

——After all, except for the aboriginals, the foreign population in Tongshiye City today cannot even enter the Sixth Ring without registered duelist status. Because of the influence and promotion of the Kaiba Group, Tongshiye City has people here faster than other places. The improvement of the duelist's social status.

For this reason, duelist training institutions have the soil to thrive here. Although the Haima Group has established duel academies and junior high schools around the world to compete with high schools, and there are also duel academies and junior high schools that compete with junior high schools, but the clever businessmen Targeting the age group of primary school students who have not yet been targeted by the Haima Group, the so-called Duel Academy Assault Tutoring Class was opened under the banner of keeping your children from losing before the card drawing begins.

Among them, there are two duelist training institutions that are the most famous and the most developed. They are called Electronic Flow Training Institution and Psychic Flow Training Institution respectively.

Yes, that's right. Their predecessors are actually the Electronic Flow dojo and the Psychic Flow dojo that already existed. It is precisely because of their experience in training young teenagers that their two old duel dojos are able to compete in the market. It stood out among the many training institutions for duelists in the world and took the first place.

As for dueling dojos that originally had certain quality requirements for apprentices, would it be inappropriate to open a training institution for duelists that accepts all comers? Make money, not shabby.

Moreover, the duelist training institution is a training institution, and the dojo itself still exists. In addition to serving as the vice principal of the duel academy, Samejima often returns to the dojo in America to guide apprentices. On the contrary, the electronic flow of Doushinoichi Why did he come to the training institution? There is another person in charge.

But let's not mention the electron flow dojo for the moment, and let's turn our attention to the telekinesis training institution, which has always been in tit-for-tat with the electron flow, even when it opened a duelist training institution.

Although [Artificial Man-Psychic Shocker] is not as rare as [Electronic Dragon], it is also an extremely core card of our 'Psychic Flow'. Even if we set up a duelist training institution to maintain expenses, our 'Psychic Flow' Liu' will only issue a card to the graduating students as a commemoration.

In the training institution, a strong man wearing a robe with the words Psychic Flow printed on it looked at the people in front of him and said, Please ask me to purchase a card for [Artificial Human-Psychic Shocker]. My answer is only rejection. And if this is the only purpose of these visits, then please come back. After a while, it will be time for students to come to class.

The two people opposite the strong man concealed their appearance and wore a black robe. When they heard him rejecting the deal on their side, one of them said in a gloomy voice: Are you in charge? Don't think about it anymore. consider?

Although I am only the person in charge of the telekinesis training institution here in Doshino City, and I have not yet obtained a rank above 'Meden' in 'kinki-ryu', my brother is a contemporary telekinesis-ryu teacher, and I, Inozuma Makoto, still have You can make your own judgment based on your abilities and qualifications. The strong man stood up and said, I'm not making this up. My brother once dueled with the legendary duelist and duel king Hayato Kobayashi, so don't bother us again. ”

Aluminum yard, see you off!

Yes! Behind the strong man, a green-haired young man said to two men in black robes, one tall and one short, You two, please leave.

If Hayato or Banjo Meshoji were here, they would most likely be able to recognize that this green-haired young man was the one who asked his younger brother to cooperate with him in using the so-called superpower to cheat and peek at others in Duel City many years ago. Card's super aluminum field!

From the beginning, among the two people who came to the Nenli-ryu training institution, only the shorter one spoke. The taller one was silent all the time. However, seeing that the person in charge of the training institution, Inozuma Makoto, was unwilling to cooperate with them, The deal proposed by the short man fell through, and the tall man finally spoke and said impatiently: So I said from the beginning, just do it. After all, weren't we all like this before.

Idiot, how many times have I told you, it was before and now, times have changed! Looking at his companion who spoke, the short man said angrily, Just find a place and start. If you do, people from the Kaiba Group will find out!

Do it? What do you want to do? Makoto Inozuma frowned and said, All children in Sano City are under surveillance by the Kaiba Group. Do you want to go to jail!

After hearing Inozama Makoto's words, the two men in black robes stood up, looked at Inozama Makoto, who was only eighteen or nineteen years old, and said contemptuously: Of course we know that the entire Sanino City is under surveillance by the Kaiba Group, but do you think Why did we talk to you for so long just now?

Hearing what the short man said, the tall man stretched out a hand from his cloak and revealed the duel disk. On the duel disk, the field area was open, and a card had been placed on it early. At this moment, it was being distributed. Weird red light.

Humph, this card given to us by the adults who absorbed us into the organization has magical special power, which can effectively interfere with the surveillance of the Kaiba Group. With the power of this card, we have been able to get away with it for too long. As he spoke, the short man raised his head, revealing his face under the hood of his cloak, but that face was actually covered by a half-moon white mask with a smile on his face, We have been squatting here for a long time, just waiting. It’s the best time to do it when no one comes here.”

Even if we take away your cards and kill you here, the people from the Kaiba Group will not be able to trace our hands!

Stop talking, Mask of Light, we don't have much time. The tall man also revealed his face under the hood. Similar to the Mask of Light, he also wore a mask on his face. The black half-moon mask was just an angry expression. Since we have to take action after all, we shouldn't have wasted so much time just now.

But this is also the time necessary to activate that card. If you feel a little urgent, let's kill these two guys quickly, Mask of Darkness.

You two guys! Zhuzhao Cheng heard the conversation of Light and Dark Mask as if no one was around, with a serious and angry face. At first, he thought it was two unscrupulous Yakuzas who came to ask for protection money due to the good business of their training institution. He heard that their goal was to take away rare treasures from him. Although I was a little surprised when I saw the card, it didn't deviate too much from my initial impression.

As a result, were these two men actually murderers?

Aluminum Yard!

I'm already calling the police, Brother Cheng! But the phone line can't be connected! Aluminum Field on the side replied, but there was no signal on either the mobile phone or the landline.

Tsk, did you really block the signal here? It seems that these two guys have done this kind of thing not once or twice. Zhuzhao Cheng put on the duel plate and said, But even so, we will never Sit back and wait for death!

I'm here to help you too, Brother Cheng!

Alumina and Inozama Makoto, who were wearing duel disks, stood side by side. Opposite them were two people in the Mask of Light and Darkness, who also showed their hands wearing duel disks. They formed a double battle 2VS2, and the battle was about to begin!

ten minutes later--

Come on, my monster, attack that brat directly!


[Aluminum field: 2600LP→0]

Aluminum Yard!

Idiot, do you still have the heart to look at others? Mask of Darkness waved his hand, Attack the opponent's duelist directly!


[Pigzhaocheng: 2800LP→0]

Inozuma Makoto, whose basic points were all reduced to zero and knocked to the ground, looked in disbelief at the figure of the monster that looked like an insect even though the duel had ended, but the virtual image had not completely dispersed from the Mask of Light and Darkness' respective fields. His power is too terrifying, and his cooperation with the aluminum field is completely unable to get any favors from his opponents.

The more critical point is that for some reason, neither he nor Aluminum Field can use magic cards in the duel. Fusion, field, equipment, continuous, quick attack, not even a single card can be successfully played. , all of them were stuck in their hands, but the two people on the opposite side could use the magic cards normally!

Even though they were responsible for the deployment and the aluminum field was responsible for calling the trap, the two of them still lost to the two opponents with unknown origins in the end.

We won the victory faster than expected. Is it because we are too strong, or is it because the props given by the master are too easy to use? It is because we are too strong, Kufufufu~

But that adult's prop also sped up a lot of time. It took us to defeat these two weaklings and take the cards from their hands. Listening to the weird laughter of his companion's Mask of Light, the Mask of Darkness He walked towards the two people who fell to the ground with a sneer, and was about to seize the cards and kill them, Now, it's time to harvest.

Yes, it's indeed harvest time.

Suddenly, Mask of Light and Darkness heard a voice, and the surrounding environment quickly changed from a layer of darkness covering the room where it was originally, to a deep darkness.

Ding Bell~Ding Bell~ The sound of metal colliding sounded from the direction where the voice just came from. Without bothering to take away the cards of Pig Claw Makoto and Aluminum Field on the ground, Light and Dark Mask turned around nervously.

They had obviously been observing the telekinesis training institution for several days before choosing to take action today. No one would come at this time. Who would show up at this moment?

Under the gaze of the two people, a golden light suddenly lit up in the darkness, and a golden [Millennium Wisdom Wheel] hung on his chest. Hayato glanced at the pointer of the [Millennium Wisdom Wheel] pointing in the direction of the light and dark mask, He nodded with satisfaction: Sure enough, the [Millennium Wisdom Wheel] is more useful.

No, you found the clue for me easily.

The first time I used the leave request this month was on the 3rd, and the second time was on the 13th. I will try it again tomorrow. Recently, I have been playing again because of the 0 update of 2077.

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