Is this the world of Yu-Gi-Oh? Ada thief!

Chapter 18 The rain stopped, the sky cleared up, and Wan Zhangmu felt that he was okay again

The types of monster cards in Duel Monsters include fusion monsters, ritual monsters, normal monsters, effect monsters, as well as soul monsters, cartoon monsters, and dual monsters.

In the lecture theater, Tenjoin Asuka, who was called by the teacher, calmly answered the question. Professor Chronos listened to her answer and nodded with satisfaction.

They are obviously all students from the same class, but are the differences between different dormitories so big?

Putting his chin on the open textbook in a somewhat decadent manner, Sho Marufuji, who was lying on the table, said listlessly, It's like the epitome of a society with poor standards, the poor treatment in the academy.

Judai, who was sitting next to him and spinning his pen, said with some confusion: Gecha... what is it? Does it mean something like 'did it' or 'caught it'?

It's 'Ge Cha', not 'Ge Cha'. Brother, please stop watching special photography programs. It's obviously so poorly shot and uses so many low-quality CGs that even children can't stand it.

Even if you say that, I'm very interested in any hero's story, and I'm looking forward to the subsequent development of the plot. Besides, it's not like there haven't been cases of opening low and going high. It's better to say that it's better to open high and then go 'Never had it off to such a great start' is more acceptable to me.

Judai said, nodded and affirmed, Anyway, just wait and have hope.

No, wasn't I just asking you, Xiang, what is 'gexia'? Suddenly realizing that the topic had strayed, Judai asked again.

The so-called 'quality difference' itself means just a simple 'gap', but in the derived meaning, the character difference refers to the gap in resources, status and even class. The one who answered Judai was the third person sitting in the row in front of him. Ze Dadi, further means, it is a social phenomenon in which it is extremely difficult to change one's social status because the gap between classes is too large.

Although Duel Academy has dormitories divided into different levels for students, the seating arrangements during class are not divided into areas according to the dormitories. Instead, students are allowed to freely choose their favorite seats in the huge classroom. After all, the number of students in each dormitory is not fixed every year, and there will always be changes in the number of students during the monthly exam at the end of each month. It would be too busy to arrange seats once a month.

——At least this is the case in most courses, but some teachers such as Professor Kuronos, who is slightly obsessive-compulsive, don't like messy colors very much, and will ask students in the same dormitory to sit in one area during class Here, keep the colors distinct.

The Sun God-Yellow Dormitory and the Obelisk-Blue Dormitory are not like the Osiris-Red Dormitory, where multiple people live in a mixed room. Instead, everyone has a single room. The difference is only in the size of the room and the surrounding environment. , the advantage is that you will not be disturbed and have your own private space, which is very important for a duelist. But in contrast, this arrangement also lacks the social relationship of roommate.

Misawa Daichi's personality is reserved and quiet. While he has the arrogance of a duelist, he also has a certain degree of inferiority that is difficult for others to notice. He was not good at sociability, but he was a little more familiar with Judai and the others in the Red dormitory than the other classmates in the Sun God-Yellow dormitory. When they were free to choose their seats, he simply sat next to Judai and the others.

On the other hand, the reason is that the Judai who can defeat Professor Kuronos in the actual combat test has more than just Osiris-Red Dormitory. Misawa believes that Judai will be promoted to the Sun God-Yellow soon. dormitory.

I see, that's what Ge Cha means. Thank you, Wuze.

It's not Wuze, it's Misawa.

Okay, 3.

Misawa heard that Judai changed his name to another name after he corrected him, and did not complain about him. He just continued to take notes seriously. At the same time, he was not surprised why Sho Marufuji suddenly lamented the poor character of Duel Academy. treatment.

The reason is that Judai and the others talked about the freshmen welcome party last night. The Obelisk-Blue dormitory held a grand banquet and arranged follow-up dance activities. The Sun God-Yellow dormitory also prepared a party last night. A sumptuous dinner, and a variety of games were prepared after the meal for the new students to integrate into the school - the situation in the blue dormitory came from Banzhoume who came to show off in front of Judai and then left, and the situation in the yellow dormitory was due to Marufuji Sho and others. Misawa told me after asking proactively.

In the Osiris-Red dormitory, the German stew that was supposed to be the main dish was cooked due to the negligence of the dormitory teacher. As a result, the students at the freshman welcome party could only eat white rice with dried fish and pickled radishes. They were thirsty. The most I could do was drink some miso soup made from instant cooking kits. I finally found a pack of fried shrimps from the cold storage to add to my meal. A pack of ten fried shrimps actually required three people to share one piece.

Comparing the treatment in the red dormitory with other dormitories, it's no wonder Marufuji Sho would sigh like that.

However, I think the pickled radish and dried fish taste quite good, and the miso soup tastes great too. Daitokuji-sensei's craftsmanship is actually quite good.

That's just because, brother, you haven't eaten much of these foods that can barely be called 'cuisine' before. After hearing Judai's words, Marufuji Sho complained, The only thing Daitokuji-sensei has cooked himself is Fried shrimp and miso soup, but one is a semi-finished product and the other is instant. Brother, where did you get the idea that Mr. Daitokuji’s craftsmanship is good?”

Of course it's the love that Mr. Daitokuji puts into the food.

Don't add random things to food that don't exist!

Misawa did not look back at Judai and the others. He wrote a few words on the notes in front of him and said: The essence of the special treatment is to encourage students to make progress. As long as they are promoted from the Osiris-Red Dormitory to the Sun God-Yellow In dormitories and even Obelisk-Blue dormitories, the treatment will definitely be visibly better.

But before you work hard to improve, Professor Chronos has been eyeing you for a long time.

After hearing Misawa's words, Judai and the others subconsciously looked towards the podium at the front of the classroom, and happened to meet the eyes of Professor Chronos who was looking at him with an unhappy expression. As if to confirm Misawa's words, the next moment, Professor Chronos pointed the pointer in his hand towards Judai and the others.

Then the next question will be answered by Mr. Marufuji Sho over there.

Ah, me!?

Sho Marufuji stood up quickly after his name was called, pushed up his glasses and looked at the podium. A blank magic card was displayed on the screen behind Professor Chronos, but there was nothing else. Sho Marufuji, who had been distracted since the beginning, didn't know what the next question that Chronos said was.

What's wrong, do I have to repeat the question again?

Professor Kuronos had a bad look on his face. Looking at Marufuji Sho who was at the bottom of his class and had poor dueling ability, he still didn't take classes properly. Even if he was Yujo Judai, even though he felt embarrassed, at least he was not good at dueling. There are still many merits, unlike Sho Marufuji who is useless.

In particular, Marufuji Sho happened to be sitting behind the four-arithmetic student from the Sun God Huang dormitory whom he was very optimistic about. In contrast, Chronos had an even worse impression of him. This poor student even talked to each other and deserted during class. Can’t you learn the four arithmetic operations and not even forget to attend class while whispering to each other?

In the category of magic cards among duel monsters, in addition to normal magic cards, quick attack magic cards, and ritual magic cards that are usually sent to the graveyard after being activated, there are also three types of cards that can remain on the field after being activated. Types of magic cards. Continuous magic cards, equipment magic cards, and—

In fact, Kuronos's initial question was what six categories magic cards can be divided into. However, looking at Marufuji Shona's written test score, which was ranked 119th when he entered school, he had no hope of how much he could answer, so he simply changed the difficulty level. dropped to almost the lowest level. Even an idiot who knows nothing about dueling monsters should be able to answer a question of this level, right? After all, the other poor student next to him defeated him with the field magic card [Skyscraper].

However, Chronos had already let his temper go to this point, and just wanted to remind Sho Marufuji not to continue to desert, but the panicked Sho Marufuji's mind was completely blank, and he couldn't say anything, and he hesitated. He lowered his head where he was, making Chronos look at him with more and more disappointment.

It's a field magic card, Xiang, a field magic card!

Don't be nervous, calm down, Xiang! Next to Marufuji Sho, Judai lowered his voice and kept reminding him. After shouting four or five times, Marufuji Xiang finally heard what Judai was saying clearly. Have the courage to answer.

I'm afraid even a kindergartener can answer that kind of thing, right? A follower sitting in the back row of the classroom looked at Sho Marufuji who was named by Chronos and said disdainfully, It's a field magic card. !”

Uh, uh was said, and the answer was suppressed back in Marufuji Xiang's stomach. With his face flushed in shame, he lowered his head and chose to act stupid like a dumb man who couldn't speak.

Tsk, that's really embarrassing. Sit down, Mr. Marufuji Sho. Shaking his head, Kronos waved his hand and asked Marufuji Sho to sit down. I can't even answer the basics of the basics. I've been teaching for so many years. This is the first time I have seen such a surprising student. Next, listen carefully, Na Nuo.

It's not like I don't know. Sho Marufuji lowered his head as he sat back, trying his best to hide himself behind the students in the front row, and was a little unconvinced by Kuronos' words. Of course I'm not so stupid that I can't even answer this kind of question, but I'm so panicked that I forget everything as soon as I stand up.

Oh, don't pay too much attention, Xiang. As long as you have a general understanding of the theory, knowledge has nothing to do with actual combat. Judai saw Marufuji Xiang being so frustrated, and patted him on the shoulder and said, Look, I'm taking the written test. There were a lot of things I couldn’t answer when I was doing it, but when it came to the duel, I naturally understood it, and I even defeated Professor Chronos in the duel.”

When Judai said this, he did not lower his voice at all, so that Chronos, who had not yet turned his attention away, could hear clearly. Looking at Judai, Chronos was unhappy and a little angry. He bit his handkerchief and gritted his teeth: Mamma Mia!

I take back my preface. Although he is better than Marufuji Sho, Yujo Judai is a poor student who is really annoying. He not only declares the useless theory here, but also doesn’t take himself seriously. This year’s freshmen are so useless. Be polite!

Among the group of girls sitting a few rows behind Judai, Asuka glanced at Judai a few more times and recalled the conditions she obtained after arguing with the principal yesterday after she requested to enter the abandoned old school building. , made up his mind.

The course schedule for first-year freshmen is the busiest. Basically, the daily schedule is full. After the basic theory of dueling (cards) course taught by Professor Kuronos, there is a dueling course by Mr. Kira Aoki, the dormitory teacher of the yellow dormitory. Basic theory (chain) course, but after finishing the welcome party yesterday, Mr. Aoki went on a business trip again, so the time for this class was temporarily freed to allow the freshmen to move freely in the college.

The freshmen who didn't get enough sleep after getting up early today went back to the dormitory to catch up on their sleep. The involution masters went to the school library to study. Many curious students continued to explore what they had not finished exploring at the end of yesterday. Inside the academy, Judai decided to give up thinking and find a place to play cards after thinking for a long time (about a second).

Seriously, my name is not difficult to remember at all, right? Why do people always call me wrong? Misawa complained to Judai, Anyway, come to a duel with me, Yujo, if I win , you will call me by my name from now on, Misawa, don’t call me 3 again.”

Okay, no problem. Anyway, Wan Zhangmu lost to me once yesterday, and he won't duel with me for three days at least. Putting the brand new textbook with only his name and no notes on it into his school bag Inside, Judai took out the folded duel plate and card deck, At least it was like this when he was a child. I don't know if it has changed in the past few years.

Besides, I won't lose, Liu Zhe!

It's Misawa Daichi!

Misawa and Judai were walking side by side. He also took out the duel plate from his backpack and was about to put it on. He planned to find an empty duel field to play cards with Judai. Marufuji Sho followed behind the two of them. Maeda Hayato was a repeater and was specially kept by Chronos to give him tutoring, so he did not follow them.

As Judai said, although he saw Judai and Misawa going to play cards, Manzhangmu, who left the classroom through the same exit, chose to pretend that he had not seen the three of them and followed a group of younger brothers back to his dormitory. After at least three days, when the rain stops, the sky clears up, and Wan Zhangmu feels that he is doing well again, he will come to Judai again to avenge his shame.

However, before the three of them had gone far out of the classroom, three girls appeared on the side road to the duel area, blocking them.

Yushiro Judai, I will have a duel with you sooner or later, but for the mission of the principal. Tenjoin Asuka, who had already put on the duel plate, adjusted her gloves and tried to duel in the best condition, Follow me Let’s duel!” (End of Chapter)

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