That [Beloved Hero] was the most suitable card drawn at just the right time.

Watching Judai use [E·hero Sky Winged Man] in a wave of two combos to basically clear away all the targets, Asuka was surprised by Judai's precise card drawing, That kid, no, Yujo-san, he is also very lucky. Bar.

Luck is also a part of strength. It is better to say that a true duelist can even create the future of his own card drawing. Hayato looked at Judai who was cheering on the stage and Banzhangmu who was still lying on the ground. He walked out on his own initiative, applauding as he walked, As friends who have been separated for many years, this is the first battle after meeting again. It is indeed a good duel, Judai, accurate.

Ah? Principal!? Because of the duel between Judai and Manjome, neither the two people on the field who were immersed in the duel nor Maeda and Marufuji Sho who were watching the duel were completely unaware of Hayato and Asuka's presence, they couldn't help but be startled when they saw Hayato appearing clapping his hands.

Not only because of Hayato's sudden appearance and his status as principal, they also remembered one thing, that is, earlier today, he reminded everyone in the video not to use the duel field here, but they finished it ahead of time because of Wan Zhangmu. The last part of the duel field was about to do the duel here, and he was even caught red-handed by Hayato, who was a teacher.

Hayato could also see their nervousness at a glance - mainly Marufuji Sho and Maeda Hayato. The two duels were still on the field. Even Judai waved to himself proudly: Oh! Long time no see. Yes, Mr. Hayato!

Compared to before, it's a lot better. Judai, you even added three [Sky Man] into the deck? Hayato looked at Judai and said with a smile. Compared with the pile of mortal bones in the past, the current [E·hero] of the tenth generation is indeed more than what he showed in the actual combat assessment that day.

The [E·hero] deck that Hayato gave to Judai didn't even include Bubble Man, who is also known as Little Qiangyu. However, Judai, who fit well with this deck, got the deck less than a month ago. Within a short period of time, [E·hero Bubble Man] was printed. Before leaving Doshinoichi, Judai's deck already had other [E·hero] support cards such as [Hero Boy] and [Mechanical Dog].

Now that so many years have passed, Judai's deck will naturally not remain the same as in the past, but has become more powerful. However, it is a pity that Banzhangmu still seems to be unable to fully realize the progress Judai has made over the years.

After noticing the somewhat panicked Marufuji Sho and Maeda, Hayato showed a ferocious smile: You actually let me catch you disobedient bad students and use this unfinished and dangerous duel field without authorization. I didn't even consider myself as the principal. Take what I say as the supreme power into consideration.

Bad students like you are destined to be expelled from me, jiejiejiejie

Asuka, who was following Hayato, heard what Hayato said and said jokingly: If that's the case, you, the principal, could have stopped them a long time ago but have been hiding and watching until the duel was over before coming out and saying that you wanted to punish people. Is it also responsible?

Well, that's true. Hayato rubbed his chin, nodded and snapped his fingers, In that case, I'll pretend I didn't see you, and everyone will pretend nothing happened.

Really? That's great! Marufuji Xiang and Maeda heard Hayato's words and hugged each other excitedly. Fortunately, Hayato really let them go. One of them was at the bottom of the grade, and the other had to repeat a year, but they were most afraid of being punished.

Seeing that the two of them actually believed it, Asuka sighed for the intelligence of her peers. Principal Xiaolin's performance was very obvious. From the beginning, he had no intention of punishing them. She also responded casually. But in the end, these two people couldn't understand Hayato's meaning at all, so did they still believe it?

Bypassing Marufuji Sho and Maeda, Hayato stepped onto the duel stage, took out a card from his body and said: Although the rules of card gambling do not apply in school, as the principal, I have a good idea of ​​a good game. Duel students still need to be rewarded, and this can also be used as a gift for you to enter the Duel Academy.

This guy wants to go to you.

As Hayato threw the card in his hand, Judai subconsciously caught the card flying in a spiral trajectory, and saw a powerful monster with a level up to 8☆ on the card: [Lava Demon]?

“What the [E·hero] deck is most afraid of is powerful monsters with too high attack power or troublesome effects. Others, whether traps or magic, have ways to break them, but the former is the only one that [E·hero] is afraid of. It’s too tricky, so [Lava Demon], which can transform other monsters into targets that can be dealt with, is the most suitable partner for [E·hero].”

Hayato was talking nonsense, never admitting that he likes to use cards such as [Lava Demon God] and [Turtle Bad Beast - Gamesiele]. He just likes the pleasure of releasing the cards. And the object that the hero wants to fight is still the same as expected. You have to grow into a [Lava Demon God] so that you can feel it.

It's true. The 'E' in [E·hero] refers to elemental. Compared to giant robots and flying dragons, giant elemental monsters are more like enemies. He clenched his fist and knocked it. In the palm of his hand, Judai was completely convinced by Hayato and immediately stuffed the [Lava Demon God] he had just acquired into his deck without even seeing its specific effects.

This is also the style of the tenth generation combination deck. For him, the construction of the deck has never been important. He only needs to consider whether he likes a certain card. If he likes it, he will put it into the deck. As for the effect, Combo, etc., just think about it while dueling, it is the intuitive school among the intuitive schools.

It's just that the deck has an upper limit of 60 cards, so he often has to face choices in the tenth generation. For example, now, in order to add [Lava Demon God] to the deck, after some consideration, he added [Wandering Brave-Freed] This monster card is removed from the construction and temporarily placed in the reserve card library.

On the other side, Hayato looked at Manzangmu who was still lying on the ground with his butt sticking out, and complained: Yes, you just lost again. Anyway, you have never defeated Judai since you were a child. As for being so decadent ?”

That's different. That guy always won in the past. It's just because Judai was exposed to Duel Monsters earlier than me who was occupied with etiquette classes in various interest classes. I just started late. . He stood up and sat on the ground, looking at Judai with displeasure, But in the past few years, I have been working hard in the middle section of Duel Academy. How come I can't even compare to this guy who didn't go to Duel Academy? Obviously I am the one Top student in Obelisk-Blue Dormitory.”

Isn't it normal that the blue dormitory can't beat the red dormitory? How many times has Kaiba won the game if he didn't cheat? However, the strongest one has to be [La]. Hayato said with a smile, patting Bankai's shoulder. , It doesn't matter if you suffer a little loss. You are proud to be the first among the rookies in the secondary department. If you continue to do so, do you still want to challenge Caesar in the first semester?

Ahem! Asuka immediately coughed twice after hearing Hayato calling the students of the Junior School noobs, Principal Kobayashi, please don't get me wrong. Although the students of the Junior School are definitely not as good as professional duelists, they are not. Everyone’s strength is unsatisfactory. Although Wan Zhangmuquan is the first in the middle school division, that doesn’t mean that my strength is inferior to him.”

Misunderstanding? I didn't misunderstand, because in my opinion, even the strength of this boy Wan Zhangmu is at the level of a 'rookie'. Hayato spread his hands and said in a frivolous tone, It would be better to say that even many people who have already Graduated students, in my eyes, are just rookie-level combatants, just like in the eyes of a fighter who was defeated by a doorknob, everyone is female.

Hayato's tone was quite blunt, but his words also reminded everyone present that in addition to being the principal of the Duel Academy, he is also the strongest duelist in the world today. He really has the qualifications to say these words. .

Compared with the stronger Asuka, Sho Marufuji is more concerned about another thing: Why would the principal give something like this to Big Brother Judai as an entrance gift? Do you know each other?

Brother? Why do you call me that? Judai said with some confusion.

Of course Marufuji Sho didn't want to tell Judai, but he thought Judai was a good thigh and wanted to hug him, so he quickly explained: Because big brother, your duel is very dazzling, and that kind of will that does not give up in desperate situations makes people... Just looking at it makes your blood boil and your heart surge, making you want to become as powerful as you.

Right, Maeda?

Maeda Hayato scratched the back of his head. Although he didn't actually want to hug Judai's thigh like Marufuji Sho, he was right that Judai's duel made him envious: It's like that, look at it Judai, I am also a little envious of your duel, and I want to stand on the stage bravely like you.

Ah hahaha, I'm not that good either. Hearing the compliments from his roommates, Judai felt the same envy, but Marufuji Sho and Maeda Hayato's envy were different, but he didn't care much. Instead, he wiped his nose with some embarrassment and said with a smile, Anyway, from now on, let's work together towards the goal of Duel King, and strive to defeat Mr. Hayato before graduation!

You actually said you were going to knock me down in front of me, you guys really look down on me. Hayato patted Judai on the shoulder, Okay, go back to your dormitory quickly, I remember your dormitory leader Teacher Dadeji spent one month's salary preparing a welcome party for you. There will be plenty of time for you to visit the school in the next three years. Now go back and help Dadeji.

As soon as the 'Pharaoh' raised by Dade Temple runs around, his attention will be diverted immediately. Don't let that guy boil the vegetables again.

Hearing Hayato's words, the three of them immediately remembered that before they left the red dormitory, Teacher Daitokuji went to their dormitory because of the Pharaoh who was running around, and they were afraid that the food would be ruined in the faces of those who ate it at night. Suddenly, Hayato, Manzōme, Asuka and the others waved their hands and left as fast as they could to run towards the dormitory.

After a few people left, Wan Zhangmu asked curiously: By the way, Mr. Hayato, I suddenly remembered that you haven't answered the glasses guy's question yet. Why does that jellyfish head have a so-called 'entrance gift'? ?”

To be more precise, every new student actually has an entrance gift. Which company do you think the pack of cards you got on the cruise ship was provided by? Hayato said casually, reaching into the card box on his waist, The academy will collect information on the decks used by students during the actual combat assessment, and then send it to the International Illusion Society to sort it out. Before you board the ship, a so-called 'limited card pack' will be produced corresponding to the deck you are using. Although some of the cards are just for making up the numbers, there will definitely be enhanced cards for your deck among the cards in circulation.”

Whether you can get the cards corresponding to your deck depends on your communication skills and luck.

Why are you looking at that kind of thing? Shouldn't we come to Duel Academy to learn to be a duelist?

Asuka was very puzzled, but Wan Zhangmu shook his head, No, these two abilities are really important, but it seems that you don't understand them very well, Tianshangyuan.

But that's not right, Mr. Hayato. That guy from Yujo not only exchanged powerful cards that correspond to his own deck, but he also had incredible luck. Why can he still get the card you gave me?

Hearing Wan Zhangmu's words, Hayato said nonchalantly: The answer is that I happen to have a lot of [Lava Demon God] on hand. This card may be a fairly rare card to other people, but I happen to know it. An unlucky guy who could just buy a few packs of cards and draw out several [Lava Demon God]. That guy was an otaku and didn't engage in interpersonal relationships at all. His sister and stepbrother didn't like to use [Lava Demon God], which led to him later. Give it to me as soon as you get the [Lava Demon God].

At first I could sell [Lava Demon God], but who knew that later the 'store' wouldn't even accept it and said I was a malicious card bug, and Judai's deck is actually really suitable for [Lava Demon God] 】, so I will give it to him. After finding the card he wanted to take out, Hayato took the card out of the warehouse and handed one to Wan Zhangmu, Here, this is your entrance gift, and it is also very strong.

Wan Zhangmu didn't expect that he also had a card. He took it and took a look and found that the card in the center of the card was a dark dragon covered in sharp blades: [Armed Dragon]? No, [Dark Armed Dragon]?

I remember, Mr. Hayato, you often used the LV monster [Armed Dragon] series in your early duels. Although this card is not an LV monster, it is still an [Armed Dragon]. Is it a tribute to that series of cards?

At the same time, in front of Asuka was a card handed over by Hayato: [The Divine Witch of the Proclaimer]?

These two cards are actually cards that were made and mixed into the 'Limited Card Pack' but you didn't draw them out, including the [Lava Demon God] that Judai got. This is the true face of the so-called 'Enrollment Gift' , that is, a specially customized card that the freshmen with outstanding performance could not get. Hayato smiled and said, Take it, I'm really looking forward to how far you can go on the road of dueling monsters.

Looking at the card given by Hayato in her hand, Asuka was grateful to Hayato, but because Hayato mentioned excellent performance, she couldn't help but think of her brother. She looked up at Hayato and said: Principal Xiaolin, I can use this In exchange for a 'gift'? Rather than this card, I would rather go to the abandoned old school building.

Old school building?

Seeing the puzzled look on Banjomu's face, Hayato did not explain to him in detail the disappearance of Asuka's brother Tenjoin Fubuki and others: Well, you don't need to be too clear about the duelists. Anyway, you go back to Oberli first. Go to Sk-Lan dormitory to help, that’s right. As for Tianshangyuan students, you’d better talk about your matters slowly in a place where no one will disturb you.”

Hayato took Tenjoin Asuka to other places, and Wan Jangmu also subconsciously followed Hayato's instructions and planned to go back to the Obelisk-Blue Dormitory to help. However, just after leaving the duel field, he suddenly remembered that the Blue Dormitory was not the Red Dormitory. There is a team of chefs hired by Professor Kuronos himself to take charge of the freshman welcome party, so he does not need to help at all.

After realizing that he had been deceived by Hayato, Banzhangmu curled his lips, glanced at the [Dark Armed Dragon] in his hand, added it to the deck, and planned to go back to the dormitory to sleep first. A student from the Sun God-Huang dormitory met him Passed by.

Was there someone dueling here just now? Looking at the empty dueling platform with an unfinished note on it, Misawa Daichi, who completely missed everything, scratched his head, Maybe I saw it wrong. (End of chapter)

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