Is this the world of Yu-Gi-Oh? Ada thief!

Chapter 0 You regret me...School

After hearing what Hayato said,

Although the beheading that I was asked to perform before was interrupted, the [Psychic Ectoplasm] liberated myself, so this final blow can still be counted on myself, win! Moreover, I have always been liberated after activating the effect. I am still not used to being liberated. Win!

This wave is a win-win, you win twice!

And as the [Psychic Ectoplasm] controlled the impact to hit it accurately, the last basic points of Darkness hit by the self-destruction impact of [Hellfire Machine Tiera] were instantly emptied, and the entire body began to collapse.

Oh, Onori Kobayashi Hayato! You actually want to destroy me again!

All the wings behind him were broken and dispersed, leaving only a lonely skeleton hanging. The black robe on Darkness had also dissipated, revealing the skeleton body inside. Cracks continued to appear on the body. It glared at Hayato and said, But, even if you If you defeat me again, I will still become a real shadow, and one day I will resurrect from the inside of the world!

As long as humans still have malicious intentions, I will be immortal!

Hoho, after being defeated by me, Hayato Xiaobayashi, you didn't just want to run away and never show up in front of me again, but instead held up your dying body and uttered nonsense? Opening his arms, Hayato smiled ferociously, But Mu Da Mu Da Mu Da! You have been defeated by me once and there is no possibility of you posing a threat to me. No matter in human form or in other forms, no matter how many times you are resurrected, you will only end up being annihilated by me!

After hearing Hayato's words, Darkness dragged his body that was gradually turning into powder and tried to stand up straight and try to survive for a while. The speed of his body's disappearance slowed down a little. He looked at Hayato and said: But you are only human after all, just like in a duel. As I said, no matter how hard you try, you can’t change all of humanity.”

Your human revolutions are always initiated by awakened pioneers, because they have firm goals and lofty ideals, and they often do radical things. But after the revolution, even a noble revolutionary heart will Being swallowed up by bureaucracy and the masses, in the end, the pioneers will just hate the bureaucracy and withdraw themselves from society and politics, becoming hermits.”

No matter how many changes you make in your lifetime and how many times you defeat me, humans who cannot achieve complete transformation will reject you as an alien and embark on the old path of regression again after your life reaches the end.

Hayato looked at the soul fire in Darkness's eye sockets: Those words don't sound like what you, a being that is not alive at all, can say. Let me think about it, could it be Dazi? I have become one with you. , Did Dazi, who I killed again, become part of the darkness that flowed into the world in the end?

Shaking his head with a smile, Hayato sighed, I'm not as radical as Datsu, nor do I despair of humanity; similarly, I'm not like Xia Di, who believes that humans must become new humans and become 'Prana'. To be redeemed. With a completely kind heart, a mind that abandons desires and is not bound by them, and understands each other, the power of the new humanity is just adapting to the world. I am still a 'human' as before.

From Hayato's arms, the [Quantum Cube] he carried turned into small golden cubes and gathered in Hayato's hands. At the same time, the iconic golden inverted triangle of Prana appeared on Hayato's forehead, and it was different from Blue God, Sera's single inverted triangle or Xia Di's two juxtaposed inverted triangles. The mark of Prana on Hayato's forehead is two golden triangles with their tips touching each other, one positive and one negative, as if someone put them together. The two pyramids looked like they were colliding.

The assembled [Quantum Cube] burst into golden light in an instant. Although the dimensional door could no longer be opened again, it still had the ability to borrow part of the power of the [Millennium Artifact] while Atum was in the underworld. He reluctantly stood up and tried to The lingering Darkness was instantly suppressed by this light, and the body's disintegration speed resumed, and even accelerated again.

Can the selected humans move into the future and then let the unselected die? Dazi wants to create a new world of new humans and eliminate the old humans whose souls are bound by the gravity of the earth, but there will be many When people die, what’s the use of creating a world that doesn’t value people’s hearts because of their desires?”

Xia Di wants to achieve dimensional ascent and use clever ways to allow humans to resonate with each other, but he has too little confidence in humans. Even without the power of new humans, the era of being able to resonate with everyone can still come, although that is possible It takes a long time.”

Holding the [Quantum Cube], Hayato looked down at Darkness, who was kneeling on the ground helplessly because his legs and even his lower body had completely disappeared. The ones who really need to be eliminated should be those who can't believe the breadth and thickness of the earth. You The same is true, Darkness. You who are not a living person even mistakenly think that I will be afraid because death will erase my efforts? Death is something that everyone will experience, even I will not have anything to say.

However, the spirit of human struggle that never gives up in the face of despair will not be cut off just because I stop.

Go, Darkness, and take your shattered future with you!

Hearing Hayato's words, Darkness couldn't help but see the scene he had seen before reappearing in front of his eyes. It was the light of hope bursting out from mankind in a hopeless future. It was the thing that it hated most as a human being in a ruined future. .

Really, the human spirit will be inherited? I look forward to the future. When I am resurrected again, will it be you who are rejected by humans or your so-called successor who will stop me when I am resurrected? But Hayato Kobayashi, in addition to the spirit , and something will be inherited.”

Only the head was left in the body. Darkness looked at Hayato and said: The winner will continue to live, the loser will fall into hell, but the winner will have to bear the resentment of the losers to survive. This is what duelists who keep fighting have to bear. Do you have the consciousness to bear resentment for the sake of so-called 'justice' and 'hope', Hayato Kobayashi?

It couldn't wait for Hayato's answer, because when it called out Hayato's name again, it was the moment when its body was completely annihilated.

Because Hayato wanted to destroy this place and was activated, the lighted lines of the alchemy array on the ground also completely dimmed, together with the remaining black and purple power that was destroyed by the power of [Super Fusion] around it.

He was not able to watch the first half of the duel, but he also witnessed the last part of the duel and Darkness' question to Hayato. Although Daitokuji did not know Darkness's identity, he still touched his nose and said with some realization: Inheritance Well, although as an alchemist, it sounds a bit too incompetent for me to not think about completing the goal myself but to entrust it to the successor.

But the picture I saw just now, couldn't it be the future, nya? Thinking about it this way, maybe it would be better for me to find an outstanding student to inherit, at least it will not ruin my life because of my death and the damage of my notes. Research is buried in the dust, meow~”

What do you think, Principal Hayato?

As he spoke, Daitokuji failed to get a reply from Hayato. Hayato was standing where Darkness had just disappeared, with his back to Daitokuji and he didn't know what he was doing.

The quiet illusion mirror in the underground also made Daitokuji feel more serious. Looking at Hayato's back, he couldn't help but think: 'Although Mr. Hayato usually looks calm, even as the principal of Duel Academy, he is more serious. Most of the work was handled by either Professor Kuronos or Vice Principal Samejima. He mostly just fished at the lake behind the school. ’

'But in the final analysis, Mr. Hayato, as the duel king, can be said to be the strongest person in the world. Although I don't know what happened to that thing that was probably a human just now, but this matter seems to involve all mankind. Large range? I'm afraid Mr. Hayato is thinking about some serious things at the moment. ’

Thinking like this, Daitokuji saw Hayato, who had his back turned to him, suddenly raise his arms to cover his chest, and said painfully: Oh my God! Who else can be my enemy now? Who else is worthy of me? Die at the hands of me, the duel king?

Making exaggerated body movements like an opera singer, Hayato said excitedly: Fuck! Is the last meaning left to me only to destroy this world? And if I really want to destroy her, who can stop me? ?”

No, didn't you just tell that person that you would always protect the world! Daitokuji couldn't help but complain, How come in the blink of an eye, Principal Hayato, you yourself are going to start destroying the world!

Idiot, because I will destroy the world and then create it. My divine power is omnipotent! Hayato made an exaggerated waist movement and looked at Daitokuji behind him and said, For example, right now, I found this book from that guy from Darkness as a trophy da☆ze!

In Hayato's hand, there is a thick notebook wrapped in purple book cover. There is also a golden ball in the center of the cover of the book, with the Eye of Ugato embedded in it. The ball There are golden traces spreading outward, like a seed buried deep in the soil that has taken root and sprouted.

Daitokuji's narrowed eyes opened instantly, and he looked at the book in Hayato's hand in surprise: Those are probably my notes?

Why do you use a questioning tone? Hayato held the book and tapped the spine of the book in his palm. Things that have been soaked by the magic of Darkness seem to naturally appear. Could it be that the symbol of the Eye of Tol is because the guy has no eyes himself, so he used his eyes as a mark?

Did you find this from that skeleton-like guy? But why does it appear here? Daitokuji said puzzledly, Even if, as Mr. Hayato said, it was Fujiwara Yusuke who stole me The notes are here to draw the alchemical formation, but why do the notes appear on that scary guy?

Could it be that that skeleton is actually Fujiwara Yusuke's classmate!? Could it be that he was no longer satisfied with being the best in the school and began to want to challenge stronger duelists, so he came into contact with the power of darkness with the help of the alchemy circle , turned himself into a skeleton in order to return to Duel Academy and knock us adults to the ground to do his—

Stop it, FMD Daitokuji, how can you be so imaginative? Hayato interrupted Daitokuji's random thoughts, Although part of it is correct, that guy is not Fujiwara Yusuke, but a man who is not even a human being. It's just something that can't even be considered a living thing. After Fujiwara Yusuke disappeared from the world due to personal reasons, the things Fujiwara Yusuke was carrying at the time naturally fell into the hands of the guy named 'Darkness'.

Nodding in understanding, Daitokuji approached Hayato, smiled ingratiatingly, and said, Although I couldn't find the missing Fujiwara Yusuke, it's a good thing that I can find my notes. I have all the good things. I haven’t written a diary in a few days. That Principal Hayato, look at—

Huh? I don't understand what you are talking about. Since I took this from that guy in Darkness, shouldn't it belong to me of course? This is also to compensate for my failure to get the deck from that guy. Is there your name on it? Hayato said confidently, and when he flipped through it, he found that the name Aunaeru used by Daitokuji Temple was actually written on the first page.

Tsk, give it to you.

Unhappily, he handed the only trophy he had to Daitokuji. He looked at Daitokuji who carefully checked whether his notes were damaged. Hayato, who had found nothing except the duel settlement given by the system, suddenly raised the corners of his mouth, as if Thinking of something, he said: However, since this notebook belongs to you, Mr. Daitokuji, then the evidence is conclusive.

Ah? Daitokuji looked up at Hayato and tilted his head, not quite understanding what Hayato was talking about.

On the weekend, at the school teachers’ gathering——

My notes were stolen by a student, and I was punished by the principal to help Miss Dome with chores for a month. The money was deducted more than 700 yuan~ Daitokuji took a sip of beer from his cup and told his colleagues at the dinner table with a sad face. .

So, the point is that the notes were stolen, Na Nuo?

No, it's obvious that more than 700 US dollars has been deducted from the money. It's really a lot. Holding a glass of red wine, Ayukawa Emi retorted and looked at Kira Aoki aside, Mr. Kira, don't just eat. No more. Would you like some wine? Although the appetizers are cooked by the chef invited by Mr. Cronos, the wine is also a treasure brought by Cronos from Italy.

I'm sorry, I just have a taste of wine. Taking advantage of Professor Kuronos's treat today, even Kira Aoki, who likes a quiet life, also attended the party. While talking, he picked up a piece of fried A5 steak and ate it. He ate so much, with an expression of enjoyment on his face.

It's a pity that there is no curry. Teacher Huayama sighed, raised his glass and said, Anyway, let's drink to Teacher Kuronos's thirty-fourth birthday!

Oh, happy birthday, meow! Happy birthday! Happy birthday?

Shouting words of congratulations, Ayukawa Emi looked at Kronos in surprise and said, But, Professor Kronos is actually only thirty-four years old? That is to say, he was only thirty-four when we first met when the college was established. Years old? Surprisingly mature.

It's not like I wanted to grow up like this Na Nuo Nie!

In the principal's office at this moment, Hayato spread his hands in front of the electronic screen: Anyway, it's like that. If you rush to look for it, you won't find it. It's better to leave everything to time. By then, what you can't find will appear naturally. in front of.

That's easy to say, you bastard. Keppei said angrily on the screen, Hayato-san, you have no idea how troublesome it is to deal with those mouthpieces that spread unfavorable remarks about the Kaiba Group and Duel Academy. It's not a Duel Monster card. It can’t be found, but the student is missing!”

It has been so many years since Hayato graduated. Compared to Hayato and Kaiba, Keipei, who is now in junior high school, has changed the most. His height has increased by nearly 20 centimeters compared to three years ago. Although it is not as high as Kaiba, it is the same as after graduation. Sometimes a game of almost 1.6 meters is very close.

No, you're saying the opposite, POP. If it were Kaiba, if Isono was missing and [Blue-Eyes White Dragon] couldn't be found, he would definitely be more concerned about the latter.

I'm Keppei!

Seeing Hayato teasing Keipei, Kaiba thought for a moment and quickly understood what Hayato meant: Really, time will bring everything? How long do you think it will take for those missing students to reappear?

Today is June 13th. It will be around this time next year, and the missing students will reappear. Hayato affirmed, I can bet on Daitokuji teacher's salary next year.

Hmph, speaking of the one named Daitokuji, do you have to keep that unreliable guy who teaches the inexplicable so-called 'alchemy' in school? Kaiba snorted coldly, Kobayashi Hayato, you You will regret it.”

After hearing Kaiba's words, Hayato, who sat on the boss's chair, subconsciously replied: Sett, I am the principal.

Hmm~ It feels good. I have wanted to say this line for a long time. A tactician leaned back on the chair and Hayato said with a smile, Although the matter of missing students is very troublesome, let me say two things that you must I really like the good news, Yugi will graduate from college next year. Also, remember Yujo Judai? He will also be of high school age next year.

Really? Yugi has graduated. Hum, let me see if his strength has deteriorated in the past few years. After a pause, Kaiba pretended not to care and said, As for Yujo Judai? No. I have long forgotten the names I have heard of.”

——It’s strange that to this day, Kaiba still can’t forget the guy who claimed to be from the future a few years later and defeated him with the [E·hero] deck that was not yet released at the time. Otherwise, Kaiba would seem to have learned about his future from Hayato. Since you are also a student of Duel Academy, why did you specifically set the Osiris-Red dormitory as the dormitory for poor students with the worst treatment?

Hum hum, the time has finally come for Yi to avenge his shame, hum ha ha ha ha ha!

Kaiba held a Duel Monster card called [Partner of Justice - Kaibaman] and suddenly burst into laughter without even turning off the video call. (End of chapter)

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