Is this the world of Yu-Gi-Oh? Ada thief!

Chapter 56 The real trump card always appears at the end

No more than that?

Hayato nodded, confirming Darkness's statement, Indeed, compared to your [Synthetic Beast Fusion] or mine.

And its effect is so useless. I can't even use the cards in my hand as materials. I can only select monsters from both sides of the field as fusion materials and send them to the graveyard.

Listening to Hayato's words, Darkness also said scornfully: It sounds really rubbish, but it can only be played on both sides, right? Both sides?

Hmm, for example, right now, due to the effect of the field magic card [Dark World-Shadow Dystopia-], all the monsters on the field have become dark attributes. I want to use the dark attribute [Phantom of Illusion] on your field. Magician] and the dark-attributed [Phantom Beast King-Chimera] are two monsters used as fusion materials. Fusion summon this invincible Four Heavenly Dragon from the fusion deck!

As Hayato spoke, he took out a card with a purple border and placed it on the duel plate. He raised one hand above his head and shouted: The vines of despair filled with fruits of blood and blood in this world have transformed into phantom beasts that have no existence in this world. Absorb all the nutrients, and then a new threat will be born from the coiled depths of hell! Appear! The poisonous dragon with the fangs of hunger!

[Hungry Poison Fusion Dragon]!

Darkness watched helplessly as two monsters on his field - including the [Magician of Illusion], which he had high hopes for - were drawn into the whirlpool of [Super Fusion]. Darkness watched helplessly as a monster appeared on Hayato's field. A slender dragon. The long and slender emerald green body, like a vine, is knotted with round orbs that are emitting a mysterious and dangerous light. At the end of the vine, a majestic and fierce dragon like a demon king is covered in purple armor and showing its teeth and claws.

[Hungry Poison Fusion Dragon] [ATK2800]

The first effect of [Hungry Poison Fusion Dragon] can only be activated in the round when the monster on the field is used as the fusion material and is successfully fusion summoned. This card's attack power will increase until the end of the round, and the opponent's special summon will be on the field. The total attack power of the monsters. Hayato pointed at the only remaining [Fantasy Beast Demon King - Baphomet] on the Darkness field, That is, the 2400 attack power of [Fantasy Beast Demon King - Baphomet]!

After receiving Hayato's instructions, [Hungry Poison Fusion Dragon] immediately stretched out a few vines to entangle the [Fantasy Beast Demon King-Baphomet] on the Darkness field, and the orbs everywhere on his body lit up brilliantly and beautifully. Another dangerous purple light, the attack power increased sharply.

[Hungry Poison Fusion Dragon] [ATK2800→5200]

Attack power, 5200 points!?

Seeing the soaring attack power, even the attack power of the top existence [Five Divine Dragons] was surpassed, the flames in Darkness's eyes swayed, How can such a powerful monster exist? This is not something that can be found in this world at all. The monster that was born!”

You say you can't, so you can't? Just because you are the so-called darkness that flows into the world? Don't make me laugh, idiot. Hayato said contemptuously, Grandma said that if I think about it, fate will definitely If you stand on my side, the world will also revolve around me. If I said [Hungry Poison Fusion Dragon] can be born from this world, then she can.

As he said this, Hayato secretly complained, 'Although, [Hungry Poison Fusion Dragon] seems to have been born from the elven world with the help of the [Illusion Demon Gate]? ’

You, you guys, are so arrogant! Darkness said angrily after hearing what Hayato said, It is because you humans have such arrogance that corruption will breed in your human hearts and continue to flow into the world. Awaken me and bring about destruction!

You really have the nerve to say it, as if you understand it very well. You are obviously not even a human being. Only people who don't know how precious life is will take away other people's lives! Hayato raised the corners of his mouth and said with a sneer, I remember before, in order to resist the power of [Hellfire Machine Lilith], you chose to give up the monsters in the graveyard to save the cards in your backfield. You can easily abandon the lives of your subordinates. Why? Maybe for the sake of all mankind? How can a guy who forces others to die be sincere?

What you call the destruction of mankind to achieve peace is just an excuse made up by yourself who simply wants to destroy mankind!

Hearing Hayato's words, Darkness had not yet reacted, but [Disturbing Huang] in Hayato's graveyard couldn't help but jumped out and complained: But Ani, you really said that about other people's qualifications, ugh- —!

Covering the mouth of [Disturbing Yellow], [Disturbing Black] and [Disturbing Green] pushed it back to the cemetery, and bowed to Hayato repeatedly: Ani, keep on squeezing~

It's useless to talk more, Darkness, all I can leave you is fighting and death, enter the battle stage! With a wave of his hand, Hayato said, The attack of [Hungry Poison Fusion Dragon], since you want to fuse [Hungry Poison Fusion Dragon] If Dragon] rejects it, then let’s taste her power! Attack [Fantasy Beast Demon King-Baphomet]!”

Strong acid and poisonous extermination rain!

Pointing at the only remaining [Fantasy Beast Demon King - Baphomet] on the Darkness field, [Hungry Poison Fusion Dragon] followed Hayato's movements and rushed towards the target, with a dangerous look on its winding vine-like body. The purple venom locked and surrounded it in just an instant.

Immediately afterwards, the predatory dragon wrapped around the body of [Fantasy Beast Demon King - Baphomet] like a python that captured prey. The ferocious dragon head looked down at the fantasy beast that did not exist in this world, and then suddenly opened its mouth, Pour down the extremely corrosive poison like a rain curtain!

Uh oh oh oh!

Even Darkness, which is a skeleton rather than a living thing, finally let out a wail when the soul poison from the battle with the [Hungry Poison Fusion Dragon] spread, and the soul fire in the eye sockets was visible to the naked eye. The ground became weaker, and even the wing used to place the [Eidolon Demon King - Baphomet] card behind his back was stained with poison and turned purple.

Before being further infected by the poison, Darkness decisively cut off that wing and basically lowered the boss in one breath.

【Darkness: 4000→1200LP】

The last monster [Eidolon Demon King - Baphomet] was destroyed, and Darkness's field was completely empty except for the continuous magic card [Card Scan] in the backcourt. Under the restriction of [Shadow Yii - Midrash] Now that he has exhausted the number of special summons for monsters, Darkness cannot even activate the effect of [Beast Demon King - Baphomet] or [Beast Demon King - Chimera] in the graveyard, and he can only watch Hayato's monster attack afterwards. Come here and clear yourself of the basics!

Seeing the ugly appearance of Darkness being forced to give up part of his body, Hayato put his hands on his hips and laughed wildly like some crazy villain: Hahaha, how do you feel now, Darkness? I'll let you feel one-sided beating. The pain and terror, hahahaha!

The previous 'Oliha Gang God' - Leviathan was annihilated by [Creation Star God - Tiela]. 'What has been done will be done again; what has been done will be done again. There is nothing new under the sun. After reading some of the famous words of Solomon in the Bible, Hayato pointed directly at Darkness, Perish under [Tiera] again, Darkness!

[Hellfire Machine Tiera]'s direct attack!

Hearing Hayato's order, [Hellfire Machine Tiera] was also very moved. After all, in Hayato's previous duels, the role he could play was nothing more than the activation of the effect when the fusion summon was successful, and then there would be Because the level was too high, it affected the appearance of other [Hellfire Machine] monsters in the graveyard, so he was released by Hayato at the speed of light. He didn't expect that he would still have a chance to land a killing blow.

Without the restriction of the black and purple barrier, the size of [Hellfire Machine Tiera] has already returned to the limit that can be accommodated in this underground place. The tall bull-headed and lion-headed demon dragon looks down on the small body like a world-destroying demon. Darkness, in front of her, even Darkness seemed to be a positive figure who fought against natural disasters to protect the world.

The devil enters the brilliance and the magnificent solar prominence!

As Hayato shouted out the name of the attack move, colorful flames rushed towards Darkness like a catastrophic fire falling from the sky. Under this attack, the remaining 1200 basic points will be mercilessly cleared away, but Darkness is here At this moment, he suddenly taunted Hayato and said:

Arrogant humans, I have said that the peaceful death brought by me is the best ending for you. The more you resist, the more unfortunate the future will be. The moment of destruction will only lead to a more painful ending. At the end. Playing a card from his hand, Darkness said, The game of Duel Monsters is a reflection of your future. It seems that the future is about to usher in victory, but in fact, there is an absolutely insurmountable gap between defeating me!

The effect of the monster card [Quick Attack Scarecrow] can only be activated by discarding this card from my hand when the opponent's monster declares a direct attack, invalidating that attack, and ending the battle phase after that!

Nani? A monster card activated by the same hand card as [Kurigo Ball], and the effect is even stronger?! On the high platform, Daitokuji, who was almost cheering for Hayato's victory, looked at the sudden appearance in front of Darkness, The [Speed ​​Attack Scarecrow], which blocked the god-like attack of [Hellfire Machine Tiera], exclaimed, It can even force the end of the combat phase, what a shame!

This is the answer, Hayato Kobayashi, even if you once created the hope of being infinitely close to victory, reality will eventually stagnate before you complete the mutual understanding of all mankind, and after that, no matter what level of ideological realm human beings have reached, they will eventually Once again, you have fallen into corruption and fallen into the darkness caused by your inner desires. Darkness watched [Hellfire Machine Tiera] return to Hayato's field without success, and said arrogantly, Your efforts will only be nothing in the end. Useless effort.”

At the end of your turn, the increased attack power of [Hungry Poison Fusion Dragon] will return to its original value. [Synthetic Beast Fusion] can resurrect [Phantom Beast King-Gaze in my deck by removing itself. You] and [Baphomet], they will become the final and strongest form with the power of the other [Synthetic Beast Fusion], giving you absolute destruction.

Although it's not my turn yet, I can reveal the predicted future to you. [Card Scan] The card that will be added to my hand from the bottom of my deck is the monster card [Lava Demon], which comes from the familiar card you are familiar with. The power of another personality dissipated by the human named Malik will be your final push to death!

As he spoke, vague fluctuations came from behind Darkness. From the fluctuations in power, it seemed as if a fragment of the future was unfolding in front of the witnesses.

The onlookers at Daitokuji Temple saw many unfortunate futures such as my current body died completely and my soul turned into a point of light and took off into the sky and the notes that recorded all my alchemical achievements turned into dust like powder. Without saying anything, Hayato stood in front of Darkness. In front of his eyes, human beings were assimilated by the power of Darkness one by one and disappeared from the memories of others and huge mass-produced mechanical weapons were destroying ruined cities and killing humans. The human world and other dimensions are about to merge.

Look, that is the doomsday that mankind is destined for, and it is all painful. In comparison, the peaceful death brought by me seems precious.

Halfway through Darkness's words, he looked at Hayato with his lips raised, unable to understand, What are you laughing at?

Nothing, I'm just a little surprised that you haven't boasted about being able to broadcast GX, 5D's or even Zexal from another world from DM. Now I kind of believe in the so-called 'shattered future' you said. He said Darkness. There were some words that were hard to understand. Hayato smiled sincerely, But you really need to see a doctor for your eyes, although the doctor probably can't put eyes on a skeleton.

The seemingly dark and hopeless future appears again and again, but it doesn't just appear once and then have no follow-up. Doesn't this just show that mankind will not perish because of that shattered future? Hayato pointed at Darkness. The power fluctuations spreading behind him foretell the future, Under that extreme darkness and despair, isn't there a golden spirit full of courage and hope that is blazing a trail in the dark wilderness?

Nani!? As Hayato pointed at himself, Darkness suddenly felt that the power he had released to predict the future could no longer spread. Instead, it poured back and trapped him in it, seeing the future that Hayato had seen. fragment.

As humans are assimilated one by one by the power spread by Darkness, a boy with two souls, a human and an elf, harnesses the power of bond and hope to dispel the darkness;

When an out-of-control killing weapon with unlimited energy destroyed the world, a certain survivor who was covered by the personality of someone in the past acquired the power of acceleration that was faster than light and could transcend time, and together with his companions, he changed the past and the future. ;

When the world is about to overlap, the teenagers with the momentum to soar into the sky tear apart the chaos;

This, this is! Darkness shook his head violently to dispel the illusion, This is just an illusion!

After all, now that the fighting phase is over, what else can you do? It's impossible, the future is already determined!

Is that so? Why don't you go read all the parts about me that flow into the darkness inside the world and see what my real trump card is. Hayato looked at a card in his hand and put it in Launched in the backcourt, You said that no matter how hard human beings try to make changes, they will eventually return to their original state and breed corruption and sin. Then Mafti will clean up the sins of human beings!

Mafuti? Are you claiming to be the king of prophets who leads mankind before the end of the world in the legends you made up for mankind? That kind of thing. Because of Hayato's words, he subconsciously looked through all the records about Hayato in the darkness inside the world. A common thread kept appearing in Darkness's mind until it saw the card activated by Hayato, How is that possible?!

I activate the permanent magic card, the invincible [Psychic Ectoplasm], and then declare the end of the round! Hayato lowered his arm, looked at Darkness and said, Then in my end phase, liberate [Hellfire] on my field. Machine Tiera], inflicting damage equal to half of the opponent’s attack power, which is 1,700 points!”

This is a necessary sacrifice, [Hellfire Machine Tiera], and then go back to the dark world, Darkness!

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