Is this the world of Yu-Gi-Oh? Ada thief!

Chapter 48 The first signs of 2004

Fujiwara Yusuke, Tenjoin Fubuki, Oyama Taira...

Just like a year ago, Hayato was sitting in his office, flipping through several files, reading out the names on each student file one after another, but compared to a year ago, it was for the newly admitted students. He was happy with his excellent results, but looking through the files now, he had a serious expression on his face.

Opposite Hayato, there is a lighted screen hanging on the wall. Seto Kaiba on the screen is frowning, and his expression becomes more ugly every time Hayato reads a name.

The above people are currently missing, and they are all students in the Obelisk-Blue dormitory.

Looking at the several files placed in front of Hayato, Kaiba said with a cold face: Does that mean they are all top students?

No, even though they are all students of Obelisk-Blue, there are still big differences between people. Fujiwara Yusuke and Tenjoin Fubuki are among the best in the academy in both theory and duel practice. Even though he was a first-year student last year, he already had the strength to compete with the outstanding third-year graduate Minazuki Matsumoto, and the former also won the duel competition held jointly with the Northern Branch last year.

But Oyama Ping, although his theoretical score has been stable at 100 points for a long time, his performance in actual duels is not stable. Although he successfully passed the entrance and first-year midterm tests, he only got a score of 60 points at the end of the semester. He was almost demoted to the Sun God-Huang dormitory, but it was Professor Chronos who begged to give him a chance. After a pause, Hayato looked at Oyama Pira's file that was marked as missing, But in fact, the battle The main reason for its unstable performance is that when it actually draws cards, it often fails to draw the cards it wants.”

Hmph, that's what you always said when you were bluffing, right? Kaiba snorted coldly, You can't even draw the card you want. And there are no cards for scheduling in the deck. Even if the theoretical score is perfect, it is just like this. In my opinion, it is just a third-rate duelist with a fourth-rate deck.

No, that's not the case. I remember Becas also said the same 'three belts and fours' evaluation in your mouth. Hayato complained, In short, because of the lack of ability in drawing cards, Oyama Ping often appears and cannot summon any monsters. , he was defeated without being able to activate any cards. If he still maintains this level during this midterm test, not even Professor Kuronos can prevent him from being demoted to the Sun God-Huang dormitory. Even more, at the end of the semester, he may go to the Osiris-Red Dormitory because his average score is too low.

They are not all top students. So besides the fact that they are all students in the Obelisk-Blue dormitory, what do these missing students have in common?

Hearing Kaiba on the screen ask himself this, Hayato also looked at the people next to him: The common point is that except for Oyama Taira, both Fujiwara Yusuke and Tenjoin Fubuki have all joined Daitokuji-sensei. Go to the 'Alchemy Advanced Society' founded by me.

But I really don't know what Tenjoin and Fujiwara have done, nya! Daitokuji, who was called to the office by Hayato, argued nervously and even added a strange meow habit. , Although an alchemy array was found in the dormitory where they disappeared, which was used to communicate with other worlds, I definitely never taught them that thing, meow!

Meow~ In Daitokuji's arms, a plump orange cat also meowed, seeming to be echoing the words of his shit-sweeper, Daitokuji.

What kind of nonsense is alchemy? After hearing Daitokuji's words, Kaiba looked at Hayato and asked, Don't tell me that the student union is missing this time. It's something inexplicable like 'alchemy'. Something related.”

I know you may not believe it, Seth, but it is true. Hayato, who was rubbing his temples, spread his hands helplessly after hearing Kaiba's words.

Under his own influence, Daitokuji did not take the initiative to guide students to learn about dark games. His alchemy advanced club was just a legal club, and Professor Kuronos, who was in charge of managing the on-campus club, continued to work from time to time. There are random checks on on-campus clubs and confirmation of club activities.

But who would have thought that there would be people signing up for a club like Alchemy Advancement that would be dissuaded by the boring, complicated and boring content and lose interest even if they signed up for a few alchemy classes at Daitoku Temple. It just so happened that Yusuke Fujiwara and Fubuki Tenjoin were among the top three freshmen who enrolled last year.

Especially the latter, who took many girls who liked him to join Mr. Daitokuji's Alchemy Advanced Club. Although many people later quit the club because they couldn't bear it anymore, they still insisted on it. Uchichi helped Daitokuji gather the number of people needed for the club.

Unlike in the original plot, where a dark game was played under the guidance of Daitokuji, Fujiwara Yusuke and Tenjoin Fubuki actually disappeared. This was not the first time that Hayato lamented the power of fate. .

However, in the original plot, Hayato remembers that only Fujiwara Yusuke and Tenjoin Fubuki disappeared due to the dark game caused by the alchemy circle, and they were both awakened by the malicious aggregate called Darkness that Fujiwara Yusuke awakened. Control, not life-threatening.

As for Oyama Taira, he seemed to have entered the undeveloped mountains of Duel Academy Island to practice because of his inability to draw cards. Later, he seemed to have really become something famous in his practice, and he had the ability to compete with the protagonist Judai Yujo. The magical ability to fight against each other? There is no need to worry about its safety.

But Hayato still asked Daitokuji: Teacher Daitokuji, have you really never taught students the in-depth part of alchemy?

Principal Hayato, you must believe me. Although I named the club 'Advanced Alchemy', the content actually involves only the most basic introductory knowledge, which is only more advanced than the routines taught in class. The knowledge of dueling monsters wearing alchemy skin is just a little more serious.

Daitokuji sighed, In the final analysis, Tenjoin-san and Fujiwara-san, as well as other classmates who joined my club, they had no interest in alchemy from the beginning, and they came here entirely for me, nya~

Fujiwara-san is not only the top student of the first grade, he is also stronger in duels than Tenjoin Fubuki-san and Marufuji Ryo-san, who are known as the 'double wall'. The most important thing is that he also has the extremely rare ability to see. The ability of the spirit that resides in the duel monster card.”

After Daitokuji finished speaking, Hayato didn't react at all, but Kaiba on the screen suddenly said excitedly: See the card spirit's ability? That's great, this is what I want to see!

You're in Bangge City. Who just kept telling me that 'alchemy' and the like are nonsense?

Seeing Kaiba's fierce reaction, Hayato couldn't help but complain, and Kaiba retorted in a matter-of-fact tone: Of course it's different. Things like alchemy are just ignorant ancient people based on chemical phenomena that were not understood at that time. It’s just a figment of fantasy, but the spirits in the Duel Monster Cards are existences that can indeed be detected by the Kaiba Group’s technology.”

The science and technology of Haima Group is number one in the world!

It seems that I can't refute you on this aspect. At least Daitokuji hasn't created the 'Philosopher's Stone' yet, which is really disappointing. Hayato shrugged, looked at Daitokuji and said, Fujiwara Yusuke-san I also understand that I can see the existence of spirits, and it seems that Motegi Yuuo, who is enrolling today, also has this talent.

It seems so, but Fujiwara Yusuke-kun seems to have particularly good insight. He even determined that in Duel Academy, the strength of the dormitory teacher is opposite to the treatment in the dormitory. He thinks that my strength is better than that of Kira-sensei in the yellow dormitory. Even better than Professor Chronos in the Blue Dormitory.

Daitokuji had a subtle expression on his face, This is how Tenjoin Fubuki-san was pulled into the club by Fujiwara Yusuke. If it weren't for Marufuji Ryo-san, who really has no interest in alchemy, I'm afraid he would have been pulled in too. Now I think about it. I think it’s a good thing he didn’t join.”

After joining the club, Fujiwara-san has been teasing me about my other identity - the alchemist, but luckily I am a strict person and have not revealed a word to him.

Hearing Daitokuji's confidence, Hayato asked: What about the alchemy array found in the missing student's dormitory? Could it be that you just said you didn't teach me and hit the back of his head with a ruler? After three times, do you turn on a small stove for the students in the middle of the night?

...I live in the Osiris-Red Dormitory, not the Xie Yue Sanxing Cave, Principal Hayato. Daitokuji complained, and put the fat cat he had been holding on the ground, letting it move around freely, while he Chu stood there and thought, I have seen the alchemy formation before, but something so complex cannot be taught casually. Even if you let them follow the painting, it will take a long time.

But speaking of it, many details of the alchemy formation look a bit like the version I wrote down in my notes before, but the drawing is too bad. And I can find at least ten places that can be merged and optimized...

Wait a minute, what did you just say? Kaiba frowned, sensing the key words in Daitokuji's words.

Um, ten places that can be optimized and merged? Well, it's actually nine. I'm just trying to round up the number.

Who asked you this? In the previous sentence, you still have a notebook? Hayato pointed out the most crucial point, And the alchemy formation discovered is also recorded in your notebook?

Daitokuji has not yet reacted: Yes, yes, I keep the experiment diary in my notes after every experiment, and occasionally use it as a memo to write in the diary. Isn't this normal? ?”

It's so abnormal, okay, no serious person would write a diary.

Hayato said, looking at Kaiba on the screen: But at least now, we probably know where those students learned those alchemy formations.

I've told you so many times that I'm not interested in messy things like 'alchemy'. Kaiba on the other side of the screen frowned and looked at the expression on Hayato's face. After a moment of silence, he suddenly leaned back on his chair. You don't seem worried about the safety of the missing students, Hayato Kobayashi?

I know very well what you are like. You may harm the interests of others nonchalantly, but you will never ignore other people's lives. In other words, do you know the inside story of the disappearance of some students?

It can be said that I roughly know where the missing students have gone, but I have to go to the place where the students disappeared to confirm the specific circumstances.

Looking at the expression on Hayato's face, Kaiba frowned and continued to ask: Is there no danger... Then let me confirm one more question, will this affect the talents of the missing students?

Not only won't it, but it may be enhanced. Hayato thought for a while and replied.

Fujiwara Yusuke, who has taken refuge in Darkness, has transformed from a top student in school into a powerful dark duelist. After Darkness, Fubuki Tenjoin, who has an out-of-touch personality, has become able to give orders calmly and even coldly in duels, and has not Oyama Ping, who was involved in the real disappearance, also changed from a 1000% handicap to a fantastic dog. The missing students have indeed become stronger.

Hearing Hayato's answer, Kaiba's frowned eyebrows completely relaxed, but he didn't let Hayato see his relaxed face. Instead, he turned around and stood up from his seat, leaving only his back on the screen. : In that case, I understand. I will notify the families of the missing students, and the spread of external public opinion will be blocked and controlled by the Haima Group.

Regarding this, in fact, among the missing students, only Fubuki Tenjoin still has family members. Oyama Taira is an orphan. Because of his excellent grades, he received a scholarship provided by the Kaiba Group to complete his studies for many years, and Fujiwara Yusuke's My parents have also passed away and there are no family members I can tell.”

Hayato looked at the student files spread out and said, Only Tenjoin Fubuki has a younger sister. She is currently studying in the middle school of Duel Academy and her grades are very good. But Sett, you shouldn't use the evil force's method of keeping silent to bully a girl. JK is in school, right?

Hmph, in your impression, am I some evil party? Haima Group is an excellent enterprise that is committed to entertainment, medical care, high-tech and other fields, and is actively involved in charity, social construction, education, etc.

Yes, yes, such as the dueling academies opened around the world, the sole sponsor of the International Duelist Alliance, and the Doushino City built as your private territory? Hayato teased, waving his hand at the screen, Anyway, this kind of troublesome thing I’ll leave it to you, Seth.”

As for what I said... let's go, Teacher Daitokuji, and accompany me to the dormitory of the missing students again. Since it can be activated once, the alchemy array should be able to be used a few more times.

Hayato said hello in the office, and the elves living here emerged one after another from drawers, under the sofa, and potted plants, and gathered towards the card box on Hayato's waist, Although I can follow the original plot. , but you dare to steal people from my school, and after being the principal for a while, you are actually looked down upon.

I will attack in duel king form!

Although many people have the impression that Caesar, Ryo Marufuji, is in the strongest position in Duel Academy, it is set that Fubuki Tenjoin and him are tied as the twin walls of Duel Academy. In Yusuke's Golden Triangle, he is equal to Marufuji Ryo, and also has the nickname Kg Fubuki. Fujiwara Yusuke is known as the first among the three heroes, and his dueling talent far exceeds the other two.

In fact, it is almost the same situation. Let’s exclude Fujiwara Yusuke’s later clean deck. Before he disappeared, he already had Makoto’s elves and he was basically stable. Even if Marufuji Ryo came over with an Electronic Terminator Dragon and planned to OTK, Fujiwara Yusuke can also use his hands to trick Brother Cheng into counterattacking

As for Tenjoin Fubuki, although he is very unruly, he was a person who, like Judai, was approved by the tomb guardian spirit and took half of the dark items before he disappeared. In serious battles, he used GX, which is considered a good red eye. It's a pity. He is not positioned as a handsome character like Caesar but a funny character. The fashionableness of wearing a mask can be regarded as the strongest among the Seven Stars.

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