Fujiwara Yusuke, Tenjoin Fubuki, Oyama Taira In the principal's office, Hayato looked at the list of students enrolled this year, read the names from top to bottom, and sighed, There are actually students who were assigned to Obelisk-Blue. Nearly half, the quality of this year’s freshmen is really high.”

Of course, but Hayato, did you miss anyone's name? From the seat opposite him, Samejima suddenly said with some trepidation, I remember that among the freshmen who entered this year, there should be... There are other very good students here.”

For example, Marufuji Ryo? Hayato put down the student list in his hand, and Samejima could see that in the comprehensive score column, the name Marufuji Ryo was only listed below Fujiwara Yusuke, between it and Between Tenjoin Fubuki, it can be seen that Hayato deliberately skipped the name Marufuji Ryo just now, Mr. Samejima, why don't you be more frank and say that you are looking forward to your former disciple enrolling.

Ah hahaha, you also know my personality. I am relatively reserved.

Seeing that the name of the former disciple he cared about appeared at the top of the list and knowing that he was assigned to the Obelisk Blue dormitory with excellent results, Samejima also had confidence in the opponent's strength. The weak worry was put down, and he scratched the back of his head a little embarrassedly.

I've always suspected that it's because you subconsciously like to scratch your head that you became bald so early, Mr. Samejima. Looking at Samejima who suddenly froze because of his words, Hayato looked at his hand again. The report said, However, although the enrollment situation of the Duel Academy headquarters, the Eastern, Western and Southern branches are all very good, the enrollment situation of the Northern branch, which was the last to be built, is not very good this year.

Principal Fumitake Ichinose of the Northern Branch said that perhaps adding a canteen like ours at the Northern Branch could also boost enrollment. To this end, he wanted to ask Auntie Tami, our school's canteen salesperson, to come and help—

One pound of pears (objection)! Samejima suddenly slapped the table and said excitedly, Although the Northern Branch is the latest Duel Academy branch to be completed and start enrolling students, this also means that the supporting equipment currently possessed by the Northern Branch are all It is the latest and most advanced. If I remember correctly, the Northern Branch is located in the cold zone and even has a special submarine specially customized from the Anassis Shipping Group to transport supplies.

With such good conditions, the enrollment situation of the Northern Branch is not very good. I think that guy Ichinose must be lacking in ability and neglecting his duties. Even if I let Miss Tomei come over, it will not help!

Having said that, for fear of Hayato misunderstanding, Samejima added, This is a conclusion I reached based on my management experience in the past few years as the school's vice-principal. There is absolutely no bias or selfishness involved.

Seeing how Samejima, who had just said that he had a very reserved personality, suddenly spoke clearly about the situation of the Northern Branch and argued with himself to protest the Northern Branch's aid application, Hayato teased: You better really be.

But actually, even if you are not so excited, I don't want to agree to Principal Ichinose's request. After all, the environments of each branch of Duel Academy are different. Aunt Tami's experience in running a canteen here in the headquarters is not applicable to The northern branch is surrounded by ice and snow all year round. At least, the 'card-drawing bread' she came up with is not suitable, that one is better at room temperature.

As Hayato spoke, he patted a sealed bag on his desk. It was the drawing bread he bought from Aunt Tami, the canteen operator of Duel Academy.

The so-called drawing bread is actually a bagged food with fillings sandwiched between two pieces of bread. From crepes, fried noodles, pizza to dried salted fish, durian, and coriander, basically the fillings sandwiched between the two slices of bread in each bag of bread are different, and because they are sandwiched with bread, the fillings vary from completely different. Looking at the same outer packaging, it is completely impossible to tell what kind of stuffing is inside. It is just like a duelist drawing cards, and it is completely unpredictable what kind of cards will be drawn next.

Aunt Domei, the owner of the canteen, raises a golden chicken. The golden chicken is called the golden egg because it only lays one egg every day. The first prize in the Bread Draw is the golden egg sandwiched between golden bread, and it is not a small challenge to draw golden bread among the many card-drawing breads, but out of confidence in their ability to draw cards, the students of the school are also happy with it.

Although Hayato has the magical ability to draw golden bread easily, he is not willing to compete with a group of students for this. On the contrary, he deliberately does not smoke golden bread, but chooses fillings according to his mood every day, such as Although his bread today has not been opened yet, he knows that it contains pineapple pizza filling that can make Professor Kronos faint - Hayato is not exaggerating, because Professor Kronos really has it. I went to buy the drawing bread and went to Ayukawa Emi-sensei who suddenly fainted after eating strawberry jam pasta and was sent to the infirmary. And since then, he has never bought card-drawing bread again.

It is worth mentioning that the current record holder for consecutive draws of golden bread is the water-free moon fungus in the Obelisk-Blue dormitory in the second grade - he will be in the third grade after school starts. Although my ability to draw cards is actually He is not outstanding, and he often draws weird flavors like sesame butter and brown sugar, but he came up with the idea of ​​increasing the probability of drawing by increasing the base number. Although he is often forced to eat more than a dozen weird flavored breads, But he also already holds the record for drawing golden bread twenty times in a row.

——Then on the twenty-first day, Hayato interrupted his record because he wanted to eat golden bread on a whim.

However, if the card-drawing bread that is so popular at the Duel Academy headquarters goes to the Northern Branch, it will never be as popular as it was here. First of all, the special geographical environment of the Northern Branch causes low temperatures all year round. If the golden chicken was taken somewhere, it would probably become frozen, not to mention that the cold fried noodles and other fillings would definitely not be as tasty.

The same is true for other business experiences. Even if Auntie Tami goes to the Northern Branch, she may not be able to use her experience much. Of course, Hayato will refuse Principal Ichinose's request.

However, it is also true that the enrollment number of the Northern Branch is the lowest among several duel colleges. Hayato will not just sit back and ignore the request for help from the Northern Branch facing such a predicament. He thought of an idea.

Let's conduct the Chuunin Exams, let's have a confrontation competition. Hayato knocked his fist on his palm and suddenly said, Let the Northern Branch elect a student representative, and then let our main branch also elect a student Representatives, both sides will unite to hold a duel conference.

The enrollment problem of the Northern Branch is mainly due to the fact that it was the last to be built and has the lowest exposure. Letting students from the Northern Branch compete with students from the main campus can not only show the outside world that the Northern Branch is also valuable. It is enough to cultivate students' abilities, and at the same time, it can also distribute some of the excess enrollment resources of the main campus to the northern branch.

Hayato pointed his finger on the table, It may be difficult to see the effect once, but if it is held once a year and held several times, it can also increase the enrollment of the Northern Branch. In addition, maybe we can also find a way to hold this duel competition. Go to the TV station to promote it.”

Using a duel method sounds very suitable. Samejima rubbed his chin, But although it is a friendly match, adding some bonuses may make the game more lively. In this regard, it is Leave it to me to communicate and negotiate with Principal Ichinose.

As he said that, Samejima's eyes flashed. He, who had always shown himself as a kind and good-natured person in Duel Academy, revealed a bit of his other identity for the first time in a long time - the stern aura of a contemporary teacher of Electron Flow. He became serious to the naked eye. .

Go all out in a place like this... forget it, it's up to you. Hayato sighed, but he still trusted that Samejima, as the vice principal, would complete the task seriously. At the same time, he noticed the office door not far away. , a figure stopped across the glass, and then there was a knock on the door.

Please come in.

After Hayato finished speaking, he saw the office door being pushed open, and Professor Kunolos holding a pile of documents in his arms came in. As he walked, he said to Hayato and Samejima, Principal Hayato, Principal Samejima, you must help. My ah na Nuo pinch~

Professor Kuronos, what's wrong? Samejima helped Kuronos take the documents that were about to fall from his arms to the floor, moved them to Hayato's desk, and asked, Where did there come from so many Didn't the files for freshmen admissions just come in? Hayato and I just finished processing them.

These are not the files of new students, these are the club formation applications in the school. Professor Kuronos said with a bitter face, feeling that he was about to change from a [pot of lust] to a [fragment of the pot of lust], Since the last At the end of the first semester, Principal Hayato said that he would enrich students' extracurricular life and launch club activities in school. Within one summer vacation, we received so many applications for club formation.

Is it my fault? Who told those adolescent brats to be unable to settle down when there are no classes, and instead of cherishing the rare rest day, they want to explore the undeveloped areas of the island? Teacher Ayukawa from the infirmary said She had bags under her eyes because she worked overtime last year, and she had to reimburse her medical expenses for a work-related injury.

Hayato spread his hands and said, After all, you guys give them too little homework. If you give them more homework like me, why would I use club activities as a way to consume those students' excess energy?

It's because Principal Hayato your 'Elf Coexistence Class' not only teaches things that no one can learn, but also gives less credits and more homework, that's why no one signed up. Even Principal Samejima's culture class has at least one person signing up. Come on. Chronos complained.

But after hearing what Kuronos said, Samejima said with some embarrassment: Actually, it was because of Hayato's punishment that Minazuki-kun became the only one to sign up for my course... Let's not talk about that. Let’s deal with these club applications first.”

As he spoke, Samejima picked up one, the smile on his face froze, and read out the club name on the application form: Service Club?

Let me go, are these students playing such a big game? Hayato suddenly became excited. He took the application form in Samejima's hand and looked at it. When he saw the reason for the application, he said with disgust, Tsk, it's actually Thinking about helping others improve themselves? It’s so disappointing.”

Also, the 'Eastern Magic Sleeping Club's Summer' and the 'SOS Group' are all random clubs with unclear meanings. Only this 'Classics Club' seems reasonable. Kuronos said bitterly. He opened his face and said, But the content of the club activities, 'Energy Saving Curiosity' is nothing!

Putting his hand on his neck, Kuronos, who took over the club management responsibilities nonchalantly last semester, regretted his hasty decision very much: I feel like I am about to suffocate.

Huh? Why is there the name of Daitokuji Teacher here? Hayato pulled out an application form and wrote Daidokuji Hugo in the applicant column. The name of the club is 'Alchemy Advanced Club'. Activity content, 'Alchemy from entry to burial (crossed out) mastery'? Didn't he already have an elective course in alchemy, why did he still need to apply for the club?

Well, maybe it's because he has to connect alchemy with dueling in the elective course, but he can freely teach alchemy in the club? Although I don't believe in unscientific things like alchemy at all. Na Nuo Nie. Chronos paused and added, Also, Principal Hayato, you said before that clubs can apply for activity funds.

Oh, now I understand. No wonder there are so many application forms. Hayato raised his eyebrows and said, Well, Professor Kuronos, please work harder and review these societies. As long as they are not too outrageous, let them go. They passed. However, after the application is approved, the society applicant must find at least four members who have not joined other societies, otherwise the society will be cancelled.

With your words, I can feel free to do it. Chronos nodded when he heard Hayato's words. As the principal, Hayato has spoken. Now that he has the review standards, he can do things. The first thing is to kill the most outrageous ones such as the SOX group. Students should behave like students.

As for Dade Temple's Alchemy Advanced Club, he planned to give him a pass. Although there were many students taking elective courses in Dade Temple's alchemy class, most of them were students from the Osiris-Red Dormitory, and they were probably taking care of them. Is it possible that someone would really join that alchemy advanced club for the sake of the dormitory teacher in his dormitory?

Impossible, absolutely impossible!

Then, the next thing to deal with is the students who will be promoted to third grade this year. They will graduate soon without knowing it. They need to plan their graduation ceremony a year in advance. After all, it is the first time since the establishment of Duel Academy. With the first batch of graduates coming, it can be said that they are a test for our Duel Academy. Samejima looked at the list and continued to discuss with Hayato.

Oh, being a principal is really busy. I really envy Jonouchi and the others. Hayato sighed and glanced at the mobile phone screen that was opened on the side. It showed Peacock Mai, Jonouchi, Shizuka, Honda, and others who were sitting in front of the stage watching the performance. Yugi, Rebecca and others, and on the stage was Kyoko, who had successfully made it on stage as a professional dancer. While school hasn't started yet, why don't I ask Isis to go with her?

Principal Ichinose does not have a full name in the original work, so just like Sameshima Iemitsu, I used Principal Ichinose's CV Izumi Naoshi's name as the character Yanai Fumitake in Ace Attorney 5 to make up for him. Come on, Samejima’s saying that one pound of pears is also a point.

In the next chapter, it will be 2004. The Holy Grail War will be held in a certain city, and things will start to happen in the Duel Academy.

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