Is this the world of Yu-Gi-Oh? Ada thief!

Chapter 45 The start of school in 2001

KeeponBurningSoul!! Burning hot!

Kick everything aside like a storm and step on the accelerator with all your might!

Full power, it's time, ClearMind!

A burst of exciting music sounded that made people want to run on the track with both feet. It woke up Hayato from his sweet dream. He passed an agility check and rolled out a 20-point success. He clicked the button casually. Dropped the alarm clock.

He dreamed that he was holding the invincible Chinese Sword [Xiangjian] all the way to the finals of the Duel Monsters World Championship. When facing a player who played Dragon Fist, he even drew two [Jie Xie Winning and Losing] cards in a life-threatening manner.

But even so, he still lost to the opponent in the end. What impressed him most was that the opponent used four limited-edition cards representing the four colors of red, yellow, pink and blue. The card, Hayato calls it Lonely Rock, and the opponent's Ryuken calls it Yuantou Four.

I actually dreamed that I was defeated by a duelist playing Dragon. Could it be that Kaiba was thinking about me every day and dreaming about me at night? Is it because he was thinking about me all the time? Hayato clenched his fists on the table. The knock woke up the [Rainbow Chestnut Ball] sleeping on the bedside table, Unforgivable, Becas!

...Curry? Rubbing his groggy eyes, [Rainbow Chestnut Ball] looked at Hayato, who was having a seizure every day, and tilted his head.

Hayato, because he has no rivals of equal strength in reality, does he finally have to dream about rivals of equal strength competing against each other?

Hayato knocked on the table and turned his head to look at the alarm clock that he had just turned off. He found that the time he had set yesterday was clearly nine in the morning, but the time displayed on the alarm clock at this moment was ten o'clock.

And ten o'clock is the time when the sorting ceremony of Duel Academy begins!

Woc, I'm going to be late... Subconsciously, Hayato jumped out of bed and went out as soon as possible, but as soon as he put on his slippers, he suddenly remembered, No, I seem to be the principal? Then It’s okay, if I’m late, I’m late, can someone else fire me?”

Thinking like this, Hayato would lie back on the bed and go to sleep with his bestiality. Anyway, he didn't have much to do today, he just wanted to say a few words after the sorting ceremony and that would be it.

The opening process for Duel Academy freshmen is slightly different from that of the new students in the future. Because they are the first class of students after the school was established, they did not have a welcome ceremony prepared by their seniors on the first day of school. So on the first day of school, It's also empty.

Together, Hayato and Samejima decided to use the first day of the students' arrival at Duel Academy Island as a sorting ceremony. The new students would duel with the school's teachers to demonstrate their respective strengths, and the teachers would follow the duel process. Preliminary sorting will be carried out based on the talents demonstrated by middle school students.

——Although on the surface the only names in Duel Academy are Daitokuji and Kuronos, in fact Duel Academy does not include the two principals Hayato and Samejima and the dormitory teachers of each academy. Inside, there were more than a dozen other teachers whose names Hayato could not name.

Even if not every teacher goes up to duel and test the students, this year's class of more than eighty students only needs ten teachers to fight eight times each. Let a group of adults who can pass the test of Kaiba become teachers play cards with a group of students. Even if they play eight games, it won't take too long. After all, not everyone has the ability to see clearly, Judai Yujo, Ryo Marufuji. That kind of talent.

Even if the teacher needs to test the students' ability and let him go, nine minutes and ten minutes is enough for a duel. After eight games, including the time for substitutions and the two hours of being exhausted, Hayato can still sleep for a few hours. , It’s almost twelve o’clock, just get up and go meet the new students.

“(|3【_____】It’s such an easy job. I feel like I’m almost becoming decadent. It would be better if I had a pillow.”

Saying this, Hayato turned his head and found that at some point, Xiaomi - [Kami Yingyi - Midrash] - actually ran to his bed and was lying next to him, although his face was expressionless and his eyes were expressionless. But she was looking forward to holding her to sleep.

However, in the next second, a dragon's tail wrapped around Xiaomi's waist and lifted it up. Xiaomi, who was unaware of the tail on his waist, looked at the distance between himself and Hayato and subconsciously stretched out his hands to grab in the air, trying to reach it. Hayato.

Master, it's time to get up. The person who dragged Xiaomi away from Hayato was Yaoguang in human form, that is, [Half-Dragon Maid and Dragon Butler]. She stood respectfully in front of Hayato's bed with her hands folded on her abdomen. He bowed and said, This is your order yesterday. Even if you don't remember it, you still have to let me wake you up.

Damn it, you betrayed me, the me yesterday! He said this, but Hayato actually didn't want to sleep that much. He was just a little lazy because he had no motivation. He even slept until ten o'clock because Yesterday I went to bed too late after playing online games with Becas who was far away in the United States.

There's no way around it, that game called Bo-O Gate is so fun.

By the way, the freshmen took the eight o'clock ship to the island. The journey takes almost two hours. It seems like it's time to arrive on the island at ten o'clock. Sitting up, Hayato took the hand from Xiao Lan. After washing and drying the clean clothes, he handed her the pajamas she changed into. After rubbing Xiaolan's hair, Hayato began to get up and get dressed.

While Hayato was washing up, Yaoguang rubbed Xiaolan's hair and almost rubbed Xiaolan's bald head, as if he was trying to transfer Hayato's touch from Xiaolan. Xiaohong is also known as [Half-Dragon Maid·Distillation] Muro Ryūna], with the help of other elves, began to cook breakfast for Hayato, which was probably considered breakfast.

Because Hayato was going out soon, Xiaohong prepared a sandwich that was easy to carry and nutritious. Use toast that is slightly crispy on the outside but soft on the inside, sandwich cheese, bacon and fried eggs separated by crispy vegetables such as lettuce and cucumber segments, and finally cut them diagonally along the quadrilateral The two halves turned into two sandwiches with not many ingredients but the right proportions.

Although breakfast is good, it's a pity that it's too early. He picked up the sandwich and took a bite, savoring Xiaohong's excellent cooking skills. Hayato waved to the elves in his dormitory and walked out of the house with a bottle of milk. I Let’s go out.”

So, Hayabusa won't believe Dazi's nonsense about elves can't be trusted and the like. Didn't you see how comfortable it would be to leave the affairs at home to the [half-dragon maids]? Come on, it feels so good to be served with clothes on your hands and food on your hands.

——The dividing line of Xiaolan who dropped her pajamas on the ground——

Unlike the dormitory teachers who live in their respective student dormitories, as well as the other teachers in the teachers' dormitory building next to the academy, Hayato's dormitory is located by the lake on the island of Duel Academy, surrounded by forests and one side facing the lake, with beautiful scenery.

And this is also Hayato's privilege as the principal of Duel Academy. You must know that even Samejima only lives in a single dormitory in the teachers' dormitory building. But if you have to go into detail, this house, which is called a dormitory but is actually similar to a villa, was more of a blackmail from Kaiba after Hayato was tricked by Kaiba into taking the position of principal.

It took the engineering team of Kaiba Group almost two days to build such a villa for Hayato after he selected the site. It was regarded as compensation from Kaiba to Hayato.

After walking for about ten minutes from his dormitory, Hayato arrived at the Duel Academy, and soon found a spacious duel venue used for the sorting ceremony.

Although it is not as large as the Kaiba Dome in Doshino City, which can accommodate tens of thousands of spectators, this indoor duel venue was originally planned to accommodate hundreds of students, just because this is where the Duel Academy was founded. On the first day of school, the students in the stands were quite sparse.

Because they have not yet completed the sorting, those students are just sitting with those classmates who have established interactions with each other in this short time together, divided into countless small groups here and there, looking at the people in the center of the venue. On the duel field, students were taking assessments, and there were also several teachers sitting in the front row holding scoreboards, watching the duel at close range.

The one who was dueling with the teacher on the field was a fan with gray-blue eyes and a head that might be unusually conspicuous in other worlds because it was rare, but in this world of card players, it can only be said that he is somewhat good at playing cards. Hair boy.

Open the cover card, [Death Destroy Virus], and release all the dark monsters on my field with an attack power of less than 1,000 points to activate it. I release [Death Stalker] with an attack power of 900 points on my field. . Opposite the freshmen, the assessment teacher activated a trap card during the student's turn, and shouted with a subtle expression on Hayato's face, This is a necessary sacrifice!

Na~ni? I thought, teacher, you specially summoned [Death Stalker] because you admired the Duel King, but in the end, you actually wanted to imitate the Duel King and liberate monsters. The pink-haired boy paused, However, it seems that there is no problem for fans of Duel King to imitate him in liberating monsters?”

Hmph, haven't you realized what I'm going to do? I don't have enough knowledge about those common cards. The teacher on the opposite side commented, The effect of [Death Destroy Virus] will remove the cards from the opponent's hand and the field. All monsters with an attack power of 1500 or more are destroyed. At the same time, the opponent's duelist can choose up to three monsters in the deck with an attack power of 1500 or more and destroy them!

Huh!? In the surprised expression of the pink-haired boy, half of his cards disappeared in the blink of an eye, and even several monsters that were on the field were destroyed and sent to the cemetery.

Suddenly, the remaining monsters on both sides of the field were actually the same monster that looked quite weak.

[Teacher: 2200LP, 0 cards in hand]

【Little White Rabbit】【DEF2050】

[Youngster: 1000LP, 3 cards in hand]

【Little White Rabbit】【DEF2050】

You actually used such despicable means to block me from summoning powerful monsters? It's just that the second effect is so stupid. How could anyone think of sending their powerful monsters to the cemetery? the pink-haired boy said while looking at He glanced at the remaining cards in his hand and said, Although my invincible ace monster was sent to the graveyard by you, teacher, it doesn't matter! This round I want to liberate the [Little White Rabbit] on my field for a superior summon!

Come out! Invincible [Lion Wizard]!

The [little white rabbit] gnawing on carrots disappeared from the pink-haired boy's field, and was replaced by a lion in a cloak, baring its teeth and claws at the other shivering [little white rabbit] in the teacher's field.

【Lion Wizard】【ATK1350】

A 5☆ monster with an attack power of 1,350 points. Why would anyone bring that kind of card in their deck! Even the assessment teacher, who has seen many students' slutty moves, felt a black eye when he saw the pink-haired boy's operations. Even Usually monsters!”

But it's precisely because [Lion Wizard]'s attack power is below 1500 points that he successfully avoided your [Death Deck Destruction Virus], teacher! The pink-haired boy didn't notice at all that the assessment teacher had summoned [ The Lion Wizard] started to write something on the paper, and said proudly, That's so powerful [The Lion Wizard], he is simply invincible in the world!

Even if you say that, isn't that monster's attack power still unable to break through the [Little White Rabbit]'s defense?

After hearing what the teacher said, the pink-haired boy replied: In that case, wouldn't it be good as long as teacher you can't use [Little White Rabbit] to defend? The magic card [Defense Ban] will express the defense on the field, teacher. [Little White Rabbit] changes to attack position, and finally equips my invincible [Lion Wizard] with the magic card [Axe of Dullness]!

【Little White Rabbit】【DEF2050→ATK150】

【Lion Wizard】【ATK1350→2350】

Entering the combat stage, use [Lion Wizard] to attack [White Rabbit]!

[Assessment teacher: 2200LP→0]

Yada☆thief! Seeing that he successfully defeated the teacher, the pink-haired boy said excitedly, I have been able to defeat the teacher in the school just after entering school. How can I say satisfied? I am already invincible, unstoppable, and full of firepower. La!

The assessment teacher opposite him said: ...

Could this idiot not know that the decks used by these teachers were not his own decks, and that he was cheating in the duel?

Hmph, no matter how you think about it, I can definitely enter the most advanced Sun God Huang dormitory, teacher!

The best student is in the Obelisk-Blue dormitory. Correcting the pink-haired boy's mistake, the assessment teacher collected their collective scores for the student from his colleagues, Water Moon Bacteria, duel score 59 Points, Osiris-red.”

Huh?! Isn't this right, teacher? How can I, the excellent one who defeated you, be the Osiris-Red who sounds so bad!

How can anyone add a 5☆ normal monster with an inexplicable attack power of not even 1500 to the deck? Even if you can't use the effect of [Death Deck Destruction Virus], your deck construction I don’t even pass the duel knowledge, so 59 points is already the average score after excluding the lowest score I gave, which is 40 points!”


In the auditorium, Hayato sat next to Samejima: If you score above 70 points, you can go to Sun God-Yellow. If you score above 90 points, you can go to Obelisk-Blue. In the end, you didn't even pass.

But this is also the meaning of our Duel Academy's existence, isn't it? Samejima smiled and said, The level at the time of enrollment can only indicate the strength of the students, but it is not until graduation that the school's discovery of students' talents can be seen. And before graduation, no one can tell which student will be a poor student or an excellent student.

But compared to that, Hayato, why did you come here just now? Just now I was giving a speech in front of the freshmen on your behalf.

Ahaha, because I'm lost on the road of life.

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