Is this the world of Yu-Gi-Oh? Ada thief!

Chapter 44 How can a worker not be crazy? Just hold on

The moment when a boy or girl becomes the brightest new star, the chemical reaction caused by the fusion of hope and sparkle, eternal glory, a moment of burning. The duel stage of destiny that no one can predict, I just want to see this.

With her hands on her hips, the PTA representative that Kuronos brought from the dock, a woman in her thirties but not forty years old, said aggressively, It's precisely because I have a certain interest in Duel Monsters and am looking forward to the future. Only when Duel Monsters becomes a mature industry chain will I agree to let my children enroll in your newly established school.

But what's the result? Your school doesn't even pay attention to us parents who come to inspect, and even the principal is too lazy to come out to receive us. So how can our children be treated better when they arrive at your school in the future?

Madam, please don't be so excited. As a contemporary teacher of the electronic stream, Samejima was in high spirits during the duel, but now facing the aggressive PTA representative, even he felt a little troubled and didn't know how to deal with it. The other party said, Principal Xiaolin was unable to attend because of something else. Our college still attaches great importance to you, madam -

If you really care about it, you won't be the guy who looks like a durian that fell from the fourth floor and is not a good person at first glance to receive us! The PTA representative pointed at the person next to him. Chronos said dissatisfied.

You, you actually said that about my appearance?! It's not like I want to look like this! Hearing the PTA representative's words, Chronos looked shocked and squatted on the side of the road in frustration. The stone sculpture was pulling grass from the ground, And I'm not a good person. Obviously I just want to teach students to become good and be a positive person, Na Nuonie.

The Kuronos sank!

Wow! He suddenly fell into depression, Mr. Kronos! Teacher Ayukawa looked at Kronos squatting by the roadside, lowered his voice and said to Aoki in surprise, That PTA representative suddenly changed He must be so aggressive, even though he wasn't like this when he got off the car.

“It’s like a fanatical star-chasing fan who happily bought tickets after learning about the 10th anniversary concert of the idol group he recommended, but when he arrived at the venue, he found that his seat was taken by others and angrily fought with others. It’s the same as a fight, you want to say this is this kind of aggression, right?”

Saying a very subtle metaphor, as if alluding to some real event, Kira Aoki rubbed the tip of his eyebrows, I originally thought that if I teach in an academy on an isolated island, I can reduce at least half of the boring entertainment, but in the end I still have to face this. Troublesome parents.”

However, if the target is an adult, it would be okay to use some social means...

The means of a social person?

Teacher Ayukawa was stunned for a moment, and then he saw Aoki with a serious face walking up to the PTA representative who was questioning Principal Samejima. He was clearly wearing a suit and tie, looking like an ordinary office worker, but when Aoki got serious, Teacher Ayukawa always felt like he sensed some kind of homicidal aura of terror from Aoki, as if he was about to confront him the next moment. PTA representatives are hands-on!

Under the watchful eyes of Teacher Ayukawa and Vice Principal Samejima, Aoki bowed sharply to the PTA representative, and said in an extremely skillful and affectionate voice: Private Marseille!

Of course, the so-called social methods cannot be intimidation or other methods that will only bring more trouble. After all, the PTA represented by the woman in front of me can directly affect the college's recruitment of students, and it must not offend the other party. In that case, you will have no choice but to hold on!

Aoki used hard support... However, it was ineffective against the PTA representatives!

Huh? Sorry? Is this how your school solves problems? It would be too fanciful to just apologize and try to solve all problems! Looking at Aoki who skillfully bowed at 45 degrees, the PTA representative still didn't buy it, I It feels like your school has more and more problems. It was obviously founded by the Haima Group, but in the end it performed so poorly.

This inspection before the start of school is really the right time. After I go back, I will definitely share what I have learned here with other parents, so that other parents of students know what kind of school they have enrolled their children in!

Private red bean paste Marseille! Kira Aoki's waist bent to ninety degrees, but hard support still didn't work!

Seeing Ayukawa-sensei pulling away Aoki who was still bowing and placing him with Chronos who was still pulling weeds, Samejima Iemitsu wiped the sweat from his forehead and continued to try to convince the PTA representative: Ms. , you calm down...

Who are you talking about, lady? (Inhale) Who are you talking about, lady! Can't you go look in the mirror yourself? An old man with all his hair falling out calls me madam. Are you and I the same generation?

O-Old man?! I'm obviously in my early forties... Upon hearing the PTA representative's words, Samejima froze for a moment and was struck so hard that he couldn't move, as if he had turned into a stone statue.

Teacher Ayukawa, the only surviving teacher, looked at the PTA representative shivering, and couldn't help but think: Is this woman the one who came to the academy for inspection because she was the most venomous and quarrelsome? I don’t know which student’s parent it is. Fortunately, my mother wouldn’t have such quarrels at school when I was studying, otherwise things would have been bad.

Humph, I just said a few words, but you teachers can't stand it? How can you manage and teach a group of underage students with such mental endurance? You are really not qualified as a teacher, it's really too Too bad.

Crossing his arms across his chest, the PTA representative looked at Ayukawa Emi coldly, If I never see any outstanding teachers who are talented enough to prove the teaching ability of this school, such as your principal Hayato... cough, Kobayashi Hayato Sir, I'm afraid there's no need for me to stay here anymore, but it's time to go back and tell other parents how bad this school really is.

Even if you say so, Principal Kobayashi, like Mr. Daitokuji, suddenly ran away and went to who knows where. I can't call him back. Ayukawa Emi said helplessly, and at the same time I couldn't help but wonder in my heart, could Principal Kobayashi and Teacher Daitokuji have anticipated this situation, so they escaped in advance?

Damn it, you didn’t take me with you! I don’t want to deal with such troublesome parents here!

Principal, save me!


The prayer in Ayukawa Emi's heart seemed to be really effective. When she kept calling Hayato, Hayato's voice came from not far behind her. Turning back in surprise, Ayukawa Emi saw Hayato and Daitokuji teacher. Walk here along a forest path.

Wow! It's Hayato-sama! He's more handsome than on TV!

However, what Ayukawa Emi didn't expect was that she thought she was the one who was looking forward to Principal Kobayashi's return as soon as possible, but the lady representing the PTA was even more excited than she was. She excitedly used her clothespin just when she saw Hayato appearing. Yin said, No, it can't be done. I have no regrets in my life...

It's just that squinty-eyed look that looks so useless and frustrated that's so annoying.

You're being offended? You're a loser... Daitokuji, who returned to Duel Academy with Hayato after finishing their work, hadn't figured out what was going on with Vice Principal Samejima, Kuronos and Teacher Kira Aoki. Hearing the PTA representative give such a poor evaluation of himself, he fell into a depressed state of frustration, I, I'm obviously not as easy to bully as I seem...

You fell too fast, Daitokuji-sensei. Ayukawa Emi couldn't help but complain, and glanced at the PTA representative, Also, Miss Representative, did you just say, 'Hayato-da-- —”

Ahem, it's nothing. Noticing that Ayukawa Emi heard what she said in her excitement just now, the PTA representative also coughed lightly and adjusted his state, trying to show off to Hayato who had just arrived. That difficult attitude when dealing with Samejima and the others.

However, the Hayato walking towards her made her feel a little bit impatient. She couldn't help but smile as she tried to tighten her expression. She subconsciously murmured: Hey, hey, hey, Hayato-sama, the moving Hayato. grown ups.

Hey, Angelo. Passing by Samejima, who was standing stupidly like a stone statue for some reason, Hayato asked Ayukawa Emi curiously, What happened, Ayukawa-sensei?

The specific situation is very complicated, but a simple summary is that this lady who inspected our school on behalf of the PTA feels that the school does not pay enough attention to the PTA and wants to meet you. Teacher Ayukawa said, wiping the corners of his mouth towards Masa. The PTA representative pointed a finger and immediately took a step back after Hayato's gaze moved over, trying to eliminate his own presence so as not to be sunk by the other person's words.

But Ayukawa took a few steps back, only to find that as Hayato came into contact with the PTA representative, Samejima, who had been petrified before, Chronos and Daitokuji who were in a depressed state, all recovered and followed her. Hide somewhere.

How many of you!?

Shh, this is also part of the methods of people in society, Ayukawa-sensei. Aoki straightened his tie, Compared to having to go out and laboriously solve troublesome problems on my own, it is indeed more reassuring to blame the leader for the public appearance. Na.

It's true. Me too. Yes, that's right, bro. Samejima, Chronos and Daitokuji nodded in agreement.

Hello, madam, I am the principal of this duel academy, Hayato Kobayashi. Did you encounter any questions during your visit to the academy? Do you need my help?

Ah, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no problems, how could there be no problems? It was completely different from his performance in front of Samejima just now. The PTA representative had a firm attitude of supporting Hayato unconditionally. This is the conclusion I came to after a thorough and in-depth inspection of Duel Academy as a parent who has the trust of PTA!

Ah? But aren't we still at the gate of the academy? Kuronos heard the PTA representative's words and said subconsciously, but the next second, Daitokuji and Aoki covered his mouth to prevent him from continuing. Go down.

There is no need to go into the college to see the teaching equipment. Anyway, those kind of things are just decorations used to deal with the big shots who don't understand it at all. To really judge the quality of a school, you only need to look at the mental outlook of the teachers. The PTA representative said with an upright face, Just like Principal Xiaolin, at first glance, he is a self-disciplined and excellent person, with strong muscles all over his body.

Ahem, madam, please respect yourself.

Hayato moved a step without leaving a trace and avoided the other person's hand reaching towards his abdomen. Hayato looked helplessly at the PTA representative in front of him.

Although it is in the past, it needs to be mentioned again that Hayato and Kaiba were ranked first on the list of most wanted to fall in love with him when they were in Dominino City High School. After the duel city quarterfinals were broadcast online, His popularity spread all over the world with the popularity of Duel Monsters.

It would be too much to say that ten out of ten Duel Monsters fans are Hayato fans, but if there are only nine, then there is definitely something missing. The PTA representative in front of Hayato happens to be a fan of Hayato, and he seems to be quite fanatical.

It was obvious that Samejima and the others had all kinds of troubles when dealing with this lady, but when Hayato took action, the other party already recognized Duel Academy just by standing here, but even so, Hayato still brought this PTA representative into Visit Duel Academy and let the other party know about the unequal sorting system that Duel Academy will adopt.

Of course, Hayato could just rely on the other party being his fan to get over the visit, but he didn't want to do that. Duel Academy was, after all, an educational place. If such false things were done in a place like this, it would be too tarnishing the sanctity of the school. Sex - even if Hayato does this, it may cause parents to worry about the poor treatment of their children due to the college's branching system, which will lead to fewer students being recruited.

However, to Hayato's expectation, the lady represented by the PTA had no objections to the campus branching system. Instead, she felt that this kind of competition that was directly on the surface was better than those that seemed to have everyone being equal, but in fact were not. Schools that hide bullying are much better.

Besides, she is not the kind of brat who has just entered society, and she does not really believe that there is such a thing as equality in the world. The world is not as beautiful as what is taught in school, so it would be better to let students realize the differences in society early.

Watching the boat carrying the PTA representatives leave the pier, Hayato breathed a sigh of relief: Huh, we finally solved a troublesome matter. Although our college will not accept the PTA's objections, it will be a lot easier if we can work together. ah.

But Principal Xiaolin, we have only convinced this PTA representative this time. After she returns and shares her experiences in our school with other PTA parents, we will not know the final opinions of other parents for the time being. Ayukawa Emi reminded Hayato.

Shaking the marker in his hand, Hayato smiled and said, Otherwise, what do you think the pile of signed photos of me that I asked that lady to take away were used for?

As expected of Mr. Hayato, you have easily accomplished what we couldn't do! I really admire you so much! Even I feel excited!

Stop flattering, you guys, school will start soon, so get ready to get busy. Hayato looked at Daitokuji, Chronos and Aoki, waved his hands and said, Duel The future of the college is really exciting.”

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