Is this the world of Yu-Gi-Oh? Ada thief!

Chapter 35: When you hear jazz, it means I’m here

Is this the world of Pai Lao? Ada thief! Heart Crushing Chapter 35: When I hear jazz, it means I'm here \u003cb\u003eLatest website:\u003c/b\u003e Putting a heavy suitcase on the ground, Daitokuji wiped the sweat from his forehead. Looking at the empty space in front of him, he took a deep breath and sighed: Although the things Diablo left behind have been basically wiped out, the alchemy formation is still running normally.

Daitokuji, or the alchemist Aunaeru himself, traveled for a long time in the past in order to make the Philosopher's Stone. The excessive fatigue accumulated caused him to suffer from an incurable disease. In fact, he had died long ago. The completed human body was refined to create an artificial life form, and the soul was transferred to survive.

And this artificial life form, without the Philosopher's Stone, is still not as good as the original human body. It has a service life, and the more vigorous it is, the shorter its second life span will be. At the same time, even this artificial life form The birth of the living body was also based on chance. Otherwise, Dade Temple could have made another body.

Diavolo, whose goal was to refine the human body, accidentally made an imperfect Philosopher's Stone. Daitokuji, whose goal was to refine the Philosopher's Stone, accidentally made an imperfect one made from a human body. It is difficult to say whether there is a person named The existence of fate is playing tricks on these two alchemists.

However, although its service life is not as good as the original human body, Dadeji's body was still equipped with some useful functions as much as possible, including a magic eye with integrated high-precision scanning capabilities, but it is usually Daitokuji, who is always squinting his eyes, doesn't use this ability very much in order to save energy as much as possible.

But when it is really necessary to use it, Daitokuji will not care about the loss of life of the body caused by using the magic eye.

The small flat glasses that were originally used for decoration slid down to the middle of the bridge of his nose, and Daitokuji revealed his pair of red eyes. This pair of magic eyes allows him to look directly at the elves even though he cannot see them, and also has the ability to directly observe the hidden objects. Ability that bears traces of alchemy. The piece of land in front of him seemed to ordinary people to be just an ordinary open space with a slightly sunken ground. In fact, it was covered with quite complex alchemical barriers.

Starting from this barrier, it is connected to the seven subsidiary small barriers on the edge of the clearing. There is an alchemical creation called The Seven Spirits' Explanation Door buried deep underground, which will harmonize the island, the underground and even the atmosphere. The spiritual power and vitality naturally born in it are finally concentrated in the center of the barrier.

This was once Diavolo's research center on this hidden island. The Philosopher's Stone he made by chance was born here. If he is allowed to continue his research, say Maybe he can actually use the life on the entire island to get one step closer to his target's human body.

But without if, Diavolo had already died in the fight with Hayato, and even the research center he left behind was bulldozed when the Kaiba Group transformed the island, leaving only this empty space.

However, because only one-fifth of the island's area is enough to build a huge duel academy, in that case, the Kaiba Group naturally does not have to destroy the remaining natural environment to open up available space. Even if the duel academy is in the future It’s time to expand, and there’s still time for further development. Because of this, only the equipment and data in the research center were destroyed. The underground barrier was not destroyed and continued to operate.

When Duel Academy was still in the establishment stage, Daitokuji applied to Hayato to use the minimum power of this barrier to try to reproduce the human body he accidentally succeeded in, and to help his long-term sponsor Kagemaru Tsugumi. Fate, Hayato also agreed. However, there is simply not enough magic power in the current earth's veins to complete the human body. What is the purpose of Dade Temple's coming here?

You really posed a problem for me, Chairman Kagemaru. He leaned over, Daitokuji complained to himself, and entered the password into the suitcase at his feet, You actually asked me to transfer these three Card to

Daitokuji couldn't help but recall the message he received from Kagemaru just this morning. No one knows when an elderly person will fall down. Kagemaru, who was still able to walk on his own at the beginning of the year, only had a few months later when he caught a cold due to the temperature difference between spring and autumn. After sneezing, he lay down in a life-support capsule specially prepared by the pharmaceutical company under his name. He could only use machines to maintain life and communicate with the outside world.

Daitokuji's original plan was to use Diavolo's alchemy circle to accumulate magic power for several years and complete Kagemaru's human body before the end of his body's lifespan, but now Kagemaru has to leave early. He looked like a man, and sent a message for help to Daitokuji Temple based on his past kindness. His words were almost pleading.

Daitokuji, who was not an ungrateful person, had always wanted to repay Kagemaru, but when he knew Kagemaru's plan, he was a little shaken.

In the past, when he traveled around the world looking for opportunities to complete the Philosopher's Stone, just like Bekas found the Slate Monster in Egypt and got the inspiration to create the Duel Monsters game, Daitokuji also saw incredible things while traveling in Egypt. , which was in the tomb of an ancient Egyptian priest.

That ancient priest seemed to have had a very prominent position and had committed some unforgivable crime. In his tomb, Dade Temple also found some things related to the pharaoh, and even found out that this priest was once Evidence of a member of the royal family, but he didn't care about these things because he discovered that this priest was actually an ancient alchemist. He seemed to have made some extraordinary things in the past, and even left three items in his tomb. A special stone slab.

And on those three special stone slabs, there are three strange stone slab monsters. Unfortunately, their makers did not complete them, and due to the long years and the damage of the stone slabs, the monsters in these stone slabs have also fallen into almost A sleep that cannot be awakened. Despite this, from the only information remaining on the incomplete stone slabs, Daitokuji discovered that if he could complete and awaken the spirits in these three stone slabs, he would be able to obtain the power of the nearly completed Philosopher's Stone.

Relying on his ability in alchemy, Daitokuji transcribed three stone tablets and made them into three duel monster cards. However, he later discovered that the energy required to complete the three cards was not normal at all. If it is not a level like a world, there is no hope at all. Even if it is not completed but just awakened, it will require the sacrifice of countless lives. Therefore, he sealed these three cards again and no longer thought about it.

But what Daitokuji never expected was that he thought he had hidden it quite secretly, and he had done a good job of keeping it secret because he had always been a loner, but Kagemaru actually still knew the secret, and after he After entering the life-support cabin, he found someone to deliver the box he had hidden all the way to himself on Duel Academy Island.

Kagemaru's request is to let him use the alchemy array on the island to awaken three cards to extend his life!

As an alchemist, Daitokuji is actually not qualified because he did not completely abandon humanity and other things that are useless to alchemy like Diavolo, and only keeps his own goals in his eyes, which is why he fell into this trap. In tangle. On the one hand, it is the life of Kagemaru, who has provided a lot of help to him for a long time, and even the birth of this second body was assisted by the other party, which can almost be said to have saved his life. On the other hand, the life of Kagemaru will be affected by those three pictures. The safety of innocent people is implicated by evil cards.

For a moment, Daitokuji thought that it would be great if he could completely give up on humanity like Diavolo. In that case, he might be able to duel the people on Academy Island without hesitation because of his friendship with Kagemaru. Do it, but then again, if you lose your humanity and don't take Kagemaru's life-saving grace into consideration, will you still do things for him?

In the midst of the tangle, Daitokuji finally brought the suitcase containing the three cards to the center of the barrier covering the island, but Daitokuji has not yet decided whether to place the three dangerous cards here. determination. He just thought that this place was located in the back hill of Duel Academy, remote and quiet, where he could think quietly. Compared to the fact that there seemed to be some PUA people visiting the Duel Academy today, he had more important matters at hand.

However, Daitokuji didn't know a very famous law, that is, once a person who has squinted his eyes for many years opens his eyes, something will definitely happen.

Just as Daitokuji entered the password for the suitcase and was about to open it, he suddenly heard the sound of a drum set coming from the forest behind him, and along with the sound of the drum set, a piece of passionate jazz music sounded. .

What's going on!?

Daitokuji did not confirm the card in the box, but immediately locked it up again and looked behind him warily. Duel Academy Island is not a tourist island. It is open to the outside world. If you want to go to the island, you can only make an appointment with Duel Academy in advance and obtain permission, so there are no tourists.

In addition, there are people from PUA visiting the island today, so the teachers from Duel Academy should all be at the academy. In other words, the people behind you will only be those who sneaked into the island without permission!

In the vigilant eyes of Daitokuji, he saw an unusually huge power emanating from the forest, which further confirmed his guess, because this was by no means a power that ordinary people could possess. It felt like it was beyond the limit of quantity. When elves of a certain magnitude gather together, they turn into a sun-like light body, as if it were a star!

When Hayato walked out of the jungle, he saw Daitokuji who looked wary.

Mr. Hayato, no, Principal Kobayashi, it's actually you? When Daitokuji saw Hayato's face clearly, he was stunned, and his opened magic eyes narrowed again, Why are you here?

You actually called me Principal Kobayashi. There is already a thick barrier between us, Daitokuji. Hayato said with a sad face, and raised the duel plate in his hand. What Daitokuji heard just now Jazz comes from inside. When you hear jazz, it means I'm here.

You, the principal who is supposed to be dealing with pua people, will show up here. Seeing the duel plate on Hayato's wrist, Daitokuji didn't know what he understood and showed a relieved expression, I see, you already know it. Well. It would be great if someone stopped me, and I wouldn’t have to continue to be in trouble.

Hayato complained helplessly: If you really understand something, just say it, don't tell riddles. And it's not pua, it's pta. You remembered it wrong, Daitokuji. As a teacher, you have such a bad memory, it's so shameful.

Although you said this to me, I guess you, principal, have not remembered his name. It must have been reminded by another teacher. Daitokuji also immediately exposed Hayato, and the smile on his face gradually faded, As for What else can I guess? You must know Chairman Kagemaru’s wish for me.”

Although I really can't bear it, I can't refuse my benefactor's only wish, so I'm sorry, Mr. Hayato, but if you want to stop me from burying those three devil cards underground, just use Duel Monsters to defeat me. In that case , I can also convince myself with 'I have tried my best'.

As a teacher of Duel Academy, of course Daitokuji also carries a duel disk with him, but the style of the duel disk is not the one commonly seen on the market today, but Kaiba aims at Duel Academy. Most users of Duel Academy are students, teachers, And the specially developed special duel plate for the academy. The design adopted user feedback and suggestions, and changed the solid metal material to durable special plastic, making it lighter and easier to dye and use the same-mold color-changing routine to release a limited edition.

Putting on the duel plate, Daitokuji took out his deck and inserted it into the duel plate, put on a ready posture towards Hayato, and shouted: Duel!

[Dateji Hugo: 4000lp, 5 cards in hand]

Although he was full of momentum when he shouted, Daitokuji did not have any hostility towards Hayato. Instead, he said easily: In the KC Cup, I was only a little bit short of it, but I can do it Mr. Hayato. It's a pity that in the end I still haven’t had a chance to compete. Now is the perfect opportunity to ask Mr. Hayato about my abilities as a duelist and my limits as an alchemist!”

Now you have two ways to go. One is to hand me the suitcase on the ground, then give up resistance and go back to Duel Academy, go with Aoki and the others to deal with boring and troublesome guys, and forget everything you planned to do before. Hayato Although he still didn't understand what Daitokuji understood, he would not refuse a duel that came to him. He also took out the card deck from the card box on his waist and inserted it into the duel plate, But, look, You don’t look like you would choose this.”

Then the other one is to be defeated by me with this invincible deck.


[Hayato Kobayashi: 4000lp, 5 cards in hand]

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Is this the world of Pai Lao? Ada thief!

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