Is this the world of Yu-Gi-Oh? Ada thief!

Chapter 34 Duel Academy Teachers Group

It's getting cold, Ani, put on this yellow robe. (Due to caching reasons, please visit the COM website directly with your browser to watch the fastest chapter updates)

Holding a small piece of cloth in his hand, [Disturbing Yellow] said to Hayato, but was knocked away by Hayato with a snap of his fingers: It's only May, do you want to heat me to death, you bastard!

Sitting on the swivel chair in the principal's office, Hayato leaned back and said unhappily: I contacted Kaiba and asked him to withdraw his appointment as the principal of Duel Academy. Kaiba has already replied to the message, but he can't!

This bastard must have seen that I can travel around freely and is jealous that I can hold shares in the International Illusion Society and get money without having to work, so he deliberately rejected my request. As Hayato said, he stretched out his hand and pointed to the seat. Aleister, who was studying the donuts on the table at a coffee table in the distance, said, Scumbag, I order you to get his head and come to me.

Who is this scumbag! Alai complained, Master, are you awake?

I also want to disobey the order given by Ani! [Disturbing Yellow], who was flicked away by Hayato's finger, climbed back onto Hayato's desk and yelled, and then fell off the table again with a gentle push from Hayato. Go down.

Tsk, you said I'm so good, why did I become the principal of Duel Academy? That guy Kaiba even tried to kill me first and tell me later. On the surface, he told me that Samejima was already the principal, but he secretly took me His name was used to recruit students. Tapping his fingers on the table, Hayato complained unhappily, After knowing that I was coming to Duel Academy, I even specially organized a visit to the school for the parents of the students. This was clearly to bring the students to the school. My status as principal is at stake.

In that case, Lord Wagga Brave, let us kill the Kaiba Group and seize Seto Kaiba's bird position! [The Water Sento of the Temple] immediately suggested Hayato, his words were full of excitement and he didn't know. What is she excited about?

It's a good strategy, but I want to make some modifications. Hayato backed up and said, As long as I order you to be condemned as a member of the Kaiba Group, then we can easily become the leader of the Kaiba Group as long as we deal with you alone. Master.

That's great, let's do it quickly, Master. Beside Hayato, the [Dragon Housekeeper] who served him a cup of Pepsi in a tall glass couldn't wait to say, The situation is urgent now, let's get it done quickly. Kill the Water Punishers of the Temple, we are already looking forward to seeing them through.

Hayato just said it casually, but judging from the attitude of [Dragon Maid Butler], it seemed that she had already planned to eliminate dissidents. Seeing her sharpening her sword and coming towards him, [Temple's Water Punisher] immediately changed his expression and said: Hahaha, I say it’s your honor, Lord Brave. Now that the matter is over, why don’t we eat first.”

Kame, kami. I agree. The miniaturized [Turtle Bad Beast-Gamesiele] on Hayato's table and Xiao Lan, who was taking care of the turtle, agreed together.

Although in the eyes of others, Hayato is the only one in the huge principal's office sitting at his desk, bored and talking to himself like a psychotic, but in the eyes of those who can see the card spirit, this room The large office is full of elves, almost turning it into an amusement park.

From the Three Disturbing Brothers and Gaia who were liberated the most by Hayato, I mean the veterans who have been with Hayato the longest, to Midrash and Water Sent who joined relatively late, Hayato Just like when you are at home, these elves who have always been able to stay in the card and follow you can leave the card and move freely.

Although he complained to Alai and the others that he was unwilling to accept the position of principal, judging from Hayato's performance, he had regarded the principal's office as his own territory. However, although Hayato is ready to shoulder the responsibility for the growth of students and has reached 100%, Hayato still needs another 1%. As long as he has another 1%, he can fully accept the position of principal.

At this moment, the phone in the office rang. After Hayato pressed the connect button, Samejima's face appeared in front of Hayato's eyes in the form of a virtual projected image.

Hey, good afternoon, Vice Principal Samejima.

Seeing Hayato's gnashing of teeth and resentful expression, Samejima waved his hands as usual and said: Are you still concerned about the fact that we kept it from you and made you the principal of Duel Academy, Hayato? Don't be so petty, we have also been assigned to Duel Academy. This is the order from the founder of the academy, Mr. Seto Kaiba.

That guy Kaiba plotted against me, and I will find an opportunity to settle things with him, but Samejima, you let me down so much. Hayato showed a heartbroken expression, In my impression, you are obviously such a simple person. Man, he actually learned to lie, and he even lied to me in order to shirk such a good position as the principal of Duel Academy.

The position of principal of Duel Academy is indeed very good, but I think the more capable the person sitting in this position is, the more helpful he will be to Duel Academy, right? In that case, besides you, Hayato, there will be others Is there a more suitable candidate? Samejima said seriously, The greater the ability, the greater the responsibility.

The last person who said this has become a monument, and the number of monuments turned into is almost as many as the four hundred aunts in the multiverse. Hayato argued, Even if the greater the ability, the greater the responsibility, so the responsibility The bigger you are, the more things you have to do, and the more things you have to do, the smaller your ability will be, so the greater your ability, the smaller your ability will be.”

While talking nonsense, Hayato sighed and said: However, now that I have become the principal, I have no choice but to do my best to be a principal. Although the duel monster academy is the first to be established in the world, everything starts from the beginning It’s difficult, it’s difficult in the middle, it’s also difficult at the end, and it’s even more of a huge challenge to train the first batch of students we recruit. But, who said I’m a man who can turn the impossible into possible?”

Hearing Hayato's words, Samejima smiled: Then, please give me more advice in the next time, Xiaolin School——

My first order as principal is that the skirts of all girls' uniforms must not be longer than ten centimeters.

You better really know how to be a principal!

————The dividing line where the bounced [Disturbing Yellow] crawls back————

I think we need to prepare a slogan or something so that parents can intuitively understand the school spirit of our school. Standing in front of Duel Academy, Hayato said seriously, Idiot! Residue! Crying! Fuck you! What do you think of this?”

Report to the principal, that one will be reported for plagiarism, right? We have watched Harry Potter. The person who spoke was Teacher Ayukawa Emi, because the current Obelisk-Blue dormitory is still with Oshi The Reese-Red and Sun God-Yellow dormitories are mixed with men and women, and there is no separate women's dormitory in Obelisk-Blue. She currently only serves as a health and physical education teacher.

After all, the students who come to Duel Academy are between the ages of 15 and 18. They will more or less encounter many situations unique to adolescence that require the use of health knowledge. It is also necessary to open such a course. At the same time, Ayukawa-sensei will also stay in the health room that doubles as the infirmary when she is not in class. Students can seek help from her if they have any problems.

However, in addition to the health class, Ayukawa-sensei also serves as a physical education teacher. Although she looks like a gentle older sister, she is actually quite powerful in athletic ability. How strong is it? There are at least one-third of those in Jonouchi. This shows how good her physical condition is, and it also proves once again that the doctor profession is not something to be trifled with.

That's it. How about 'training monsters, not ordinary people, who are mediocre if they dare not cause trouble'? Hayato said again.

Teacher Hua Shan, who serves as a cooking class teacher, complained: If you use this slogan, people will say that 'there is a way to die', right?

It makes sense. Then, Teacher Huashan, you can go back and reflect behind closed doors.

Don't make the difference between men and women so obvious, principal! Teacher Huashan complained, muttering something like, Although I usually have a weak sense of presence, I don't want to be noticed in a place like this.

In the original timeline, because there was no GeneX competition, Aoki was still working as an employee of Kaiba Entertainment Group. Sun God Huang’s dormitory director was this Teacher Huashan. Even because of his thin existence and excessive loneliness, He once used his own curry to lure other students back to the Sun God Huang.

As for being able to serve as a cooking teacher, Mr. Huayama's cooking skills are much higher than others expected. Even Manjōme, who comes from a rich family, is full of praise, especially since Manjōme is still brainwashed by Saio. If he likes white foods such as milk and fried rice with only egg whites, you can imagine how high his level is.

Hayato went to see Mr. Kazuyama specifically for this purpose, and after tasting it, he found that it was indeed quite delicious, almost as if he had been drugged. It is a pity that Totsuki Academy does not exist in this world, otherwise it would be very suitable for dueling levels. He, who was average but had excellent cooking skills, went to teach.

Looking at the teachers around him, Hayato didn't see Daitokuji, so he asked Aoki on the side: I remember Mr. Samejima and Mr. Kuronos went to the pier to greet the PUA people, but Daitokuji Where did that guy go?

It's not PUA, it's PTA, Parents-Teacher-Association, Parent-Teacher Association. Aoki corrected Hayato's mistake seriously, then looked back at the forest, as if to look into the depths of the jungle, Teacher Daitokuji said, I received a mission from Chairman Kagemaru, one of the founders of Duel Academy, to do something in the undeveloped back mountain.”

Kagemaru? What is that old guy going to do? Hayato frowned when he heard Aoki's words. He didn't have a good impression of the Kagemaru guy. If this island didn't need his help in developing it, whether it was Kaiba or Hayato But no one wants someone like Kagemaru to get involved in the establishment of Duel Academy.

However, Kagemaru's sincerity in cooperation was quite sufficient. Not only the handling of the island, but also the supplies that the island needs to be replenished on a regular basis, especially the medical resources, are all provided by the medical company under Kagemaru's name. At the same time, He has no power at all and will hardly participate in the management of the school.

This leaves Hayato and Kaiba without any suitable reason to kick him out. After all, if you don’t take what is given for free, it will be free. Anyway, in the end, all Kagemaru can get is the false name of one of the founders of Duel Academy and the title of one without any power. Just the position of chairman.

Originally, he would be honest and Hayato wouldn't care about anything, but now he wants to go to Daitokuji Temple on the eve of the first class of students to arrange a secret mission. What is he going to do?

Thinking like this, Hayato was about to leave and go to the forest to see what Daitokuji Temple was doing after receiving Kagemaru's order. However, Ayukawa teacher stopped Hayato in time and said: Please wait a moment, Mr. Principal, Chronos The teacher and Vice Principal Samejima will soon receive the PTA people who are visiting the school and send them to the academy.

So? In fact, if it weren't for the idiots in my office who were playing too noisily, I wouldn't have come down to greet them. Hayato waved his hands indifferently, Although the Duel Academy has just been established, you can take your time. I began to change my mind. Our school is not the ordinary third-rate academy with fourth-rate teachers who are afraid of parents' complaints. Since I am the principal of Duel Academy, it is destined that only those parents need to come. Look at our faces.”

After making a domineering declaration, Hayato added, And didn't Mr. Samejima say that 'the vice principal is also the principal'? I heard it clearly in the office yesterday, so I will let him receive it on my behalf.

The reason behind is what you really think, Mr. Principal, right? Teacher Huashan complained, and Hayato immediately gave him a thumbs up, That's the right answer, Teacher Huashan, I won't reward you for your perfect attendance this month.

Don't do that kind of thing! Teacher Huashan suddenly cried with a sad face, and the pair of mustaches on his lips twitched, as if he took Hayato's words seriously and was really afraid that he would lose his perfect attendance salary this month.

Ayukawa Emi seemed to want to say something else, but Hayato was already minding his own business along a path in the forest to the Obelisk-Blue dormitory in the forest, from where the fastest way to the back mountain was .

Mr. Hayato may sound joking, but he is serious. Kira Aoki suddenly said, attracting Ayukawa Emi's attention, Even though Mr. Seto Kaiba calculated him and became the principal of Duel Academy, but He seems to be ready to train the students of Duel Academy into excellent duelists, and this is his only goal. He will not care about or take things like PTA to heart.

This is his focus as a principal and his confidence as a duel king.

Ayukawa Emi nodded as if she understood, looked at Aoki and said, Teacher Kira, you understand Principal Kobayashi very well.

What I want to live is a stable life that does not require too much ecstasy, deep despair, or a plant-like life. For this reason, I am willing to endure the troublesome control of my boss, but if there is no so-called PTA restraint, then This feeling of releasing my nature can help me live a calmer, more comfortable and happier life.”

Kira Aoki's eyes were calm, and he could not see any emotional fluctuations. And this coincides with Mr. Hayato's idea. Mr. Hayato once asked me if I believe in 'gravity'. It is 'gravity' that makes people interact with each other. encounter, and the answer I can give at this moment is that I believe in the 'gravity' called 'fate'.

Mr. Hayato, he is a man who can be the savior of people like me.

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