Is this the world of Yu-Gi-Oh? Ada thief!

Chapter 31 It’s thundering. It’s raining. It’s time to collect your clothes.

When it comes to the combination of red, yellow, and blue duel monsters, most people probably think of the Three Illusion Gods at the first time. However, it is a pity that the Three Illusion Gods have followed Ah. Tum's soul returned to the underworld and was buried under the earth.

Although because of Blue God, [Osiris’ Sky Dragon], [Obelisk’s Titan Soldier] and [Ra’s Winged Dragon] were all re-excavated from past memories by him with the help of the [Quantum Cube] ability. They came out, but the first two have returned to sleep in the underground Hades. Even though Hayato has the [Quantum Cube] in his hand to use, he has no intention of digging them out again.

After all, [Ra's Winged Dragon] is back in Hayato's hands, and she is enough. Otherwise, would it be possible for Hayato to play the Sacrificial God Weapon, or would he be trapped by the traitor?

Against ordinary people, just one bullet can easily kill them. Hayato did not use the three-color mechanical monsters that make up the [XYZ-Dragon Cannon], and it is also impossible to use the [XYZ-Dragon Cannon]. That kind of monster like a war weapon is really too dangerous. Hayato has no intention of killing, he just wants to subdue the people from the Public Security Bureau in front of him.

After all, there is no duelist more caring than Hayato.

Therefore, the monster he used was——

Dedicate yourself to the flames of the whirlpool and awaken the immortal power! [Godly Flame Emperor - Uriah]!

When the majestic roar that resounds across the sky turns into thunder and thunder, the door to the pure land opens, showing its full power! [Thunder Emperor - Harmon]!

Sing praise to the darkness! Bless the birth of the giant god of destruction! [Illusionary Demon Emperor-Rabiel]!

In front of Hayato's eyes, along with the lava spewing out from the ground, the sudden condensation of ice crystals shattered by thunder, and the huge shadow rising from the shadows, three phantom demons named corresponding to the phantom gods appeared. The monster appeared and in turn surrounded the people from the Public Security Bureau who surrounded Hayato and Kuronos.

As Hayato's good partner and with whom they have formed a deep bond, the card gifted to Hayato by Yami Tapiroshi, the Three Phantom Demons were very disobedient when they first got it, and they thought about it all day long. He wants to do things according to his own ideas and act recklessly against Hayato's orders, and he also wants to absorb Hayato's life force to defeat his superiors.

However, after the Three Illusion Gods headed by [La's Winged Dragon], as the kind big brothers of the Three Illusion Demons, carefully educated them, the Three Illusion Demons all became honest and no longer dared to think about it. Even when the Three Illusion Gods were restrained by the [Pyramid of Light], they still obeyed Hayato's command and fought honestly, but they didn't expect that Anubis actually knew how to manipulate the [Illusion Demon Gate]. Got them.

After Hayato handed over the Three Phantom Gods to Atum for him to start the ritual of duel, although the Three Phantom Demons had rekindled their rebellious thoughts and ambitions after a long absence, they discovered that [Ra's Winged Divine Dragon] I didn’t give up the idea of ​​causing trouble immediately after I left. When Hayato obtained the third Ra with the help of the Ra's Winged Dragon from the memory extracted by Blue God, they no longer dared to have messy thoughts.

At this moment, as Hayato summoned them, the Three Phantom Demons immediately released their own unique ability to absorb the power of spirits according to Hayato's idea when he summoned them, and accurately controlled this power to only cover Within the circle surrounded by their three-body phantom demon, it did not affect other people on the street.

However, the only people present who could see what the Three Phantom Demons were doing were Hayato, who summoned them, and Klein, who was pressed to the ground and looked up at the three-body giant demon. Not even one of Ronos, the executive officers of the Public Security Bureau who surrounded the two of them, or the pedestrians watching the show on the street saw the appearance of the three-body phantom.

All they could see was that after Hayato, who was surrounded, placed three cards on the duel disk, a prop used in the Duel Monsters game, the light flashed on it and nothing appeared, but the head changed after a long time. The somewhat clear sky was strangely covered by dark clouds again in a very short time.

Subconsciously, Klein shouted: Little, be careful!

But as soon as he shouted this, when his cheek was pressed to the rough ground, the pain that came from his skin made him realize again that he had been betrayed by these colleagues and became the one who took the blame, and was even humiliated. The ground uniform was pressed to the ground and unable to move. These bastards are trying to harm me, why should I remind them?

Thinking of this, Klein swallowed back what he had planned to say, This man named Tan Li Dou has summoned three duel monsters that look bad and have surrounded you. Noticing that his former colleagues were looking at him, Klein said with the mentality of watching a show: It's going to thunder, so it's time to put away your clothes when it rains!


One of the operators who was holding down Crane thought that Crane would say something useful, but he didn't expect that Crane would actually say such boring things. The operator who had been unhappy with him for a long time He punched Klein to shut him up and said, You are an arrogant guy who talks nonsense like 'elf' and looks down on people. There is so much nonsense. If you dare to annoy others, be careful and I will beat you again!

However, due to the angle, he did not see the corner of Klein's mouth that seemed to be grinning in pain, but was actually sneering. And Klein, who was beaten, was very much looking forward to what kind of torture these losers and bastards, who had no warning from him and therefore did not raise any defenses, would encounter at the hands of Tan Li Dou.

When they went on missions together in the past, colleagues from the Public Security Bureau heard from Klein that he seemed to have some special ability. It was the ability to see the spirits existing in the duel monster cards, but no matter with the naked eye, Neither electronic cameras nor special instruments that send and receive magnetic field waves can capture the elves that Klein calls.

They were originally not interested in Klein, who had no background and low education. They thought that this guy was probably a fool. How could there be supernatural things like elves in a game that only a kid could play?

Because of this, Klein was even more marginalized. On the other hand, Klein couldn't show a good face to these guys who were ostracizing him. Their relationship deteriorated again and again, but because they both worked in the Public Security Bureau, However, no conflict broke out, and even because of Klein's excellent ability, his colleagues could not even use workplace bullying methods.

Hayato also glanced at Klein with some surprise. Because of his rare ability to see spirits, has he become an outlier in the crowd and been ostracized? Hateful people also have pity, but that has nothing to do with Hayato. He is not a saint who will easily feel pity for others because of such things.

Furthermore, even though they also have the ability to see spirits, Judai, John and the others have not become as arrogant as Crane. After all, this guy has a bad personality and talent. If you have a bad relationship with other people, the ability to see elves will only make the relationship worse.

But then again, even if Klein puts aside the contradiction and the reality of betrayal and reminds these executive officers of the Public Security Bureau, it will not have any impact on the outcome. When the Three Phantom Demons leaned down to fully unleash their power on the executive officers of the Public Security Bureau who were surrounded by them, Klein heard a scream, and his [X-Swordsman] who had been accompanying him all along 】Our elves are rapidly losing strength and aging!

Compared with Klein, who at least had elves to protect him, as the three phantom demons absorbed the vitality of elves and even the spiritual power of people, first a thin operator who seemed to be the weakest in physical fitness became confused as he advanced. He slipped on a stone and fell down. The other executive operators also fell into various states of weakness and suddenly collapsed.

From the perspective of others, Hayato and Kuronos chased the thief and came outside the scenic area. After the thief's accomplices caught the thief, they surrounded Hayato and Kuronos and tried to beat them up. At this moment, these people fell down one after another as if they had not slept well yesterday. It was as if someone had used some colorless smoke bomb mixed with sleepy black tea to confuse them!

Chronos, who was surrounded, couldn't see the situation clearly. He didn't see the elf's ability. He only knew that Hayato played three cards but couldn't summon any monsters from the duel plate. He captured Crane. After punching Klein, those who surrounded them fell down themselves. While he was puzzled by this bizarre and horrifying scene, Chronos felt a little happy in his heart.

Although it is not clear what happened, Klein, who mistakenly believed that he was a member of some evil organization, seemed to be pushed out by other police officers and his colleagues as the scapegoat. In that case, Klein could say that he was with Tan Li Those who fight against each other are all members of evil organizations, so no one should believe it. Moreover, these notes had fallen down inexplicably. As long as he and Tan Lidou left here, they should be able to get rid of the trouble that suddenly entangled them, right?

Only Klein, as the only person other than Hayato who could see the existence of spirits, he could clearly see the three phantom demons who were leaning down and absorbing the spiritual power from his former colleagues. The terrifying face that looked like an evil spirit from the depths of hell frightened him endlessly.

Although the two executive operators who were holding him down have fallen, the [X-Swordsman] spirit guarding Crane has limited strength. Even if Crane wanted to get up and escape, he would not be able to do such a difficult thing. Worrying about whether he would be killed just like this, Klein also passed out in fear and despair.

And the moment after Klein, who was the only one who could see the Three Phantom Demons, fainted, the demon-like Three Phantom Demons obediently returned to Hayato's card like a domestic dog that heard its owner's whistle, and honestly put the They vomited out the mental energy they had eaten before, fearing that Hayato would suspect that they had any objections and take the opportunity to beat them up.

Tsk, why are you looking at me like that? Don't you think I'm a kind person? He glanced at Ka Tuzhong and looked at him as if he was seeing a hundred thousand murderers who were as scared as he was. Three Phantom, Hayato complained unhappily and put away the card. And with the disappearance of the Three Phantom Demons, the dark clouds that had just been covered suddenly dissipated, making pedestrians on the roadside sigh that the rain in Britain is really weird.

Uh, Mr. Tanlito? Seeing Hayato put away the duel disk, Chronos asked softly, Although I'm not sure what's going on now, should we leave quickly while these people don't wake up? Is this the place?

Although the 'Three Illusion Demons' and the others have vomited out the vitality and spiritual power they absorbed, these people cannot recover so quickly. Even those with Jonouchi's physique will have to be comatose for an hour or two, so the sound of your voice You can be older and don't have to worry about waking them up. Hayato said nonchalantly and glanced at Chronos, But aren't you worried that I am a member of the evil organization 'Academy', Mr. Chronos?

Not at all, well, actually there is a little, but Mr. Tanlito, you are a person I can trust. My intuition tells me so. At first, Chronos wanted to pretend that he was not worried about Hayato at all. The expression on his face, but when he thought of Hayato's evil temperament when he threatened Klein before, he felt a little less confident, but he still expressed his true thoughts, Moreover, compared to these British people who can't listen to human words, Lao, I think you are safer, Mr. Tan Lidou.

At least, he won't be pushed out as a scapegoat. As he said that, Chronos glanced at the fallen Klein and shook his head. This trip to England did not give him a good feeling, not only because of the bad weather, but also because the style of the Public Security Bureau was really not in line with his personal aristocratic spirit.

Looking at Hayato, Chronos said: So, I think Mr. Tanlito, you might want to call me 'Kronos-sensei' Na Nuo~

Oh, Mr. Chronos. Hmmmm, I feel like this is a more casual name.

Hayato nodded, and together with Chronos, they walked around the executive officers of the Public Security Bureau who fell asleep on the ground and ignored them. There is no need to worry about the safety of these people in public. At most, their wallets may be stolen, but what does that have to do with Hayato?

But before leaving, Hayato deliberately went back to the Glastonbury Abbey Scenic Area and went to the souvenir shop to buy some gifts to take back to his friends.

While putting several books about the runes of Great Britain, Avalon Island and the legend of King Arthur into his backpack, Hayato casually said to Chronos: Since you have decided to join the Duel Academy, Teacher Chronos, I I think it’s time to leave the UK, because Duel Academy will start next month, and you’d better get familiar with the school before officially starting work.”

By the way, you don't need to call me Mr. Tanli Dou from now on. Just call me Hayato, Kobayashi Hayato.

Oh, okay, Mr. Hayato. Chronos still used honorifics subconsciously. After reading Hayato's name over and over again, he reacted slowly, his face twisted in surprise, Wait a minute, Hayato Kobayashi! ?”

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