
Don't order me! Hearing Chronos shouting to him from behind, Klein also replied, If I really listen to you and stop obediently and fall into your hands, I'm afraid I will be erased. Self-respect has become a slave who only knows how to play cards!”

Minchia *Italian expletive*, your imagination is so easy to do! Kuronos said that he was not the kind of guy who felt uncomfortable when no one was playing cards. He really just wanted to keep Klein and eliminate his Clow The misconception that North and Tan Li Dou are in the same group.

However, after he shouted, Klein actually ran faster. If Klein were to run to join his companions and spread the rumor, wouldn't the misunderstanding become even bigger and more difficult to clarify? In particular, the scenic area of ​​Glastonbury Abbey is not big at all. The average tourist can only spend an hour and a half here. At this time, Kungfu Klein has almost reached the exit of the scenic area and left.

Chronos looked at Hayato beside him anxiously and said, Mr. Tanlito, quickly use your invincible duel monster to find a way!

From the exchange between Hayato and Crane, Kuronos learned that when Crane captured Hayato, Hayato seemed to have escaped by dueling monsters. Although he did not know the specific process, no matter what method it was, now All is fine, as long as we can stop Klein.

While Chronos was anxious, Klein, who was running away in front of him, was not in a relaxed mood. It was clear that he had finally found the thief who stole the cultural relics from the British Museum again, and even followed the clues to catch him. There are traces of a hidden evil organization related to it. As long as the subordinates he brought with him at the beginning obey his command and catch them, they can achieve great success.

However, why no matter how much I signaled, no one came to help. I even ran all the way without seeing the people I arranged to search for traces of thieves in this town. It was as if they came without receiving my previous order. Just like helping. What on earth were those idiots doing? Could it be that they dared to disobey their orders, neglect their duties, and not launch a search at all?

The lackeys of the academy are still chasing me, sweetie! He turned his head and glanced at Hayato and Chronos who were chasing behind him. Klein cursed to himself, but turned back to look at him. When he exited the scenic spot directly in front, he showed a proud smile again.

As long as you leave the scenic spot and go to the street, those useless guys should be there. At that time, those two despicable outsiders and lackeys of the evil organization Academy can never be the opponent of so many people. If you tie it so tightly, you will only end up falling into a trap!

This wave of advantage is mine!

The existence of the Public Security Administration, which is between the police station and MI6, is not known to the public. This makes it impossible for Klein to reveal his identity wantonly and ask for help. At most, he can only use his own special ID to facilitate things. , for example, he didn’t buy a ticket when he entered the scenic spot. Although the aunt who sold the ticket looked suspicious of him, Klein had a clear conscience.

Compared to Chronos and Klein, Hayato was not too panicked. Seeing Klein getting closer and closer to the exit of the scenic spot, Hayato suddenly shouted: Hurry up and help, catch the thief. !”

Because of Hayato and Chronos' pursuit of Klein, and the fact that Klein just ran away without calling for help, in fact, even if Hayato didn't call out like that, the few tourists in the scenic area subconsciously thought that Klein Lai En may be a thief who stole other people's things and is being chased by his owner.

However, even if Hayato shouted like this, no one was willing to meddle in helping. They just moved a little away to avoid being involved in the chase.

Damn it, I'm not a thief! Klein almost lost his temper when he heard that Hayato dared to falsely accuse him of being a thief. While he was furious, he also said arrogantly after noticing that the tourists didn't help, You Do you think just shouting and someone can help you? You idiot, no-man can stop me from leaving here!

As he spoke, he was about to leave the scenic spot through the exit gate. However, Hayato never told him that he was calling for help from those tourists.

Peng! Just as Klein entered the gate, the railings that had been folded up to facilitate tourists leaving the scenic area suddenly opened and closed the gate. But Klein was caught off guard and could not make any evasive action. He was running so fast that he directly hit the railing that suddenly appeared at waist height. He flew out like a long jumper and fell to the ground. A dog chews mud.

I'm not a man! In the cabin next to the ticket office, the conductor's aunt opened the door and walked out, cursing, I knew this guy was not a good person, and he also deceived me by saying that he was some kind of state secret person whose identity cannot be revealed. He took this inexplicable certificate and said he wanted to get a free ticket, but he turned out to be a liar and a thief!

She was dubious because of Klein's arrogant attitude, but the other person was so confident that she had no choice but to use her employee ID card to swipe a ticket and give it to him, thinking that she could pay him temporarily to save him from offending him and worry about it later. She went to the leader to file a reimbursement, but when she heard Hayato shouting to catch the thief and happened to see Klein running ahead, she immediately believed that she had been fooled and decisively closed the exit gate.

If you think about it carefully, you've seen a lot of crap like state secret personnel and agents in movies. All of them are in neat suits and in good spirits. How can there be agents who are dressed in such shabby clothes and look like a British veteran? Word flag face. On the contrary, of the two people chasing him, the young man was so handsome that he looked like an agent, while the ugly but polite guy might also be an undercover agent.

Thank you very much for your help, madam. Seeing Klein fall, Chronos said to the conductor excitedly, It would be terrible if he ran away.

That's right, you actually dared to steal from us. Still using the previous reason, Hayato thanked the aunt at the ticket office, Thank you very much for your help to the country, ma'am.

Are these two really agents? Hearing Hayato's words, the conductor was a little surprised that he guessed it right, but when he thought about it carefully, people who are such polite gentlemen are our agents on whom the sun never sets.

But Hayato and Chronos had no time to continue communicating with the aunt at the ticket office. Although he suddenly tripped and fell to the ground to eat dirt, Klein quickly got up from the ground again and was about to run away again. And Chronos quickly chased after him again.

Because of his fall, Klein found that the distance between Chronos, who had caught up again, and him could not be said to be too close, but could only be said to be within reach. As long as Chronos' hand If it grows a little longer, it can almost catch the corners of my clothes. But in this case, Klein showed a proud smile.

Not far away, he saw that the subordinates of the Public Security Bureau, whom he had been waiting for for a long time, were gathering together. These idiots were somewhat useful. He had successfully brought the two thieves here. As long as he caught them and his The mission is successfully completed!

After noticing a large group of people in front of him, Chronos, who felt something bad, couldn't help but slow down his pace. He watched Klein run in front of the group of people and turned around with an arrogant look. Said: Hahahahaha, you idiots, this is how I arrest you, you actually followed me out of the scenic spot so stupidly!

In order to catch you, I brought twenty people here. Twenty against two, I don't even know how to lose!

Klein said, looking at Chronos: First of all, you are an ugly ghost, and you want to lie to me that you have nothing to do with that thief? I heard your conversation clearly, and you are chasing me so closely. , one look at it and you want to kill me and silence me!

That's not true at all. I'm just an ordinary person! Chronos once again declared that he was innocent. If you had really heard what I said before, you would have understood that what I said was true. Oh no!

Hmph, so what if what you said is true? The credit for catching one thief is not as great as catching two members of a dangerous criminal organization. Klein said with a sinister smile, You and the thief next to you , it is impossible to escape from so many people, it is destined to only become my contribution and a medal on my chest!

After hearing Klein's words, the expressions of Chronos and Hayato who also came here did not change. However, the expressions of his men behind Klein were a little unhappy, and they seemed to be displeased with Klein. They were very dissatisfied with Laien's plan to take all the credit. Several of them were hesitant before, not knowing whether they should do something. After Klein finished speaking, they also made up their minds, looked at each other and nodded.

Just as Klein was getting arrogant, the two executive operators behind him stepped forward and reported: On April 5, 2001, cultural relics from the British Museum were stolen from Glastonbury. The criminal suspect was arrested, and two of his accomplices were captured together, and the criminal organization 'Academy' was found. Mr. Klein, is there nothing wrong with writing this in the mission execution log?

Klein was not confused about the fact that his subordinates knew about the existence of the Academy, because he had already submitted this part of the information when he heard Hayato communicating with Chronos and sending out a request for help. , without listening too carefully, he said casually: It doesn't matter, just write it like this.

Huh? There seems to be something wrong. It is correct to arrest two people in total, not the suspect and two accomplices. Afterwards, he realized that the number of people in the report was wrong. Klein only thought it was his previous one. The information was misunderstood, so he corrected himself, Although the more people there are, the greater the credit, but where can we catch the missing person?

Mr. Klein, you don't have to worry about this. No, the suspect, Klein Yeager! Just as Klein was attracted by someone and turned his head, the man standing on the other side of him But the officer suddenly took action, took the deputy handcuffs and took advantage of Klein's unpreparedness, and directly clasped Klein's hands behind his back!

Immediately, Klein's shoulders were held down by two people, and the inside of his knees were kicked and subconsciously bent. He was directly pushed to the ground by two operators! ?

Wow, there seems to be something good to watch. Next to Chronos, Hayato raised his eyebrows and said easily, not paying attention to the operators who had surrounded him.

And Klein didn't expect that his men would suddenly arrest him. When he reacted, he said angrily: What are you two going to do, rebel? I am the person in charge of this operation, and I have obtained Are you going to disobey my order given the highest command authority granted by the director?

Unexpectedly, after hearing Klein's words, the two operators who were holding him down said contemptuously: Idiot, the order to arrest you was given to us by the director. Since yesterday, you have been using chicken feathers as arrows to show off your power. , and you still command us to do things, what kind of leader do you really think you are?

You are a bastard who has long been disliked by you. Can't you do something? It's useless. Another person also sneered, Originally we thought the director's order was superfluous. As long as you can't catch anyone, it will happen naturally. It would be a big misfortune, but you actually found the suspect? That's just right, the director said that he doesn't want to take credit this time, but will give us all the credit of the three criminals including you.

Shit, Klein, you're just a clown.

Klein wasn't stupid either. He suddenly thought that he might have fallen into the trick of the director, Old Bidden. No wonder that guy was so kind to give him command, so generous when sending his men, and he even wanted to give his own guarantee. He is plotting against himself.

Damn it, you bastards, I'll kill you! However, Klein, who was pinned to the ground, could do nothing except being helpless and furious. After taking control of Klein, the executive officers of the Public Security Bureau gradually surrounded Hayato and Kuronos.

How many times have I told you that I am really innocent! Chronos looked at the surrounding operators and said nervously, Although I don't know what is going on, it is difficult now. Aren’t we going to start the process of arresting people first and then charging them with charges? Damn it, I don’t want to bear the reputation of a criminal!”

You are very energetic, Mr. Cronos, but it is quite simple to solve the problem in this situation. Hayato took out the duel plate and said, Wouldn't it be enough to fight them all once?

How can anything be so easy? Chronos complained, And why do these people want to play a duel monster game with us!

Hayato shrugged: They will agree. If anyone disagrees, they will agree quickly. As he spoke, Hayato took out three cards and placed them on the duel plate.

In an instant, red, yellow, and blue lights lit up in front of Hayato.

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