Is this the world of Yu-Gi-Oh? Ada thief!

Chapter 15 The gryphon is just a decoration, the big shots above won’t understand

But Mr. Tanlito, didn't you just say that the [Forest of Mysterious Flowers] is some kind of 'inherent barrier' developed by the [Temple's Water Soldiers]? Chronos noticed the small details and asked. , How on earth do you have to get lost in the barrier that you have opened, Na Nuonie?

Don't worry about these details, these are all basic operations for Aqua. Hayato said casually, watching Chronos draw cards from the deck and start his turn.

Summoning the hero to a different world, his first partner, using water magic, and finally adding the main color of blue, it says that [the water warrior of the temple] has no connection with the wisdom goddess Aqua and Hayato has nothing to do with it. He didn't believe it at all, so Hayato did not hesitate to add the wisdom setting to [Water Sent] in the heroic epic he made up at random.

But that's not important. The important thing is that he is still looking forward to what kind of exciting duel Kuronos can fight. After all, the purpose of this duel from the beginning was not to win, but Hayato wanted to understand the strength of Kuronos. That’s all.

If you really want to win, you must know that Hayato also has the [Ancient Machinery] deck. Although he only used it once when he bullied Judai, he can cooperate with [Super Fusion] to give Chronos an unexpected surprise , let him see that the big brother he finally summoned appeared on Hayato's side in the blink of an eye, a stronger material that fused with his big brother.

Otherwise, there are also decks such as [Gaia], [Electronic Dragon], and [Half-Dragon Maid] for him to choose from. He can give Chronos a little Tamashi shock anytime and anywhere, and the secret weapon [Longhui Qiao] ], [Shadow Shadow], and [Hellfire Machine] can bring different kinds of surprises.

My turn, draw a card. Pulled out a card, Chronos activated it nonchalantly, I activate the magic card [Pot of Desire], and draw two cards from my deck, Na No Nie ~

It's similar, very similar.

Watching Chronos draw cards from the deck, Hayato suddenly said the same thing as Chronos had said before, which made Chronos feel a little strange. Noticing that Hayato's eyes were fixed on the [Pot of Desire] on his field, Chronos also looked over.

Huh? Mirror?

Chronos was stunned for a moment, wondering why he saw his own face, and then realized that it was clearly the face on the [Pot of Desire].

He was not a fool, and he immediately guessed why Tan Li Dou suddenly said such a sentence without any clue. It was clearly in reply to his insistence on holding the [Brave Derivative] and his resemblance just now. , joking that he looks similar to [Pot of Desire]!

So Mr. Tanli Dou, you suddenly said '[Pot of Desire]' when you got out of the car. Is that what you meant!? Chronos curled his lips and said with a little dissatisfaction, That's really rude, that's just a coincidence. Na Nuo Nie!

I've used that reason before, don't you believe it too?

Hayato complained and played a card from his hand: In the main phase of both sides, it is activated when there is a [Brave Token] on my field. I retrieve the effect of [Journey of Destiny] from my hand and add it. The [Wandering Griffin Knight] in my hand is Special Summoned from my hand.

At the same time as [Pot of Desire] disappeared from the field, [Brave Token] and [Temple's Water Herald] suddenly had a gust of wind around them, scaring away the [Starry Sky Butterfly] that approached in the forest. , a huge figure also landed beside them.

The strong wings on the front body are protected by mechanical armor. The purple lion body on the back body and the eagle claws on the forelimbs step on the ground together. The eagle head is held high and full of pride. It is a majestic griffin. It's the gryphon!

So handsome! Even Hayato saw the [Wandering Griffin Knight] in the form of a three-dimensional image for the first time and couldn't help but admired, looking at the powerful figure of the [Griffin]. Not only is he handsome, but there is a kind of beauty called strength in [The Wandering Gryphon Knight], which is why he can attract Hayato's praise.

And after hearing Hayato's words, a voice came from the [Gryphon] side: Thank you for your praise, brave man, although you are not praising me but this child.

Hayato was stunned for a moment. He looked away from the griffin and looked upwards. He found that sitting on the back of the griffin was a little orc who was only as tall as the gryphon's head and holding a bow and arrow in his hand. Look at the race. It seems to be a cat?

After seeing the speaker clearly, Hayabusa suddenly remembered that the subject of [The Wandering Griffin Knight] seemed not to be gryphon but knight. But it's not just the body that's exposed in the card, the cat-human knight is also hiding behind the huge griffin in the three-dimensional image. Who can see this guy at a glance!

【Wandering Griffin Knight】【7☆/Wind】



This is true even for Hayato, who has his back turned to [The Wandering Gryphon Knight], not to mention Chronos, who can only see the front of him. At this moment, he is looking at the [Wandering Griffon Knight] on the field to praise Hayato. Said: What a powerful monster. It can actually be specially summoned from the hand during the opponent's turn?

But because of this, I understand, Mr. Tanlito, the core of the 'Epic Adventure' deck you are using lies in the core of the savior team - the 'brave', which is the [brave derivative] on Right? Chronos said with the confidence of an astonishing wisdom, As long as the [brave derivative] is destroyed, the effects of many of your monsters and cards will become unactivated, right?

A team without the 'brave' is like pancakes without the dough, it has no soul. But can you destroy the [brave derivative] under the protection of other partners? Hayato raised the duel plate. , The effect of the Continuous Magic Card [Journey of Destiny] can only be activated when a monster is summoned or special summoned once per turn. Select an equipment magic card with the derivative name of [Brave Derivative] from the deck and add it. Card in hand, or give me a [brave token] equipment on the field.

In the mist-shrouded illusory forest, another destiny partner met the brave. As a catman who is good at taming powerful monsters, he helped the brave tame the mount for transportation. The equipment magic card I chose is this one , [Ride a Dragon - Carrying a Dragon], and equip it with the [Brave Token] on my field!

The cat-human on the back of [Wandering Griffon Knight] blew the horn he had taken out from nowhere, and from somewhere in the [Forest of Lost Flowers], a blue sub-dragon slowly walked to the [Brave Derivative] On the side, from the pre-installed saddle on its back, we can tell that it is the mount brought to the brave by the Wandering Gryphon Knight. It is not only the strong feet, the wings folded from its sides and the long tail behind it. It can be seen from the fins that this is a mount that can live on land, sea, and air.

Just like when [Temple's Water Herald] was equipped with [Starry Sky Butterfly] before, Chronos found that the attack power of [Brave Derivative] also did not change due to the equipment [Dragon Rider - Carrying Dragon]. It was still the same. At a very high value of 2000 points, generally speaking, monsters that can be directly summoned normally are very difficult to defeat him, not to mention that the effects of the newly appeared [Gryphon Knight] and the two equipment cards are unknown.

But who says you have to use combat to destroy monsters? Chronos inserted a card into the magic trap area, and as he activated the card, a strange black spot suddenly appeared in the open space in the [Forest of Mysterious Flowers], which happened to be located at the venue of Hayato and Chronos The black spot in the center indiscriminately releases a powerful pulling force to the entire scene, as if it wants to suck everything in and swallow it up.

The effect of the magic card [Black Hole] is to destroy all the monsters on both sides of the field. It is a card that destroys the entire field indiscriminately. Although it is not as good as [Lightning Strike] which will not affect the monsters on my field, because at this moment There are no monsters on my field at all, so there is no burden at all on using them~

Chronos said with a proud look on his face, pointing to Hayato's field, Although the summoning of three monsters has proved that Mr. Tanlito has quite good dueling ability, it is a pity that the [Brave Derivative on your field [Object], [Wandering Gryphon Knight] and [Temple’s Water Herald] will all be destroyed under the effect of this powerful card! The more monsters you summon, the more you will lose!”

After a pause, Chronos felt that he had forgotten something, and looked at Hayato's field again, adding: By the way, there is also [Disruption King], it will also be destroyed!

[Disturbing King]: Actually, it doesn't matter if you don't notice me~

Idiot, [Black Hole] destroys indiscriminately, okay? Even if you are not noticed, you will still be destroyed. Hayato complained, and [Disruption King] also showed an unexpected expression, as if he really thought that as long as he was not Notice it and you won't be spoiled.

The [Black Hole] took shape quickly, and the [Brave Token] riding on the [Dragon Rider - Carrying Dragon] and the [Temple's Water Herald] holding the [Star Butterfly] both looked like they were unable to support themselves, [The King of Disruption] 】 He even had his feet off the ground and hugged the giant tree in the Forest of Lost Flowers to avoid being sucked away. However, Hayato did not panic and glanced at the Wandering Griffin Knight who nodded to him. , said: However, I will not let you destroy my monster easily, Mr. Chronos.

It's just a [black hole], that's all. The [Gryphon] is more than just pretty. Watch me push it back!

With a wave of his hand, Chronos saw the [Wandering Griffin Knight] that Hayato had just specially summoned, and under Hayato's command, he actually rushed toward the [Black Hole]! ?

O tree of blessing, sharpen your fangs. My tombstone will be in front of the arrow! Relying on the power of the [Gryphon] to keep the body balanced, after getting close to a certain distance, the [Wandering Gryphon Knight] used his petite figure to Cao used a crossbow several times larger than his own and shot an arrow that transcended gravity!

Prayer Bow!

As the arrow was shot, [Black Hole] used gravity to try to pull the arrow to change its position. However, the arrow missed and was infused with the power of the forest by [The Wandering Griffon Knight]. [Black Hole] was not related to the arrow, but to Against an entire forest. Despite the name of [Black Hole], it is not a celestial body that swallows everything infinitely. The power of the fully activated arrow turned into a towering tree rising from the ground and exploded the [Black Hole]!

But the price is that the [Gryphon] that resists gravity and the cat-human mounted archer on its back both showed tired expressions: Sorry, Lord Brave, I will go back and have a rest first, and I will catch up with you soon. Go home. Come on, Mon3ter.”

Carrying a gryphon whose name seemed to be Mon3ter, [Wandering Gryphon Knight] disappeared from the field and returned to Hayato's deck.

The effect of [Wandering Gryphon Knight] can be activated when there is a [Brave Token] on my field and the effects of magic, traps, and monsters are activated. Put it back into the owner's deck to make it The activation is invalid and destroyed. Hayato, who noticed Chronos' confused gaze and put away the [Wandering Griffin Knight] card, explained.

At the same time, Hayato is a little lucky that Chronos does not have the ability to see elves. After all, although Hayato has seen this ability a lot, it is actually very rare. Otherwise, he would have to explain to Chronos why [ The elf of The Wandering Gryphon Knight would call himself brave, and it was obvious that he had finally put aside the relationship with the brave derivative.

‘Speaking of which, this speed is too fast. It is obviously the first time to use it, but the [Wandering Griffin Knight] has actually awakened the elves. 'Looking at the [Temple's Water Herald] who was relaxed because he had avoided the [Black Hole] and patting the dust on his body, obviously self-conscious, Hayato thought, 'And [Temple's Water Herald] It seems that you have also awakened? ’

'Obviously I bought all the cards except [Ritual of Ala Messiah] from the system store. No, considering that Tianma Yexing can use the 'Planet' card to promote the awakening of other people's spirits, Dazi gave it to me. Maybe that [Ara Messiah's Ritual] has a similar ability? ’

While Hayato was guessing, seeing the [Black Hole] being disabled and destroyed by the [Wandering Griffon Knight], Chronos said excitedly: What an amazing awakening, Nono, to protect other companions. Self-sacrifice touches me so much, Mr. Dan Rito. There is no doubt that you and your deck have a bright and noble spirit!

In that case, I have to use my full strength.

Chronos played a card from his hand and said: Activate the magic card [Angel's Alms]. After drawing three cards from my deck, pick two cards in my hand and discard them.

Then the effect of the magic card [Ancient Gear Dual Creation] is activated, targeting the two [Ancient Machinery] monsters in both sides' graveyards, and special summoning those monsters on my field. The effects of the monsters specially summoned by this effect are invalidated. .”

Chronos, who used [Angel's Alms] to change his hand and complete the tomb pile, and resurrected two monsters in one go, waved his hand proudly and said: Come out, mechanical monsters from the Dark Middle Ages!

[Ancient Gear Machinery], and [Ancient Mechanical Synthetic Beast]!

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