Is this the world of Yu-Gi-Oh? Ada thief!

Chapter 14: Inherent Boundary (Conviction)


[Hayato Kobayashi: 4000LP, 5 cards in hand]

[Kuronos de Medici: 4000LP, 5 cards in hand]

Although the performance of the duel disk is not the key to determining the outcome of the duel, it is still very helpful when attacking first. Compared to Chronos, who was using a makeshift duel disk, Hayato, who had an automatic card ejection device on the duel disk, just caught the five cards that popped up and successfully took the lead.

I unfolded the cards in my hand and saw that I had a perfect hand!

I'll take the first strike, Mr. Chronos. It's my turn to draw a card. He drew a card and added it to his hand. Hayato played a hand card in the magic trap area. This epic adventure will start from the hero from the alien world. The world is summoned as a beginning, and I activate the magic card, [Ritual of the Ala Messiah].

You can only activate one card with this card name per turn. During the turn I activate this card, I cannot activate the effects of monsters on the field other than the monster that was specially summoned.

On the originally dry ground indoors, as Hayato activated the magic card, surging water appeared, turning into a pillar of water that rose up to the ceiling. Colorful lights began to flash in it, as if it was gestating something.

That is to say, the monsters that are normally summoned will not be able to activate? What a big restriction. Chronos looked at the anti-gravity water column in front of him, But on the other hand, this card should also have something powerful. Is it effective?

Well, like I said, this is the beginning of an epic adventure. Hayato waved his hand and said, [Rite of the Ala Messiah] can only be activated when there is no [Brave Token] on my field. The effect is to Special Summon a [Brave Token] on my field, and if there is no [Journey of Destiny] on my field, then put a [Journey of Destiny] face-up in the deck with mine. Magic trap area!”

Your body is entrusted to my command, my destiny is attached to your sword, cross the wheel of suppression and appear, the guardian of the scale! [Brave derivative]!

On the surface, [Ritual of the Ala Messiah] is just a special summon on Hayato's field, a derivative that seems insignificant compared to the official monster card. However, as Hayato read the summoning words, The water column on his field exploded violently, turning into scattered water splashes to create an illusory rainbow. The figure in the water column that had been shrouded in seven-color light also fell on Hayato's field, revealing his true form.

The green base lining is covered with solid silver-white armor, and a black cloak with a mane on the edge is draped behind him. Although he does not hold a weapon such as the holy sword that is most associated with the name of brave, he is light. Just by looking at his tall figure and well-proportioned, non-bloated muscles, you can see that even with bare hands, he can easily defeat weak monsters such as [Hand-Handed Elf] and [Sapphire Dragon], but against standing A powerful monster like the bunny on the stake is still a bit reluctant.

But what worries Chronos the most is not the aura of the [Brave Derivative], but its face. Not only is it exactly the same as the Tanli Dou in front of him, it is at least ten or even nine percent similar!

【Brave Token】【4☆/Land】

[Angel family/derivatives]


Mama Mia, why do the [Brave Derivatives] look so much like you, Tanorito-san!?

Um, because it's a coincidence?

Looking at Chronos with a surprised, almost horrified expression, Hayato said casually, he couldn't tell Chronos that this was because the card itself was a person who was spying on me. Did the lecherous old man who lived for 10,000 years create it based on the scene where he and I met?

Some things cannot be known even to death!

But this is too much of a coincidence, isn't it? Chronos didn't believe this was a coincidence. One card in the Duel Monsters looked similar to another, and he could still understand it as the evil Inka Shangbeka. Si is just trying to be lazy, such as [Double Mouthed Lord of Darkness] and [Two-Headed Thunder Dragon], [Lion Wizard] and [Sleeping Lion], they are basically the same model but different colors.

But Tan Li Du, as an earthling, is so similar to Duel Monsters? Too much coincidence! Looking at Hayato and then at the [Brave Derivative], Chronos said to himself: It looks very similar.

You can forget many things every day, why not forget this one too? Hayato said helplessly, skipping the topic and continuing his operation, From my deck, I will [Journey of Destiny] 】The face-up display is placed in the magic trap area, and during my main phase, the effect of the continuous magic card [Journey of Destiny] is activated.”

Once per turn, add a monster card with the derivative name of [Brave Derivative] from the deck to my hand, then select a card in my hand and send it to the graveyard. Receive the Duel Disk from the deck After retrieving and popping up the card, Hayato showed it to Chronos and said, The monster card I want to add to my hand is this, [Wandering Griffin Knight], and then choose one from my hand. Send the card to the cemetery.”

The card I sent to the graveyard is this one, [Disruption Magic]. Because it was sent from my hand to the graveyard, I activated its effect and added [Disruption·Black] and [Disruption·Green from my deck. ] and [Disruption·Yellow] are added to the hand.

Then comes the magic card [Fusion]. I will use the three [Disruption] monsters that were just added to my hand as fusion materials for Fusion Summoning!

Starting with a [Ritual of Ala Messiah], it was clear that the cards in Hayato's hand had not been reduced much. In the blink of an eye, he actually started to perform the most card-deficient Fusion Summoning again, using the three miscellaneous fish monsters in his hand as fusion materials. After sending them to the cemetery and watching them rise into the air under the power of [fusion], Hayato waved his hand and said: Even the miscellaneous fish monsters have their own unique functions. They descend under the power of fusion and then bow down to them. In front of me, the king of miscellaneous fish!

Fusion Summon! [Disruption King]!

Next to the [Brave Derivative] who looked exactly like Hayato and was standing tall with his arms folded across his chest, the large-tonnage [Disruption King] sat down on the field and smiled at the [Brave] Derivatives] said hello to please, and threw the seal towards Chronos' field.

On the field in front of Chronos, there were traces of the seal of [The King of Disruption].

【Disruption King】【6☆/Light】



Huh? What is this? Chronos looked at the traces left by the seal dropped by [King of Disturbance] with some curiosity, but did not show contempt for the ugly appearance of [King of Disturbance] like others.

The effect of [King of Disruption] is that as long as this card exists face-up on the field, you can select up to three monster areas of your opponent and cannot use it. Hayato explained, After all, no matter how powerful the hero is, there is only one person. In order to avoid the world To find destruction, the first thing to do is to limit the number of enemies so that the brave can fight the Demon King one-on-one without hindrance.”

I see, it turns out that the deck you are using, Mr. Tanlito, is actually a deck based on heroes and braves. The [brave derivatives] summoned from another world, then the [King of Disruption] corresponds to the king of the kingdom. Na Nuo Nie?

Hearing Chronos's words, Hayato glanced at the [King of Disruption] on his field. He also happened to look back at Hayato. Seeing the flash of big white teeth in his huge grinning mouth, Hayato turned away. . If the kingdom of the [King of Disruption] was being suppressed by the Demon King's army, and the princess who was abducted was also a [Disruption], if he was a brave man, he would not save such a country, and he might as well destroy it.

Ahem, then my turn continues. Although there is a [King of Disruption] to command the army to compete with the Demon King's army and buy time for the brave to defeat the Demon King, it is difficult for even the brave to defeat the Demon King if he is alone. He must find a partner. Okay. Drawing a card from his hand, Hayato placed it on the field, The first is the Summoner who summons the brave to another world with the [Ritual of Ala Messiah].

Activate when there is a [Brave Token] on my field. Special Summon [Temple's Water Herald] from my hand. Come out. No matter how you look at it, it should be named 'Aqua' The water magician!

Because of her blue hair color and mage robe, the female mage gave off a sense of wisdom and came to Hayato's field with her staff. She looked at the [brave derivative] and nodded, saying hello. , and turned back to look at Hayato slightly angrily. Although she didn't quite understand what Aqua was, her intuition told her that Hayato's use of that to describe himself was definitely not a good idea.

【Water Herald of the Temple】【3☆/Water】

[Magician Family/Effect]


Hayato didn't notice the little mood of [Temple's Water Herald]. It was the first time he used the [Brave] deck after acquiring it. He didn't even think about the fact that they had awakened the elves, and continued: Because [Temple] [Water Herald], the second effect of the continuous magic card [Journey of Destiny] will be activated when the hero meets his partner in destiny.”

It can only be activated when a monster is summoned or special summoned. Select an equipment magic card with the derivative name of [Brave Derivative] from my deck, add it to my hand, or give it to me on the field. [Brave Derivative] Equipment.”

Next to the [Brave Derivative], three hazy shadows appeared. One of them gradually became clear, showing the appearance of the [Temple's Water Herald] beside it, and turned into a ray of light and fell into the sky. Take it from Hayato's hands.

The equipment magic card I chose is this one, [Star Butterfly]. After adding it to my hand, give me the [Temple's Water Herald] equipment on the field.

After placing the retrieved equipment card in the magic trap area corresponding to [Water Herald of the Temple], Hayato has four cards left in his hand. And next to the [Temple's Water Herald] on the field, a pair of wings appeared that interacted like a gorgeous starry sky, hovering next to [Temple's Water Herald] like an elf in an epic adventure story.

Huh? The attack power and defense power have not changed, huh? Chronos glanced at the panel of [Temple's Water Herald], and there was no numerical value because it was equipped with [Star Butterfly]. Change, In other words, it is not an equipment card that strengthens its own type? However, in the final analysis, [Temple's Water Herald] is only a monster with a level of only 3☆ and an attack power of just 1500 points. Even Mr. Dan Rito, you are still It was specially summoned in defense position.

'Then, the deck I'm using is best at destroying monsters through combat. Even if the equipment card has troublesome effects, it doesn't matter, because as long as I attack with a monster, as a magic card, it can't destroy it. The effect comes out! ’

Of course, Chronos just thought about the rest of the words in his mind and did not say it out loud, but he still had a smile on his face, and it was obvious that he did not mix the pair of [Temple's Water Soldier] and [Starry Sky Butterfly]. Take it seriously.

Although she is only level 3☆, [Temple's Water Herald] is not only proficient in the summoning techniques of other worlds. Hayato said with a serious face, She also knows how to replace herself with the size of the world and show concreteness. The ultimate magic that creates a mental image of the landscape—the inherent barrier!

[Waterman of the Temple] raised his eyebrows in surprise, with an expression of When did I know that? Then he was stunned, remembering that he seemed to be able to do something similar, but when did that get called that? Inherent enchantment? It’s a term I’ve never heard of at all!

If there is a [Brave Token] on my field, I can activate the effect of [Temple's Water Herald] and select a field magic card with the name of the [Brave Token] written on it from the deck. Place it face-up on my field area. I choose this card, [Forest of Lost Flowers]!

Take out the card of Forest of Mysterious Flowers from the deck, Hayato puts it into the field area where the duel disk is unfolded, and Water Herald of the Temple is also a spell that can be used to change the surrounding environment by chanting spells in the Mysterious Lake. magic.


Although [Water Herald of the Temple] herself sounded unconfident, her magic was indeed successful. Starting from her feet, the water flow in the room that was originally used in the ritual to summon the hero was killed. The ground was quickly replaced by a dry and soft soil with a shallow layer of grass, and the surrounding area also changed from indoors to a dark forest.

Unknown plants emitting a faint pink light grew everywhere, and another plant emitting a faint blue light swayed its slender stems with the breeze. Towering trees that looked almost identical surrounded the surroundings. The faint mist obscures the distance, almost making people get lost in the jungle.

The brave man and his companions entered the Lost Forest together. How on earth should they get out of this maze-like forest of dreamy fog? The answer will be revealed in the next round. I will put down two cards to end this round.

Hayato inserted the two cards into the magic trap area, and with two cards left in his hand, Hayato said to Cronos: Then let me witness your duel, Mr. Cronos.

[Hayato: 4000LP, 5 cards in hand]

【Brave Derivatives】【ATK2000】

[Water Herald of the Temple] (Star Butterfly) [DEF1200]

【Disruption King】【DEF3000】

【Journey of Destiny】【Gaika】X2

Venue: [Forest of Lost Flowers]

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