Iron Power And Sorcerer Chapter 294


Chapter 294 Interlude
Raids, a playwright's magic weapon, a historical scholar's one-off content.

Archives and historical documents often focus on the results of the raid, but casually on the preparation process.

It seems that as long as the general commands a "raid" commandingly, everything else will be where water flows, a canal is formed.

But the point of a raid is not actually after the battle, but before the attack.

High-risk operations require careful planning and reconnaissance: how about fortifications? How is the terrain? How many guards are there? From which direction can the attack be unexpected?

Raiding the camps of the Heard tribes is even more difficult.

Because the Hurd people know that their camps are weak in defense, they often arrange a large number of riding and mobile sentries, and the connection between the sentries is also very close.

Attack with infantry, unless Goddess favors it, or you will reveal your whereabouts until you get close.

The only way is to use a large number of cavalry, with speed and cavalry, to defeat the Hurds before they can effectively organize.

Unfortunately, Ronald doesn't have that.

He had only a few dozen captured horses, and most of them were useless. And in order to avoid the Terdun people from riding the post, he arranged the attack position two kilometers away from the ferry.

Two kilometers, too far, charging is a waste of energy.

So Ronald opted for another "raid" approach - walking over.

Of course, it is not just as simple as "walking", to be precise, "walking across the river beach".

Seeing thousands of Platoons file out of the forest, slowly approaching along the river bank, Qingling Yu subconsciously wanted to run away.

It's not that Duoye is timid and cowardly, but to the nomadic Hurd people, running away is almost an instinct.

It is an instinct that has been cultivated in the environment surrounded by beasts all year round.

Like a horse. The horse seems very timid, even if a rabbit emerges from a hole in the ground, it will be frightened and flee.

But if it takes the time to figure out what it is, next time it's not a rabbit, it's a bear.

It's okay to run away anyway.

The enemy is strong and we are weak, so it should be run away; if the enemy is weak, we are strong, run away to see the situation clearly, and then turn around and fight back.

Duo Ye couldn't figure out the intention of the two-legged man, and was even more worried that there were still soldiers in ambush in the forest.

The Teltown troop at the ferry is almost the size of three hundred cavalry, but "three hundred cavalry" does not mean "three hundred cavalry".

These members belonged to more than a dozen different families and leaders, with different hearts and strengths.

If meet force with force, the one to emerge victorious is unknown.

On the other hand, if you run away temporarily, then things are much easier.

The Paratus have only two legs, so not only can they not catch up with them, but they can't take any women's goods with them.

Once the space is opened, the Teltown people who ride on horses can easily take the initiative.

By then, wouldn't it be an easy task for three hundred Teltown light cavalry to deal with a group of Platos dragged down by women and children?
"Nigger (Battle Plan)" is beautiful, but it is troublesome to walk.

It's perfect, but it's very troublesome to do,

As soon as it comes, Duoye can't drive the children of other families -- all the Kotas are already vying for the sheepskin raft, one by one Take your home first and send it across the river.

Secondly, Duoye couldn't let go of what he had captured.

Duoye has already experienced the methods of the Plato people here - they always burn them if they can't take them away.

If Duo Ye forced Zhu Keta to leave his belongings with his front feet, and his back feet and legs set fire to everything, then things would be troublesome.

"The Wheelbarrow, the Miserly Merchant, and the Wolf" was performed again at the ferry on the Bighorn River.

What exactly is the meat on the butt? Still want the goods in the car? A dilemma is placed in front of Qingling Yu Duoye.

A great military strategist once wrote such a military principle: "If the offense wants to win, attack the position where the enemy's defense is weak."

Sometimes, This adage can also be used in reverse.

For example, at the ferry where Ronald led the militia to attack, the people of Teltown were not very strong in defense, but their will to defend was not weak at all.

The guards quickly brought back news to Duoye—the nearby forests have been searched, but no soldiers were found in ambush.

In other words...the Platonic people in front of me are alone? Duo Yan suddenly felt that the odds were high.

On the other side, Ronald was equally convinced of victory.

The leaders of the two armies have the confidence to win, and the outbreak of the battle is inevitable.

Like a shepherd who easily separates a mixed flock, the leader of Teltown arranges the group in this way.

Duo Yeqin led the elites in armor and chose a high place to dismount to watch the battle. Tortown Armored Soldier sat on the ground, quietly waiting for the fighter plane.

The unarmored subjects and slaves were led by the leader, and a group of more than a dozen people.

They either swept away from the formation and fired arrows, and suddenly rushed straight up, testing and pulling the Paratus in turn.

This tactic may be able to disperse the mob, but it cannot shake the "underdog" led by Ronald.

It was because of these angry men who volunteered to fight that Ronald had the guts to give it a shot.

The militiamen of Tiefeng County formed a formation against the river to resist the barbarians' onslaught with horses and fences.

The north side of them is a concave river channel, and the east side is a soil platform that appeared because the river bank collapsed.

The shape of the soil platform is a bit like a terraced field, with a height of about one meter. The closer you are to the river bank, the larger the drop, and the closer you are to the inland, the smaller the drop.

The iron peak militia did not occupy the soil platform, which put them in a disadvantageous position.

On the other hand, the Teldun people galloping and shooting on the soil platform took advantage of the condescension.

Seeing that the formation of the Paratus people showed no signs of loosening, Qing Lingyu [Duoyi], who was watching the battle, put away the white horsetail flag and played the red horsetail flag.

Like a swarm of bees that had scattered and reunited, the Turdun light cavalry regrouped and formed a horizontal line in front of the iron peak farmer's horse-rejecting array.

Although Major Ronald had little actual combat experience, he could not recognize what it was. He shouted to remind his subordinates and the militia: "The barbarians should use the Takis tactics!"

In the sound of the chilling horn, the far right end of the Teltown front took the lead, and the other leaders followed in turn.

The Terdun light cavalry is like a long snake, galloping around the anti-horse formation in a counterclockwise manner, strangling the Palatine.

At the same time, the armored cavalry on the Teltown side was still ready to go.

Ronald's horse-rejection formation was "wrapped" by the Turdun light cavalry, and the thunderous sound of horse hooves almost suffocated people.

There was not only the sound of hoofs, but also the piercing screeching of arrows from all directions to the west.

A middle-aged farmer leaning on the door panel fell silently, a featherless arrow stuck in the back of his neck, still trembling slightly.

The Terdun people shot around the horse-fighting formation without any dead ends, and most of the shields of the Iron Peak people had lost their effectiveness.

Surrounding, riding and shooting, this is the "Takis method of warfare" in the mouth of Palatu.

The terrifying point is not only the no-shooting blind spot, but also makes the Paratus people all the time within the range of the Terdun archer.

The one-shot detachment-style swept-array cavalry shooting leaves the rider with an extremely short shooting window, and each swipe array can only fire three or four arrows at most.

While Turdun's light cavalry, galloping around the refusal formation, could shoot without limit until the quiver was emptied.

The best strategy for Takis tactics is to arm the warrior and fight back with plenty of projectile weapons.

Armor and ranged weapons...these two distinct things Ronald was missing.

The militia fought back hard with hunting bows and slings, and each Terdun man had to lose ten people from Lower Tiefeng County in exchange for their fall.

Major Ronald almost clenched his teeth as he watched the militia go down one after another with arrows.

Tyquith warfare means galloping without a break, and the stamina of the Terdun steeds is rapidly depleting.

At the same time that the people of Lower Iron Peak were on the verge of collapse, the Turdun light cavalry gradually showed its decline.

Finally, Ronald sees more and more Teltown steeds struggling to even leap onto the knee-high dirt platform.

"Bagpiper!" yelled the Major.

The militia had no snare drums, let alone bugles, and only two bagpipes served as messengers.

The bagpiper heard the order, took a deep breath, and clamped the airbag hard. They don't play military melodies, so the Major, as long as they can make a sound, the louder the better.

The rumbling of horses' hooves, the screeching of arrows, the cries and screams of dying humans... The loud and sharp sound of bagpipes penetrated the noise of the battlefield and reached everyone's ears.

The sound is so peculiar that no one can hear it wrong.

The people of Teltown don't know why, but the farmers of Iron Peak hold their weapons tightly - the moment the bagpipes sound, it is time for the general attack.

"Lovrensix Adam!" the major snapped.

Adam responded with a growl.

Juma Array moved towards The Juma Array on one side of the river was suddenly moved away, Adam took his subordinates - all the militiamen who had seen blood - rushed out of the Refuge Horse Array, stepping on the beach and The river water, ferociously plunged into the torrent of Turdun's light cavalry.

At the same time, another part of the militia carried pickets and poured out of the Juma formation, erecting a barrier between the Juma formation and the river.

It was as if the axe of heaven falls and earth rends was slashed, and the giant snake wrapped around the Paratus was cut in two at once.

Outside the pickets, the Turdun cavalry looked back blankly, wondering what was going on.

Trapped between pickets, rivers, mesas, and the Paratus, the Turdun cavalry changed from "surrounded by two-legged men" to "surrounded by two-legged men" All mourned.

And the unresponsive Turdun light cavalry failed to restrain the truce and plunged into this dead place.

The Pallatians who fought and killed each other with the Hurds for hundreds of years also knew about the Takis tactics.

To a certain extent, the victims of the Palatine know the advantages and disadvantages of the Takis better than the Heds.

The core of Takis's tactics lies in "circling", and it must be counterclockwise.

Because the overwhelming majority are right-handed, even if some people can bow left and right, the left hand is not as powerful as the right hand.

With the bow in the left hand and the string in the right hand, it will be more comfortable to shoot arrows toward the left side of the horse.

In the same way, when shooting in a gallop, the rider has to circle clockwise.

It wasn't Ronald who was forced to set up here, it was Ronald who chose this battlefield.

The formation of the formation by the river compresses the space for the activities of the Turtletown light cavalry.

The soil platform is a trap.

It seems that the Teltown people are condescending to take advantage, but once the Teltown people use the Takis tactics, this platform with a drop of one meter will become a one-way valve.

The reason is very simple. When running counterclockwise, Teltown people jumped off the river bank with a high drop, and then jumped up from the inland end with a low drop.

The one-meter-high earth platform looks very unremarkable, and it is easy to jump off. But if you want to jump up's not that easy.

This is the case with the surrounded Turdun light cavalry. The platform is more than one meter high, and it may be able to jump on the horse at ordinary times.

But now their war horses are seriously exhausted, let alone a one-meter-high platform, even a half-meter-high obstacle warhorse refuses to jump up.

Don't give the barbarians any time to think, Adam has already brought the peasants to fight.

Half of them had spiked mallets and half had lassoes.

If one person traps the barbarian on horseback, two or three other people will come and work together to drag the barbarian off the horse. As long as the barbarians fall from the horse, they will immediately be beaten to death with sticks.

The so-called Turdun light cavalry is not a full-time warrior who specializes in fighting, and the overwhelming majority of them are just slaves and ordinary herdsmen.

Many people can do this by relying on a warhorse to shoot arrows at a long distance.

Face to face, knife to knife, you and I fight at close range, that is another matter.

The Hurds who lost their horses are no different from the Palatines. The hated Palatians are braver, more ruthless and more ruthless than the Huds.

The people of Teltown to the west tried to rescue, but were stopped by the Lower Iron Peaks farmers who were guarding the pickets.

The Teldun people on the eastern mesa tried their best to draw their bows and arrows, but no amount of arrows they shot could save the Teldun people who fell into the trap.

If the Teltown people can be dragged into hand-to-hand combat, the lower Iron Peaks, who are more numerous and have higher fighting intent, are unlikely to lose.

Terdun, who was in a panic, lightly rode into the river, or scrambled away from their horses. There were also Taldun people trying to rush to the platform on the dead bodies of the people and horses.

"Remove the corpse!" Adam roared and raised his lance, knocking off the Turdun light cavalry who was trampling on the corpse: "Remove the corpse!"

"Blow hard!" Ronald saw it in his eyes, anxious in his heart, stared at the bagpiper and yelled at the bagpiper, "Blow harder!"

The sound of the bagpipes suddenly increased by three points, trying to accompany the bloody performance .

Ronald looked at the position of the ponytail, awaiting the judgment of Commander Turtletown.

A strong man broke his wrist? Or a throw of the universe?
On the high ground on the bank of the river, Qing Lingyu [Duo Ei] thought of "escape" again.

Duo Ye really didn't expect the other party to have such means. He admitted that he lost an arrow, but he didn't lose - because there were not many traps in his group.

Ronald's position has limited visibility. But Duo Yan could see clearly, the other party opened his bloody mouth wide open like a sacrificial bowl, not to mention eating nearly a hundred people.

The balance of power has changed significantly, and Duo Yi feels that it is better to retreat first and then take a long-term plan.

Before waiting for Duo's order, the six Armored Soldiers had already stepped on their horses, roaring and rushing towards the horse-rejecting formation.

Duo Ye can escape, because his troops are not many casualties, but other leaders are not like this.

The six Armored Soldiers who charged ahead with the order of inequality, their minions, fathers and brothers, slaves, were all caught in the battle against horses. If they run away, they have nothing.

Duo Ye cursed in anger, and the rest of Armored Soldier looked sideways.

"That face!" An Armored Soldier questioned Duoye: "The two-legged man can't hold it anymore! What are you still hesitating about?"

In the Heder Department , Armored Soldier is not only as simple as "the soldier in armor", the armor itself is a symbol of the power class.

The Teldun people who can equip armor are mostly children of the headman, companions and guards.

The Armored Soldier next to Duoye is not his employee, but his shareholder.

It is difficult for Duoye to decide whether it is to be a strategic withdrawal or to give it a go.

Other Armored Soldiers urged loudly, seeing the terrified and over-cautious appearance. There is also Armored Soldier on his horse, and it seems that he is going to act on his own.

"Then you and I will rush and kill! Leave your life and death to Heavenly God!" Duo clenched the teeth and stomped his foot: "But you can't rush casually! You follow me closely, from those Go in between the wooden forks and cut off the leader of the two-legged man first!"

The Armored Soldiers roared excitedly, each carrying their guns and mounted their horses.

Duo Ye led more than 20 armored cavalry down the hillside in a formation like a cluster of arrows, until Ronald was there.

This is a true heavy-armoured Assault Lancer, which no longer exists in the Palatine Standing Army.

Because the formidable power of muskets is getting stronger and stronger today, the cost and utility of heavy lancers are difficult to match.

But in this battlefield, the heavy cavalry with all members of the team wearing armor, some people even equipped with horse armor is the hardest hammer.

Ronald watched as the armored Hurd roared down the hill.

The last moment had come—that sentence came out of Ronald's mind for no reason.

How to resolve the impact of heavy cavalry?
One is blocked by fortifications, and the other is filled by human life.

The refusal of horses has become broken, so it can only be filled with human life.

Fill out the barbarian armored cavalry, win; be destroyed by the barbarian armored cavalry, lose.

"The final hour is here!" Ronald drew his saber and yelled at everyone around him in a sacrificial tone: "Take up arms! For your family! For your descendants! The Palatine Republic! Long live!"

The farmers may or may not have heard what Ronald is saying, and they probably don't care about the Palatine Republic at all, but Everyone roared "Long live" and waited for the moment of life and death by holding on to the horse-rejecting stake.

The Tordon heavy cavalry charged straight at Ronald with thunderous momentum, and at the last moment...

At the last moment they suddenly turned a corner and ran.

The peasants in Xia Tiefeng County were in a fog, wondering what the hell the barbarians were up to.

"Rats! Cowards!" Ronald came back to his senses, and immediately fiercely humiliated the Teltown people: "Go back to the crotch of the bitch!"

Duoye couldn't hear this, and Ronald didn't scold the enemy.

His audience, the farmers in Lower Iron Peak County, burst into laughter and shouted all kinds of foul language at the back of the cavalry.

The frontal collision and rejection of the horses is nothing more than perish together. When Ronald chopped it, the barbarians were obviously testing and involved.

Faced with the first charge, the surging farmers may have the courage to fight to the death. But facing the second and third charge, Ronald didn't know what to expect.

As Major Ronald racked his brains thinking about the most vicious swear words to humiliate his enemies and try to keep the farmers' morale from falling.

The barbarian armored cavalry didn't turn around as he expected, then rushed over, but ran away in a hurry, running farther and farther.

Not only did the horsetail flags run away, but other Terdun people around the horse-rejecting formation also fled with their corpses and compatriots.

The farmers were stunned, silent, and then cheered hoarsely. In their view, the battle has been won.

Ronald's heart was bleeding and he could barely stand still.

The establishment of the Teltown people at the ferry must be destroyed to have a chance to rescue the captive women and children. The battle is not won until the Teltown people are completely defeated.

Similarly, Ronald faced a dilemma:

Retreat, the safest way;
Advance, occupy the ferry, maybe you can win, but you must not run away .

You can only stick to the camp, otherwise the militia troops will be dragged to death by marching with a group of old and weak women and children.

Just as Ronald made up his mind, the drums of "dong dong" came from the river.

Ronald finally understood why the barbarians had fled: a fleet of fleets was going upstream, and the Terdon crossing had been captured.

Telltown only has rafts, not boats.

The boat means...

"Reinforcement!" The people of Xiatiefeng County who have been fighting till now are full of tears, hugging each other and shouting: "Reinforcement!"

Later, Ronald met the commander of the fleet, Samukin.

Arriving ashore with him was Captain Epert, whom Ronald had sent for help.

In the rudimentary camp built by the Terdun people, all the Palatine people kidnapped by the barbarians were rescued, and the reunited families were happy and weeping.

Ronald didn't seem to feel this joyful atmosphere. He went straight to Samukin and asked, "How many people did you bring?"

Facing Major Ronald, who used to be As the "enemy leader", Samukin always felt uncomfortable. He didn't know how to call each other, so he simply didn't call each other.

"As far as you can see." Samukin pointed to the ferry, where more than 30 simple boats were moored: "These boats."

Got this answer, Luo Nader's expression was painful: "Where's Winters?"

Hearing the other party calling Hundred-Men Commander's name, Samukin frowned slightly: "I don't know."

"He'll send you."

"Just send me."

"Too little! Too little! What the hell is Winters doing?! What's the use?!" From the top of the mountain of hope and into the deep valley of despair, Major Ronald's emotions became out of control, he pointed at the happy crowd all around and shouted:
"Look! Look at them! He! When the Germans come back, what will they do? More Hurds will kill them again, what will they do? !"

Samukin was startled first, then waited quietly for Ronald to finish venting.

“I don’t know what you have to complain about.” Samukin put away his polite smile and said coldly to Ronald: “But you should not have the right to accuse Your Excellency the Tribunal Winters Montagne ."

He was confronted by a rebel who was not even an officer and didn't know how to describe his class.

"Don't worry." Captain Epert hurriedly smoothed things out: "Captain Montagne has also come up with a solution for us."

"What solution?" Ronald said angrily. ask.

"Your Excellency Baomin Guan sent me here, and naturally he had made a thorough consideration." Samukin said neither humbly nor arrogantly: "Your Excellency Baomin Guan fought bloody battle at Teldun Khan in Zhongtiefeng County, and learned that You still do not hesitate to divide your troops for help, please understand the weight of this.”

Ronald was silent for a moment, put away his anger, and asked seriously: “What can Captain Montagne do?”

"It's very simple, take you..." Samukin raised his finger to the west: "All to the other side of the river."


[black liquid town ferry The battle] came to an end, although the scale of the battle was small—three hundred cavalry against more than a thousand infantry, but strictly speaking, it was also a head-to-head confrontation.

Sumkin says that Winters is in a "blood battle" with Turdun Khan, and he has some exaggerated emotions in it.

Because Zhongtiefeng County never saw such a head-to-head battle.

[Tai Chi] is very eager to choose a good location, line up the battle, gong to gong, drum to drum, dignified is fighting a main battle.

But Winters didn't give Teltown a chance.

While Tai Chi was going crazy for a major battle, Winters was still building his walls—and weaving more baskets.

[Sorry for being late]
[The time has become completely chaotic, but in the end, the battle in Lower Tiefeng County has come to an end]
[At first I thought this battle It's inappropriate to write it out in detail. I also want to see the Winters vs. the Fireboilers, so delete and write, write and delete]
[This battle is a little more important. Is the victory or defeat of the whole battle at this ferry? ? Obviously not. But Ronald still gritted his teeth and went to attack the ferry, because if he let the Teltowns carry the captive population, the Platoons would be plundered completely]
[Objectively speaking, Ronald In the past, it was not good for these abducted Paratus, after all, he was the actual executor of the forced expropriation policy. But he put his life on the line to save them]
[Some book friends have pointed it fact, it is the germination of the emotion of "compatriots"]
[That is, nationalism, and more grand patriotism (Not limited to the 'patriotism' of a city-state civilization) The sprouts, nationalism and patriotism, these two distinct things will change the entire world ]
[I have been saying before, the era of Winters There is no such thing as "patriotism"]
[Love the family, the guild, and the city may exist, but patriotism... The country is too big, and it is difficult for the ordinary person to have a real sense of the "country", so there is no 'love' emotions]
[In the Senas Alliance, the only group that generally has 'patriotic thoughts' is actually only the officers trained by the Luyuan Academy. As for why they have such common feelings...that's very complicated]

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