Iron Power And Sorcerer Chapter 293


Chapter 293 Space
"I don't need to say more." Ronald's voice was in The quiet forest reverberated: "You are here because you have your daughter on that little beach! Wife! Mother!"

Standing in front of Ronald were hundreds of angry fathers, Husband and son, the oldest is forty-fifty years old, and the youngest is only fifteen or sixteen years old.

A small number of them have knives, guns, bows and arrows, and most of them only have sticks that have not even had time to peel off the bark.

But without exception, everyone clenched their weapons until their knuckles turned white.

"The Hurd tribes are like crappy thieves." Saul cultivator once asserted: "When they set out, they were full of confidence and cravings. But once they really grabbed something good, they would trembling in fear again. If there is any trouble, they will flee. The Teltown people are most vulnerable when they return.”

As Saul cultivator put it, the prosperous Teltown chief They could hardly wait to get rid of the captured women, livestock and goods.

Ronald watched as the Teltown people selected the ferry, divided the camp, and gathered the sheepskin raft...

At the same time, there were also men from Lower Iron Peak who had the courage to fight. Also continuously rushed to this place from various secret camps.

Saul cultivator urged Ronald to hold back until half of the people in Teltown had crossed the river.

But for Ronald, the half crossing of the Terdons meant the abduction of hundreds of Platos.

He can't wait for that moment, he's going to strike now.

"Just cross that river." Ronald's cheekbones were streaked with blood: "Your daughters, wives, mothers will be driven into wasteland like cattle, to be heretic Slave! Never, never, never return!"

The blood-striped veil was a custom of the Palatine clan, and meant that the face-painter was burdened with great shame. However, at this moment, regardless of bloodline, religion or place of origin, all the men in the forest are smeared with blood.

After leaving Luyuan, Ronald has been working as a clerk all year round, and speaking before battle is not his strong point.

He took the spear from Adam and ended the mobilization briefly: "Whoever wants to give his wife and daughter to the Hurd barbarians, stay here. Anyone who wants to kill the Harder barbarians, come with me! ”


When the people of Tiefeng County were roaring towards the ferry, sixty kilometers to the northeast, the pioneers of Teltown, Danayan, and the fire roaster Uncle [Tai Chi] is also attacking the field.

Time and space, how ordinary and how magical.

They are not moved by human will, but both sides of the war are desperately trying to get them.

Ronald is racing against time, he must beat the barbarians at the ferry before the enemy reinforcements arrive, or he will be wiped out.

The same is true for Tai Chi. Every time he delays a bag of cigarettes, the formidable power of the Tordun Department is weakened by one point. .

And fighting for time is essentially fighting for space, which is the magic of war.

After the first two attacks, Tai Chi had determined that the Tusher field defenders were not elite - four or five hundred men, no Armored Soldier, not even a single musket.

As more troops arrived, Tai Chi had an overwhelming advantage.

The siege of the city and the fortress is not the director of the Hurd ministries, but Taichi has seen a lot and accumulated some experience.

Faced with rejection of horses, fences, and trenches, the clansman sees a warhorse with extended limbs as not only useless, but a drag.

Therefore, Tai Chi concentrated on the armored men and dismounted the horses, splitting the left and right flanks to attack the horse-resisting formation, and used strong bows to cover.

At the same time, Tai Chi selected three hundred cavalry teams to swim across the mountains and forests from the upper reaches of the river.

On the one hand, they cut off the back road of Tu Shichang, and on the other hand, they pretended to attack the upper towns, involving the troops of Tiefeng County.

The third wave offensive, Tai Chi is bound to win.

As Tai Chi expected, although the defenders in the field were stubborn, they were too few to care about one thing and another.

Even before the outflanking raiders arrived, the two-legged defenders were already defeated.

But [Gerald's Bud] probably wouldn't agree with the "rout."

The Teltown people were aggressive, and Bud organized his men to retreat in an orderly manner according to the original plan.

The previous wounded had been evacuated before dawn, and Bud personally led most of the militia and the newly added wounded to the northeast wilderness.

The rest of the militia was led by Anglo.

After the Terdun people broke into the camp, Anglo set fire to the fortifications and the woods along the shore, and with his cavalry, the militiamen who could not ride, ran along the road towards Little Rock.

At this time, what was Winters doing, who arrived at the battlefield last night?
He is killing people.

"Ride the spear!" Winters extended the hand backwards.

Charle, who was originally holding the short javelin, immediately took off the spear and handed it to Winters tacitly.

Winters raised his spear and swung it down sharply, the swallowtail flag on the spear head screeching: "Push them down the river!"

His roar echoed in the mountains and forests. river surface.

The trumpeter blew the attacking melody, followed by the small snare drums of the infantry companies.

The warriors held their lances flat, and to the rapid beat of drums, strode toward the enemy.

The road connecting Tushechang and Xiaoshizhen is a narrow road sandwiched between Tuya and Pantuo River. The "surface and inside of mountains and rivers" is such a terrain.

On this narrow road, which is less than 30 meters at its widest point and less than 10 meters at its narrowest point, the three Turdun Hundred Cavalry Teams, who intended to detour around them, ushered in their doom.

The battle is like catching a thief in an alley.

To the south was the 5th Company stationed in Little Rock, and to the north was the 6th Company led by Winters.

The still alive Terdun barbarians are trapped in the river, mud cliffs and two lance forests, with less and less room to move.

The beasts are still fighting, the Terdun barbarians repeatedly attacked the fronts of the 5th and 6th companies, all of which ended in failure - Winters' warrior, not a few daring Terdun people can shake .

The sergeants and ten commanders in the front row were wearing armor, and the bows and arrows of the Terdun people could hardly hurt them.

Some desperate Teltown people rushed to the Pangtuo River, wanting to walk back to the west bank.

The other Teltowners were reluctant to go into the water anyway, they just swam to the east bank, and no one wanted to taste the icy cold water again.

Besides, there were already quite a few Teltowners drowning when they came. Swim back now? It's better to die under the knife and have a good time!

There is also a barbarian in Terdun, who simply abandoned the war horse, climbed the dirt cliff on the east side of the road, and fled into the mountain forest.

Winters watched the panicked Teltown people jump into the river and climb up the dirt cliffs, and turned back to give the bugleman an order: "Charge footwork."

Bugle His hands were dazed at first, then he soon came back to his senses, his cheeks bulged, his face flushed, and he played another melody.

Hearing the charge song, the small snare drums of each company responded one after another, and the rhythm of the drums suddenly accelerated, from 80 beats per minute to 120 beats per minute.

There are many warriors on both the North and South fronts who are out of touch due to their failure to respond in time, resulting in a loose and chaotic front.

But the fighting intent collapsed and the Terdun barbarians, who only wanted to escape, no longer had the ability to use the fighter plane.

The dislocated warrior hurried to catch up with the horizontal team, and the battle line became complete and invulnerable, indestructible and impregnable again.

There's nothing Winters doesn't like about this.

There are basically two types of fighting with troops:
One is a melee with a scale of 100 or 10 people. There is no formation or order at all. It is like strong wind and swift rain. and the voice of the commander;

The other is a magnificent army with thousands of men and horses setting up a battle in the wilderness. The brave cannot advance alone, and the cowardly cannot retreat alone. It depends on discipline, will and coordination. .

Commanding a magnificent army with thousands of men and horses in battle, Winters only once did that, and that was under the city of Bianli.

And at that time he was just an advisor, the decision maker and the implementer were others.

Since the establishment of the army in Wolf Town, Winters has never fought a "battle" in the true sense, and naturally his troops have not accumulated any experience in large-scale battles.

On the contrary, the company commanders and sergeants under Winters' command are all veterans -- "unorthodox".

They are proficient in the former combat style: 100 people, limited battlefield, surprise or counter-raid, short time but high intensity.

Like carrying a wooden barrel with a short board to put out a fire, Winters temporarily considers not how to make up for the short board, but how to make better use of the existing wooden barrel to hold more water.

Winters' pockets were getting tighter and tighter, as if some barrier had shattered, and the Terdun people, desperate to find their way, abandoned their horses and climbed to the low cliff.

Compared with swimming, the chances of escaping into the forest and surviving are always better.

The low cliff is less than three meters high, and a thin Teltown slave has already touched the top of the cliff with a few steps.

This skinny Teltown slave is named [Monkey], the name speaks for itself, and his agility is like that of a monkey.

The monkey thought he was saved. He hung on the edge of the cliff, groping for the turf on the top of the cliff, trying to find a place where he could use his strength to climb up.

Suddenly, a piercing pain came from the hand, and then a second.

The monkey lost consciousness in his right hand in horror, and in the pain, he could even feel blood gushing out from his wrist.

The monkey screamed terribly, and fell heavily with his broken wrist, his right hand still remained on the low cliff.

What severed the monkey's right hand was a small axe that was not very sharp.

Before this, the axe had spent most of its time leaning against an earthen stove, occasionally chopping wood.

Holding the axe was a small Platoon boy of the same age as the monkey.

Coincidentally, the teenager named "Paul" also has a nickname "Little Monkey", as his mother would call him.

Little Monkey's mother was kidnapped by barbarians, and his father sent him to the north bank of the Pangtuo River, and returned to Lower Tiefeng County to join the militia.

And Little Monkey broke a barbarian's hand, slashing twice.

The barbarian howled down the cliff, and Little Monkey saw the thin, broken, blood-stained hand twitching slightly, as if it was still attached to its owner's wrist.

In addition to the pleasure of revenge, Little Monkey's heart is only endless fear.

He stared and shouted—as if he was the one whose hand was cut off—and swung his axe on the severed hand, slashing hard several times.

until I was woken by a slap in the face from another older militiaman.

The older militiaman didn't have time to say anything to Little Monkey, and after slapping the latter, the older militiaman swung his stab at the barbarian's head, which was exposed on the edge of the cliff.

one after another A Teldon fell from a low cliff. Or dead bodies were pushed down, or living people were beaten down.

Winters was expressionless—the militia arrived slowly, but it finally arrived.

If the Tiefeng County Infantry Regiment simply lacked experience in large-scale battles, then the temporarily recruited militia was completely incapable of frontal combat.

The militia is only suitable for scrambling and shooting down water dogs.

While the 5th and 6th companies formed battles on the road, the militiamen were sent by Winters into the mountains to contain the fleeing enemy.

With no way to the sky and no way to enter the earth, the will of the still-living Terdun people completely collapsed.

The Platoons can't understand what the barbarian is saying, but they can't misunderstand what the barbarian wants to do.

The bugle player looked towards the Montagne tribune, the snare drummer also looked towards the Montagne tribune, and many people looked towards the silhouette of the army flag, intentionally or not.

But Winters pursed his lips tightly, not saying a word until all the people in Teltown were pushed into the Pontoon River.

Leaving a small group of militiamen to sweep the battlefield and monitor the riverbanks, Winters led the 5th, 6th, and other militiamen to the northernmost point of the mountain road in the [Twoshfield-Little Rock].

There, another fierce battle is going on.

Tai Chi knew the fate of the three hundred cavalry teams when he saw the floating corpses floating down from the upper reaches of the Pangtuo River.

For the Hurd tribes, the three hundred cavalry teams are not as simple as three hundred people. The destruction of one hundred cavalry team is almost equivalent to the demise of a family.

Even though Tai Chi was used to this kind of thing, he still had an indescribable feeling.

But now Tae-chi doesn't have time to mourn the three Kotas because he hit a wall.

It was a solid wall—and a trench—that spanned things and blocked his way.

"Where did the wall moat come from?!" Tai Chi's hair stands up in anger, his eyes are red, he grabs the collar of a green feather and roars like thunder: "There is no cover after wading through the field. Happy Valley! This is what you told me! This is what you swear and swear! This is what you saw with your own eyes!"

"Nah! Qing Lingyu was ashen-faced, so anxious that she even burst into tears: "There's really no such city wall here! Really not! I swear to Heavenly God! I swear by broken arrows! If I lie, I will be shot dead by random arrows." I! Thousands of horses trampled me to death! It must be a two-legged man! It must be them, the city wall they built overnight!"

The furious Tai Chi raised his big fist and knocked the Qing Lingyu: "Silly talk! Crazy talk! Two-legged man is it possible that build a wall overnight!"

Qing Lingyu swallowed a mouthful of blood and suddenly realized: "Yes! Yes! Build a wall overnight! No Building a wall is building a city overnight! They must have used a magic trick, just like the singer sings it! Monsters! Two-legged people invited monsters and built a city overnight!"

Tai Chi could no longer listen Going down this crazy talk, fiercely kicked Qing Lingyu's jaw, and the latter fainted immediately.

However, even if Tai Chi slashed Qing Lingyu to death on the spot, the wall in front of him still existed.

Wall watched the farce silently, with a speechless attitude like the most vicious mockery.

Just when Taichi's men hit the wall, sixty kilometers southwest, the battle for the ferry also entered the most tragic stage - hand-to-hand combat.

[Sorry, sorry, sorry, redefine "tonight (in a broad sense)"]
[I wrote more than 1,700 words until half past six... Efficiency简直低到terrifying ]

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