Iron Power And Sorcerer Chapter 253


Adapted from Chapter 253
Without going straight back to Gervodin, Winters stopped briefly at Rue Camelson and gathered up force.

Andre and Bart Schalling were the first to return with the horses.

More than 700 horses were divided into groups, each led by a jealous son.

Just by walking quickly, the horses can raise smoke and dust in the sky, and when running, the imposing manner is amazing and spectacular.

"Fuck! Posted!" These were the first words Andrei met with Winters.

The former grabbed the latter's shoulder with tears in his eyes, almost hugging his head and crying.

The harvest at Nanshan Horse Farm was far beyond Winters and Andre's wildest imaginations.

Baishan County is not famous for producing horses, and Leiqun County further east is the place rich in horses - the so-called Leiqun, which means "tens of thousands of horses marching like thunder".

So Winters didn't have high expectations.

He was content to get a hundred horses.

If you get 200 horses, it's time to celebrate with a hilarious banquet.

As a result, Andre brought back more than 700 horses and foals ranging in age from hundreds of months.

Older foals follow the mare, while foals that cannot travel long distances are pulled by carts.

Not only the horses, but also the stablemen were tied up by Andrei.

Without a stablemate, Andre's manpower alone would not be able to carry such a large herd of horses.

Therefore, such a spectacle appeared in the land of Tiefeng County: the stables with trembling with fear were grazing horses, and the cavalrymen in Tiefeng County were grazing the stables.

Pity a bald middle-aged man who has worked hard for many years to make a wedding dress for him.

"Oh! It's boring! They're all mares." Andre was extremely regretful: "It's a pity to use it to fight, there's no serious war horses at all!"

Look See how terrifying man's greed is.

Not long ago, Andrei was smiling from ear to ear as he captured three military horses.

Now that he has captured thousands of horses in one go, he sighed.

Winters didn't feel dissatisfied.

But the huge herd of horses also made him a little worried: "Winter is coming soon, so we must hurry up to prepare a place and fodder for the horses to spend the winter. There are thousands of horses, big and small... We are afraid I can't take care of it."

Andre was as optimistic as ever: "Let Mason Senior take care of it."

Lieutenant Cellini has never "don't care, just ride".

"Mason Senior probably won't be enough." Winters smiled knowingly: "Call Bud, too."

Captain Montagne also "don't care, just ride."

The load was pushed out so lightly, and the captain and lieutenant were relaxed and happy to see the foal.


After a day of waiting on Camel Pine Street, Winters' Hundred-Men Commander and Sergeant came to join him.

Troops that were once divided into parts are now reassembled.

The warriors were physically exhausted, but their fighting spirit was stronger than when they set off.

“How?” Winters asked his other Hundred-Men Commander [Gail].

“Want to sleep.” The other party answered obediently and honestly: “Want to eat meat.”

Winters laughed heartily: “Reheat Wodan, kill pigs and sheep!”

Twelve iron arrows were sent out, only nine came back.

Three more arrows may or may not come back.

Leaving a pick-up at Camelback Street, Winters stared in the direction of White Mountain County for the last time and set off again.

Still not heading straight back to Gervodin, Winters took a detour to Hammerburg, the current location of the Iron Peaks, where he joined Mason, Juan, and Moritz.

It wasn't that Winters wasn't in a hurry to get home, he thought Anna was going crazy.

But the mess after the war is more troublesome than the war itself: the wounded need to be treated, the battlefield needs to be cleaned, the seized materials need to be counted, and the credit of the soldiers needs to be confirmed urgently.

None of the above is a big problem, because the military has its own set of procedures to deal with.

There's nothing that's bothering Winters the most right now -- captives.

"Don't say thank you." Lieutenant Don Juan put his legs on the table with ease: "I didn't help you fight because of your face, and you don't need to give me gifts to thank me. Just a little bit of horses and gold."

"Thank you so much, Senior." Winters had a complicated expression.

The original battle plan was to contain the enemy in Baishan County and repel the enemy in Vigne County.

The diversion mission on the Eastern Front, Winters performed perfectly.

However, the Western Front was forcibly beaten by Don Juan.

The Zeppel army was wiped out, some died, some escaped, and the remaining more than 1,300 people were all captured and captured.

There may be a little garrison left in Vigne, but the field troops have been swept away.

Vogne County today is like an egg that has been peeled off, revealing the fragile white inside.

Ostensibly, Vugnie County is at the mercy of Winters.

In fact, beyond Vigne County and further north is the heart of the Legion, the territory of Maplestone.

In other words, the road to Maplestone is open, and Legion's heart is exposed to Winters' battalion.

And the last thing Winters wants to do is stimulate the new legion.

The Legion is a clumsy, bulky and bureaucratic machine, but if it faces mortal danger, its counterattack will be swift and furious.

"So be it! It's all over anyway." Winters, who was also in debt, laughed and paid tribute to Don Juan and Moritz: "Senior, Lieutenant Colonel, a thousand They surrounded and wiped out 2,000 people, and the battle was beautiful!"

Lieutenant Colonel Moritz sipped his wine in silence.

"You don't even look at who is in command." Juan's expression was equally cold, but there was a smile he couldn't hide from the corner of his eyes: "It's happy enough, in Veneta, even if A colonel has no chance to command an army of this size."

"If you stay, you can command as much as you want in the future."

Don Juan coldly snorted, The handsome features showed a bit of loneliness: "I'm just waiting for the news of your father. I can't kidnap you, and the lieutenant colonel can't kidnap you, let's see what else Corps Head can do! Wait for the new order to come down, I will Still have to go back to Veneta."

Winters was full of guilt when he brought up his family, and he couldn't face his family.

He sighed and said to Lieutenant Colonel Mason Senior and Moritz, "Have to write a letter to Legion."

It was still Winters who did the writing, weighing the words and writing as he went. Read, the others listen.

Legion had a claw cut off this fight, but Winters' tone was more humble than last time.

He opened his heart to General Adams in a personal letter: from the moment he was assigned to Plato, he was grateful for this land, and he never had Betray Plato's idea.

He expressed regret for the accidental injury to friendly troops in Lin County; he was willing to assist in the search for the missing Vigne County officers; he was also willing to return the captured Vigne County weapons.

The final signature is "Loyal Defender of the Republic, W·M"

All in all, this letter is simple and sincere in writing, and it is the best letter Winters has written since he went to school. practice.

"What's the use of writing this?" Don Juan was very impatient.

"To give General Adams a decent face, of course, it would be great if he could be fooled by this letter." Winters replied with a smile, handing the manuscript behind him.

Charr took over the transcripts—small wharf workers currently serve as Winters' guards, clerks, gendarmerie, and correspondents.

Winters changed the conversation: "Legion's sorcerer assassin and Lieutenant Colonel's... raid reminded us that a 'safety trench' should be established to prevent similar situations from happening again."

"Security trench?" Mason was more concerned about this topic, Moritz's beheading raid was too terrifying, and he also had lingering fears: "How to build it?"

Winters explained: "First, the commander You should not meet with any messenger directly. The sending and receiving of letters must go through a layer of transmission to prevent the sorcerer from disguising as a messenger to assassinate. Then..."

"I don't think about it." Winters said with a smile: "Let's work together to find out what's missing."

Mason thought about it and added: "Officers' uniforms, helmets, sashes, corsets, fringes, piping, these things are too conspicuous. Putting it in front of you and the lieutenant colonel, it's a living target."

"It's not obvious, how does the officer command the soldiers?" Andre asked back: "It's not obvious, the big boss thought the officer had escaped. "

Winters also thought about this: "It's best to keep the dress and the uniform that you wear in battle completely separate. The uniform doesn't need to be fancy, but it also needs to be so that the warrior can recognize who the officer is at a glance."


"This is contradictory." Mason spread his hands.

"Don't think about it so much. When we have the money to issue military uniforms to the troops, it's not too late to think about the uniforms." Andre yawned and waved his hands, asking Winters: "Do you really want to Return the captured weapons?"

Tiefeng County can only manufacture agricultural implement-level weapons, such as spears of about two meters.

With the prosperity of the steel castle metal industry, the only weapon craftsman in Revodan [Shao Sha] has long since abandoned his sword forging skills, and now he relies on buying ready-made steel castle sword bars to do business.

As for making armor and firearms, don't even think about it.

The Tiefeng County army relies on captured weapons and armor to arm itself.

Andre was very sensitive when he heard Winters say that he would return the seized materials.

"I want to pay it back." Winters said in a relaxed tone, "If you dare to ask for it, then give it back to him."

Several others laughed.

Winters held back his smile: "There's one more thing, I think it's time."

"That thing again?" Don Juan frowned.

"That's right." Winters looked around at the other officers and announced word by word, "Reorganize the army! Now is the time."

"The army will be reorganized as soon as the war is over. ?" Andre disagreed: "It's too rushed."

"No, it's just good to have just won a battle." Winters was resolute: "It's not easy to adapt after a few battles. . Now our army is a blank sheet of paper, but it already looks a little like an army, and the timing is the best!"

In order to reduce internal resistance, Winters has been the garrison officer and has acted under the signboard of the garrison.

In theory, all the troops are under the jurisdiction of the garrison.

The cavalry was commanded by Andre, the infantry under the direct command of Winters, and Mason in charge of his squad of sappers and artillerymen.

And different troop formations vary widely.

In the infantry, there are old Bard, Cellini, Mason Hundred Men Squad, which use the old organization, but the troops with the strongest battle strength.

There is also the Tiefeng County Infantry Regiment, which adopts a new organization, but the battle strength is unsatisfactory.

The cavalry and artillery are completely the personal soldiers of Andre and Mason, and there is no organization to speak of. The number of people can be large or small, it all depends on the commander's temperament.

Logistics are messed up. Relying entirely on virtue and integrity, there is a serious lack of institutional constraints.

Winters has discussed this with others on more than one occasion.

Winters has more than once vehemently pointed out that the chaotic status quo can only be maintained because the army is too small. When the size of the army continues to expand, it will suffer sooner or later.

A total of six officers were able to participate in the decision-making. Don Juan and Moritz remained silent, while Bud, Andre and Mason were successfully persuaded by Winters.

The reorganization of the army has been written on the agenda, but the new land Legion does not give the opportunity.

As soon as Winters drafted the adaptation plan, White Mountain and Vigne counties called aggressively.

"The crisis is temporarily lifted." Winters' eyes were bright. "But Legion will come again sooner or later. To reorganize the army, now!"

The atmosphere became a little solemn.

"Okay! You said to change." Andre slapped his thigh: "Then change!"

Mason was also nodded: "The current situation is unbelievable, and it is really time to give it a shot. Straighten the organization. If we don't sort out the organization, we will always be rebels."

Lieutenant Don Juan and Lieutenant Colonel Moritz looked at each other.

"You don't have to consider the opinions of me and the lieutenant colonel." Juan shrugged: "You are the Parato officers, and we are not."

In this way, Charles silently The minutes of the meeting read: "Lieutenant Budd was absent, A and B abstained, and the remaining three passed the resolution."

"Small boats are good for U-turns, and small troops have small advantages." Winters He took out a thick stack of manuscript paper and said excitedly, "I suggest resuming Legion's establishment!"

Don Juan almost choked on his saliva: "Are you going to be on the same level as your father?"

"No no no." Winters blushed and said, "I don't want to be Corps Head."

"You're welcome." Andre slapped his thigh again: "Decided It's you, it's up to you."

Winters blushed even more and shook his head: "Legion is only a nominal organization, not really a Legion. The artillery team and the cavalry team are impossible. It belongs to the command system of the Progressive Corps, so it needs a higher level 1 Legion establishment."

"That empty space?"

"It's empty."

Winters distributed paper with the content of the adaptation to others: "Above Legion, a military council should be established, responsible for coordinating all military, political and military orders, just like the current six-member resolution meeting."

The unwritten resolution of the six will be changed to a compliant military council, and no one has any objection.

From the point of view of organization, the members of the Military Senate are larger than the Corps Head rank.

Only Moritz said softly: "Don't name me and Juan, we are still officers of Veneta."

"Then continue to call Mr. A and Mr. B. ." Winters shrugged.

Moritz sighed and didn't speak.

"The cavalry and artillery don't need to be adapted too much." Winters looked towards Andre and Mason: "You only need to have a quota, set a quota, and write the regulations. You two are responsible for writing the regulations yourself."

Andre had a bitter face, and he had an idea: "I'll go to Bud to write it! Isn't it over?"

Mason also smiled bitterly: "I have a door in my hand. I don't have a cannon either, which one should I appoint?"

"We don't have a Legion either, so don't we decide on the Legion's organization." Winters comforted the Senior: "First set the organization, and the cannon will be available sooner or later."

Mason Senior sighed, scribbling the lines of the cannon on the grass.

"It's the infantry that really needs a drastic adaptation." Winters' expression became serious: "The army will fight a dignified upright battle sooner or later, and the existing system is simply insufficient for a real battle, and it must be changed! "

In Winters' reorganization plan, the "regiment" as a recruiting unit will be linked to the region, which is still retained.

In order to facilitate the replenishment of troops and logistics management, the Hundred Men Squad is still under the direct control of the regiment in name.

But tactically, the Hundred Men Squad should be organized into "battalions".

The size of the "battalion" is close to the current battallion, but not quite the same as the battallion.

"The minimum standard for a battalion is to be able to form a phalanx alone to fight." When it comes to infantry tactics, Winters' eyes lit up: "A large phalanx of 1,000 or even 3,000 people is too cumbersome. The Plato standing army generally used a small phalanx of five hundred people to fight on wasteland, and the effect was very good. "

Don Juan was interested: "What if a small phalanx of five hundred people encounters cavalry? Can withstand the impact? "

"Yes." "Winters' upper body unconsciously leaned towards Hu Senior Brother An, and recounted his combat experience in wasteland: "In a small phalanx of five hundred people, the Hurd cavalry still can't rush in." And the phalanx becomes smaller, the musketeer can exert formidable power. Especially the area between the two square formations is a killing zone..."

Among the officers present, only Juan and Winters were infantry officers.

Talking about infantry tactics , the two of them could sit on a rock and talk all day.

The others were less interested in infantry, Mason Senior was drawing cannons carelessly, Colonel Moritz had been quietly dozing off, and Andre I was so sleepy.

It was Winters and Don Juan, who were almost face to face across the table.

Speaking of fun, Winters took a piece of paper and drew a map. , Use chess pieces to represent the two armies, and explain and deduce to Senior.

Don Juan was also excited, sometimes admiring, sometimes sighing, and sometimes sighing.

"Someday you two will have time to play alone! "Andre was furious, and slammed the table: "Get the business done first!" "

Winters and Juan stared at Andre at the same time, making the latter feel guilty.

Andre whispered, "I'm so hungry, hurry up and finish the meeting, Go for dinner. "

Don Juan glanced at Andre, snorted and shook his head slightly.

"I expanded the Hundred Men Squad to 120 people, if a 'battallion ' Or six Hundred Men Squad, it just wouldn't be right. "Winters returned to the topic: "So we switched to the battalion system, with four Hundred Men Squads per battalion, totaling 480 people. "

"Only four teams? How to match sword and shield, musket and lance? "Juan wrinkled frowned.

"There are no swords and shields, and each battalion has one musket team and three lance teams. " Winters explained: "Sword and shield players are too difficult to train, and the equipment requirements are high. Lieutenant Colonel John Jesska did not have a sword and shield at all, and the effect was also very good. "

"Musket and lance, one to three?" "

"I have too few muskets." Winters sighed deeply and said with a smile: "Otherwise I would like to improve to one to one, with two teams of musketeers and two teams of lancers per battalion. "

Don Juan was puzzled: "Half the Musketeers?" What about hand-to-hand combat?

The smile on Winters' face was even stronger. He took the white paper and explained to Juan as he drew: "If the musketeer adopts the tactic of rotating shooting, he can greatly weaken the enemy before entering into hand-to-hand combat." military. Even in hand-to-hand combat, musketeers can be placed between the lances, so..."

Huan stretched his head out to look at it with interest.

"You two have no end ? ! "Andre couldn't bear it any longer, he patted the table and questioned.

"Okay, let's get to the point." Winters perfunctory Andre, gently patted Hu Senior Brother An's shoulder: "I will tell you when I have time." "

"it's a deal." Juan regretfully said.

Winters went on to explain the adaptation: "In a nutshell, I'm adding [battalions] as tactical units. Four Hundred Men Squads per battalion. Others remain unchanged. "

"Isn't the battalion the battalion?" "Andre didn't get it.

"No, the same number, but not the same. "The battalion has more officers, but fewer troops," explains Winters. "

"Then don't use the Hundred Men Squad and battallion set of ancient empires." "Andre was overjoyed: "Just use [Lian]." Also don't call it Hundred-Men Commander, Great Captain. It's called company commander, battalion commander. "

"Didn't the Hundred-Men Commander sound great?" "Winters doesn't know why.

Andre sneered: "Those guys who don't even know where the gate of Luyuan opens, dare to call themselves Hundred-Men Commander?" I'm almost pissed off. They don't deserve the title of Hundred-Men Commander. Just call the company commander, that's fine! "

The regiment and company are the organizational names of Veneta's mercenaries in the past.

During the military reform of Marshal Ned, he deliberately used [Hundred Men Squad ], [battallion ], [ Legion] These ancient empires were organized to distinguish them from mercenary armies.

Andre was very insistent on this matter, and Winters also felt that he had to change it completely.

So He crossed out [Hundred-Men Commander ] on the draft and wrote [Company Commander].

Winters gathered up the paper and summed up solemnly: "It doesn't really matter if you change it. What really matters is one sentence, and I want to say it last - [military resolutions will have all military powers]. "

"Of course." "Andre didn't care.

"I mean, even one day, military resolutions will pass against my will, or yours." Winters stared at Andre: "We have to obey too, can you?" "

"Do you and I need to talk about this? Andrea Cellini resolutely and decisively replied: "I will always support you." "

That's not the answer Winters wanted, but he has nothing to dislike.

"One more thing, must change." " Winters smiled: "But there shouldn't be much resistance, after all, our army is a blank sheet of paper and hasn't been soiled by those so-called traditions. "

"What? "Don Juan is puzzled.

"Bound discipline, seized and returned to the public. "

Don Juan shook the head: "It's hard to say, it's not difficult to say it's not difficult. Look at your ability. "

"Mason Senior?" ' Winters whispered.

Mason, immersed in the world of stick figures, was suddenly pulled out.

"What's the matter? Mason subconsciously covered the cannon cart on the paper: "Is the meeting over? "

"I would like to ask you to return to Revodan ahead of schedule." "I'll take the big army, and I'll be there later," said Winters. "

Mason raised his eyebrows: "Go back early?" What's the matter? "

"Two things. Winters tapped on the table: "I want you to go back and build a gallows in the city square, the kind that can hang a lot of people." "

The other four people present were slightly surprised, and even Moritz woke up and looked at Winters suspiciously.

"The public trial meeting, hasn't it been held all the time?" Winters raised his chin. "

Moritz blinked, gently nodding.

"Another thing?" "Mason looked Winters in the eye.

"Another good thing. " Winters laughed: "I would like to invite you to prepare a triumphal ceremony. ”

[Military ranks, military positions and military establishments have always been wildly misappropriated from each other. Although they are roughly the same, there are differences in different countries, languages, and cultures]
[captain in English For example, this word can represent both the company commander, the captain, the captain, and the colonel (navy); it can represent both the captain of the Spanish phalanx standing in the front row of each column, and the ten The leader of a squad mercenary in a city-state in northern Italy in the sixth century. It is not as clear as the Chinese semantics.]
[Translation of "military advisor brigade battalion and company arrangement" into "military advisor brigade battalion and company arrangement" is a kind of Yahua translation. There is quite a feeling of using "gonghou and uncle men" to impose titles of European countries]
[However, even [company] battalion [battalion] regiment [regiment] is used as the establishment of the army and is still in use today. It happened in the second half of the sixteenth century to the first half of the seventeenth century. It involves [Morris' military reform in Nassau] and [Gustav II's military reform], which is the era in which the protagonist lives]

[So the era of the protagonist is really interesting; on the one hand, the world is being depicted more and more clearly, but still has a sense of mystery;明天有什么新玩意]

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