Iron Power And Sorcerer Chapter 252


Chapter 252 Bell Tolls
Hundreds of soldiers are marching toward Antlers in great strides.

It is strange that there are no sergeants with halberds and armour in the column to maintain order, nor officers on tall horses in fancy uniforms.

Except for soldiers, only soldiers.

A horse came in the opposite direction, and the rider narrowed his eyes, trying to find the officer among the soldiers.

A bald man waved his arm impatiently at the rider.

Relieved, the rider happily ran up to the Colonel, subconsciously raising his hand in salute.

Gaisa flustered and exasperated knocked off the opponent's hand: "How many times have you said it? No salute!"

The colonel also changed into coarse clothes, and his face was smeared with ashes .

But his bald head was too conspicuous no matter what he wore, so he got a dirty burlap cap.

At first glance, this bald guy really looks like a rude peasant - just a little too rich.

"The rebels are on the road between Antlers Town and Iris Castle!" The rider hurriedly said, "A lot of military flags! Not a thousand people!"

"False Yes!" Gaisa dismissed: "If the rebels really have a thousand elite soldiers, do they still need to take risks? Can't they just put on a stance and fight with us?"

The rider scratched his head.

"But the rebels' cavalry is decent." Gaisa's eyes lit up, and his voice was full of envy: "If we can get it, it won't be a waste of time for us to work hard."


The officers' mounts were gathered by Gaisa to strengthen his scouts. Even so, Geisa's cavalry was far less than his opponent's.

It's not that Baishan County doesn't produce horses, but the war horses have long been requisitioned.

"Then I'll go down and let everyone try not to hurt the horse?" The rider asked tentatively.

Gaisa's seven orifices were on fire and his five internal organs were smoking: "How can we deal with cavalry without killing the horse? Before the battle is won, do you want to divide the spills of war?"

The rider hehe smirked. .

Gaisa held his forehead and sighed: "Has the messengers sent to the towns returned?"

"The ones from the nearer ones, but not from the far ones." The rider stopped smiling, The stern replied: "Don't worry, the militias in the towns should already be gathering. As for the villages below...the peasants are ghosts! We can't get food, and I don't believe the rebels can get them."

" Have you demolished the bridge in Lin County?"

"It's all demolished."

"Okay! The rebels who can follow the bandit leader to Baishan County must be veterans and the main force. Kill one less and one less." Gaisa sneered: "Don't let one go."


Baishan County is surrounded by water on three sides and backed by mountains on one side, so it is naturally closed.

Winters is currently located in the heart of White Mountain County, between Antlers Town and Iris Castle.

The scout reported that the enemy's vanguard was less than ten kilometers away from Antlers Town.

Winters thought carefully that if he was in command of the enemy, he would spread out and outflank from more than three directions when he reached Antlers.

This is the opponent's territory.

But Winters wasn't in a hurry.

He called together the Acting Hundred-Men Commander and Acting Sergeant of the three Hundred Men Squads.

A total of twelve people lined up, each taking a map from Winters.

“There are university questions on the map, which is what Lieutenant Colonel John Jesska told me.” Winters motioned for everyone to sit down.

His subordinates sat in front of him, like they normally had evening classes.

Winters propped his chin and looked at his old department in turn: "The one who has known me the longest is over a year; the one who is later than me is less than three months. I want to learn in three months. Understanding the map is a daydream."

"But well." He changed the subject and said with a slight smile: "As long as the shoulders carry a head, not a stone. Don't get lost while holding the map, learn Three months is more than enough."

A Wolftown-born agent Hundred-Men Commander laughed suddenly, and the junior agent sergeants didn't know why.

"Bart Xialing!" Winters raised his eyebrows: "What are you laughing at?"


Bart Xialing is the South New Village of Wolf Town people. He was tall and had a boxy face, and he was easy to spot in a crowd.

When the Wolf Town Militia team drew lots, he was the first to be drawn. So Winters remembered the big guy all at once.

During the Battle of the Great Wasteland, he was promoted to sergeant. Now, he is the acting Hundred-Men Commander.


Bart Haring tried his best to hold back his laughter, blushing and answering: "Report to Hundred-Men Commander, nothing!"

"Impudent! What are you laughing at I don't know?"

After stopping his subordinates from offending their superiors, Winters returned to the topic.

“I won’t hide the situation from you—the situation is critical.” Winters analyzed at a moderate pace: “The enemy is encircling here, at least six times our strength. This is where the enemy has been operating for many years. Our lair, the nearby villages, and towns, none of them will help us."

The lighthearted atmosphere faded away, and the expressions of Winters' newly promoted commanders involuntarily turned serious.

"We can't fight recklessly, but we can't fight it. Even if we can fight it, we have to fight for this family property." Winters continued: "The goal of containing the enemy has been perfection, and it's time to triumph. ."

He knocked on the map in his hand: "Give you this thing, do you understand what it means?"

Batt Xialing hurriedly asked: "You want to split up? "

"That's right!" Winters nods: "Even if you retreat, you have to have a plan. Going together, the target is too big and it is easy to be bitten. The enemy commander expects me to gather the troops." Together - he's wishful thinking!"

Everyone laughed.

"Listen!" Winters flashed cold glow in his eyes, smiling coldly and confidently: "Attack is about splitting and attacking, this time I'm going to do it in reverse, breaking it into pieces, first dispersing and then gathering. The enemy commander underestimated me and thought that this old trick would be able to block me in Baishan County. Then I will teach Old Senior a free lesson! But the success or failure of this battle is ultimately in your hands! "

Twelve new commanders heard this straight, waiting to be ordered.

"Bart Hilling!" Winters called the first name.


Winters called Xia Ling to his side, sent an arrow to the latter, pointed at the map and explained:
"You bring three Ten Men Squad, follow Lieutenant Cellini's cavalry. You have to go to brine town first, then turn south from here, follow this river all the way south, to Nanshan Town! Go and give the horse farm in White Mountain County to I copied it!"


"Humans, animals, only bring things with long legs, and burn everything else for me! After leaving Nanshan Town, follow the Go west from the foothills, avoid villages and towns. Come here!" Winters clicked on the map of [Mudi Town]: "I arranged a boat to wait here, as long as you reach the river bank, someone will pick you up across the Anya River. "

"Yes!" Bart Shilling laughed majestically, raising his hand to salute.

Winters handed Xia Ling a horse head pawn: "Retell your route."

Bart Xia Ling took the pawn and walked over the map completely.

"Good." Winters punched his subordinates in the shoulder: "Next!"

Another agent, Hundred-Men Commander, stepped up.

Winters handed down an arrow and a chess piece, and continued to explain on the map: "You also bring three Ten Men Squads, just go southwest for me. Go through the ditch here and go until At the end. There are denser villages in this area. You have to rush through the night and go straight to the Anya River. As long as you get here, there will be a boat to pick you up..."

Twelve agents Hundred-Men Commander and The acting sergeant took the iron arrows in turn, and Winters arranged a route for each of them.

Before coming to Baishan County, Winters collected boats and arranged four crossing points on the Anya River - this is how Andre crossed the river.

As planned, all three of his Hundred Men Squads can be withdrawn as long as he leads his troops to any of them.

There are four sets of evacuation plans for crossing the river around, and this time they all come in handy.

“Each of you is carefully selected by me, the ability of each of you is taught by me, and each of your retreat routes is personally formulated by me.

You will lead Twenty or thirty soldiers are operating in the enemy area. One wrong step is ten thousand zhang abyss. I'm not sure if you can return to Tiefeng County alive."

Having said this, Winters laughed with tears in his eyes:
"But our army will grow, and sooner or later you will command more soldiers and take on more arduous tasks. I am impossible to always be by your side to supervise and command you.

This is your first A trial! Failure is a failure, there is no second chance. Passing, you have proved that you are qualified to move forward! Whether it is real gold or yellow iron, you will know after you try it! I am in Tiefeng County Waiting for you! Disband!"


As soon as the Baishan County garrison entered Antlers Town, Colonel Gisa started.

"Disappeared?" Gaisa stared at the scouts, scolding the scouts: "Fuck! What is disappearing?"

Captain Hudson replied with a livid face: " The rebel troops rolled up their flags and ran away."

"Where did they run to?" Gisa yelled, "Can a living person still get into a crack in the ground?"

"The key is that I don't know where to go!" Hudson also gnashing teeth: "It's like ... it's like running in all directions at the same time!"

Geisa immediately took the lead in the lead. Going to the last place where the Montagne Department appeared, as expected, it was empty.

Later that day, more than a dozen villages and towns sent people to report that they had seen "traces of the rebels" and that "the rebels were there."

Fortunately, Colonel Geisa has lost his hair, otherwise I don't know how much he would have lost.

The officers of Baishan County gathered in front of the map and planted a small flag in any village or town that had an enemy situation.

At the end, they found with mixed feelings that the small flags had been planted in almost every nearby village and town, covering every direction.

Colonel Geisa had a splitting headache, a moan from the depths of his chest, and his hands pressed hard against the skull.

"It's all fake, just release smoke." Captain Hudson judged calmly: "Use a small force to create an illusion to attract our attention and cover the evacuation of the large force."

Other Hundred-Men Commanders agreed.

"Where are his large forces?" Colonel Geisa asked, eyes closed, the huge scar on his cheek twitching uncontrollably.


"Look!" Another Hundred-Men Commander was extremely annoyed: "I can definitely find it! People eat horses, I don't believe he can hide it! "

Amid the clamor, Lieutenant Woods asked in a low voice, "What if, I mean, what if it's all true?"

Lieutenant Woods is short in stature , from the Artillery Division. Baishan County has no artillery establishment, so he is currently serving in the City Defense Department.

Because Woods is diligent and reliable, the colonel trusts the young lieutenant of engineers very much, and he will let Woods do all the projects.

But because Woods was born in the artillery department, he rarely spoke at military conferences.

"The enemy is heard from more than a dozen villages and towns at the same time." Captain Hudson had to hit the Junior Brother of the Artillery Section: "How could it be true? is it possible that Montagne can cut the army into pieces. A dozen petals?"

Woods lowered his head and stopped talking.

Colonel Geisa sneered suddenly.

"This kid, maybe he really did everything for me." He said with some emotion.

"Break the whole into pieces? He is not afraid that once the troops are dispersed, they will never be recovered?"

"If he dares to do this, he must have something to rely on." Gai Colonel Sa rubbed his palms and laughed: "Youngster, it's incredible!"

Captain Hudson and all the Hundred-Men Commanders in the tent felt hot.

The colonel's praise of the enemy is like a knife, and the Baishan County lieutenants hurt more than a whip.

Someone said unconvinced: "My subordinate still thinks that the rebels can't be broken into pieces."

"Why?" Colonel Geisa asked his subordinate calmly: "I Let each of you lead your own team to act separately, can you do it? Can you?"

"Yes!" The Hundred-Men Commanders answered in unison.

"Then why can't the rebels?" the colonel smiled.

"That's because . How can there be so many officers?"

"Yes, I'm weird too - I guess mad Richard was even weirder thirty years ago." Colonel Geisa rubbed his chin and asked back with a smile: "The rebels Where did so many officers come from?"


Assuming that the Montagne's division was broken into pieces, Colonel Geisa made a quick decision-separately pursued.

He dispatched a pursuit force with the Hundred Men Squad as a unit, going wherever there was an enemy situation.

"The rebels run separately, you chase." Colonel Geisa deliberately angered his Hundred-Men Commanders: "White Mountain County is our territory. If you can't catch up, you are not as good as others. , there's nothing to talk about."

"Just wait." Captain Hudson coldly snorted, raising his hand in salute.

The rest of the Hundred-Men Commanders also stared, panted, raised their hands in salute, and each led the Hundred Men Squad out.


It's easy to talk big, but when he actually leads the chase, Captain Hudson realizes what a difficult task he's facing.

The scale of the enemy he pursued was very small. Judging from the traces left, there were no more than thirty or forty people at most. He had absolute confidence in frontal engagement.

But the other side didn't fight at all, just ran.

And their off-road speed is astonishingly fast, and they are running like hell.

I was still in the eastern village a moment ago, and next moment there was an alarm in the village a few kilometers to the west.

Captain Hudson can't figure out what the enemy's speed is? Or it was another enemy.

What makes Hudson even more maddening is that his enemies are more familiar with the terrain in White Mountain County than he is as a genuine garrison captain.

The other side often burrows into a ravine somewhere he doesn't know about, then emerges from an unfathomable mystery, and gets around Captain Hudson's head,
so he doesn't get it either , is the opponent fleeing blindly without a purpose, or each step is planned...

The cow has been blown out, Hudson can only grit his teeth and chase after the enemy. .

Hudson might be able to hold on, but his soldiers couldn't.

Walking through forests and mountains for a day, the soldiers refused to move again.

"Sir, even if you kill me, I won't be able to walk." A soldier who was on the verge of breaking down mentally and physically said to Hudson with a crying voice: "I'm really dying, you just leave me here."

Hudson was equally exhausted. Glancing at his slumped subordinates, he sighed bitterly: "Okay, let's rest for a while."


In a nameless mountain ditch in the south of Baishan County, Bart · Xia Ling is also leading three Ten Men Squad marches.

Lieutenant Cellini's cavalry team has rushed to the Nanshan Town Military Horse Farm, and Xia Ling is going there to join the cavalry team.

The small army of more than 30 people walked in an extremely tormented way.

There is a warrior who can no longer carry it, and sits on the ground.

The entire small force also stopped.

Bart Shalling walked over quickly, trying to pull up his subordinates.

"Hundred-Men Commander, even if you kill me, I won't be able to walk."

"Don't be discouraged." Xia Ling answered panting heavily. He took out the water bag and handed it to the other party: "Drink a little less water."

The warrior sitting on the ground answered After passing through the water bladder, "gudonggudong" vigorously poured.

Xia Ling was also thirsty and his throat was burning, but he could endure it: "Don't drink too much, it will cause an accident." The last drop of water in the bag was squeezed out.

"How is it, can I still walk after drinking water?" asked Hundred-Men Commander, Bart Shalling's agent.

The warrior lowered his gaze and gently shook the head.

Bart Schalling desperately remembers what his Hundred-Men Commander would do in such a situation.

But Xia Ling is sad to find that he can't learn the way of his Hundred-Men Commander: his Hundred-Men Commander can face doesn't change and give speeches to hundreds of people, just a few words Can arouse everyone's fighting spirit.

But Bart Xialing admits that he doesn't have this ability. His calf will tremble when he speaks in front of more than a dozen people.

Bart Summerling is not Winters ·Montagne, Bart Shaling can only use the method of Bart Shaling.

"Brother, I'm stupid, I don't know what to say..."

Bart Xialing licked his dry lips, struggling to turn his thoughts into smooth words: "I'll tell you what's in my heart. I'm also tired, and I can't walk. But there are still 300 acres of land waiting for me at home, and I haven't gotten the money from Baishan County. If I stay here, I won't go back. ...that's such a fucking loss, it's almost a loss to my grandmother's house."

Hearing land and money, the eyes of the warriors glittered with hope.

"Did you say so?" Bart Xialing looked towards his subordinates, he was telling everyone: "I haven't received the land and money, if I die here, it doesn't mean that Don't you get paid for a year of work in vain? Let's go, and stick to it."

Speaking, Bart Xia Ling extended the hand to the warrior sitting on the ground.

The latter also held the hand of the agent Hundred-Men Commander.

Bart Shalling pulled hard, pulling the warrior up from the ground.

This small force of only thirty-seven people returned to the road. Everyone was still tired, but the pace was firmer than before.

"Hold on, and go forward a section of the road." Bart Shalling waved his arms, trying to boost his morale: "When we meet up with Lord Cellini's cavalry team, we will have horses. Ride."

"Hundred-Men Commander!" A warrior suddenly remembered something and asked loudly, "I can't ride a horse? What should I do?"

Being demolished, Bart Xia Ling was so angry: "Why the fuck are you talking so much nonsense? I'll tie you to the horse's back! How about dragging you away on the horse's tail!"

The warriors burst into laughter.

"Hundred-Men Commander!" Another warrior asked, "If I die here, will Lord Montagne give the land to my wife and child?"

Xia Ling Hundred -Men Commander would have liked to answer "Of course".

But after thinking about it, he decided to answer in a different way.

"Brother." Xia Ling said with a smile to the soldier who was obviously much older than him: "If you have a wife and child, then you have to go back alive. You think about it, if you die in Here, your wife remarried with your child, your child calls another man Dad, and that man sleeps with your wife and beats your child, and the land is still the land you bought in exchange for your life—isn’t your mother losing money?”

The laughter of the impudent broke out, and the whole ravine was filled with a cheerful atmosphere.


When Bart Shilling finally crossed the threshold, his Hundred-Men Commander was not idle.

Winters · Montagne is in a humble thatched hut, talking to a man who is tied up.

He gave the other party water in doubt: "Senior, how dare you come after me with 80 people? I'm not alone, I'm a cavalry team!"

The cavalry in Winters' hands has been redistributed:

Half to Andre, go to the horse farm; Create some chaos, grab the enemy's attention, and create room for other small groups to retreat.

Second Lieutenant Worthington, who was tightly bound, drank water and said in disbelief: "It was my bad luck that I bumped into you. Your subordinates are not as lucky as you are. The others will surely catch up to them!"

"Okay! That's right! You're right!" Winters asked helplessly, "Want more?"

" Yes!" Lieutenant Worthington was starving.

Winters took out the bread again, breaking it into small pieces and feeding it to Senior.

"Is there any meat?" Worthington chewed on the bread: "Give me more saliva, this bread is too dry!"

Worthington is also an infantryman Born in the Division, two grades higher than Winters. When they were in Luyuan, although the two were not close, they were considered familiar.

Caught by Junior Brother, Worthington completely released himself, eating and drinking as much as he wanted.

Winters took out the water bladder and fed Worthington with water: "Senior, eat and drink well, and we'll be on our way."

The bread crumbs in Worthington's mouth were mixed with water It spewed violently, and the foreign object choked the intake pipe, causing him to cough violently: "You... are you really going to kill me?"

"Aiya! Where do you want to go? No way!" Winters tried hard Give Worthington a slap on the back.

"Then what are you doing?" Worthington became bold: "If you want to kill or let go, be accurate!"

"Officers are precious war resources. Why would I kill you casually?" Winters said with a slight smile: "Just go back to Tiefeng County with me, and learn how to weave a basket."

Senior with the rags in his mouth Strapped to the horse's back, Winters whistled.

The resting cavalrymen got up one after another and jumped into the saddle without saying a word.

"The prisoners are staying here, we should go too." Winters laughed loudly: "I guess that Colonel Geisa should be heading for the Anya River, trying to block us at the river bank. What!"


Winters was right, Colonel Geisa was indeed heading to the Anya River.

Gaisa thought very clearly that no matter how the Montagne department was broken into pieces, they would eventually return to Iron Peak County.

To return to Tiefeng County, you must cross the Anya River.

However, the section of the river at the junction of Tiefeng County and Baishan County is more than 150 kilometers wide.

Half of Geisa's troops were chasing the enemy, and he had only a thousand men left, and he was unable to control such a wide river bank.

So Gaisa ordered the militia of the villages and towns along the river to inspect the Anya River closely, and he led his troops to an unexpected and reasonable place - Manyun Valley.

Accurately speaking, it is the opposite bank of Manyun Valley.

Because the second pontoon bridge was dismantled by Geisa after the troops of White Mountain County crossed the river, in order to prevent the Montagne troops from using the pontoon bridge to cross the river again.

While Geisa waited on the east bank of the Anya River, Winters had quietly crossed the river from the upper reaches and visited the Manyun Valley on the way.

After arriving in Manyun Valley, Winters still called the town elders to the square for a meeting.

First of all, Winters declares its rights to the townspeople of Manyungu.

Simply put, I want to tell you: Manyun Valley, in the future, it will still be up to Revodan.

Then, Winters compensated Manyunqiao according to the price—of course, using the money robbed from the public treasuries of various towns in Baishan County.

The townspeople in Manyun Valley don't really mind whether to be loyal to Gervodin or to Iris Castle.

The burning down of Manyun Bridge was a real pain for them. The townspeople of Manyun Valley were ecstatic when they learned that the Montagne resident officer would compensate Manyun Bridge on the spot.

The church bell tower rang twelve times in a row in celebration.

However, Winters also warned the Mayor of Manyungu: Although the money is paid to the townspeople, the bridge cannot be rebuilt; if it is rebuilt, he will send someone to burn it again; next time, there will be no compensation.

The mayor of Manyungu swore and swore that he would never use the money to repair the bridge.

"I know it's inconvenient for everyone, please bear with it and use the money to build some ferries first." Winters patted the mayor's shoulders: "When conditions permit, I will personally build a bridge for you, no charge Money."

The mayor of Manyun Ancient Town was flattered and nodded again and again.

To solve the problem in Manyungu, Winters ordered his subordinates to pack up, and he had to rush back to Revordan overnight.

Ciel ran over and reported with a strange expression: "Someone wants to see you."

"Tell me." Winters sighed: "Who is going to sue again? Who wants to petition?"


Winters became the nominal master of Manyun Valley, and the nominal obligation also fell on his shoulders.

The Gervodan Circuit Court was disappeared along with the old garrison, and Winters had to personally adjudicate three civil lawsuits for Manyun Valley.

The more famous gentlemen of the town also petitioned him jointly, requesting that the circuit court of Gervodin be resumed as soon as possible.

Although Winters was tired of the trivial affairs, he was relieved.

He won this battle.

He won the right to live for the new Tiefeng County government. As for other problems, they can be solved slowly.

For example...trivial lawsuits and petitions.


Xia Er grinned: "It's not the people from Manyun Valley who want to see you... It's from the other side of the river..."

Anya On the west bank of the river, Colonel Geisa finally met his opponent face to face.

Gaisa took only two people to the West Bank by boat.

The "rebel leader" also carried only two people.

Gaisa looked at each other carefully—the man in front of him was very young, and his body contained a strong life force;
Although wearing civilian clothes, it can be seen as a soldier at a glance;

A sabre hangs on the left side of the saddle;

A sword hangs on the right side Walking stick, the head of the stick is the posture of a horse.

"Are you Winters · Montagne?" Colonel Geisa asked with a slightly raised eyebrow and a smile.

"It's me." The young man in front of him smiled gently, and he asked back, "Are you Geisa Adonis?"

"Exactly." Geisa proud Straighten your back.

The young man in front of him laughed uncontrollably, and he could see that he was trying hard to endure, but he couldn't help it no matter what.

Gisa touched her bald head and said aggrievedly: "Don't look at me now, I used to be very handsome!"

"I'm sorry... I'm sorry." The young man apologized repeatedly.

The chilling air was diluted by laughter, and the atmosphere of the conversation was like two alumni meeting on the road and chatting casually.

"You want to see me?" the young man asked, "Is there anything?"

"It's nothing. I'm just curious, and I can't help but want to see me playing around The younger generation." Gaisa said with a smile: "Ai, the wave of the next generation pushes the wave of the front, it is really incredible."

The young man nodded lightly and did not answer.

"Actually, I'm still worried, what if you are a malevolent star and kill me directly?" Colonel Geisa smacked his lips and said, "But I've already lived enough, if I don't see you again, even if I can do it again. Thirty years of living is not reconciled."

"It's over for the time being, and enough blood has been shed." The young man said calmly: "No more blood is needed today."

"But have you thought about what to do next?"

"Think about it."

"What should I do?"

"I won't tell you."


Colonel Geisa laughed heartily: "Listen to what you mean, Gervoudin has already decided the winner?"

The young man slightlyly nominated.

Colonel Geisa sighed, and asked curiously: "Your cavalry is commanded by Andrea Cellini?"

The young man again slightlyly Nominate.

"Then who is in command of Gervodin's troops?"

The young man smiled and said nothing.

"Richard Mason, Gerald's Bud." Gisa chewed on the two names, shook his head and smiled bitterly: "the younger generations will surpass us in time  …the younger generations will surpass us us in time!"

The young man was still smiling.

"Okay, satisfied, I'm leaving. Allow me to ask a personal question." Colonel Geisa pointed to the young man's cane and asked, "What? Is there any injury to the leg?"


Winters was taken aback for the first time in this conversation.

He can walk normally without a cane now, but he still carries it with him. Because he was carrying this cane, it was like strong luck was still by his side.

"Thank you for your concern." Winters gently nodded: "There is a little injury."

"The horse is crushed?"


"Thank you for your concern.">

"I have suffered a similar injury." Colonel Geisa sighed: "Summer is better, but winter is difficult. If the old wound is sore and itchy, soaking the wound in hot water can relieve it a little. Some."

Winters didn't speak, he raised his hand slowly and saluted.

Gaisa raised his hand to return the salute, he smiled and said, "If there is no war one day, you come to Iris Castle, and I will take you to take a hot bath. It's comfortable."

Winters nod with a smile .

Gisa waved his hand dashingly: "Let's go!"

The boat was propped off the shore and slowly drifted towards the opposite bank.

Winters watched the enemy, whom they met for the first time, but looked like an old friend, until the silhouette on the boat was too small to see, and he rode away.

The river bank is quiet again, and the Anya River is still flowing quietly.


Two days later, Iris Castle.

"What? The Nanshan Township Horse Farm was robbed?" Geisa Adonis jumped up from the bath: "Where's my horse?"

Hudson The captain had already looked away, and he stared straight at the ceiling: "Even the stables have been kidnapped."

The scar on Gaisa's left cheek was about to turn purple. Zhiji: "Dare to grab my horse?! Montagne boy! Lao Tzu and you are at odds with each other!"

[This chapter also has a map, but it's still being drawn. It doesn't matter if you don't see it, the next chapter will be reissued]
[Two in one chapter, my love]
[Thanks to book lovers for their collection, reading, subscription, recommendation ticket, monthly ticket, reward and评论]

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