Iron Power And Sorcerer Chapter 196


Chapter 196 The White Lion
Imperial Calendar 540, Autumn.

[Note: Winters was 2 years old, 18 years ago]
Great wasteland, Black Sheep Pastures, an unnamed river valley.

Plateau's 1st Hussars are "recruiting".

Two sentries approached Lieutenant Colonel Arpad with a unkempt half-size boy.

Half the eldest boy had his arms twisted behind his back, still struggling and yelling, and the two adults could barely hold him down.

Alpad gave Lieutenant Hogwitz a look, irritated.

The lieutenant walked over and punched the half-sized boy just fiercely in the stomach.

The latter curled up like a shrimp in pain, and the ears of others were clean.

"What's the matter?" asked Lieutenant Colonel Alpad.

"This kid is sneaking outside." The sentinel replied: "When we meet, he calls [Alpad] to us, and we don't understand anything else he says, so I brought him to meet you.

"He calls Arpad, you bring him to see me." Lieutenant Colonel Arpad reprimanded: "He calls your father's name, and you have to take him to see you. Lao Tzu?"

The sentinel dared not speak.

"Call the interpreter!"

After a while, the interpreter ran over in a panic.

"Ask him." Arpad instructed impatiently: "Who is it from? What are you sneaking about? Where did you know about me? Ask!"

The interpreter leaned over to communicate with the half-eldest child,
Without saying a few words, the interpreter reluctantly reported: "Sir, this boy is just repeating a paragraph."


"He said that if you gave him his mother, younger sister and younger brother, he could exchange his life for you and be your 'Haher'."

"mother? younger sister? What are you talking about?" Arpad's unfathomable mystery: "And Haheer, what do you mean?"

The interpreter thought hard for a long time, but couldn't find a suitable adjective: " Probably a soldier, but more loyal than a soldier...a lot more loyal."

Alpad eyebrow raised: "Who is he from?"

"He wouldn't say ."

"If you don't say it, you will die. Tell him."

The interpreter leaned over and asked the half-eldest son, and replied, "Wenduoer—the one from the hills and mountains. Meaning, he said he was from Wenduoer."

"Wenduoer's department? Wenduoer's department has not been leveled?" Arpad remembered a little.

The interpreter listened to one sentence and translated the sentence: "He said that the Wenduoer Department was wiped out like ashes, his father died, his mother had a big belly, and he took him and his younger sister on the Oran River. After picking fruit to eat, he gave birth to his younger brother..."

"Stop! What a mess! I didn't ask him about his family tree!" The point is!"

The interpreter scratched his head, asked the young man a few more questions, and replied: "He said his family was robbed by the [Jalchiwu] ministry, his mother, his sister, his My younger brother was kidnapped by the Zalchiwu people. I heard that you are going to attack the Zalchiwu tribe, so I came to defect to you."

Alpad's face was a little strange: "Follow me? Wenduoer I led the troops to level, he doesn't know? He doesn't care?"

Translation: "He said, he only cares about his family."

Alpad laughed loudly, Looking at the half-eldest man, he said, "I want to take my life to save my family... I'm still a bit stubborn. Ask him, do you have a war horse?"

"Yes, he rides an old horse." The sentinel grabbed the He replied: "yellow, very old."

Arpad patted his hand: "It's fine if you have a horse, anyway, we need people, not more than one. Give him a knife and take him with him. "

Lieutenant Hogwitz replied yes.

"Release him!"

The sentinel released his hand, and the half-eldest was free.

He didn't run, just stood there taut, looking all around with a pair of brown eyes vigilantly.

Alpad walked over and asked, "Boy, how old are you?"

The interpreter acts as a microphone: "Seventeen."

"Seventeen? You can pick up your knife and go into battle." Before leaving, Arpad asked casually, "What's your name?"

"Yasin." The interpreter replied, "The White Lion."

Imperial Calendar 542, Spring.

[Note: One and a half years later]
In the dark night where the fingers could not be seen, a warhorse carrying two people ran desperately to the east.

The sound of hooves and shouts of chasing soldiers can be heard faintly, and a fire can be seen not far behind.

While one side underestimates the enemy and advances rashly, the other side is well prepared.

It's not surprising that this result came out in the end.

"I haven't lost yet! I haven't lost yet! I'm going to regroup!" Arpad lay on his horse, furious: "Let me go! Yasin! Let me go!"

"no!" the brown-eyed rider replied in blunt common language.

Alpad's left calf exhibits an unnatural twist, apparently broken, and hastily held in place by several sticks and twine.

His shirt was soaked with blood, and blood scabs stuck to his shoulders and the cuts on his back to his clothes.

Alpad himself was strapped to a horse, battered and exhausted.

He yelled hysterically, "I'd rather die! Than this humiliation!"

"No!" The brown-eyed rider beat the horse harder.

The warhorse was foaming at the mouth, steaming from his nose, and his belly was almost touching the tip of the grass.

"You Heard barbarian! You bastard! Bastard! Yes! I know! You are going to betray me! You are going to take me to your master to collect the reward! I will kill you! Ah!!!"

The answer to Arpad was silence.

I don't know how far it ran, but the warhorse stopped suddenly and fell to the ground with its hind legs bent.

The two people on horseback turned over from the horse's head like sacks full of grain.

The brown-eyed rider quickly got up, put Alpad on his back, and continued east.

Alpad, who had lost too much blood, was already confused, he muttered: "Give me a knife, I don't want to be a prisoner, and I have no face to live..."

In his acceptance At the moment of the fact that he lost the battle, he no longer denied reality, no longer angry, only shame and despair.

"You can't carry me, Yassin, run for your own life."

After saying this with his last strength, Arpad fell into a coma.

The brown-eyed Hurd stepped forward with difficulty, saying word by word: "I am your Hahor."


Imperial Calendar 548, summer.

[Note: ten years ago]
Kings Castle, Palatu Army Headquarters, a small Conference Hall sat a dozen people.

Brigadier General Arpad was among them.

"Here, the Soldiers." Arpad drew a circle on the map: "The Soldiers' territory is very close to the buffer zone. A year ago, they defeated the Wagans and started Rapid expansion. Now they belong to them from the Oran to the Kurgan."

Alpad concludes: "The Suladi is dangerous, and it is getting more dangerous."

General Yanosh took the file and flipped through it: "What do you mean?"

"Elder of the Sheepwei Department is dazed and not a big threat. The leader of the Suledi Department is just the opposite. He is very popular. Many small tribes even defected with their clans." Arpad explained his plan: "I suggest that, with the illusion of attacking the Yangwei Department, Legion will bypass the Oran River to attack the Sulede Department."

"One old wolf, one wolf cub." General Yanoche put down the file and said with a smile, "Then beat the cub first, then the old wolf."

Brigadier General Sackler took the file and said casually. Ask: "Seledie, what do you mean?"

"The river of red." Plato's army swept wasteland, but the white lion was spared.

Time back to the present: Imperial Calendar 559, February.

The Hurd "coalition" was not a joint operation, but each part set up camps several kilometers away from each other.

On the one hand, the horses need space to forage; on the other hand, the tribes are on guard against each other.

On the north side of the Chihebu camp, more than a dozen riders were galloping forward, with a trail of brown smoke rising behind them.

The guards on the sentry tower narrowed their eyes to identify them carefully, and suddenly shouted happily: "The white lion is back! There is also a little lion!"

Everyone in the Chihe tribe cheering excitedly.

The guards moved away from the deer village, and the riders dashed into the camp, stopping only when they ran to the side of the tent.

Everyone's horses were dripping with sweat on both sides, as if they had been washed with water.

The little lion watched as his brother jumped off the saddle vigorously and went straight to the tent.

He also hurriedly dismounted and followed closely behind the big brother.

The guards were all guarding outside the tent, and only two brothers entered the felt tent.

As soon as it was out of Clansman's sight, the white lion with a firm and powerful footstep suddenly stumbled and fell to the ground.

"Brother!" The little lion shouted in a low voice and rushed forward.

He helped his weak brother up and let the white lion lie down on the blanket.

"White Lion, what are you talking about with gray eyes?"

[Note: Tie Feng, once translated as "Tie Duo". The German pronunciation of "begging for iron teeth" means a lot of iron, and both ch and ya are plural]
Hearing that the white lion was returning to the camp, Tiefeng came to the tent as soon as possible.

He originally wanted to ask about the situation, but as soon as he entered the tent, he saw his nephew lying on the ground. Tie Feng quickly turned around and lowered the curtain.

The little lion hastily undid the big brother's armor and robes, allowing the white lion to breathe more smoothly.

Tie Feng turned around in a hurry, beat his thighs and complained to the little lion: "You two brothers! The great shaman left a message, he can heal the bleeding wound, but your big brother will also lie down on the couch. It's been ten days. What should I do now? What should I do?"

The little lion was silent, tears welling in his eyes.

The little lion heard the big brother say weakly: "I'm fine, help me up."

Tie Feng joined hands, one old and one young helped the white lion to the on the couch.

There are two shallow red marks on the left abdomen of the white lion, like birthmarks, and like newly grown tender meat that has just peeled off the scab.

The two "birthmarks" don't look unremarkable at all, because the white lion's body is full of scars that are a hundred times more terrifying than they are.

The daring Paratus disguised as a Hurd, pushed a cannon and walked within 100 meters of the white lion.

At the crucial moment, the owl blocked most of the cannonballs with his life, but there were still two lead shots that hit the white lion.

The white lion would have perished long ago if it wasn't for the help of the shamans.

The little lion felt something touch his shoulder - the big brother's hand.

He lifts the head and sees the big brother squeeze a smile.

"It's all right," said the white lion.

Little lion nodded, wipe away tears.

The white lion sat upright with difficulty and slowly tightened his belt.

“What did the gray eyes say?” Tie Feng asked anxiously, “What did the leaders of the tribes say?”

“The Palatine people want to make peace.”

Tie Feng startled: "What? The two-legged people want to make peace? The East Sea and the Suzi Ministry will not be deceived, right?"

The white lion shook the head.

A peace deal is a one-year truce, and the Hurds know it all too well.

Seeing that the white lion was having difficulty speaking, the little lion said, "My brother has brought the family members back."

Tie Feng slapped his thigh: "Okay! If I can come back, It means that the tribes still use us as a flag."

The wind swept through the tent, making a sound of wu wu.

The little lion also sat on the couch and said indignantly: "The greed of a healthy eater is greater than his appetite. When he heard that Gray Eyes and my brother did not choose a war leader, he seemed to smell it. The vultures! Isn't it us who deserves the most credit?"

"The tribes recommended the Health Eaters to be the leaders of the war?" Tie Feng stared, looking towards the white lion: "You didn't object? Become the leader of the war. , sitting on the throne of sweating with half ass!"

"The prey has not been caught, but they bite each other for whoever eats the meat first. There is no such stupid dog in the world." The white lion slowly Said: "The battle has not been won yet, but you quarreled about spills of war first, then it is better not to fight this battle. Win the Paratus first, and everything else will be settled."

Tiefeng sighed : "We lost too much, and so did the Teltown Department. Now our two groups are only qualified to share the spills of war. We are afraid that the fire roaster will not be with us."

"Although the fire roaster is irritable, But not stupid."

"What did the health eater say?"

"He wants to fight."

Note: Hart's social structure is still there In the clan tribal stage, the standard of living is also very difficult, and there is no time to play word games.

So the Hurd people speak more straightforwardly and rarely go around. But will use a lot of metaphors, and often use common things in life to make comparisons.

And the Hurds tend to be more fist sized than words. If the white lion made a low-key request, he would be despised instead.

This setting refers to the "Secret History of Mongolia", for example, when Temujin discussed the heir, the sons spit at each other:

[Genghis Khan: I haven't encountered death yet, but I forgot It's a matter of old age. Among the sons, Zhuochi, you are the elder son, what do you say? Say it. "

Before Zhuochi could speak, Cha Aye first said, "Father Khan asked Zhuochi to speak, is it possible to pass the throne to him?" How can we let this scumbag govern? "

When Cha Ai was saying this, Zhuochi got up and grabbed Cha Ai's collar and said, "I have never heard anything from my father that looked down on me, how could you treat me differently?" as an outsider? What are you better than me, you're just short-tempered. I play long shots against you, and if I lose to you, I'll cut off my thumb and throw it away! I wrestle with you, if I lose to you, I will fall to the ground and never get up! I would like to hear the holy judgement of Father Khan. ”]

First of all, Chagatai pointed out that his big brother might not be his father’s kind; secondly, the two of them directly pulled each other’s shirts; thirdly, they clearly competed for the khan position, and the wrestling and archery competitions were also very interesting. ;

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