Iron Power And Sorcerer Chapter 195


Chapter 195 Contact
Walking, camping, resting, walking... day after day.

The exhaustion and dullness of the march can be seen through Winters' records:
On the first day, along the south bank of the Confluence River, the crows pecked the floating corpse, and nothing happened.

On the second day, it continued to the east, the weather turned cold, and nothing happened.

On the third day, I walked [Alpad] to cross the river in Zuohechang, the water did not have a horse's knees; set up a base on the north bank of Zuohechang, and nothing happened.

On the fourth day, the march continued without incident.

On the fifth day, the march, nothing happened.

On the sixth day, nothing happened.

The seventh day, eighth day, ninth day, no record was written.

On the tenth night, Bud, Andre, and Mason slipped into Winters' tent.

Using the dim light, several people started stitching the small map into a large, incomplete map.

Want to see Legion's small competition example map, their level is not enough.

Fortunately, their immediate boss is John Jesska, Lieutenant Colonel Jesska used to give his subordinates grand competition tactical maps to illustrate and explain the terrain.

A map is a route.

After looking at it for a long time, Andre came to the conclusion: "We are going northeast."

"Nonsense, the key is why go northeast?" Mason supported his chin, thumbs Unconsciously rubbing the stubble.

"Netherworld River, it's all because of Netherworld River." Winters yawned so sleepily, he pointed to the empty space outside the map and said, "The pontoon is gone, so we can only go upstream and look for the narrow water. place to cross the river."

Andre yawned too. He rose to flex his stiff muscles and asked impatiently, "How far will we go to get back to Palatu?"

Winters raised his hand slightly.

"xiu ."

"xiu ."

Two small cracks.

The small circle representing [Bian Li] on the map has an extra steel nail, and another steel nail flew into the ground outside the blueprint.

If you're an unfamiliar officer, you might see this scene as Winters showing off his skills.

But several people in the camp knew that Winters was playing hard.

The more tired he is, the more often he uses magic outside of combat.

The phantom pain woke the drowsy Winters slightly. He propped his forehead and whispered, "Netherworld River Camp to Bianli, I remember when we came we walked for eighteen days."


Bud thought for a while and replied: "Yes, it is eighteen days."

"Eighteen days, considering the marching speed of the baggage team, I would rather count more than a few, even if it is 200. Kilometers."


Winters found a pen and paper and wrote, "Across the Netherworld River is no man's land, another 100 kilometers. Add it up, The full count is 300 kilometers."

"It's just 300 kilometers, there's no need to be so precise." Mason also picked up the rope ruler and began to measure with the help of Bud.

Mason and Bud are in charge of the measurements, Winters is in charge of the calculations, and Andre is in charge of watching the show.

Several people finally came to the conclusion that they are still about 210 kilometers away from Matoupo Town and about 98 kilometers away from Netherworld River.

"It's not too far." Andrei estimated optimistically: "Twenty days?"

The eyes of the other three were all set to be off the map, but there The river - Netherworld River.

210 kilometers, it will take no more than four days to travel by force, and it can be even faster if there is a spare horse.

But marching is not a race. The problem is not the distance, but the terrain.

Rivers, hills, and swamps are just a little trouble when they come, but a hindrance when they go away.

Other roadblocks are easy to deal with, Curvallea - Netherworld River is the key.

Jesska battallion came on the supply line, which is the closest route in theory.

Because the planning of the supply line by the Paratus people is simple and rude: the line between two points is the shortest, and draw a straight line on the map to Bianli and Matoupo town with a charcoal pen, which is the supply line in principle. Routes are all corrections to this straight line.

The intersection of the supply line and the Netherworld River is where the pontoon once existed.

Although that intersection was not the best location, with upfront reconnaissance and planning, well-trained sappers, and a large number of prefabricated components, the Palatine Army was able to build bridges where they weren't suitable.

But if it was possible at that time, it does not mean that it could be possible at this time. The retreating Palatine army did not have as much time as when it came.

Several Hundred-Men Commanders guessed exactly the same: the original pontoon bridge was destroyed, and with existing resources, the Palatine sappers were unable to build a pontoon bridge of the same size.

So Plato's army had to go upstream, to a shallower, narrower crossing.

That's a detour.

"I don't know." Winters shook his head. "Where's the bridge? We don't know. Are there pursuers? We don't know either."

"Fuck!" Ender Lie complained loudly: "Hidden and tucked, don't tell us anything, we have to guess!"

Winters also couldn't hold back his anger: "It should be reported more or less. Don't say anything. , people were alarmed."

Andre was complaining about the Palatine army, but the Veneta army was similar.

In order to prevent leaks and panic, fighting intent and intelligence are strictly blocked. Never tell lower Level 1 officers until the last minute.

Most of the time, soldiers go into battle without knowing the whole sequence of events.

The military map is a secret within a secret.

Thirty years back, drawing maps and charts was theoretically the prerogative of the clergy, because "mortals have no right to describe the world created by God".

Palatu Army regulations stipulate that Hundred-Men Commander level officers may not use or view military maps for small competition examples, but may view and use grand competition examples tactical maps.

In practice, however, the Hundred-Men Commander simply doesn't see any map - and the Hundred-Men Commander doesn't need to perform strategic maneuvers anyway.

The reason why Winters had maps in their hands was because they were drawn by Lieutenant Colonel Jesska.

While drawing maps for subordinates, Jesska was the only one in the Palatine army.

"Confidentiality should be kept." Bud said a fair word, and he started to clean up the map: "After the meeting is over, go back to rest."

The oil lamp was extinguished.

In the darkness, Andre's indignant voice could still be heard: "Walk, walk, walk, every day in addition to walking or walking, I don't know where to take us, why don't you have some Heard? People give us entertainment."

His wish came true.

On the 11th day, Jesska battallion encountered Hurd's light cavalry.

Few people saw the silhouette of the Hurd cavalry, but the overwhelming majority heard clear gunshots.

As soon as the horn gun rang from the sentry behind him, several Dussacs at the back of the team immediately jumped onto the saddle and ran towards the source of the gunshot.

As the closest officer, Winters rushed to the end of the line first, and he could only see the backs of a few Dussacs getting further and further away.

"Who was it?" Winters asked sternly.

"Mr. Mitchell." A wolf town militiaman replied: "And Vasya, the Dussacks in their tent have gone."

Andre brought Two dozen Dussacs also arrived quickly.

"What's the matter?" Andrei asked.

"The horn went off, nothing else," Winters replied.

During the conversation, Pierre and the others had crossed the hillside, out of sight of everyone.

"Don't be stupid!" Andre threw his whip around and ordered loudly: "Go and see! Follow me!"

Before he finished speaking, Ender Lie took the lead and rushed to the hillside. Other Dussacs, without the slightest hesitation, urge the steed to follow closely from behind.

Lieutenant Colonel Jesska was the third officer to arrive at the scene.

Lieutenant Colonel's one-eyed glance at the four fields, except for the desolation, there is only desolation. He asked Winters in a deep voice: "Hurd?"

"I don't know." Winters shook the head: "Lieutenant Cellini just brought someone over."

"At most A few sentries, let your people continue to walk without stopping."

The roaring hoofs galloped from far to near, the platoon of cavalry assigned to the vanguard galloped.

The hussars swept past the Jesska battallion fast as lightning, heading straight for the hillside behind.

"Kill all the Heard barbarians!" Some militiamen shouted at the hussars.

It stands to reason that his voice should be completely drowned out by the sound of hooves.

But the cry entered the ears of the hussars.

A hussar removes his handsome cap, and the militiamen moved towards the Jesska battallion wave as if to say "Look at us".

The militia queue burst into cheers.

Lieutenant Colonel Jesska sighed softly: "You're life and're life and death."

"What did you say?" Winters couldn't catch it.

"It's nothing." Lieutenant Colonel Jesska glanced at Winters and instructed: "Let your people keep going, don't prepare for defense, the Hurds didn't follow so quickly."

Winters nods, and uses loudspeaker to give the order to the team: "Go on! Don't stay"

After the hussars in gorgeous military uniforms also disappeared on the hillside, the vanguard did not have time to wait for them , continue to move forward firmly.

About an hour later, a silhouette of a cavalryman appeared again behind Jesska battallion - a Platoon cavalry.

"Five." Pierre reported to Winters with three horses: "All done."

"Good job. You captured these two horses. , keep it for yourself."

Pierre saluted and turned to leave.

Five Hurd light cavalry collided with Jesska battallion and were all killed.

On the side of Prato, only the sentry who fired the gun and the six Dussacs who arrived first actually participated in the battle, and the others were chasing behind and eating ashes.

The hussars chased a section of the road and quickly retreated.

Andre chased after him, but in the end he didn't get anything, only to be angry.

After he came back, he had a lot of trouble with Winters: "The Heards are like rabbits. Five people run separately. That boy Pierre chased two alone. I was afraid that he would suffer, so he followed all the way behind. In the end, what about that kid? I don't know how to give me one!"

"The Hurd's sentry has already touched us, and the large army will not be far away from us." Winters stroked gently. Lucky Mane, he could hear it now: "You're dead and alive... being pushed to this position, only you are dead and alive..."

"Eh? What? Did you hear what I said...I'm here Say Mitchell!"


The vanguard was twenty kilometers southwest, on a hillside.

Regardless of cavalry, infantry and sappers, all the colonels of the Palatine army were present, and the two generals were surrounded by colonists.

"Wow! Terton, Haidong, and Suzi are here! The rest are all odds and ends, not worth mentioning! Just had a good time!" General Arpad laughed heartily, he He reached into his breastplate to touch the jug, but found nothing.

Alpad shook his hand uncomfortably, and said high-spirited and vigorously: "We have to fight another battle, or we won't be able to walk away. We need to strike a ruthless one. The front teeth are knocked out, and let them figure out who is the hunter and who is the prey."

"General Arpad and I have discussed it." Sackler spoke smoothly and clearly: "The current The situation is very similar to when we were outside the city of Bianli. If we don’t repel the pursuers, even if we want to retreat, we can’t get away. Only the vanguards of Heard’s troops are biting behind us, and this battle can be fought.”

Seckler pointed to the river valley and woodland in front of him: "It's fine here, let's fight the Heards here."


Plateau Thirty kilometers to the west of the location of the main force, several men were arguing in the tent of the Central Army in the east of the sea.

The tent of the Chinese army in the east of the sea is very simple, even simpler than the tent of the Praetorian officers.

If a Platonic walks in here, he'll be utterly disappointed.

Because the golden wine glasses, silver chopping boards, and vulgar beauties, which are common in the imagination of the majority of the people of Palato... There are none of these extravagant and corrupt things.

There are not even tables or stools in the felt tent.

The floor was covered with woolen blankets, and twenty or so men sat on the floor, standing in a circle, regardless of whether they were high or low.

[Note: The following conversations are all in Hedd]
Suddenly, the felt tent curtain was pulled open, and a beam of light shot into the tent, stabbed people to the point of being unable to open their eyes.

Two men of similar appearance entered the felt tent.

The man who came first was tall and steady.

His bones were as strong as hammered with lead, and he had thick-jointed hands and calm brown eyes.

The man who comes in later contains an enviable and exuberant life force, which is called the magic of youth: no matter what kind of injury you get, you can get better after a good night's sleep; no matter what you encounter Frustration, you can get up after wiping away your tears.

Other men in the tent had this magic too: not afraid of falling, not afraid of bloodshed, crying hard, laughing hard...but that's all in the past.

Now, their every move is cautiously, because every wound takes a lot of time to heal.

Every time they opened their eyes, they could feel less life force in their body than the last time they opened their eyes.

Time brings wealth and power, they console themselves.

But they know it in their hearts: Shit! I would like to take a switch and be young again.

So they look at the young man jealously - although they don't want to admit it.

The young man also had brown eyes that looked like awls and gleamed under his short, straight eyebrows.

The two men walked into the tent, and it suddenly became quiet inside.

The red-faced men pursed their lips tightly, waiting for the host here to break the silence.

"Majestic white lion, you are finally here." An old man with gray beard and grey eyes stood up and hugged the white lion enthusiastically: "I and the leaders of all the tribes are waiting for you."


The "grey eyes of wisdom" white lion also hugged the old man warmly and gave the old man a golden eagle statue: "I give you this eagle spirit, may your eyes always be as sharp as an eagle."

The old man accepted it with a smile.

Afterwards, the white lion hugged and gave gifts to each leader in turn.

Giving gifts is an important custom of the Hurd people. Gifts are not important, but of course the more expensive the better.

The more precious the gift, the higher the status of the giver and the more important the recipient.

After the whole process is over, the white lion also sits in the circle. The young man who followed him - his younger brother, the little lion, sat next to him.

Sitting in this circle means you can say anything.

As soon as Bai Shifu opened his mouth, it was like setting fire to a whole gunpowder library: "The women and cubs of the Chihe tribe that the tribes kidnapped, I want the tribes to return."

Other people's reactions are either flat, resentful, or interested, and they all want to speak.

"Don't talk yet, I haven't finished speaking yet." The white lion continued: "Women with children must be handed over by all the tribes; as well as women with husbands and brothers, all the tribes must also be handed over. Hand them over; the remaining women can be taken away by the tribes."

[Note: the brother here refers to the husband's brother]
A broad-armed and round-waisted leader spoke up: " White Lion, I ask you. When a piece of gold falls to the ground, who should it belong to? "

"Health eaters, I answer you, whoever stole it belongs to whoever stole it." "

"A group of women ran into wasteland, and whoever stole it went to whoever." The tribes attacked and killed each other. Today you take a sheep from me, tomorrow I take a cow from you. Whoever takes it will belong to the other. Only to grab it back, not to return it. "

"As it is. "The white lion sat upright: "I have already started to grab it." "

As soon as these words came out, the expressions of nearly half of the leaders changed.

"Have you already started to grab it?" "The health eater was instantly furious.

"That's right. "

The other leaders watched the two face off in silence.

"You want to fight?" "

"Call me if you don't give it to me." "

"The two-legged man is to the east!" "

"So what? The tribes attacked and killed each other, and whoever took it away returned to whoever. "

"The two-legged man is to the east, but you rob me?" "

"The two-legged man is just to the east, you didn't rob me?" "

The gray eyes laughed heartily, soothed the two of them and said: "Majestic white lion!" The eloquent white lion! It's just a few women, health eaters, you should return them. Where is the fire roaster? "

"The fire roasters are robbing people." "

"Did you hear that?" Return the woman from the Chihe Department. The tribes gathered here, not to fight each other. ”

Telltown Department and Haidong Department voted in favor, and the nervous little lion relaxed a little.

“All the departments handed back the women and children of Chihe Department, I will take Give me a portion of spills of war as a gift. "

"Okay." "The health eaters are also nodded.

The Suzi Ministry also voted in favor,
Everyone clapped and swore that this matter was settled.

In the account of the Hurd people. The purpose of discussing matters is to resolve the sharpest contradictions.

So what are the leaders of the ministries saying? The tent, fight or kill as you like.

The tent was quiet for a while. Chief, please listen to me. The body should have a mind, and the clothes should have a collar. "

This is a serious event, a major event. It is much more important than a few women. All the heads of the ministries pricked up their ears.

"This is not a big council, you and I do too." It's not about recommending Khan, but a war leader to lead you and me to win the two-legged man. The divisions are like the arrows, scattered one by one, and each arrow is easily broken. If you and I can work with a common purpose, it will not be easy for anyone to deal with you and me. "

A single person is easy to break, but a group of people is hard to break. The story of broken arrows has been heard by everyone in Hurd, but easier said than done.

"You and I must The war leader must be elected, and after the election, the power of life and death must be handed over to him. Only in this way can you and I win the battle. Otherwise, it will be like before, the grass will turn green again and again, and the two-legged people will bully you and me again and again. The borders of the tribes have retreated to the Netherworld River, is there any place for you and me to retreat? "

Will the power of life and death be handed over? The leaders of the tribes hesitated.

Only the white lion looked calm.

In the end, the gray eyes were heavy Said: "I'm too old, I can't carry a knife, I don't choose. You choose someone else, and I carry a bow and ride a horse, and I follow him into battle. Don't worry, you and I are not recommending Khan, just until the battle is won. "

The leaders of the various clans looked towards the White Lion.

The White Lion said happily: "There are many casualties among my clans, so I don't choose either." "

"What else is there to say?" "The health eater said, "I don't choose the white lion, I don't choose the gray eyes..."

A series of hurried shouts interrupted the health eater: "Khan! Two-legged men have sent messengers! "

The gray eyes looked very different, and he stood up with one hand and walked outside the tent.

The other leaders also followed.

"What are they going to do? "

"They want to make peace." "

I owe a chapter, I'm sorry. It is expected to be repaid in the form of a large chapter. The ills of the company dog, my efficiency is good in the weekdays, but the efficiency plummets on the weekends.

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