Iron Power And Sorcerer Chapter 174


Chapter 174 Backup Plan
"Bring a pontoon as well."

After that, Wood The hussar officers in the platoon waved the torch three times in a row to the opposite bank, and people on the other side of the river also responded with fire.

It turned out that another group of people was marching on the opposite bank, facing everyone across the river.

There are people on both sides of the strait that can pull cables to fix the pontoon.

Sackler arrived, looking very annoyed. The general complexion ashen, pressing his anger, asked: "The lieutenant in the platoon, report the name and affiliation."

"Andrea Cellini." The tall hussar officer said nonchalantly: " Belonging to Jesska battallion."

"John Jesska? Where's the others?!"

"They went on land and set off before me." Andrei suddenly Startled: "What? They didn't come?"


In an unknown ravine on the north bank of the Confluence River.

A furious Jesska is flies into a rage at Lieutenant Mason.

"What the hell are you doing to eat? Lu Yuanxue's all that stuff went out?" You can take the road crooked!"

Mason was sprayed with spittle on his face, and it took a while to say aggrievedly: "I have no map...the dark light is blind...and...the inferior position. It's actually the Artillery Division..."

Lieutenant Colonel Jesska broke out completely, no matter what he wanted to maintain his subordinate's majesty in front of the soldiers, he picked up the whip and slapped his face: "Fuck you for being stubborn. !"

Mason didn't dare to hide or scream in pain, so he took two whips.

Just less than a meter behind Lieutenant Mason sat a heavy armored soldier with a long halberd in his arms.

Behind the halberdist was another musketeer, and beyond that were muskets, armored spears, and halberds with no end in sight, all in darkness.

Hundreds of militiamen hid in this long, twisting ravine, waiting in silence for orders.

Walking up the slope to the top, Winters was lying in the grass, squinting for recognizable surface markers.

Charle stood beside the second lieutenant, pressing his voice, and said bitterly: "This lieutenant Mason... Where did he bring us?"

"That pig herd is really Killed us." The little hunter was also full of complaints.

"Shut up." Winters scolded in a low voice: "Let me hear this again, even if you two will eat whips."

About 500 meters ahead, there is a leeward On the hillside, faint campfires could be seen.

But if you look closely, you will find the reflection of the weapon under the firelight, and the blurred silhouette of the movement.

The wind brought the neighing of the horses, and if Winters guessed right, there were countless Heard cavalry resting on the hillside—indiscernible, to be precise.

"Dare to move?" Winters hesitated before answering, "I dare not move."


As the closest detachment, Lieutenant Colonel Jesska was the first to receive help.

Palatu's military law was strict. He knew that the friendly army was in danger, but he flinched.

Jesska battallion shoulders the responsibility of defending the North Bridge and is not one of the "cringe", can not go and should not go to the rescue.

But when Jesska learned that it was General Sackler who was ambushed, he even wanted to send troops.

The one-eyed lieutenant colonel insisted on going his own way.

In desperation, Winters came up with a solution for the lieutenant colonel - a pontoon bridge.

South of the Confluence River is the area under the control of the Palatine Army. As long as they can withdraw to the south bank, the crisis in the Sackler department will be relieved naturally.

The material of the pontoon is made of wooden rafts, which are fixed by pulling cables between the north and south banks.

Although there is no floating tank, the Sackler department also has no heavy weapons, so it should be usable.

"Wooden rafts?" Lieutenant Colonel Jesska frowned: "Where did you get the rafts? Are there any bundles in time?"

"There are ready-made timbers." Winters His expression is still and his tone is sincere. Only those who are familiar can find a trace of embarrassment in his eyes: "It's really impossible to dismantle the carriage." Not only ready-made wood, but also ready-made wooden rafts.

When the Veneta got together a few days ago, Andre advised everyone to "get ready."

What preparation? Preparation for escape.

Winters learned only four things in military school, and "must have a backup plan" is one of them.

The wooden raft is the second option of the backup plan, the backup plan is to go by water, and the first option is the boat.

Because, according to Budd, all the rivers in this wasteland will eventually flow into the inland sea.

Theoretically speaking, the Veneta can go home happily by getting on a boat and swinging the oars.

So the Veneta people are trying to get boats and practicing swimming.

However, on the vast wasteland, it is better to simply build a ship than to find a ready-made ship.

The wooden rafts are simple, and they will be built soon, and they will be brought along with the army [Note: Jesska battallion has many carts].

It just didn't come in handy so quickly.

"Go get ready." Jesska immediately agreed to the pontoon plan: "The sooner the better."

Maybe the Veneta people's plan has been noticed by the lieutenant colonel? Winters had no idea. But at least the lieutenant colonel didn't say anything and didn't expose him.

The plan was finalized, and Andre was responsible for bringing people to discharge, and another reliable squad went to the South Bank to support him.

And... Bud was in charge of staying at the Qiaotou camp, and the lieutenant colonel himself led the attack.

Lieutenant Colonel Jesska still has to lead troops to support him. According to him, this is a "backup plan".

One Hundred Men Squad stayed behind, one Hundred Men Squad was discharged, and the remaining six Hundred Men Squads were taken away by Jesska.

The troops marched east along the river bank, Winters at the head, Lieutenant Mason at the end, and Lieutenant Colonel Jesska in escort.

However, General Sackler didn't see it, but bumped into the Hurd first.

Fortunately, it is not the main force of the enemy, but sporadic light riders harboring malicious intentions to spy on Jesska battallion.

Dussack rushed over, and Hurd's light cavalry slapped the horse and ran; Dussac retreated, and Hurd's light cavalry appeared again. Just not at war with the platoons, as annoying as flies.

Not long after the encounter with Hurd's light cavalry, Lieutenant Colonel Jesska stopped the march, and both Winters and Mason were called to a meeting by Lieutenant Colonel.

Winters had just met the lieutenant colonel, and the first thing he said was: "The Hurds didn't defeat Sackler. The back team became the front team, and we retreated."

"Withdraw?" Winters unfathomable mystery.

"Withdraw." Lieutenant Colonel Jesska was very determined.

"Why?" Mason couldn't help but ask.

Winters was also a little annoyed: before he insisted on sending troops, and now he suddenly said he would withdraw, is it possible that he was playing with everyone?

Jesska's anxiety dissipated when he first heard that Sackler was under attack: "The Hurds are all mobs, and the first round attack is the most ruthless and fierce, or a surprise attack. If the Hurds attack in the first round They failed to overwhelm the Sackler Division, and the follow-up attack is even more impossible. Since the Sackler Division has stabilized their position, they don't need our support, and there are pontoons enough for them to retreat."

"Wait. " Winters hurriedly stopped: "How do you know that General Sackler's troops are not defeated?"

"If Sackler's army is defeated, will the wild cavalry play with us like this? The point of the Hurds is obvious. It's not to prevent us from attacking, they are defending the Sackler unit! The savage cavalry is intercepting the messengers and isolating the Sackler unit's communication. On the contrary, it means that the Sackler unit is holding on. Quickly withdraw, if you go further, you will be attacked. We're here to help!"

Jesska never engages in military democratization, and has always stood by one's word, except for being beaten up once.

The lieutenant colonel ordered the retreat, and the team immediately changed from the back to the front, with Mason at the head and Winters at the end.

Lieutenant Mason would not have gone wrong in any way if it was just going back the same way along the river bank.

Although Comrade Mason has poured all his blood into the pig raising business over the years, he still has some old foundations.

Unfortunately, however, on the way back, another group of Heard barbarians was encountered, and a small-scale encounter broke out between the two sides.

Lieutenant Colonel Jesska was worried that he would be caught by the enemy from behind and attacked, so he ordered to break away from the enemy while it was getting dark, and detoured north to return to Qiaotouzhai.

The lieutenant colonel was using Mason as Winters, but he forgot that Lieutenant Montagne was breaking up.

By the time Winters, who had finished the sniper battle, caught up with the main force, Mason had already brought the battallion into the ditch...


At this moment, lie down Winters was in a mixed mood in the hay.

Mason Senior's luck was extremely bad and, in a sense, extremely good.

For example, although Mason lost his way, he easily got rid of the pursuers.

Leading the battallion to touch the vicinity of the Hurd camp by mistake, but was not discovered by the Hurd. Is this good luck or bad luck?

Winters found that the Hurds below the hillside were completely unaware, hiding hundreds of enemies in the ravine a mile away.

Maybe it's a fighter jet.

But, can you do it?
Winters thought it over and over again, but still didn't think it would work.

This is not a camp, but a field battle. Although I can't tell how many Hurds there are, there are definitely more than Jesska battallion.

It looks like a fighter plane, but it is likely to be smashed to pieces.

A rustling sound came from behind him, and Winters was startled, his right hand was already holding on to the handle of the knife.

"It's me." Lieutenant Mason's voice.

Winters relaxed, stuffed the steel nails back into the armguard: "What's wrong with your face?"

"Forget it." Mason covered his eyes and asked in a low voice, "How is it? "

"Not much." Winters was thirsty, his voice hoarse. He said angrily, "Look for a chance to evacuate before we find us. If we don't evacuate, we will starve to death."

"Goo, ooh" came from Winters' abdominal cavity. Exceptionally clear in the silent night.

Mason looked towards Winters and apparently heard that too.

Jesska battallion was dispatched in combat mode, carrying nothing but weapons and ammunition. Food and drink are only a little of what soldiers carry with them.

Continuous marches, plus a skirmish, everyone's hungry chests against their backs.

"Brother [Winters], I have something to eat." Ciel took out the dry food and water bag from his arms: "There is still water."

Ciel is not yet fully Changed his mouth, when there was no one else around, he would occasionally call his brother directly as he did when he was a child.

The dry food and water bags still had people's body temperature, and the food and drink that everyone brought with them had long been gone - Winters knew all too well that Ciel had left these things because he hadn't eaten or drank all the way.

Winters licked his parched lips and took a sip from the water bag. After moistening his throat a little, he handed back the dry food and water bag to Charles: "I'm too hungry, and it's hard to eat."

"You don't eat? That's a good feeling." Mason Senior Happy, reaching for the water bag: "Give me some."

Winters angrily pressed the food and drink under him: "I changed my mind!"

"Don't be so stingy. Well."

"You still have the face to say it?"

"I didn't mean to...I can't see the stars at night, how can I tell the direction?" Mason was extremely wronged .

[Note: It's cloudy today, westerly winds - the part about the formation of the Sackler Division in the Great Front Chapter mentions the weather]
Winters reluctantly sighed and shoved food and drink to Senior, he was quite distressed Said: "Don't eat and drink all."

"Mmmmmmm." Mason grabbed the water bag and took a big gulp.

Winters involuntarily swallowed a mouthful of saliva, and he refocused his attention on the retreat: "This slope is not high enough, we have to find a higher place. As long as we can see Bian Li, we can Orientation."

"Hmmmmmm." Mason broke off another piece of dry bread.

The North Star is obscured by clouds, making it impossible to see the direction. It was dark at night, and it was unrealistic to rely on landmarks such as big trees and stones to determine the location.

You can only rely on more obvious landmarks, and the city of Bianli on the high ground is the best indicator. If you see Bian Li, you can determine the south.

Patted others around, Winters motioned to retreat: "Go, just leave one person here."

"creak, creak" came from beside him.

The muffled voices can blend into wasteland's background, but the two "creaks" can't hide it anyway.

In an instant, the chills on Winters' back stood up.

The Mason Senior, who made the noise, was also stiff, with half of the dry noodles in his mouth, not daring to chew any more.

It's okay as long as no one finds out, Winters desperately tries to console himself.

"[Herd] who's there!"

It was definitely the last voice Winters ever wanted to hear.

Someone was walking this way, and the rough male voice asked again in an unfamiliar language, "Which [Hedde]?"

Winters took out the nail and patted the shoulder of the person next to him.

A silhouette emerged from the grass: "[Herd] I."

The Heder sentry who patrolled here pulled out his machete and saw that the other party was wearing a Zhajia put the knife back into the scabbard: "[Hede] what are you doing?"

"[Hede] put water."

"[Hede] where are you? People from the Ministry?" Sentinel Hurd was a little suspicious: "[Herd] urinating and running so far for what?"

The other party's voice was very young, but the words were very ugly: "[Herd] ] I want you to take care of it? You idiot, think you have it!"

Sentinel Hurd was furious and walked towards the other party: "[Hede] You don't have a father to teach you! I must teach you a good lesson today! ”

Next moment, Sentinel Heard only saw cold light flashed, and consciousness was annihilated.

The first steel nail hit the Sentinel's forehead, the second and third hit the head as well, and the Sentinel couldn't die any longer.

Three unreserved flying arrows in a row, Winters' phantom pain was like being forcibly squeezed into a small box.

He was paralyzed all over for a while, and he couldn't even speak.

But he didn't need to speak, Ciel and Bell had already rushed to the sentinel's body, supported the body before it fell, and gently placed it on the ground.

The Hunter is wearing a full set of Hedza armor, which is Winters' backup plan.

"Go quickly." The phantom pain comes and goes fast, and Winters, who regained his mobility, immediately led people back into the ravine.

The sound of the steel nails piercing the skull is equally harsh, and the unevenness will be noticed by more Heards.

The four fell on the backslope and listened with bated breath, waiting for the other sentries to come.

Nothing happened, it seems that no one noticed.

Several people were involuntarily relaxed, Winters patted the little hunter's shoulder, and he didn't know what to say.

He doesn't know what the little hunter thinks of the other Hurds, enemies? clansman? He can only let the little hunter solve it by himself.

Suddenly, the Heard camp in the distance was awakened.

First there were a few shouts, then human voices, horse neighs, and weapons colliding together.

"Found!" Charles gave Lieutenant Mason an angry look.

Winters immediately ordered: "Go to the lieutenant colonel!"

The little hunter got up and went to send the letter.

The sound of hooves began to sound, and more and more hooves sounded, and the Heard cavalry was preparing.

"Wait?" Mason listened, frowned: "It's not going to be such a big battle, is it?"

Winters scrambled to the top of the hill, and in the distance, Camp Heard brightly lit, bonfire after bonfire.

Hard cavalry all hold torches like a Fire River. It's just that Fire River didn't pounce on Winters, but was flying further afield, not knowing who to fight.

"The Hurds are moving!" Winters laughed, and fiercely punched Mason: "You're a piece of shit!"

Now, Winters has an emptiness camp, and five hundred militiamen.

[There are maps in this chapter and the previous chapter. The last chapter was posted late, and some book friends may not have seen it. This chapter will be published later when it is drawn.]
There are two thirty-five chapters in this volume, starting from chapter thirty-five, the chapter numbers are all wrong, didn't know whether to cry or laugh, so 58 Chapter skips directly to Chapter 60. This is from yesterday, but I just wrote it up to now...

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