Iron Power And Sorcerer Chapter 173


Chapter 173 Phalanx
How many soldiers are required to form a phalanx?
Of course the more the better.

Because quantity is guts.

Fifty-seven years ago, in the Battle of the Spurs, the army that supported Nuchar's succession had only two square formations, but 13,000 spearmen were used.

Each phalanx had more than 6,000 people, was clumsy and heavy, and moved like a turtle, but they still won.

The other side fighting for the crown, Richard's Uncle, and Philip of Northen count, held a large number of noble cavalry, but were defeated.

After the war [pretender] Philip was headed, and the two-year war of succession to the throne came to an end.

In that battle, Tormes' Ned was just over nineteen, and he was just an unremarkable squire. He was laughed at by his companions because his legs trembled during the battle, and he ran to the river and secretly shed tears.

The Emperor Richard was eleven years old, thin and small, and his mother called him [Little Pea].

At that time, Richard was still an innocent child. He just wanted to ride a horse and play every day. No one could see that he would get the nickname [Madman] in the future.

As the biggest hero of this campaign, François of Fort Mill was awarded the Duke of Arleans, and was called "The Butcher" by the big and small aristocrats because of his cruel methods without leaving a living.

With invulnerable, indestructible and impregnable spear and halberd phalanxes, the Duke of Butcher has never been defeated in the war.

The long spear halberds formed in formation were not afraid of cavalry attacks, which also allowed the infantry to become the main force of the army again.

While everyone is racing to imitate the Duke of Butcher, a few keen soldiers have noticed the flaw: the phalanx tactics are a serious waste of troops, and the larger the phalanx, the greater the waste.

Every post-war inventory, it is often found that only the outermost soldiers of the phalanx see blood.

As for the people inside the phalanx...they are just emboldening the people outside, and have no use other than shouting and cheering.

If you win on the outside, the people inside will swarm out to chase and kill the fleeing enemy;

By the time Ned Smith set out to improve the tactics of the phalanx thirty years ago, he kept the number of people in a single phalanx to less than 3,000. At the same time, the proportion of near warrior soldiers is reduced and replaced by musketeers and crossbowmen.

After the new compound phalanx defeated the old spear and halberd phalanx, mathematics became a compulsory course for officers after this tactical innovation.

Because if you want to arrange a square matrix, you must understand geometry, and you must be proficient in verbal multiplication, division and square rooting.

And when mathematics became popular, another new theory was put forward - "small phalanx tactics", that is: when the strength of the troops is constant, the smaller the single phalanx, the more soldiers can be in contact with the enemy.

But the small square is not without cost. The smaller the square, the easier it is to be broken through, and the higher the morale requirements of the army.

At this moment, the Palatu troops who attacked the Hurds used a small phalanx.

I was ambushed on the way, leaving only a few seconds for the commander to judge.

The brigadier general's deputy, Colonel Laszlo, rushed to his horse and spoke quickly: "I'll take someone to block it! Buy you time!"

"It's too late!" Sackler Calmly ordered: "Use a small square! Trumpet!"

The shrill horns pierced the hooves and roared, and the battallions beat the snare drums in response, and the six infantry battallions that were marching in column quickly changed their formations.

Soldiers threw away luggage, gear, tents and other sundries, and only took weapons and ammunition.

Amid the rapid beat of drums, the four melee Hundred Men Squad folded together under the battallion flag, forming a solid phalanx two cubits left and right and six paces back and forth.

The super long spear wraps the halberdist and the sword and shield, the military flag is protected at the very center, and the two muskets, the Hundred Men Squad, are lined up in the outer four corners.

The irritable sergeant ran between the queues, yelling at the dazed soldiers, and seeing whoever was standing in the wrong place, he kicked up, and the phalanx quickly took shape.

Just under the eyes of the Hurds, six Platonic infantry battallions formed a formation against the water, and the small phalanxes formed a line on the river bank from east to west.

The enemy cavalry is about to kill in a blink of an eye, and the matchlock of the Palatine Musketeer has not yet been fired.

Seeing this situation, Sackler made an immediate decision: "Let the battallions put the musketeers in!"

The bugler was ordered to use all one's strength to blow out another melody.

The commander of the sixth Legion, the second battalion, Lieutenant Colonel Robert, could not hear clearly for a while. He closed his eyes to distinguish carefully, and suddenly shouted: "Roy! Vargar! Bring your people into the phalanx! ”

The two Hundred-Men Commanders—Lieutenant Roy, Lieutenant Vargar—acted immediately.

Led by the Hundred-Men Commander, the Musketeer Pinter retreated into the phalanx.

He stopped between the two long spear soldiers, held the flint and the end of the rope together, and struck with the scythe.

Normally it was easy to start a fire, but now it's extra hard.

"Fuck!" The horse's hoofs roared in his ears, and Pinter's hands were shaking so badly that he couldn't fight. "Shut up!" Hundred-Men Commander Roy shouted angrily: "Whoever faces the enemy, slash!" After a dozen more knocks, the coke at the end of the matchlock finally sticks to the fire star.

As if Pinter had obtained Supreme Treasure, he hurriedly grabbed the end of the rope with his hands and blew cautiously.

The musketeer next to him saw that Pinter had done it, and hurried to borrow fire.

The Hurd cavalry at the front was less than 200 meters away, and the distance was getting closer every second.

The Paratus people could already hear the strange screams and call signs of the barbarian Hart, and the red and white feathers swaying on the barbarian's head were clearly visible.

Robert Battallion's small phalanx of 500 people was solemn and silent, except for a scar-faced sergeant with a long halberd walking in the queue, repeating the martial law sharply:

"The enemy who looks around , slash!"

"Those who face the enemy and make noise, slash!"

"Whoever shoots without order, slash!"

"Independent advancement and independence Those who retreat, behead!"

"Those with scars on their backs, behead!"

Beside Lieutenant Colonel Robert, the military police sergeant holding a short bow and a red arrow gleamed fiercely .

[Note: This is the military law of the nomadic era followed by the Palatine army. Every time a battle is going on, the military police sergeants hold short bows and escort them with cinnabar arrows. If there is a commotion, a flinch, or a person who advances alone and retreats alone, shoot them with a red arrow. Inspection after the war, those with scars on their backs stand beheaded]
The green helmeted tassel cavalry rushed to the phalanx and shouted: "Lieutenant Colonel Robert! The general ordered your troops to find opportunities to move closer to the river bank!"

Six small squares are arranged in a line, and the overall formation is very bad. Robert's phalanx is located at the eastern end of the entire front, and the position is the most dangerous.

"What am I doing now?" Robert was furious and roared back: "Let's talk after the first wave!"

The Hurd cavalry was less than a hundred paces away, outside the battle. The patrolling sergeants also retreated into the phalanx.

There is no Paratus who is not afraid of the horrific spectacle of thousands of cavalry charging in full force.

From privates to sergeants, to Hundred-Men Commander, Great Captain, everyone's uncontrollable mouthfeel, dilated pupils, accelerated breathing, and even the hands holding weapons were a little sore.

Suddenly, a voice amplified by magic resounded through the wilderness: "I'm in the formation!"

The Platonic people on the battlefield followed the sound and saw the general's ornate helmet tassel.

"If I take a step back!"

"Cut off my head!"

Sackler strode into the phalanx with his halberd.

At this moment, even the timid cowards had infinite courage to spurt from the bottom of their hearts, and the morale of the Palatine Army reached its peak.

"Long live! Long live! Long live!"

Shanhu even overwhelmed the sound of rolling hoofs.

"Long spear hand!" Lieutenant Colonel Robert shouted hoarsely: "Take the gun!"

"Hooray!" The first platoon of soldiers pushed the long spear to the ground.

"Hooray!" The second row of soldiers blunt-ended long spear.

"Hooray!" The third row of soldiers held up the long spear.

Three rows of long spears point forward at the same time, and the tips of the spears flash with cold glow.

Plato's phalanx and the Hurd cavalry roared and collided.

Musketeer Pint wasn't a coward, but he subconsciously closed his eyes when Heard's cavalry charged in front of him.

Opening his eyes again, Pint found himself safe and sound.

The barbarian Heard didn't come in, and the enemy pulled the reins at the last moment and brushed the tip of his spear past the front.

Hundreds of Heard cavalry charge towards the phalanx, like a heaven overflowing giant wave.

But there were only a few cavalry that slammed into the lance forest. The other barbarians either avoided at the last moment, or the horses stood up uncontrollably in front of the spear-even if they were not afraid of death , the horse will also be afraid.

Beside Pinter, a Heard who was not afraid of death rushed into the phalanx on a Heard horse that was not afraid of death.

The Palatine people were knocked over, and the long spear soldiers who faced the impact split instantly and were knocked head-on by the war horses.

Hedma's chest was pierced by the point of the spear, and he fell to the ground after breaking two other long spears one after another.

The Hurd rider flew from the saddle and fell heavily into the phalanx, and the Platoons next to him avoided it.

Hundred-Men Commander Lieutenant Roy drew his sword towards the Hurd rider, stepped on the opponent's chest, and killed the Hurd with a sword.

The previous Hurd used his life to open the gap, and immediately there were several fierce barbarians who followed closely from behind and broke into the formation.

"Ukha!" The barbarian roared at the Hede, which he did not understand, and slashed wildly with his machete. They rode condescendingly on their horses, taking a chunk of flesh with each slash.

"Join force to kill him!" Scarface sergeant charged at Barbarian with his halberd: "Don't be afraid!"

Under the leadership of Scarface sergeant, other long halberds surrounded Manzi. Live, dismount, kill.

Some of the Paratus soldiers turned their heads in panic to look at the situation of the civil war.

Roy was furious: "Kill without mercy before the battle! Show me the front!"

Soon, the dozen or so Heards who rushed into the battle didn't break their necks , that is, he was besieged and killed by the Platonic people in the phalanx.

The seriously wounded and the dead were carried inside the phalanx, the soldiers in the rear quickly filled their spaces, and Robert's phalanx became the lance hedgehog again.

Robert's Phalanx is like a rock in the river, dividing the torrent of Heard's cavalry into two.

The Hurds who hit the wall did not give up the attack, they began to ride around the phalanx.

"Be careful!" Lieutenant Colonel Robert saw the movements of the Hurd cavalry and shouted: "Javelin!" moved towards Platonic Hedgehog Array Throwing, Shooting.

The arrows flew from all directions to the phalanx, and the Hurds didn't even need to aim. The Paratus who fought in formation had nowhere to hide or hide.

The outermost long spear hands are responsible for most of the long-range attacks. Fortunately, they are wearing heavy armor, and their arrows are mostly bounced off.

The real killer of the Hurds is the javelin. The Hurd cavalry holding the javelin moved towards the phalanx and sprinted towards the phalanx, and only shot when it was too close to get any closer. Thanks to the horse speed bonus, the javelin can pierce through an unarmored Soldier before piercing the body of the next Paratus.

"Shake the gun!" Robert was so anxious that he stood up in the stirrups, waving his arms and shouting: "Shake the gun!"

The long spear of Palatine immediately began to shake the super Long spear, the afterimages of more than 200 long spears cover the phalanx, and arrows are knocked flying by the gun barrels from time to time.

Shaking a long spear only blocks a small percentage of arrows, but it is the only defense against a shield-less long spear phalanx.

"Herd barbarians are scared! Want to kill us all with bows and arrows? Dreaming!" Lieutenant Colonel Robert extremely angry laughed: "Knock them down!"

long spear phalanx Never rely on passive defense, but rely on active counterattack.

Lieutenant Roy shouted: "Musketeer! Free fire!"

Pinter walked to the outermost long spear, a position where he would not accidentally injure his comrades, and Still in the range of super long spear.

Standing the musket, his cheeks pressed against the stock, Pinter aimed at a target, pursed his lips and pulled the trigger.

Red light flashed, gunshots rang out, and Muto hit his shoulders.

The smoke cleared, and a Heard cavalry slid off his horse with his arms raised.

When Heard barbarians fired arrows at the Paratus, it also gave the Paratus a chance to shoot at them.

Pinter pulled out the iron fork, retreated into the phalanx to reload, and another musketeer took Pinter's place.

Musketeers generally do not shoot in phalanxes, as crowded phalanxes are dangerous for musketeers and musketeers alike.

But when the situation is urgent, safety is crossed off the list.

There was a crackling of gunfire all over the phalanx, and under the cover of Lance, the Palatine musketeers began to shoot in rotation.

Lieutenant Vargar held the holy emblem and enthusiastically encouraged his musketeers: "Kill! Kill these pagan savages! We will all get immortality!"

Around the square The Hurds who were riding and shooting fell off their saddles one by one. Most of their bows and arrows hit the plate armor, and most of the bows and arrows shot on the plate armor were bounced off.

As long as the Hurds are hit by the heavy muskets of the Paratus, they will not die or be seriously injured.

Especially the area between the two phalanxes, where any Hurd cavalry would be crossfired.

The scales of battle are beginning to move a little towards the Palatine.

The Hurd cavalry was gradually unable to bear the casualties and retreated from the battle.

Robert battallion, located at the easternmost point of the front, was besieged by the largest number of Heders, and Maral battallion, which was adjacent to Robert battallion, even had the strength to set aside a squad of musketeers to support the former.
Finally, such as The Hurds who came in like a tide receded like a tide, leaving corpses all over the ground and people who weren't dead.

The temporarily victorious Platoons all slumped on the ground as if they had been drained all at once.

Lieutenant Colonel Robert was also exhausted, and he beckoned to Sergeant Scarface: "Old Scar!"

"Sir? Is there something?" Sergeant Scarface came over with long halberd on his back.

"Lead the two groups out and bring some survivors back." Robert's words were brief.

But Sergeant Scarface can understand: "Yes."

Sergeant Scarface led a dozen swordsmen and shields out of the phalanx, cut the ears of Heard's corpse, and killed him The Hurd Barbarian is freed - bringing two alive means that the remaining Heard Barbarians are killed.

Robert Battallion didn't have time to rest, and they immediately set off towards General Sackler's phalanx.

The Hurds did not leave, and were dotted with Platonic troops not far or near. Robert Battallion had to keep marching in phalanx formation throughout.

By the time the six battallions were folded, the sky was getting dark. Marching at night was tantamount to giving the Hurds a chance, so Seckler ordered camp on a high point on the shore.

The Paratus dug trenches and built a parapet, waiting for reinforcements. Their light cavalry was nearby, and their heavy cavalry was on the other side of the river.

Since the Hurds couldn't eat them in one go, it's time for the Paratus to eat the Hurds.

Reinforcements came quickly, beyond everyone's expectations - including Sackler.

The reinforcements themselves were even more surprising - simply not the Palatine cavalry.

In full view, a dozen wooden rafts floated from the upper reaches of the confluence river, carrying bread, gunpowder buckets and a few fragrant cauldrons.

Even the Hurd light cavalry, who was monitoring the Platonic people, was dumbfounded.

"We are Jesska battallion, and we are here to support you. Bring you food and drink." Carefree, a brawny man officer in hussar uniform, said, pointing to the wooden raft: "There is also a pontoon bridge. "

It's late, but I still have one today, but it may not be finished until tomorrow morning.

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