Iron Power And Sorcerer Chapter 166


Chapter 166 Rides
The Hurds fled.

The black cavalry came before Lieutenant Colonel Jesska, surrounded by an officer with a shiny helmet.

"I'm still here to save your life," said the officer with the shiny helmet.

The one-eyed lieutenant colonel showed no appreciation: "I would like to know what you do for food? How could you miss a whole Thousand Man Squad?"

"The overseas dispatch is also I couldn't cure your meanness." The other side said with a smile: "I really regret bringing you back!"

The officer jumped off the saddle and took off his helmet, revealing a well-groomed beard and a pair of wild animals The eyes of Lieutenant Colonel Custer Roderick, who went to Wolf Town to hunt down smugglers a few months ago.

Custer and Jesska looked at each other for a long time, laughed and gave each other a bear hug.


mountain road twists around each new peak, and everyone was ecstatic.

The people who avoided a catastrophe slaughtered pigs and slaughtered sheep, drank happily, temporarily forgot death and pain, and celebrated.

The aftermath is the end of the carnival.

Sweep the battlefield, bury the dead, hold simple funerals.

There were a lot of horses left in the Hurd camp. Except for some of them to be added to Dussac who lost his warhorse, the rest of the horses and the captured warhorses were all taken away by the black armored cavalry.

Other spills of war follow the established rules: small items for personal use, such as swords; large items for public use, such as armor.

Lieutenant Colonel Custer despised Zhajia, so he gave it all to Jesska battallion.

Scattered items such as Saddles are directly sold to merchants accompanying the team.

"Everything has a price", the desire of businessmen to pursue profit makes Winters amazed.

Some people bought the blood-stained boots and robes plucked from the corpse; some people also bought the armbands and silver ornaments of the Hurds.

A businessman approached Lieutenant Colonel Jesska and packed up all the horse carcasses.

Horse hides can be sold; horse meat cut into strips can be marinated and sold to the army; even horse bones have a place to go.

There is even a merchant who bought the left ear of the Hed at a discounted price, and he brought the ear back to Palatu in exchange for a reward, and the soldier could get the cash directly.

A day ago, these people were still weak and bullying civilians, armed with firearms to protect their belongings.

A day later, they transformed into war-fed crows, scrambling to peck at the corpses of the Hurds.

"The fastest way to create wealth is to build an empire, and the fastest way to build an empire is to destroy an empire."

Winters can't remember where he heard this phrase. But everything in front of him made these words echo in his mind over and over again.


Now that the road ahead has been cleared, the cargo team will set off again.

Although Jesska battallion once made a scene of "going down", the lieutenant colonel did not mention it again, and the second lieutenants kept their mouths shut, and everyone just assumed that nothing had happened.

After a series of hard battles, some businessmen found opportunities, and some businessmen did not intend to go further, so they returned.

The wounded of the cargo team also returned to Palatu with them, and some seriously wounded who were inconvenient to move stayed in Hexi University for nutrition.

Many other merchants have been killed by the sword, and they are buried in wasteland without a tombstone.

Their belongings are either divided up by others or brought back by loyal companions.

Some people get rich and some get unlucky, always.


Winters stood guard at the west gate of the camp, watching the carriages slowly drive out of the camp.

The length of the convoy was much shorter than when it had just crossed the Netherworld River, and it seemed a little empty.

A manned carriage drove past, the curtains of the carriage were pulled open, and the face of Rhett cultivator was in the window frame, and the old man smiled and waved at Winters.

Winters wanted Rhett cultivator to follow the merchant back to Palatu, but the old man took a poison oath to prevaricate him.

The old god stick refused to return to Palatu, and Father Kaman refused to return to Palatu. So the two clergymen continued to follow the army and set off with the baggage train.

Lieutenant Colin also came to see him off. He found Lieutenant Montagne and uttered a sincere word: "Thank you."

Winters just shook the head.

The lieutenant saluted the second lieutenant and turned to leave.

Lieutenant Colin's Hundred Men Squad had basically lost battle strength, and Lieutenant Colonel Custer promised to help him and ask Legion to send someone to replace him.

The double-carriage of the cargo team all left the Hexi Camp, and Winters got on the saddle and was ready to set off.

Ciel and another man ran out of the camp, holding each other, shouting to catch up with the ensign.

"What are you doing here?" Winters frowned: "Stay and heal."

During the brutal battle for the western camp wall, Ciel was pierced by a heavy arrow in his right leg. . Fortunately, no arteries and bones were injured, but because of this inconvenience, he was classified as a wounded.

"I'm going with you," said Charles.

"No." Winters didn't expect the militia to go to the battlefield at first, and he couldn't bear to take Benwei's younger brother to a dangerous place.

"If you don't let me go, I'll follow."

"Nonsense! Is the front a good place?"

The Shire Terrier Neck, obviously made up.

"I don't want to stay here either," whispered another wounded man with a bandage on his head.

Winters didn't recognize Wasika until the other person spoke.

It's up to you to be hit hard on the back of the head, be killed or knocked unconscious.

Washika was lucky enough not to die, but the young man who loved to laugh and play was already killed.

Winters wanted to refuse, but he suddenly remembered the "good luck and bad luck" in the mouth of the old god.

He thought it was a good thing to serve in the militia, but instead brought many Dussacks into the Netherworld River. Fate is a bitch, who knows what the future holds?

Winters sighed: "must go?"

Ciel and Wasika nodded.

"Find a cart and say I'll let it go." Winters thought for a while, then added: "Washka, go to Lieutenant Bard and ask him to get you a Hurd warhorse. ."

"Yes!" Ciel shouted happily.

Washika supported Ciel and quickly chased after the cart.

With all the time to eat, the cargo team's carriage is not fully loaded.

So the lieutenant colonel also began to allow the militiamen to put their weapons on the cars and take turns to rest in the cars.

The black armored cavalry also set off together. Lieutenant Colonel Custer divided three platoons to chase down the Hurd soldiers. He personally brought a platoon to escort the baggage team. Welfare.

Lieutenant Mason's hog team also joined the baggage team.

More than 400 militiamen and coachmen, 300 pigs, more than 100 carriages, more than 50 convicts, five officers, two clergymen and a lion set off from the Hexi Camp.


The official designation of the black armored pistol cavalry is the fifth "plateau" Legion, the second cavalry regiment, or the Custer cavalry regiment.

In the face of the Hurd light cavalry that goes up and down like the wind in wasteland, a large number of troops will be involved in the scattered garrison of the supply line, and it is very easy to be destroyed one by one.

Thus passive defense was never considered by the Palatine military.

It is the consistent strategy of the leadership of the Palatine army to destroy the light cavalry and kill the enemy's mobile forces.

The Custer Cavalry Regiment rushing to the aid of the Hexi Camp is such a cavalry force.

This unit usually pulls nets along the supply line, and when there is a police officer, it will quickly gather support.

The entire cavalry regiment consists of four platoons with a total of 720 troops.

But at the time of the battle with the Thousand Man Squad, the cavalry regiment had only about five hundred men. And now there are less than four hundred and five cavalrymen who can continue to fight.

This is because the cavalry is difficult to replenish and often fights less and less, so the cavalry units are always dissatisfied with the number of troops in wartime.

In addition to the four combat platoons, the Custer regiment also has a reserve platoon, which is responsible for recruiting, training and replenishing personnel.

This is a true elite standing cavalry, with twenty-six officers alone.

In comparison, the number of militiamen and coachmen in the Jieska Trucking Company is close to 600, but there are only four officers in total.

Pallatu has been rich in horses since ancient times and has a strong tradition of cavalry.

Vinetta's standing army consists of cavalry only 10% to 20%. Like the third Legion, there was only a battalion of 600 cavalrymen, and when they went to the archipelago, they thought it was a waste of transportation capacity and simply did not bring them with them.

While more than 40% of the platoon's standing army is cavalry, the Fifth Army regiment has three cavalry regiments plus a number of platoons.

The country of galloping horses not only has more cavalry, but also pays more to the cavalry.

Andre went to the Custer cavalry regiment for a walk, and when he came back, he kept muttering: "That's the real cavalry!"

Cass The cavalry under Te's command had at least three horses, a riding horse, a pack horse, and a war horse.

There are special gunsmiths with the army, responsible for repairing and maintaining firearms.

Many cavalrymen also have valet to take care of their daily lives—the valet also rides on horses.

By contrast, the Dussacks of the Jashka battallion are simply shabby.

Originally, Andre was able to lead the cavalry team, but since he saw the Custer regiment, he began to sigh.

However, this cavalry unit relies heavily on supply lines and is somewhat sluggish. But their battle strength is enough to make up for any shortcomings.


The baggage team went all the way west, just as Lieutenant Colonel Jesska expected, the first three camps encountered along the way had been burnt down, and the reserves of food and grass had also been destroyed. looted.

The third camp even had half of the Hundred Men Squad garrisoned, and the terrain was easy to defend and difficult to attack, but it was not spared.

But the fourth camp was unscathed, a pitifully small one with only one Ten Men Squad guarding it.

The sergeant in charge of the camp said that he didn't see the Hurd barbarians, they just saw the beacon smoke in the west, so they relayed the message.

During the dinner at the fourth camp, the platoons of the cavalry and the officers of the baggage corps casually chatted about strange things along the way.

"The supply line is too long." Lieutenant Mason complained: "Everyone loses fat, not to mention the pigs? After driving the pigs for more than 100 kilometers, all the fat and fat on the pigs are lost."

The cavalry officer Captain Glee replied: "There is no way, Hurd has always been like this. As soon as you hit him, he will run away, slippery like a loach. You have to grab the fiercely and beat it before he agrees to sign the peace agreement. ."

"I can't figure it out, why did the Hurds let this camp go? They took down the harder camps." Winters was puzzled by the enemy's behavior pattern.

Custer explained to Winters casually: "Herd barbarians lack the means to siege cities, and generally do not attack camps. Germans, they will bleed heavily when the Rangers arrive."

Custer was impressed by the town officer in Wolf Town and was surprised to meet him again on wasteland, so he was still willing to call A few words from Lieutenant Montagne.

"Forgive me to speak bluntly, with the strength of the Thousand Man Squad, I'm afraid it won't be difficult to fight any camp." Winters said.

"This is the strange place. Thousand Man Squad's actions are so obvious that it is difficult to hide their tracks." Custer was unexpectedly patient: "In the past, the Hundred men harassed the supply line with the name of Hundred Men Squad. Lord. To be honest, I would like to see Heard barbarians dispatch Thousand Man Squad."


Custer replied with a sneer: "The barbarians gathered in piles. , it's fun to kill. Chasing ten Hundred Men Squad running around on the grassland, how can it be easy to annihilate a Thousand Man Squad in one breath?"

Lieutenant Colonel Custer spat fiercely, Summed up: "I'm not afraid of the barbarians, I'm looking forward to more of them."


A day later.

The fifth camp.

Custer, Jessica, Winters... all stood on the camp wall, dumbfounded.

Outside the wall, countless Heard cavalry are galloping around the camp.

The roar of the hooves made people feel stuffy in their chests, and even the sun was blocked by the smoke and dust raised by the hooves.

The tiny Camp Plato is sunk deep into the Heard Riding Sea, like a sampan in a stormy sea, and will be shattered in an instant.

This is far more than Thousand Man Squad can do.

Thousands of Heard robbers headed east after three laps of demonstration-like trampling around the camp.

"How much... how much?" Custer stuttered.

"At least four thousand." The one-eyed Jesska's face was also pale.

"What is General Yanosh doing to eat! Waste!" Custer looked sinister face-to-face and cursed, "How the hell can you miss 4,000 cavalry?"

The others have not come back to his senses from the shock just now, and are still trembling in fear.

"Broken!" Winters was horrified: "Pontoon bridge!"

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