Iron Power And Sorcerer Chapter 165


Chapter 165 Defensive Defense
Thousand-man Commander Alaric sat on the ground, watching without a word Bridgehead not far away.

One by one, the Hurd warriors climbed over the camp wall and disappeared from view.

No one knew what was going on on the other side of the low earth wall, they could only see the smoke rising, and all they heard were shrill roars and screams.

Several blood-covered Heards crawled out of the wall, others on the edge of the ditch began to run back, and a Tulu was defeated.

Alaric waved and another Turu screamed and ran towards the Netherworld River.

Behind Haugekota, more than a hundred Heard warriors in heavy armor also sat on the ground.

They are at conserve strength and store up energy, waiting for the final blow.


The Platonic people in the Hexi camp became more and more desperate.

Initiated the ruthless Hundred Men Squad to stack corpses on the wall, and eight Hundred Men Squad took turns to go into battle, not giving the defenders any chance to breathe.

The Southwest's camp wall has been dug a dozen meters wide by the Hurds. It was only because Bard used a cart to build an inner wall and the support of the Montagne team to temporarily resist the Hurds. attack.

The Paratus slumped in the corner with their weapons, Winters passed before them, and those who were still alive silently paid tribute to the second lieutenant nodded.

Glancing at the faces of the boys he brought out from Wolf Town, Winters suddenly had an idea: I can't keep it here.

The loss of the city begins with the dash of hope.

Despair pervades the camp, and the fighting spirit of the Paratus is rapidly disintegrating.

But Winters couldn't blame anyone, and it was a miracle for him that the militia had held up so far.

A month ago, they were just a group of dutiful peasants who were temporarily recruited. They did the same hard labor as the miners every day, and they didn't receive half the wages of the miners.

Now, they are trapped in the lonely castle at the bridgehead, fighting with thousands of ruthless Heard barbarians in turn.

Winters gritted his teeth, and the words echoed in his head: "That's not going to work."

The bell rang once more.

"Barbarian!" The soldiers on the tower shouted hoarsely: "moved towards the gap!"

Winters climbed onto the earthen platform and looked towards the outside of the wall.

Finally, the Hurds were impatient, and Alaric's team finally dispatched.

Only hundreds of armored cavalry came, but the imposing manner of charging was like a heaven overflowing giant wave. Horseshoes roll up the dust covering the heavens, shielding the sun, and the earth trembles.

The cavalry of Lieutenant Colonel Jesska and the remnants of Lieutenant Colin also quickly approached the gap in the camp wall.

However, the militiamen at the gap finally could no longer bear all this. One person threw down his weapon and turned around, and everyone fled.

The Winters shouted, blocked, but couldn't stop the broken-hearted.

Lieutenant Colonel Jesska was furious, and Winters could hear the roar from a distance: "Montagne! Clear out the deserters!"

Winters did not move.

"Clean up the deserters!"

Winters drew his saber and caught up with the deserter who was running ahead.

He recognized who the deserter was. He knew the deserter's father, and had seen the deserter's mother and younger sister. He used to sit at the dining table in the deserter's house, and he used to stay warm by a campfire with the deserter.

When the deserter looked back at him, what he saw was Vashka's terrified face.

The moment the saber swung down, Winters shuddered. He twisted the blade, and the blade was drawn on the back of Vashka's head.

Washika fell to the ground, not knowing her life or death.

The cruel method stunned the fleeing crowd for a while.

"Run away now, everyone has to die!" Winters reined in his horse and shouted sharply: "Return to the front!"

Lieutenant Colonel Jesska arrived with Dussack, The cavalry mercilessly drove the routed soldiers back to the gap in the camp wall.



The attack by the Hedkers was eventually repelled, leaving dozens of corpses between the car barriers and the camp walls.

The battle lasted from morning to evening, seeing the most elite Turu also retreat, and the Hurds slowly withdrew.

But everyone knows that the Hurd barbarians are only retreating temporarily, they are licking their wounds and regrouping.

When tomorrow comes, nothing will stop them from taking the Hexi camp.

After the Hurds retreated, the merchants who followed the baggage team requested to move the truck to the other side of the river, but Lieutenant Jesska was not correct.

"It's not impossible!" At the meeting, Lieutenant Colin held his head and muttered to himself: "Hard barbarian is nothing but a Thousand Man Squad. We have more than 600 people, and we stand firm in the camp, one against two, how can we not win?"

Winters couldn't bear it any longer and interrupted angrily: "That's not a standing army of six hundred, it's a peasant! It's a coachman! It's a merchant! Recognize the reality, Lieutenant! If you stay, you can't keep it!"

"What do you mean?" Jesska looked towards his subordinate.

Winters got up, made a great mental struggle, and said, "I'm going to evacuate my people to the other side of the river."

Colin lifts the head in surprise, he Hearing the second lieutenant's tone was firm and calm, but he saw the other side's lights on the wall dancing wildly like beasts.

Jesska pouted, leaned back on the chair, squinted and asked the other two second lieutenants, "How about you two?"

Winters said immediately: " It's none of their business."

"They have mouths," Jesska said coldly.

Bard put his saber on his lap, speaking at a moderate pace: "What Lieutenant Montagne meant, that's what I meant."

"Me too." Ender Replied in a sullen voice.

Colin stood up bewildered, the poor honest man wanted to say something, but couldn't open his mouth.

"Want to mutiny? Yes." Lieutenant Colonel Jesska sneered, putting his boots on the table: "Kill me."

The temperature of the room dropped to freezing point.

Colin tugged at Winters' sleeve, almost pleading: "Don't...don't..."

"Shh!" Winters motioned for Senior to silence: "Don't say , don't ask. If you are held accountable in the future, just say I'm holding you hostage."

The second lieutenant stared at the lieutenant: "Or, do you want to die?"

Colin hit Chilled, he fumbled back into the chair.

"My men have overdone whatever obligations they have," Winters seemed to be saying to the lieutenant colonel, but more like convincing himself: "They're half-paid men, not volunteers. I will not let them die for an untenable camp."

Jishka gently shook the head and said, "I told you long ago not to have personal relationships with soldiers. Feelings. This pontoon is more important to Palato than ten thousand militia lives, don't you understand?"

"Fuck You! You think I care about fucking Palato. Picture?" Winters burst out: "I care about this bridge? I care about winning or losing? I've wanted to do this for a long time! Do you think I care about you bastards?" He asked hysterically, pulling his shirt. : "Do you think I want to fight for you? Do you think I care about this uniform?"

In rage, Montagne slammed a punch on the wall, the board room trembled, and the planks on the wall were broken in two cut.

Jesska was also stunned by the sudden outburst, he sighed: "Kill me, it's up to you."

"I'm saving the lives of both of you. Winters took off the lieutenant colonel and lieutenant's swords and threw them to Bud: "After that, you can put the blame on me at will, and I will never refute it."

Leaving Bud to guard the two, Winters and Andrei left the board room.

After leaving the house, Andrei pulled Winters back.

"If you want me to say it, I'd better just..." Andre made a wiping gesture: "Throw it into the river, whatever we want to explain."

Winters Shaking his head: "No need, I'll go back to Veneta after crossing the river, and I'm missing home too."

"Really don't kill?"

"Don't kill."

"Alas." Andre was helpless: "Okay, wait for the several brothers to go home and see if there is any small business."

"Thank you."

"Thank you for what?" Andre showed a row of teeth: "knife piercing both sides."


That night, Lieutenant Montagne took command of Jesska battallion right.

The Hexi military camp immediately began to evacuate in an orderly manner. The wounded came first, the baggage came later, and the remains of the dead were also taken away by Winters.

In order to prevent being detected by the Hurd sentry, no lights or fires were lit during the whole process. The men and horses are titled, and the reflective weapons are carefully wrapped in sackcloth.

Lieutenant Mason seemed to see a clue, but he said nothing.

Too late to dismantle the pontoon, just blast it with a gunpowder. The baggage team has no shortage of gunpowders. There are several explosion points on the pontoon, which can be detonated at any time.

After Winters led Colin Hundred Men Squad's remnants to a break, he set up the final hurdle at the bridge.

He didn't rashly blow up the pontoon, the supply line that ran across the Netherworld River was a big deal, and blowing it up was probably a death sentence for the Paratus ahead.

Winters awaits the final attack from the Hurds.


The morning light is revealed, there are no clouds in the sky, and the sky shows a kind of blue.

It's a good day to kill.

Alaric, who was lining up, gradually noticed something strange.

Looking down from the west side of the hillside, the Palatine barracks are lifeless, and there is no silhouette behind the earthen wall.

Deliberately mystifying? Or did the two-legged guy escape?

But the pontoon bridge in the distance is still well across the Netherworld River. If you run away, why not burn down the pontoon?

Thousand-man Commander summoned the scout, but the sentry tower didn't know the reason for the abnormality of the enemy camp.

"No matter what the two-legged guy has plans." Alaric made up his mind: "We will break the camp today!"


On the bridgehead base , Winters saw the Hurds on the hillside move.

Instead of attacking separately and taking turns, all Hurd cavalry will be launched together.

It seems that the Hurds are no longer ready to consume the defenders, they want to make a final decision.

"You go first." Winters ordered the others.

The soldiers saluted, turned and ran across the river.

Winters wanted to wait until the last minute.

The cavalry of the Hurds is getting closer and closer, and they have rushed down the hillside in a blink of an eye.

Winters jumped off the barriers and rode his Luck to the first blasting spot.

The reserved gunpowder twist was a bit long.

The more he got to this point, the more calm he was.

The Hurd cavalry has now broken through the camp wall.

"I'm afraid that Continental-speaking Heard barbarian is going to die." Winters thought, igniting the gunpowder twist.

The medicinal twist wrapped in the twine begins to burn "si si".

Winters stepped on the stirrups, jumped into the saddle, and was about to go to the next blasting point, when he saw Andre rushing towards him.

"What's this for?" Winters wondered.

He waved for Andrei to leave, but Andrei ignored the gesture and continued to approach.

Winters saw Andre's mouth open, as if shouting.

But the west wind was howling, and he couldn't hear what the other party was saying.

It wasn't until the distance got closer that the shouts coming from the wind came scattered into his ears.



Winters looked back, his expression changed greatly, he got off the saddle, and wielded his sword at the si si The squeaking gunpowder twisted and chopped.

After cutting it off, he kicked the unburnt gunpowder into the river as if he was not at ease.

Behind him, all the Hurd cavalry who had just broken through the battalion wall withdrew and regrouped with the main battalion on their backs.

On the ridgeline of the hillside, there are silhouettes of cavalrymen one after another.

The comer suddenly jumped up the ridgeline from the reverse slope, as if a dragon's teeth were burrowing out of the soil.

Winters doesn't know whether he is an enemy or a friend, but judging from the attitude of the Hurds, they must be the enemies of the Hurds.

After the Hurd cavalry in front of the battalion wall has assembled, moved towards the strange cavalry to charge, at first is full speed.

The unfamiliar cavalry on the mountain edge started to move, but it controlled the speed of the horse and began to jog in small steps.

Only then did Winters, who returned to the main camp, see clearly that the strange cavalry who came were all long boots, black breastplates, and Morion helmets.

The Hurd cavalry swarmed up, the soldiers followed the Ten Commander, the Ten Commander followed the Hundred-Men Commander, and the Hundred-Men Commander followed the Thousand-man Commander. There was almost no formation at all.

And the array of strange black armored cavalry gradually formed in the trot.

They fought in nine rows, led by five cavalry at the front.

Winters had never seen a cavalryman with such precise control of his pace.

The distance between the front and rear of the black cavalry is always three times the distance left and right.

So the overall formation of more than 500 cavalrymen, the horizontal width is twice the vertical width.

Obviously the black armored cavalry suppressed the speed of the horses, but the shock they brought to the people was far more than the galloping Heards.

Alaric held up his lance, shouted loudly, and rushed to the front.

No matter how cowardly Hurd people see Haugekota's appearance at the moment, courage will flow out of their hearts.

Alaric never expected such an enemy reinforcement at this moment.

Anyway, the support troops were not supposed to be here, but they came anyway.

Fortunately, there are not many black cavalry. First deal with the reinforcements, then go back to attack the camp, and he can still achieve a glorious victory.

"Come! Come! The descendants of Heavenly God!" Alaric exclaimed: "How could we lose the cavalry battle?"

The black armored cavalry on the opposite side also started Speed up.

Amid the deafening sound of hooves, two civilizations and two cavalrymen are about to collide.

Alaric leaned over the horse, his lance in his hand desperately stretched forward. The cavalry is on a hedge, and the closer the weapon is to the enemy, the more advantageous it is.

The same goes for the other Hurd cavalry.

The Hurds without spears took the initiative to slow down their horses and stayed in the back row, preparing for hand-to-hand combat after the hedging.

The distance between the two sides was only a few horses. At this time, Alaric was surprised to find that what the black armored cavalry was holding was neither a lance nor a sword.

They all wield two odd-looking short guns.

“How do you shoot a gun with one hand?” Alaric wondered.

But it's too late to think.


The fire star flashed, followed by red light, gun smoke, and gunshots.

A series of gunshots.

It's a reed gun!

Approaching the distance that could no longer be approached, the first two rows of black armored cavalry pulled the trigger.

Alaric only felt heat in his crotch and chest, and hot blood spurted out from the two wounds.

More than half of the Hurd cavalry in the front row fell off their horses.

The black-armored cavalry either pulls out another short gun from their boots, or simply abandons the short gun and uses page hammers and sabers for hand-to-hand combat.

Amid the gunpowder, gunfire and screams, the two cavalry units fought each other.

Alaric first fell off his horse and was trampled by the Hurd cavalry behind him, and he was on the verge of death.

In fact, even if he is not trampled, the two wounds on his crotch and chest are enough to take away his name.

His strength and spirit were rapidly fading away, and at the last moment before his death, he had only unwillingness and doubts in his heart.

"I'm a Thousand-man Commander before I'm thirty, how could I have died so early?"

The one who knew the most about everything beyond the steppe of the Heard tribes Tal Alaric - Rainstorm the Eagle, passed away in endless grief at the age of twenty-nine.

A description of the pistol cavalry: "...not to fire with a pistol until close, and when designed at close range, they can easily target the opponent's face or straddle. The second row can also do both at the same time. Shooting..."

The German pistol cavalry employment agreement states that a pistol cavalryman should be: "...a fine and courageous cavalry, skilled in combat and service, a true German, with good horses and cuirass , chain gauntlets, iron gauntlets, Morion helmet, and two pistols, a saber and a bone."

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